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Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60

jOB NO :
1o perform Lenslle LesL on a glven mlld sLeel sample
Test StonJorJ:
AS1M A613
AS1M 613M04
1hls experlmenL glves us Lhe acLual value of ulLlmaLe sLrengLh and oLher properLles
lmporLanL for deslgn purposes We can flnd modulus of elasLlclLy 1hls [ob glves Lhe quallLy of
sLeel belng used for sLrucLural purposes 1hls [ob also helped ln drawlng Lhe relaLlon beLween
sLress and sLraln
300kn Shlmadzu u1M
Mlld SLeel 8ar
age Marklng 1ool
Sprlng ulvlder
SLeel 8ule
ReluteJ 1heory:
Tor Steel:
1he correcL Lechnlcal Lerm for 1C8 ls Cold 1wlsLed ueformed SLeel 8elnforcemenL 8ar 1hese
are sLeel bars wlLh surface deformaLlons formed by LwlsLlng Lhe sLeel afLer elongaLlon 1he
elongaLlon process lmparLs hlgher yleld sLrengLh Lo sLeel and surface corrugaLlons lmparL hlgher
bondage wlLh concreLe
lJ Steel:
Mlld sLeel ls a carbon sLeel Lyplcally wlLh a maxlmum of 023 Carbon and 0407
manganese 0103 Slllcon and some Lraces of oLher elemenLs such as phosphorous lL may
also conLaln lead or sulphure
Steel Bors:

o Plon bors:
9laln Mlld SLeel bars are commonly used ln dlverse appllcaLlons ranglng from
Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60
labrlcaLlon and furnlLure manufacLurlng Lo safeLy enclosures
9MS bars are also commonly used ln Lhe erecLlon of fences and ln oLher appllcaLlons where
hlgh Lenslle sLrengLh ls noL necessary
b b bors:
1hls Lype of sLeel bar has rlbs on surface 1hese rlbs conLrol Lhe sllppage of bar under load
lL has hlgh sLrengLh hlgh Loughness and good properLy of shock reslsLance lL ls an ldeal new
Lyped producL of hlgh efflclency wlLh consumpLlon savlng of 13 compared Lo ordlnary
producLs lL ls Lhe lnevlLable Lrend ln Lhe developmenL of bars used for consLrucLlon LhaL
effecLlve bar ln englneerlng sLrucLure change LhaL serves as Lhe maln producL
oqe lenqtb:
Speclfled lengLh marked on sample ln whlch we measure deformaLlon or elongaLlon
ln general
1guge length = in [ S in

Mark Lhe polnLs over Lhe grlp lengLh wlLh Lhe punch such LhaL Lhe dlsLance beLween
consecuLlve polnLs ls half Lhe gauge lengLh
SelecL a sulLable loadlng range dependlng on Lhe dlameLer of speclmen SLarL Lhe u1M
ad[usL Lhe dead welghL of movable heads and Lhen seL Lhe load polnLer Lo zero
llx Lhe speclmen bar beLween Lhe grlps of Lop and mlddle cross heads of loadlng frame
ALLach Lhe exLensomeLer on Lhe bar aL Lhe cenLral porLlon of Lhe bar 1he dlsLance
upper and lower plvoLs of exLensomeLer shall be equal Lo gauge lengLh
SwlLch on Lhe machlne and open Lhe conLrol valve so LhaL Lhe load ls lncreased gradually
aL Lhe requlred raLe
8ecord Lhe load aL sulLable lnLerval from Lhe dlglLal dlsplay unlL or Lhe load dlal
Correspondlng Lo loads noLe Lhe readlngs of exLensomeLer
lor lnlLlal few observaLlons load and exLenslon are ln pace wlLh each oLher 8ecord Lhe
polnL load by observlng Lhe heslLaLlon of load polnLer 1he exLenslon readlngs are fasLer
Lhls momenL
Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60
8emove Lhe exLensomeLer hence measure exLenslon by dlvlder or sulLable scale
8ecord Lhe maxlmum load Cbserve Lhe decrease ln load and neck formaLlon on Lhe
8ecord Lhe load aL fracLure and puL off Lhe machlne
8emove Lhe speclmen Cbserve Lhe cup and cone formaLlon aL Lhe fracLure polnL 8e[oln
1wo pleces measure Lhe flnal gauge lengLh and Lhe reduced dlameLer
CLher properLles and Lerms relaLed Lo Lhls experlmenL are
ookex luw:
#A law sLaLlng LhaL Lhe sLraln ln a solld ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe applled sLress wlLhln
Lhe elasLlc llmlL of LhaL solld" le

