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1=1 01 Methods of Communication

We communica te all the time. If we see our daily routine, we can make out how communic ation
has taken a key place in our lives. Spending time with family, watching television, read~ng
newspaper, ordering a pizza, reading e-mails, working on social sites-all of these are nothing
but ways of communica tion.
Communic ation is a vital life skill and developing it can benefit us in all aspects of life
professionally, as well as socially.
Communi cation-the human connection key to personal and career success.

The term communica tion is derived from the Latin word 'communic are's' meaning to share.
Communic ation depends on mutual understanding between people . It means we can communic ate
if the other perso n or a group can understand the same language .

Sender - - - -• Information - - -- Receiver J

Communic ation is defined as the act of expressing our views to others through the use of signs,
expressions, symbols, spoken words or any activity to reach a com mon understand ing.
In fact, communic ation skil ls are needed to :
• Inform-Pr ovide facts or information to someone .
• Influence- Change someone in an indirect but an important way.
• Express-Sharing the feelings w ith others.
Importance of Communication
Communication is a two-way process involving exchange of information from sender to receiver
and vice-versa. It is important in the following ways :
• Promotes Motivation : Communic ation promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the
employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to
improve their performan ce if it is not up to the mark.
• Source of Information: Communic ation is a source of information to the organisational
members for decision-making process as it helps ident ifying and assessing alternative course
of actions.
• Fluent Working: A manager coordinates the human and physical elements of an organ isation to
run it smoothly and efficiently. This coordinatio n is not possible without proper com mun icat ion.
• Helps in Socialising: Communic ation also helps in social ising. In today's life, the only presence
of another indi vidu al fosters communica tion . It is also sa id that on e cannot survive w1thout
com municat ion .
Methods of Communicat1on t3
• Controlling Proces
s: Co m mu nic ati on als
orga nis ' b h . . o assi st s in co ntr o
atio na l m em er s . llin g pro
b e av1 our in va rio u s wa ys. Th ere are cess It h
certai n princi ple s and va r i
guideline · elp .
comp ly w ith organi. . I 1·s .tha t em rf
h mu st fol low in aou s levels 0 ; 'ni:c,,
sat1ona po
w ork pro ble m an
. 1c1es,
h pe
. arm t eir job rol e eff ici n orga . h1.. ,,
e nt Iy
d gri evance to t eir su pe rio rs . Th us , cor n mu an n1sati "r-ar,.. ~
d an . .
fun ctio n of manage n1c. at1. on h con·11rn
-. ·l.i '~c.-'
me nt. ·, •.:_
elps -1I') I: .._ .
ofh, , :.
We com mu nic ate wit "c .
h each oth er in a
nu mb er of wa ys , de pe nd ·1ng up
co nte nt thr ou gh wh on th
ich it is con vey ed .
e rnessage a:- ,
Co mm un ica tio n
· '.
Verbal Com municatio

n Non-verbal Co mm un
ica tio n
Visual Cornrn unica:ici-
Verbal Comm unication
Verbal com mu nic ati
of co mm unication
on refers to the for m
Extended .Learning ~ i
in wh ich the me In a ve rba l commu
t ran sm ssa ge is n1cat1on , remember
itte d ver ba lly. It is do ne by wo rd of Ire ·
mo uth ac ron y m KISS (Keep
or as a piece of wr itin It Short and Simple).
The objective of thi
s co mm un ica tio n is
to have pe op le un
When we talk to oth de rst an d wh a t we are trying t
ers, we pre sum e tha
bec ause peop t the y un de rst an d o conve~
le bri ng the ir wh at we are say ing . But it is •
own at titu de s , pe
rceptions, not ll"\Je
em oti ons and tho ug
hts ab ou t Info rm atio n/i npu t The m essage
t he topic and ,
the ref ore , Behavi our/outpui
create the ir ow n me
aning and Wha t I mea n .
unde rstanding . What !
Th e Cha nn el. un derstand
Hence , in ord er to con vey
the Spe ;iki ng,
message appropri
ate ly, we w 11t1n g, -"' "
must thi n k fro m the rec
I gra phi c~. v1d Po,
eiver's Cod ing
poi nt of vie w. Wo uld
he /sh e
understand the message?
How will it be perce The mes se nger
receiver ?
ived by the
At lea ~t som e code11s com m on
Th e rec1p1ent
Verba l Co mm un ication Fig. 1 : Ver bal com m
is fur the r div ide d int uni ca tion
o tw o cat e go rie s.
• Ora l co mm unication
• Wr itte n co mm un ica
Oral Communication tio n
ln oral communi cat
tel eph onic conver sat
over Internet , classr
oub\ic speeches etc
con v1::rsations He re,
the r)t c\- vol ume, spe

