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by Johnny Bread


For the Student
Do you want to learn English and have some fun? If the answer is yes, you picked the right

For the Teacher

Do you want to teach English and have some fun? If the answer is yes, you picked the right

This series is a complete compact English course of 15 books for students who want to learn
English as a second language.

The Canadian Language School was founded in 2001 to teach English as a second language.
In the beginning, our problem was choosing teaching materials to use for our courses. There
were many books on the market, some of them were good, but most of them were reference
books or incomplete courses. There were also separate books for grammar, vocabulary and
reading. What we really wanted was a complete compact English course. We couldn’t find a
complete course anywhere, so we created our own. Our team of Canadian and American
teachers have been working on developing our course for 18 years. We have created a
complete English course for students who want to learn English as a second language. We
have created books that can be followed page by page without worry. We have included basic
grammar, vocabulary and reading in our series, so it is easier for students to learn and for
teachers to teach.

There are 15 books in the series, and there are four lessons in each book. Each lesson is
divided into eight parts:

 Vocabulary Preview
 Grammar
 Reading
 Conversation
 Missing Word Exercises
 Writing Practice
 Vocabulary Building
 Review Tests

Vocabulary Preview
The students learn new words which are used in the lesson. The teacher helps them get familiar
with the words and gives them some examples of how to use these words. If necessary, the
students use their dictionaries.

The students learn new grammar. The teacher explains new grammar rules and guides the
students through the exercises.

There are stories to acquire reading skills. New grammar is used in the stories. The teacher
helps with pronunciation and with understanding of new words and guides the students through
comprehension exercises.

The teacher asks the students questions about the story they’ve just read and checks for
understanding. Students then talk about a topic related to the story.

Missing Word Exercises

There are exercises or a story, and students fill in the missing words. The students learn how to
use the grammar they’ve learned in the lesson.

Writing Practice
The students write a short paragraph using the grammar they’ve learned. The teacher corrects
their writing.

Vocabulary Building
The students learn new basic vocabulary and do exercises incorporating the new vocabulary.

Review Tests
At the end of each lesson there is a review test incorporating the grammar from the lesson. The
students take the test, and the teacher corrects it.

We have been using these books in our school for many years, and the students and the
teachers enjoy working with them. Learning English is fun with our books! Have fun and learn



Grammar: Present Tenses for the Future / Present Tenses for Narations / Imperatives
Vocabulary Preview: arrive / stay / leave / describe / veterinarian / health club / circus …
Reading: Weekend Plans / Yanek and Maria
Conversation: Talking about your vacation plans / Asking about a train departure
Writing: What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing on the weekend?
Building Vocabulary: Let’s Move – go by bus / take the train / ride a horse / drive a car ...


Grammar: Can / Have To / Want To

Vocabulary Preview: Professions – doctor / lawyer / painter / actor …
Reading: How To Apply for a Passport / The Shaman
Conversation: Talking about Mary’s Adventure / How to apply for a driver’s licence
Writing: Writing about what you can, want to and have to do today and on the weekend
Building Vocabulary: Road Signs / Driver’s Licence Test


Grammar: Future – Be Going To

Vocabulary Preview: plan / invite / sign / fall …
Reading: Julie’s Party / 1,500 Miles to Disney World
Conversation: Talking about Richard’s dream / Talking about your plans and dreams
Writing: You are going to have a party on Saturday. What are you going to do?
Building Vocabulary: Musical instruments


Grammar: Past Simple – Intro / Regullar verbs / Irregullar verbs

Vocabulary Preview: Irregular Verbs – got up / did exercises / took a shower / ate …
Reading: An Important Hockey Game / The Milion Dollar Cap
Conversation: Talking about Johnny’s Adventure / Talking about your adventures
Writing: Writing about a trip you took in the past using the past simple
Building Vocabulary: Some Troubles – I broke my arms. / I burnt my hand ...




What time does the train to Toronto leave?

“What time does the train to Toronto leave?”

“It leaves at 7:00 a.m.”


arrive home stay in a hotel leave refer

in shock special embarrassed blush

veterinarian (vet) health club circus job interview

cash register cashier front desk front desk clerk

schedule platform show news

honeymoon idea wake up cartoon


Present Continuous with a Future Meaning

This is Jerry’s Diary for next week.
I’m Max.
Tuesday take Max to the vet 9:00 a.m.

He is taking his cat to the vet on Tuesday
Thursday morning.
Friday meet Julie 12:30 p.m. He is meeting Julie at the airport on Friday
Saturday afternoon.
He is playing tennis with his friend on Sunday
Sunday play tennis 6:00 p.m.

