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S.Y. 2023-2024
Name: ___________________________________ Score: _______________
Grade and Section: ________________________ Date: ________________
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before the number.

_____1. Text Relevance is the match between a reader’s goal and information related to that goal. What is the meaning of
A. aim or purpose C. the ability to come up with sensible conclusions
B. important to the matter at hand D. quality of being suitable or having some kind of value

_____2. Which of these is the correct way to judge the importance and relevance of ideas in the materials presented?
A. Note irrelevant information. C. Ignore the source of information.
B. Gather artifacts as evidence. D. Examine the appropriateness of the language used.

For questions 3-5, refer to the poem below.

Dreams Deferred
Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore –
And then run?
Does it stink like a rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over –
Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe just sags
Like a heavy load,
Or does it explode?

_____3. Due to high heat index, the school deferred the activity. What is the meaning of deferred.?
A. celebrated C. postponed
B. participated D. stopped

_____4. In the poem Dreams Deferred, what did the poet helps the reader to understand?
A. how it felt to have a dream C. how to forget about a dream
B. how to be a dried up raisin D. how to run away from the dream

_____5. What did the imagery in lines 1 through 8 helps the reader to understand?
A. what the dreams do C. what a dream should be made of
B. how a dream looks like D. what happens to a dream deferred

_____6. You noticed that your favorite cup is at the edge of the table. Using sound reasoning, you took the cup away and
placed it in a safer place. Based from the given scenario, what is sound reasoning?
A. matter of opinion C. reasoning that follows logic
B. a justification for a claim D. anything that can be used as proof

_____7. Which of the following is a way in judging the author’s reasoning?

A. Identify the grammatical error. C. Cite the references used in writing essay.
B. Disregard the author’s assumption. D. Determine the argument’s completeness.

For questions 8-10, read the selection and answer the questions.

Teenage mothers face critical health risk including inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor eating
habits, dangers associated with the reproductive organs not ready for birth and maternal death due to higher risk of
eclampsia. Alarmingly, while maternal deaths are decreasing in the Philippines, teenage maternal deaths are increasing.
Ten (10) percent of pregnant teenagers died last year according to Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA). Data from World
Health Organization (WHO) also show a high increasing incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers under 20.
_____8. What is the excerpt all about?
A. Maternal deaths are decreasing. C. Teenage pregnancies decreases every year.
B. Teenage mothers face critical health risk. D. Ten percent of the pregnant teenagers died last year.

_____9. Which of the following supports the claim, Teenage maternal deaths are increasing.
A. Teenage mothers face critical health risk.
B. Maternal deaths are decreasing in the Philippines.
C. According to PSA, ten percent of the pregnant teenagers died last year.
D. Data from WHO shows a high and increasing incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers.

_____10. Is the author’s reasoning a sound reasoning?

A. No, because the facts are not accurate.
B. No, because there are no supporting data.
C. Yes, because we can see lots of teenage mothers nowadays.
D. Yes, because every claim of the author has a support to make it valid.

_____11. Which of the following factors can contribute to inflation?

A. Decrease in money supply C. Decrease in consumer spending
B. Increase in unemployment D. Increase in government spending

_____12. What is unemployment?

A. The total number of people who are employed
B. The total number of people who are not willing to work
C. The total number of people who are willing and able to work
D. The total number of people who are actively seeking work but cannot find a job

_____13. What is a common consequence of poverty?

A. Limited access to education C. Increase in consumer spending
B. Expansion of job opportunities D. Improvement in healthcare access

_____14. Which of the following best defines underemployment?

A. Being employed in a high-paying job
B. Being unemployed and actively seeking work
C. Having a job that matches one's skills and qualifications
D. Being employed but not having enough work hours or being in a job that does not fully utilize one's skills and abilities

_____15. How does corruption affect economic development?

A. By attracting foreign investment
B. By fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
C. By promoting transparency and accountability
D. By hindering efficient allocation of resources and distorting market mechanisms

_____16. What is situation where there is no clear right or wrong answer, and both choices have ethical arguments for
and against?
A. Universal truth C. Ethical dilemma
B. Moral obligation D. Cultural difference

_____17. What is a core value which might lead someone to tell the truth, even if it could have negative consequences?
A. Compassion C. Fairness
B. Convenience D. Honesty

_____18. Which of the following is an obligation we have towards ourselves or others, often arising from our values or
A. Consequence B. Duty C. Right D. Value

For numbers 19-20, choose the correct answer based on the scenario:

A student finds a lost phone on the bus containing embarrassing photos. They are unsure whether to return the
phone or delete the photos and keep it.

_____19. What kind of conflict between the main moral dilemma that the student is facing?
A. Honesty and privacy C. Popularity and conformity
B. Laziness and hard work D. Curiosity and responsibility
_____20. Before making a decision, what the student should consider?
A. Opinions of teachers C. Consequences of both actions
B. Peer pressure from friends D. Grades and academic performance

_____21. How are social issues being defined?

A. Disagreements between friends.
B. Personal problems that only affect one person.
C. Fashions or trends that are popular at a certain time.
D. Conditions or patterns of behavior that have negative consequences for a group of people or society as a whole.

_____22. What are the examples of social issues?

A. the latest celebrity gossip C. what movie to watch this weekend
B. poverty and homelessness D. who has the best hairstyle in class

_____23. What can a person do if they suspect that a child is being abused or neglected?
A. Ignore the situation
B. Spread rumors about the suspected abuser
C. Only confront the suspected abuser directly
D. Report the suspected abuse to the proper authorities, such as the social welfare department or the police

_____24. How do social movements often arise to address social issues?

A. Using violence and intimidation. C. Raising awareness and advocating for change.
B. Ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. D. Making fun of people who disagree with them.

_____25. In what way can learning about social issues help you?
A. Become more popular. C. Avoid getting involved in difficult situations.
B. Gossip about other people's problems. D. Become a more informed and engaged citizen.

Directions: Identify the correct answers for each question. Choose your answer from the box.

Professionalism Effective Presentation Visual Aid

Engaging Delivery Audience Feedback Engagement

____________26. It is a presentation that successfully communicates a message to the intended audience in a clear,
engaging and memorable way.
_____________27. It is the use of visual aids such as slides or videos.
_____________28. It is the dynamic delivery of the presentation.
_____________29. It is one of the factors when judging the effectiveness of the presentation wherein the presenter
should use various techniques to engage the audience such as humor, storytelling, and audience participation.
_____________30. The presenter should demonstrate professional demeanor, appearance, and organization.

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. D
26. Effective Presentation
27. Visual Aid
28. Engaging Delivery
29. Engagement
30. Professionalism

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