ion, spoken
interactive way. It in clu
the commu



des face-to-face con
ion, video ca ll, radio,
oo m teach
. It is used for bo th

ed and clarity of spe



used in an
sat ion, speec h,
tel evisi o n, Vo ice
ess di scuss ion,
for ma l and casual
is inf lue nce d by

-~ I- ~
end er
RecP1ver ~ _,
aking .
4 Fig. 2 : Oral commu
.... Em p\ovah1litv ntcal1°n
Advantages of oral communication
• It brings a quick fee dba ck as it is face-to-face. It endbl es th e send er to know wh ether reu •,ver
has understood or not.
• It is a two-way communica tion with a hi gher scope for cl;:irifi ca tion .
• It saves time and provid es an easy w ay o f exchangin g id e;:i c; ,
• One can rely on th e inform ation as it is first -hand . By reading fac ial rxpr~ ~sion Jnd
language of th e speaker, one ca n guess wh eth er on e should tru st, wh at 1s being sa id or not
Disadvantages of oral communication
• One gets less time to think about what he/ she is deliverin g.
• Quick reaction m ay lea d to arguments .
Written Communication
can be
In this mod e, th e wri tten sign s or symbol s are used to conve y t he message . Th e me ss age
essa ge
printed or handwritten and includ es e-mai ls, letters, reports, memos, sms, etc . Here, t he m
word s/
is influenced by vo ca bulary, grammar, writing sty le, clarity of language and arrange m ent of
sentences. It is the most common form of communica tion used in bu si ness and t herefore,
considered one of the most impo rtant skills .
Memos, reports, bullet ins, job description s and e-mai ls are the typ es of w r itten co m mu nicat
used in business fo r internal working and pro cedu res . For communica tion wit h t he extern
environmen t, means such as faxes, letters, propo sals, In ternet w ebsit es, contracts, advert isem
brochures, etc ., are used .
Advantages of written communication
• It gives enough time to the send er to fram e th e m ess age.
re ,t
• The messages can be edited and revised , and corrections can be made many time s befo
is published .
• Record can be maintained of every message sent.
• It enables the receiver with sufficient time to fu lly unde rsta nd, interpret and se nd
appropriate feedback/response.
Disadvantages of written communication
• It does not bring instant feedback/respons e.
• It takes more time composing a written message an d requires a good w rit in g ab ility.
• The interpretatio n of the message depends totally on the receiver.
Public Speaking
Speaking in front of a large number of people is ca lled publi·c spea It ·1s very d ,ffi,cult for any person
to speak 1n front of whole audience. So, 3Ps of public speak·mg gives ·d ·
an I ea to improve this sk, 11
3Ps of Public Speaking
• Prepare: First of all, we have to be prepared for wh at we are going ·
to speak .
• Practice: Practising in front of a mirror helps to O verco me t h e f ear of t he audien ce
• Perf~rm: We must Perform in front of people. Ta king a long breat h w il l heln ll ' w hu n we dr ~
getting nervous. J "
Methods of Communic ation
Non -verbal Communication b
munication . But what we do not say can
What we say is a vital part of any com e e~n lllore
n co~ mun ication come s fro m non-verb 1
Research also shows that 55% of in-perso • ,n
· t ,on . wh , ah cues IL.
. . and tone of voice. So ' the com mu n,ca 1-.e
facia l expressions, body language
' ~
c the fac·1a1
expressions, body language , ges t ures -
. . are use d to express
tone and pitch of voice
ideas or give information is known
as a-•
• · Non-verbal
non -verbal communica 1,on.
th e body
commun ication is all about
language of the speaker.
The muscles of our face conv ey our
emotions . We can send a silent message
without saying a word . A change in o_u
emotional state can chan ge our fa cial
expression, and therefore th e message .
Fig. 3 : Diffe rent fa oal expressions
For example, before an interview, if we
focus on being confident, ou r fa ce will s levels.
Wearing a smi le can reduce the body 's stres
convey that confidence to the interview er. we express
commun icat ion is non -verba l. Many time
In our daily life, we see that most of th e non-verba l
by han d movem ents. So we can say that
ourself just by using our eye co ntac t or
communication is very importan t in our life.