We can use the present continuous for things that are already arranged.

A. What are you doing tomorrow? A. What are you doing on Saturday?
B. I am going to the movie theater. B. I am working.

Present Simple with a Future Meaning

Class Schedule Train Schedule

8:00 – 9:30 10:00 – 11:30 Time Platform

Monday Math French New York 7:00 1
Tuesday English Biology Boston 8:30 3
Wednesday Geography Chemistry Chicago 9:15 8
Thursday History Gym Montreal 10:00 14
Friday Math English Toronto 11:20 15

My English class starts at 8:00 tomorrow. The train to New York leaves at 7:00.
My biology class finishes at 11:30 tomorrow. It leaves from platform 1.

We can use the present simple when we talk about schedules and programs.

A. When does the meeting begin tomorrow? A. What time does the film finish?
B. It begins at 9:00 in the morning. B. It finishes at 8:00.

Exercise 13.1
This is Judy’s Diary for next week.

Monday study at the library

Tuesday visit my mother

Wednesday go to the dentist

Thursday work at the store

Friday go to the hairdresser

A. What is she doing on Monday?
Saturday go to the concert
B. She is studying at the library.
Sunday play tennis

Practice the dialogues. Ask what she is doing on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. Use the present continuous.

Exercise 13.2
Practice the dialogues. Use the present continuous.

A. What are you doing tomorrow?

B. I am going to the health club.

1. What are you doing on 2. What are they doing on the 3. What is he doing
Saturday? weekend? tomorrow?
work in the garden go skiing play basketball

4. What is she doing this 5. What is he doing on 6. What are you doing
afternoon? Monday? tonight?
study work have a party

Exercise 13.3
Write the question. Use what / where.
1. What is he doing
on Monday? He is golfing.
2. Where is she going
on Tuesday? She is going to New York.
3. _____________________ on Wednesday? He is meeting his friend.
4. _____________________ on Thursday? They are going to Los Angeles.
5. _______________________ on Friday? I am working.
6. _______________________ on Saturday? We are having a party.
7. _______________________ on Sunday? She is going to the shopping mall.

Exercise 13.4
Write the question. Use where / when / how.
1. (go) Where are you going? . I am going to Miami.
2. (leave) _______________________________ I am leaving tomorrow morning.
3. (get) _________________________________ I am driving there.
4. (stay) ________________________________ I am staying in a hotel.
5. (come back) ___________________________ I am coming back on Saturday night.

Exercise 13.5
Make corrections.

1. He is playing football tomorrow morning. 2. I am having a party on Saturday.

He isn’t playing football. . ___________________________________
He is golfing. . ___________________________________

3. She is working tomorrow. 4. They are having a meeting in the evening.

___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________

Exercise 13.6

Time Platform
New York 7:00 1
Boston 8:30 3
Chicago 9:15 8
Montreal 10:00 14
Toronto 11:20 15

Practice the dialogues.

A. What time does the train to New York leave?

B. It leaves at 7:00.
A. Which platform does it leave from?
B. It leaves from platform 1.

Exercise 13.7
I. Practice the dialogues.

A. What time does the football game begin?
4:00 Football Game
B. The football game begins at 4:00.
6:00 Evening News
7:00 Travel Magazine A. How long does the football game last?

8:00 American Idol B. It lasts two hours.

10:00 Amadeus – American Movie A. What time does the football game end?
12:00 Late News B. It ends at 6:00.

II. Write the question.

1. What time does the football game begin? . The football game begins at 4:00.
2. ______________________________________ The Evening News ends at 7:00.
3. ______________________________________ The Travel Magazine lasts one hour.
4. ______________________________________ American Idol begins at 8:00.
5. ______________________________________ Amadeus lasts two hours.
6. ______________________________________ Amadeus ends at midnight.
7. ______________________________________ The Late News begins at midnight.


We can sometimes use the present tense to tell jokes or stories.

We use the present continuous for actions that are not completed.
We use the present simple for completed actions.

John comes home from work. His wife is sitting on the sofa. She is reading a book. John sits
next to her and says, “I have good news for you.”

She is sitting / is reading are not completed actions.

He comes / sits / says are completed actions.

A Job Interview

A man goes to a circus for a job interview. “I can imitate birds,” the man answers.
He is sitting in the director’s office, and the “Imitate birds?” the director shouts.
director asks him, “What can you do? Can “Anybody can do that! Now get out!”
you do something special?” “OK,” the man says. He goes to the
“Yes, I can,” the man says. window, opens it and flies away.
“What is it?” the director asks. The director is watching him in shock.