#1he ablllLy of a solld Lo reLurn Lo lLs orlglnal shape or form afLer belng sub[ecL Lo
sLraln MosL solld maLerlals dlsplay elasLlclLy up Lo a load polnL called Lhe elasLlc
llmlL loads hlgher Lhan Lhls llmlL cause permanenL deformaLlon of Lhe maLerlal"

#1he properLy of a subsLance LhaL makes lL capable of belng molded glven
shape or belng made Lo assume a deslred form"

lelJ Strength:
#1he sLress aL whlch a maLerlal exhlblLs a speclfled devlaLlon from proporLlonallLy
of sLress and sLraln"
#1he sLress aL whlch general plasLlc elongaLlon of Lhe LesL plece Lakes place 1hls
polnL ls well deflned ln hardened and Lempered or annealed sLrucLures buL can be lll deflned ln
as drawn sLrucLures"
oJulux Of luxtlclty:
#An elasLlc modulus or modulus of elasLlclLy ls Lhe maLhemaLlcal descrlpLlon of a
subsLances Lendency Lo be deformed elasLlcally when a force ls applled Lo lL"
#1he elasLlc modulus of an ob[ecL ls deflned as Lhe slope of lLs sLresssLraln curve ln
Lhe elasLlc deformaLlon reglon"

Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60
oJulux of Rexlllence:
#1he maxlmum mechanlcal energy sLored per unlL volume of maLerlal when lL ls
sLressed Lo lLs elasLlc llmlL"
#Area under Lhe sLress sLraln curve Llll Lhe elasLlc llmlL"
oJulux of 1oughnexx:
#ln maLerlals sclence and meLallurgy Loughness ls Lhe ablllLy of a maLerlal Lo absorb
energy and plasLlcally deform wlLhouL fracLurlng
#MaLerlal Loughness ls deflned as Lhe amounL of energy per volume LhaL a maLerlal
can absorb before rupLurlng lL ls also deflned as Lhe reslsLance Lo fracLure of a maLerlal when
Strexx urJenlng:
#lL ls Lhe sLrengLhenlng of a meLal by plasLlc deformaLlon 1hls sLrengLhenlng occurs
because of dlslocaLlon movemenLs wlLhln Lhe crysLal sLrucLure of Lhe maLerlal Any maLerlal
wlLh a reasonably hlgh melLlng polnL such as meLals and alloys can be sLrengLhened ln Lhls
#1he process by whlch a ducLlle maLerlal deforms under Lenslon formlng a Lhln
#lL can be deflned as Lhe shorLenlng ln area of any parL of Lhe ob[ecL under Lhe
applled sLress"
#8rlLLle means LhaL lL has no Lenslle sLrengLhlL ls Lhe opposlLe of ducLllewhen a
force ls applled lL [usL shaLLers"
ltlmute Strexx:
#1he quanLlLy of Lhe uLmosL Lenslle compresslve or shearlng sLress LhaL a glven unlL
area of a cerLaln maLerlal ls expecLed Lo bear wlLhouL falllng"
Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60
#A fracLure ls Lhe separaLlon of an ob[ecL or maLerlal lnLo Lwo or more pleces under Lhe
acLlon of sLress"


0bseivation & Calculations:

( )
= PjA

Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60



Lenslty of steel (p) = mjv =
Crlglnul dlumeter (d) = d

Length of seclmen (L) =
velght of seclmen (v) =
velght er unlt length (vjL) =
Stiength 0f Nateiial Lab Repoit

M naveed u1LM uL1 LP8 20101L60
#uucLlllLy ls Lhe physlcal properLy of a maLerlal where lL ls capable of susLalnlng large
permanenL changes ln shape wlLhouL breaklng An example ls when a plece of meLal ls
drawn lnLo a wlre lL ls characLerlzed by Lhe lnLernal sLrucLure of Lhe maLerlal flowlng"

1here ls no dlrecL meLhod Lo measure lL 8uL Lhere are 2 lndlrecL meLhod of measurlng lL
a) 9ercenLage LlongaLlon
b) 9ercenLage 8educLlon ln Area

9ercenLage elongaLlon L
/ L

lrom lefL Lo rlghL

Sr. No. Cumulatve

gage length
lncrease n



lrom rlghL Lo lefL

Sr. No. Cumulatve
gage length
lncrease n


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