Extended Learning d on
iver 's co mpr ehension of a message 1s base
According to recent stud ies, on ly 7% of rece 55\ 1s
the tone , pace and volume of speech and
the sender 's adua l words; 38% is based on
based on the body lang uage .

Types of Non-verbal Communication

ing ways :
We communicate non -verbally in the fo llow
Gestures or Body language
To be a more effective commun icator, we
need to align our body language and tone
with the words we are trying to convey.
A 'f\,.f

. , ,
d ~
different tone can change the perceive
s ' ' •
mean ing of a message . The tone give . . .,
- •
emphasis to the message and shows how
clearly it can be true . Research shows that
~hen an individual lies, he/she is more
tk~ly to blink frequently, sh ift the body
; e~g~t from on~ leg to the other and shrug.
and t umb rule is that simplicity, dire
warmth convey . rity.
. .
And since rity
I tt• ~

is th k --
e ey to effect ive communicati on.
Eye cont act Fla. 4 : of non- ve~ communecMIOft
Th e style and d · .
. urat1on of eye cont act is .
f considered app ropr iate across the globe. Lookm& into thf
and talkin g is considere d a si
6\ gn o trustworthiness and confidence.

. l expressi on s
fac,a produce th ou sa nd s o f d'f f
The hu man face casse n
s it. ou r face conveys b .
I er e nt expr essio
ns .
sav, o_ ur face expre
·th a smile on th e face, fea 'th
as ,c In fo rm ati on to tht 15 sa·d I
th at Wh
r w, an op en m ou th and w·d e ou tsi d
assoc1a~ed w1 ressions in a
conversation are instant e World.atHwi: cannot
the fa~1al e;P t someone's . The human br ai ' e-e~e
character. d sta re i hapP,ne~i ii
a feeling a ou n reg ister s th e e~ ~ ett e~
paralanguage of
. . . . Pre ~:1 ons a~
This catego,ru' covers vocal quaht1es hke loudness or to ne
. of communication. Pa 1· . . . I of voic th
me~ning rbal translation ra mg u~ st1c s1gn a s are any aspecteof th at mak
a direct ve of words being spoken. es a differe nce
e so un d of a Vo ke 1n ~he
proxeml.C s ,'cl oseness/personal space) outside
. . the measure of physica
This ,s l distance be tw ee n peop
nt of personal space expe le when th
amou . cte d by so m eo ne varies dependinev commu ·
culture-specific. g . nicate. The stand d
on setting an di ar
Postu re s ~me What
Posture refers to positions
of our body. The way in
of our body before others · which we sit or stand d
communica te a I
shows our confidence an d f \. ot ab ou t our attitude a dan what ar th
ee mgs . n emot ionalest te popsiti ons
Touch/Haptics a e. ost ure
Many interactions begin
. with an exchange of
handshake 1s physical touch like a hu
a great way to esta bl'1s h h
tru st wh er ea s a weak and clu
of trustworthiness and co
nfidence. msy ghaordah an k
dshake A fi
· rm
Advantages of non-verb n s a e conveys a lack
al communication
• It is used to complem
ent verbal messages by
• Non-verbal communica adding to their mean ing .
tion provides an ab ility
• It provides help to phys to relay messages more qu
ically challenged people ick ly and effectively
Disadvantages of non-ve
rbal communication
• Non-verbal communica
tion is poor in convey ing
a feeling of uncertainty. spec ific information and lea
ves people with
• Non-verbal communica
tion is very complex and
• It might distort informa relies he av ily on vis ual cue
tion or can be m isinterpr s.
meaning might not be wh ete d . Th is leads to misunde rstandings as the
at th e ot he r person is th
ink ing, fee ling or inteo ded
Visual Com munication .
~isual communication is
ideas an
th e transmission of \
d information wi th th
Powe rPo int pre sen tat
and imagery. It 1s one of
e he
lp of symbols
th e th re e main type s
\ ud Peo ple
of communication and r e. \
is believed to be th e
type th at people rely on