Old Trick

An old man is standing at a cash register “It’s OK,” the cashier says. “You can pay
in a grocery store. He is wearing a dirty coat, with your credit card.”
old pants and old tennis shoes. He looks very “I don’t have a credit card,” the man says.
tired. He slowly puts his groceries in a plastic The cashier takes his bag from him. “I’m
bag – bread, butter, milk, some meat and two very sorry,” she says.
beers. “Wait a minute,” a woman in the line says.
“Fourteen sixty-five,” the cashier says. She goes to the cashier and gives her fifteen
The old man puts his hand in his pocket. dollars. The woman is wearing expensive
There is no money. He blushes. He is clothes. “Give him back his groceries,” she
embarrassed. There is a long line of people says and smiles at the old man.
behind him. “Thank you, ma’am, thank you very much,
“I don’t have money, ma’am,” he says. you’re very nice,” the old man says and
“I’m sorry.” walks out of the store.
“Don’t go to a store if you don’t have The man is walking home and smiling. His
money,” somebody shouts. “I don’t have time old trick still works. There are still good
for this.” people in his city.

Listen to your teacher
and don’t fight with
your classmates!

Be quiet! Listen to me!

We use imperatives to give commands, recommendations, suggestions and instructions.

Person Indicative Imperative Imperative – negative

you (singular) You go to school. Go to school! Don’t go to school!

you (plural) You go to school. Go to school! Don’t go to school!
we We go to school. Let’s go to school! Let’s not go to school!

Chocolate Cake Recipe

bowl put mix add heat bake

1. Put the sugar and the butter in a bowl.

2. Mix together.
3. Add the egg and the flour and mix together.
4. Heat the chocolate and add it to the bowl.
5. Bake the cake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Exercise 13.8
Command the opposite.

1. You don’t listen to me. Listen to me! .

2. You fight in the classroom. .

Don’t fight in the classroom! .

3. You don’t clean your room. _________________________

4. We don’t exercise every day. _________________________
5. You run on the street. _________________________
6. You don’t read books. _________________________
7. We eat at night. _________________________
8. You read my emails. _________________________
9. You don’t drive slowly. _________________________

Exercise 13.9
Telling Directions Turn right. Turn left.

Go along / down / up the street.

Go straight.







Practice the dialogues.

Change the positions and destinations.

You are at the airport on Catherine Street. A tourist asks you for directions.
A. Excuse me. How can I get to the bookstore?
B. Go down Catherine Street and turn left on Oak Street. The bookstore is on the right next
to the police station.

Weekend Plans
Two friends talk at work.

Ann: What are you doing on the weekend, Martin?

Martin: I’m going to Tampa Bay.
Ann: How are you getting there?
Martin: I’m driving.
Ann: Where are you staying? In a hotel?
Martin: No, I’m staying with a friend.
Ann: When are you coming back?
Martin: I’m coming back on Sunday evening.

Answer the questions.

1. Where is Martin going? 4. Where is he staying?

2. How is he getting there? 5. Is he coming back on Saturday?
3. Is he staying in a hotel? 6. When is he coming back?

Yanek and Maria

Yanek and Maria are happy. They are the light and starts yelling, “Wake up, Yanek!
getting married, and they are going to Egypt Wake up and call the front desk. There is a
on their honeymoon. The problem is that they mouse in the bathroom.”
don’t speak English. Yanek has an idea. He Yanek wakes up. He goes to the phone
finds a one-month English course. They are and calls the front desk. “Hello, this is room
lucky. They have a good teacher. 23,” he says to the front desk clerk. “We have
“I have some good advice for you,” the a problem.”
teacher says to his students. “If you don’t “What is your problem, sir?” the clerk
know an English word, refer to something asks.
everybody knows. For example, if you want “We have a … we have a …” Yanek
to speak about love, and you don’t know the doesn’t know the English word for mouse.
word, say Romeo and Juliet.” “I don’t know how to say mouse in
Six weeks later Yanek and Maria arrive in English,” Yanek says to Maria. “Do you?”
Egypt. They are very happy. The hotel is very Maria takes the phone from him and says
nice. They swim in the sea and relax at the to the clerk, “Do you know Tom and Jerry?”
beach. Their first day is fantastic. “Yes, I do,” the clerk says. My children
In the middle of the night Maria wakes up. watch that cartoon.”
She hears a noise in the bathroom. She gets “Jerry is here.”
up and goes to see what it is. She turns on
I. Talk about your vacation plans. Use the present continuous.
II. Play the role of a tourist at the train station and ask about a train departure.