th e m os t. It includ es
signs, drawings, graphic
des\gns , illustrations ,
advertising, animations,
colours and electron ic
resources. It is very im po
rta nt \n th e business
~arid. The ability of hum
an beings to receive,
view and process imag
of th is communication .
es is th e selling po int
marke t and bu ilding a br
It helps in cr ea ting a
and for th e product .
_ !~
- \l
Method t\ a un1c111on
Advantages of visual communication
• It helps in emphasising the oral communication . When an individual is ex pl aining some
nd t nd
business offers, it is always important to use demonstrations for better u erS a ing. Wh ile
givi ng prese ntations, visual aids can help in explaining the key features of e organi sation or

th e product . rd
• A combination of audio-visual communication is more effective than wo s. Som e fact s
cannot be delivered through words, thus diagrams and pictures are used . Graphs, maps
and flowchart s are self-explanatory visual aids that can explain the progress, disparities,

performance , statistics, etc ., in a more impactful manner.

• It 1s very effective on people who may not have the ability to read, but have the visual ability

to compre hend .
• The amount of time taken in understanding a visual communication is less as compared to
ot her types of communications . When information is processed quickly, people can make

quick an d correct decisions.

Disadvantages of visual communication
• The main disadvantage of visual communication is that it is expensive . The process of coming
up with a visual aid such as a video, chart, diagram or a map is expensive and may require
involvement of more people. Moreover, the mode and area of the display are costly. Hiring a
television station, newspaper or magazine is quite expensive . Therefore, the usage of this type
of commun ication is restricted to big companies with a steady flow of revenues .

• All the topics cannot be represented at once in a single vi sual aid . In most cases, visual
communication is incomplete and incompetent, if it is not accompanied by oral communication .

• Visual communication is more time-consuming . A lot of time is required to create v isual aids .

• It becomes.effective only when accompanied by oral communication . Everybody is not capable

enough to interpret only through visuals .

> Perception Opinion > Pitch Depth or tone of sound

> Blink To open and close the eye > C ue Signal

> Emphasis Importance/Stress > Imagery Images
> Illustrations Drawing of a picture > Disparities Differen ces
> Incompetent Locking ability

> Communication is the most important life skill which plays a vital role in shap ing ou r personal, soc ial 0nd
professional lives .

> Communication is a two-way process involving exchange of information from sender to rece iver and vice-

> The main methods of communication ore : Verbal, Non-verbal and Visual comm un ication
> The Verbal communication is done orally or as a piece of writing . It con be further divided into era,
communication and written communication .
Employability Skills - Class 9 !Part Ai
> Speaking in front of a large number of people is called publ · .
ic speaking . 3Ps of .
Prepare, Practice and Perform . public speaking are

> The Oral communication includes face-to-face talks, telephonic .

conversations speech .d
television . Here ideas are expressed through word of mouth and there is a ' ' vi eos, radio and
. . . speaker lo convey the ide
) In the written commun1cat1on , messages are printed or handwritten . It includ as.
descriptions and e-mai·1s, etc. es memos, reports , .10 b

) The non-verbal communication is done between two or more persons through th fb

. e use o ody language,
facial expressions, postures and gestures .

) In the Visual communication , the ideas and information are shared with the hel f. d .
. . P o images, esigns,
drawings, animations, 1llustrat1ons, symbols, etc .

) The visual communication becomes more effective when accompanied by oral communication .

Solved Exercises

Objective Type Questions

1. Tick( ✓ ) the correct option .

a. In which of the following communi cations, c. To be a more effective communicator,

which of the following must be focussed
the appearance and body language plays
a vita I role? i. Audience ii. Content
Visual communi cation iii . Body language iv. All of these
d. Which of the following is the measure of
ii. Written commun ication
physical distance between people when
iii. Verbal communication they communicate?
i. Posture ii. Gestures
iv. Non-verbal communication
iii . Proxemics iv. Haptics
b. In which of the following communications, e. In which of the following communications,
do we get an instant feedback? do we not use words?
i. Visual communication i. Non-verbal communication
ii. Visual communication
ii. Written communication
iii. Written communication
iii. Oral communication
iv. All of the above
iv. Non-verbal communication

Ans. a. iv b. iii c. iv d. iii e. i

c. Frequent blinking of eyes and rubbing
2. Answer the following as TRUE or FALSE.
of hands show confidence of the
a. In the written communication, the
written signs or symbols are used to communicator.
d. Records can be maintained in the visual
convey the message.
communication .
b. Many interactions begin with an e. If the information is processed quickly,
exchange of physical touch like a hug or a we can take quick decisions.
Ans. a. True e. True
b. True c. Fa lse d. True
Methods of Communication
d. Vi sual corn mun icat 1on is t he transm ission
3 F,11 in thP b1anlts
of idea s and informat ion with t he help of
a The nter11ew s an e,.ample of
com mun ,,on ........ .. ... .. ........ and
b l he ob 1ect ,,, of a c.orwersat1on 1s to .................... .. ... covers voca l qualit ies
ma\-_.e peop e understand what we are like loudness or tone of vo ice that
makes a diffe rence in the meaning of
c We do not get instant feedback in the communicat ion .
commun1cat1on d. symbols, imagery
c.. wrrnen communicat1on
An\ , a. verbal b. tJylng 10 convey
e. Paralanguage Reason (R): Oral communicat ion is an
4. R~ad the wternrr:ts marked as Assertion (Al inform al way of commun icat ion .
a"d Rr a .on (RI Choose the correct option c. Assertion (A): Visua l communicat ion
, Both A and R are correct and R 1s the
does not requ ire learning any language .
correct e,(planat1on of A
Reason (R) : It is the easiest way to
11 Both A and R are corr ect but R 1s not the
communicate as the human brain
correct eYplana t1on of A
111 A 1s correct but R 1s not co rre ct. underst ands and interprets images easier
111 A 1s not correct but R 1s correct as compa re d to a text .
a Assertion (A): Commun1cat 1on is a two- d. Assertion (A): Tone is an example of non-
way process ve rbal commun icat ion .
Reason (R): Informa tion 1s the most Reason (R) : Tone does not give emphasis.
important reason for communicat ion .
to th e message .
b. Assertion (A): Oral communication is time
consuming as feedba ck 1s not immediate.
b. 111 C. II d. iii
Ans. a.11
An Th e benefi ts of wri tten commun icat ion are as
Short Answer Type Questions
fo llows.
1. Enlist four advantages of oral
• The se nde r gets more t ime to frame the
communicat ion.
Arv The four advantages of oral com munication message.
are as follows. • Record s can be ma inta ined for future
• We get quick feedback an d able to kn ow reference .
whether the commun ication wa s effe ctive
• The rece iver gets more time to fully
or not.
understand the message as he/ she can go
• It saves time as 1t does not require any
preparation and is spontaneous. through the message again, if requ ired .
• It is a two-way commun ication, therefore • The message can be checked and edited
the scope of cl arification is there. Doubts or before sending it.
misunderstandings can be clarified on the spot. 4. List any four disadvantages of visual
• It is more reliable as it is first-hand communication .
information. Ans . The four disadvantages of visual