Weekend Plans
John: What (you / do) are you doing on the weekend, Richard?
Richard: I (go) ____________________ to Vancouver.
John: How (you / get) ____________________ there?
Richard: I (take a plane) ____________________.
John: Where (you / stay) ____________________?
Richard: I (stay) ___________________ in a hotel.
John: When (you / come back) ____________________?
Richard: I (come back) ____________________ on Monday.
John: Have a nice trip.
Richard: And you? What (you / do) ____________________ on the weekend, John?
John: On Saturday I (work) ____________________ in the garden, and on Sunday I (play)
____________________ tennis.

At the Movie Theater

Mary: Excuse me. What time (the film / begin) does the film begin? .

Cashier: It (begin) ____________________ at 8:00.

Mary: What time (the film / end) ____________________?
Cashier: It (end) ____________________ at 10:00.

What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing on the weekend?

Tomorrow ___________________________________________________________________

On the weekend ______________________________________________________________


Let’s Move

walk hike jog run

climb skate skateboard swim

ride a bike ride a motorcycle drive take a taxi

take the bus take the subway take the train ride a horse

take a plane take a helicopter sail on a boat sail on a ship

We go by car / taxi / bus / train / subway / plane / helicopter / boat / ship / bike

We take the bus / the train / the subway / a taxi / a plane / a helicopter

We ride a bike / a motorcycle / a horse

We drive a car / a taxi / a bus / a train

We sail on a boat / a ship

The pilot flies a plane / a helicopter

I. Fill in walk / hike / jog / run / climb / skate / skateboard / swim in the correct form.

1. Helen doesn’t have a car, and she doesn’t like public transport. She walks to work.
2. There is a big swimming pool near my house. I go there twice a week, and I ____________.
3. Every Sunday Joe puts on boots and goes to the woods. He ____________ there.
4. Hockey players don’t run on the ice. They ____________.
5. Kathy is a good athlete. She plays soccer, and she ____________ a marathon every year.
6. Every morning Josh puts on tennis shoes and ____________ in the park for half an hour.
7. Every year people try to ____________ Mount Everest.
8. There is a lot of noise in our street every Saturday. The teenagers ____________ there.

II. Fill in go / take / ride / drive / sail / fly in the correct form.

1. Sandy is in good shape. He rides a bike to work every day.

2. Big ships ____________ across the Atlantic Ocean every day.
3. I don’t drive to work. It’s too slow. I ____________ the subway.
4. Andrea goes to a ranch every week, and she ____________ a horse.
5. Jerry hates public transport. He likes his car. He ____________ to work every day.
6. Alex is a pilot. He ____________ a Boeing 777.
7. I travel to Europe every year. I always ____________ a plane.
8. My brother and I have a small boat. We like to ____________ in summer.
9. My daughter often travels to Toronto. She always ____________ by train.
10. George is a truck driver. He sometimes ____________ from Montreal to Miami and back.
11. Don’t wait for the bus. It’s too late. ____________ by taxi.
12. Maurice doesn’t do any sports. He likes to ____________ his motorcycle.

A. This is Kathy’s diary. What is she doing D. Write the question.
next week?
Time Platform
Monday work Thursday tennis Paris 7:00 1
Tuesday dentist Friday meet Sue London 8:00 2
Wednesday relax Saturday party Munich 9:00 3

1. She is working on Monday. .

1. What time does the train to Paris leave? .

2. __________________________________ It leaves at 7:00.

3. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ .

4. __________________________________ It leaves at 9:00.

5. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________
6. __________________________________ It leaves from platform 3.

B. Write the question. Use when / where … E. Answer the questions. Today is Monday.
1. When is she playing volleyball? .

8:00 – 9:00 10:00 – 11:00

She is playing volleyball on Sunday. Monday Math French
2. __________________________________ Tuesday English Geography

He is meeting Julie at the airport. Wednesday Biology History

3. __________________________________ 1. What time does math begin today?

Andy is coming tomorrow. It begins at 8:00. _ .

4. __________________________________
2. What time does French end today?
They are playing hockey on Saturday.
5. __________________________________
3. What time does English begin tomorrow?
We are going on a trip on Wednesday.
C. Make corrections. 4. When do we have geography?
1. He is playing hockey tomorrow. __________________________________
He isn’t playing hockey. He’s golfing. .

F. Command the opposite.

2. She is studying this afternoon. 1. You don’t study every day.
_______________________________ Study everyday. .

3. He is relaxing on Monday. 2. We don’t speak English.

_______________________________ _______________________________ ___
4. They are cooking on Saturday. 3. You call me every night.
_______________________________ __________________________________



Do you want to go fishing?

“Do you want to go fishing?”

“Yes, but we can’t. We have to stay in our cell.”


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