2. What do you understand by non-verbal communication are as follows .
commun ication ?
An s • It is expensive .
The communication in which the facial • All the information cannot be expressed
expressions, body language, gestures, tone
through a single visual aid .
and pitch of voice are used to express ideas
• It is more time-consum ing .
or give information is known as non-verbal
communication. • It becomes effective only when accompanieO
3. What are th b f' by oral commun ication. Everybody 1s not
e ene its of written
communication? capable enough to interpret only throuf
10 I visuals .
Employabili ty Skills - CIJ
9 1Part A1
ich metho d of tone of voice,
5. According to you wh gestures like pointed finger,
re effective if used to convey
com mu nic atio n wil l be mo the way we sit and sta nd are
on to a group of with whom we
one has to give a pre sen tati the message to the person
stu den ts and why? are communicating.
Visual communication: It
is the method
on to a group, the
Ans. To give a presentati al aids like
communication of communication where visu
com bin atio n ofo ral and visual , drawings,
illustrations, graphic designs
wil l be more effective. used to con vey
typography, signs, etc., are
becomes more tten and ora l
• The oral communication the message. It reinforces wri
by visual
effective when accompanied methods of communication.
oral and wri tten
aids . 2. Dif fere ntia te between
grams make commun ication .
• The pictures, graphs and dia
resting and Ans . Oral communication
a presentation more inte
represented spoken words
effective, and this can be • In this communication,
only through visual aids. are used. It includes face-to
nic conver-
Explanation becomes easy wit
h the help communication, speech , telepho
• voice over,
of visual communication . sations, video, radio, television,
Long Answer Type Questio ns • This form of communicatio
n is used both in
1. Briefly discuss the
various methods of formal and casual conversation
It is face-to-face
com mu nic atio n . • It brings quick feedback.
Ans . The various methods
of communication are and thus more reliable.
ation . The scope
as follows . • It is a two-way communic
Verbal com mu nic atio n: It
includes the usage of clarification is more.
ge/information .
of words to deliver the messa Wr itte n communication
ne or in group
It can be face -to -face, on pho wri tten signs or
types of verbal • In this communication , the
settings, etc. The two main symbols are used to convey
the message.
com mu nic atio n are : The message can be printed or
handwritte n.
com mu nic atio n: In this, the orts , memos,
• Oral
convey the It includes e-mails , letters , rep
spoken words are used to sms, etc.
message. It includes phone, mon fo rm of
ncing, voice • It is the most com
communication, videoconfere
h formal and communication in business.
chat, etc. It is used for bot
sender to frame
casual conversations. The
effectiveness • It gives enough tim e to the
can be edi ted
of oral communication depend
s upon the the message. The messages
can be made
speed, volume, pitch, voice
modulation, and revised and corrections
clarity of speech, etc. many times before it is publish
munication: In this, the fully understand,
• Wr itte n com • It enables the receiver to
g the wri tten e feedback.
message is conveyed by usin inte rpr et and send appropriat
posals, press es of Non-Vt'rba l
symbols. It includes pro 3. Which are t he va rious typ
releases, memos, contracts, com mu nication ?
, etc . The effe ctiveness of f Non -ve rba l
han dbo oks various types o
ends upon Ans . The
wri tten communication dep communication are as follows
wri ting , vocabu lary , gramm ar, mo re effect1w
the style of • Body Language: To be
precision and clarity. align ou r
communicators, we need to
It is a communic a the wo rds
No n-v erb al communication: body language and tone with
ges are sen t or ere nt tone
-tion where wordless messa we are trying to convey. A diff
lan gua ge, bod y ani ng of a
received. In this, the body can change the perceived me
eye contact,
posture, facial expressions, Ill
nf Com m unication
, ~
11 w•,• . HP•,r-, ,rrh .,hows that when an Competency Based Questions
lncJ1v1clun l lie~. he/she 1~ more likely to
1. Mr. Mohit, a social worke r w
blink tr f'qu cnt ly, :,hlft the body weight ent to a ,
to spread awa reness about ne 111
Ii l, 111 onr Ir~ to the other and shrug . . w techni
to be used in farm ing. So he th qu(:~
eve contact: I he 1itylc ilnd duration of eye villagers and disc.ussed about ga erect h
· t i:
cont.1rt I, consider ed appropriate across . ma ny of th
new farming techn iques In th e
the• globe . Looking Into the eyes and talking . . " .
villagers sa id . Good very nice"eti,·end, the
I" co 11-.lde1rd " sign of trustworthiness and after listening this, was not convin,r. dMohrt
confid ence. the villagers have taken his message .ce that
Facial expressions: The human face ca n 1n a right
way. What could have made Mr Moh·t h
produce thousa nds ol different expressions. so? • 1
t ink
It b )aid that wh at we cannot say, our
a. The villagers stood too far
f,ice expresses it. Our face conveys a deep
inform ation to the outside world . b. The villagers arms were crossed
4. What are the advantages of visual c. The villagers avoided eye contact
communication? d. All of the above
1\11<, The advantages of visual communication are
2. Mr. Saxena, the Principal of your school
as follows .
• It helps in emphasising the oral receive a message that your school has been
communication . When an individual is placed among the first 10 best schools in
explaining some business offers, it is North region . He wants to share this message
always important to use demonstrations with all the teachers and students of the
for better understanding . While giving school.
presentations, visual aids can help Wh ich of the following is the best way of
in explaining the key features of the doing this?
organisation or the produc t. a. Calling all the class teachers in his office
• The combination of audio-visual b. Call ing all the class monitors in his office
communication is more effective than
words. Some facts cannot be delivered c. Discuss with wings , head and share with
through words . Thus, diagra others
ms and
pictures are used. Graphs, maps a d. Call ing all the stu dents and teache rs in
flowcharts are few of the self-explanatory assembly area and make announceme nt.
visual aids which show and explain the
3. Mr. Anita, who is running an NGO, moveswith
progress, disparities, performance, statics,
her team to rural areas to bring awareness
etc., in a way that oral explanation would
among the people about how to take some
not be able to.
precautions after COVID .They have conducted
• Another main benefit of visual many meetings and demonstrat ions. But
communication in business is that it is very they feel that they should prepare poS ters,
effective on the illiterate people . Some banners, point walls etc. for the village to
people may not have the ability to read, keep reminding people about it. They spent
but they do have the visual ability. . . . .
a lot of time in discussing over pros their
• The amount of time taken in understanding and cons which of the fo llowing statements
avisual communication is less as compared . .
about visual commu nicatio n w,·11 go agains t
to other types of communication . When
choos ing these mea ns?
information is processed quickly, people
. 1on d
can make quick and correct decisio n.
a. Visual comm unicat oes not have
12 I n""1rh
b. Vi sual communication is not able to in different states of India. Help her in
retain information. completing her task immediate ly.
c. Visual communication cannot keep the a. Sending personal SMS
b. Sending personal letter
attention of the receives .
c. Sending e-mail
d. Vi sual communication takes a lot of time
d. All of the above
and money to show results .
5. Sports coaches pat on the back of the players
4. M s. Anit a and her team used to work in t he to encourage them. Which non-verba l
villages for wom en upliftment. Their team communication is used here?
wo rk w as see n by other NG O's and now their a. Touch
act ivit ies are being seen all across in India . b. Bodylanguage
For th e success of their mission, she wants c. Paralanguage
to t hank all her team members working d. Facial gesture
Ans.1. d. 2. d. 3. d. 4. c. 5. a.
~ ='\ TEST yourself
Objective Type Questions
U ------------------------ •
1. Tick( ✓ ) the correct option.
a. Which of the follow ing are the two major i. Visual commun ication
components of commun icati on? ii. Verba l commun ication
i. Content and commun icator iii. Non-verba l commun ication
ii. Communicator and audience iv. Written commun icat ion
iii . Audience and environment e. Which of the follow ing commun icati on is
iv. None of the above most suitable to advertise a product ?
b. Which of the following is the simplest form i. Verbal communicati on
of communication? ii. Non -verbal communicat ion
i. Verbal communication iii . Written communicati on
ii. Non-verbal communication
iv. Visual communicati on
iii. Visual commun ication
2. Answer the following as TRUE or FALSE.
iv. None of the above
a. It is difficult to understand and interp ret
c. Your school is organising a festival and you
visual communicati on as compa red to
-' have to inform the people of your locality
other forms of commun ication.
about it. Which form of communication
b. Oral communicati on is the most reliable
would be the most suitable?
form of communicati on .
Verbal communication
c. Appearance and tone do not have any
ii . Non-verbal communication
influence on non-verbal com muni cat ion .
iii . Visual communication
iv. Both i. and iii. d. Posture shows our con fi dence and
feelings .
d. Wh ich of the following is the most
e. We get enough t ime t o frame messages
common type of communication?
only in the written co mmunicat ion.
Methods of Communication
J , fill in the blanks.
Long Answer Type Questions
is more effective as
the information shared is first-hand 1. Discuss in detail the verbal method of
information. communication .
2. Explain the various types o f non-verbal
b. It is easy to maintain a record of
communication .
communication. 3. What do you understand by visual
is the most important communication? Enli st the advantages
element of non-verbal communication. and disadvantages of this method of
d. is communication.
expensive . 4. Compare verbal and non-verbal
Read t he statements marked as Assertion
(A) and Reason (R) . Choose the correct Application Based Questions
option: 1. When you see an e-mail full of grammatical
i. Both A and R are correct and R is the errors or incomplete sentences, how do vou
correct explanation of A. react? Does it affect your perception of the
ii. Both A and R are correct but R is not the sender? Why or why not?
correct explanation of A. 2. How aware are you of your own body
iii. A is correct but R is not correct . language? Has your body language eve r got
iv. A is not correct but R is correct. you in trouble wh ile commu nicating with
a. Assertion (A): Oral communicatio n has someone?
no legal validity. 3. You are the CEO of a company. W hich type of
Reason (R): Oral communicatio n is
commun ication would you choose to convey
interpersonal and helps in building
the rules and regulations to the empl oyees
relationships .
and why?
b. Assertion (A): Communicatio n is a
4 . Imagine you have to j ustify th at Virat Kohli is
process in which there is an input and an
a better capta in than Mahend ra Singh Dhoni
to a group of aud ien ce. W hich method ot
Reason (R): Listening to others is
communicati on w ill be most approp ri ate for
an important aspect of effective
this justification and why?
communicat ion .
Short Answer Type Questions Lab Exercises
1. Design a poste r showing the ill effects of
1. Enlist the different methods of communication.
smoking and drinking on a human body.
2. Which is the easiest method of commun ica 2. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation °'"
-tion and why? the life of Shri Narendra Mod i and giVt a
3. Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal presentation in the class .
f cl
communicat ion. 3. Prepa re and present a ' Nu kkad Nata
4. Explain in your own words how body language the increa se in crime against w omen, and in
affects our communicat ion. impact on the safety of women.
understand by visual 4. Prepare a chart for your class
5. What do you
points to be kept 1n mind for effe!t :
communicat ion ? Give a few examples w here
it is used.

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