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Sarah McCrum
What makes a
Gamechangers are transforming the way we
live and do business on this planet for the
good of all.

They’re constantly questioning the status quo

and sharing themselves, their knowledge and
their experience to help others.

They are always looking for better ways

of being and they care enough about our
common future to do something about it.

A true gamechanger walks their talk to the

best of their ability with integrity, a deep
sense of purpose and profound respect for all

Most of us weren’t raised or educated to be

gamechangers, but now we can choose to learn.
The journey of being fully human, at this time
in our evolution, is our curriculum for changing
the game.

Life is beautifully designed to support us on

that journey, if we deepen our understanding
of how it works.
In order to truly change the game, we need to
go beyond doing things differently...

We need to become different people.

• If we want to create a world that’s healthy,

we start by being healthy ourselves.
• If we want to live in a world where people
are at peace, we cultivate peace in our
own hearts, families, businesses and
• If we want to shift the world to prosperity,
we learn how to live generously and share
our common resources.
• And if we want to sustain a high quality
of natural life on this planet, we explore
our true nature as human beings and find
our rightful place in the ecosystem of
Earth and Cosmos.
Why a journey for

As we face the double pressure of climate

change and exponential technological
growth, many entrepreneurs are feeling an
increasing need to make a more meaningful
contribution to life through their work.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainability is a plan

of action for people, planet and prosperity
with 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
It’s created a common framework for all
people on Earth to come together at this time
of unprecedented challenge to change the
game and create a world where all humans
are thriving in harmony with nature. It aims
to achieve these goals through partnerships
and win-win cooperation.

Entrepreneurs are key partners in this

What is the

The Gamechanger’s Journey outlines ten key

steps most gamechangers experience on their
journey of transformation. The steps may
vary somewhat in order and overlap at times.

The overall pattern is fractal: recurring cycles

and rhythms throughout life accumulate into
the great arc of an entire lifespan. Each step
takes time, but whether it’s years, months,
or (sometimes) merely weeks, depends on
your choices at least as much as luck and

The Gamechanger’s Journey is a map to

orient yourself, showing you where you’ve
been, what’s around you now and what lies
ahead on your path.
It also helps to understand where someone
else is on their journey, so you can adapt
your expectations and actions to their reality.

It’s not about rushing to the destination.

Becoming a gamechanger is a living process,
not an outcome. The key to your ultimate
effectiveness is how you face and master
the challenges on the way, because these
will develop your capacity and capability to
become a true gamechanger.
The Struggle

Most gamechangers have struggled in

normal life before setting out on a different
path. This comes in various forms that
usually fall into one of these categories:

Living in an abusive environment, being
a victim of violence and other forms of
aggression, illness or long-term physical,
emotional or mental pain, war and conflict
or other forms of pure, raw suffering.

These may occur in childhood or adulthood

and may last for a very long time. Sometimes
the suffering isn’t obvious on the surface or
to others, but the person experiencing it feels
it strongly.
Not fitting in
You may experience this as not belonging
anywhere, not fitting into human life or life
on this planet, feeling like an alien or just
being “different.”

This is usually when you’ve achieved a
certain level of success in mainstream society
and it doesn’t give you the fulfilment you
were looking for, so you end up looking for
something more or different to fill the gap.

Major personal crisis

This includes death of a loved-one, divorce,
illness and other significant life challenges
and stresses.

Some gamechangers haven’t experienced

this stage strongly. They’ve known from
early childhood that they were destined to
be “different.” But they’re not really exempt,
because they’ve usually struggled a lot with
their “destiny” and being different from
their peers.
Waking Up

At this point you start to depart from the

mainstream, or what you’ve grown up
with, and look for unusual, non-traditional
solutions to your personal struggle. You will
commonly find new companions, explore
alternative knowledge, develop new habits,
discover unusual interests, and do a lot of
learning and personal development.
The Call

At a certain point you feel called to create a

better world.

You receive your first vision of an inspired

future and feel like you’ve found your
purpose in life.

This is usually followed by fear, resistance,

feeling not good enough, asking “Who am I
to do that?” or exaggerated enthusiasm and
excitement (which is covering the fear
and resistance).
The Step Up

Some people gather the courage to step up

and create their first gamechanging project
or business, based on their inspired vision.

This is frequently followed by their first

gamechanging failure, especially when they
lack the skills and experience to make the
project successful.

At this stage it’s easier to give up and go

back than to go ahead, especially given
the disappointment of trying, but not
succeeding, to achieve your vision.
The Challenges

If you continue on the journey you’ll find

yourself experiencing a series of challenges.
These are often personal and may not
appear to have anything to do with your
gamechanging purpose.

If you’re a public figure it can be intensely

uncomfortable, as people look to you for
guidance while you’re struggling to cope with
aspects of your own life.

Each of these challenges requires you to

develop and master an aspect of your Self to
prepare you for your greatest work in
the future.

If you avoid or suppress any challenge, you

miss out on the experience and mastery that’s
available only by facing it.
The challenge to true health and wellbeing is
triggered by sickness, exhaustion or burnout.

The challenge to happiness is triggered by

mental overwhelm and lack of enjoyment.

The challenge to wisdom is triggered by

confusion and not knowing which way to go.

The challenge to love is triggered by

relationship problems or issues with your
kids (for example, with behaviour, health or
mental health).

The challenge to prosperity is triggered by

financial crisis or fear of losing everything.

The challenge to purpose is triggered by a

lack of meaning or depression.

The challenge to integrity is triggered by legal

You may not experience every one of the
challenges, but you can expect most of
them to show up at some point in your life.

A good mentor is invaluable in helping

you make the most of the opportunities
presented through the challenges, while
saving huge amounts of time you’re likely
to spend lost and confused if you walk this
path alone.

Usually you’ll be working on your business

or a series of projects at the same time,
experiencing successes and further failures
which add to the challenges.

Your business is your playground and

laboratory where you apply your new skills
to solve problems.
It’s essential work to grow a solid
foundation for your most gamechanging
work, which still lies in the future.

If this foundation is not built solidly the

challenge will remain in place and hinder
your progress as well as your ability to
change the game.

Ultimately, this stage is the key to you

becoming a true gamechanger.

You learn how to be fully alive and awake,

inspiring others through the way you live
and act, not just through the way you talk.
The Comfort

As you discover the keys to overcoming

these challenges you start to feel a lot
more confident in yourself and your new
knowledge and experience.

You’re not too keen on taking on any

more challenges at this point so you keep
practising and getting better at what you’re
already doing. You may stay here for a
long time. It’s genuinely comfortable and
prosperous. Life feels better than ever before.

Although you’ve gained considerable mastery

there’s a frustration because you haven’t been
able to share your vision with the world at
the level you originally imagined.
Gradually a huge desire to share your ability
and have more influence arises within you.
At a certain point you may say to yourself
something like: “I would do anything to have
more impact.”
The Crisis

This is the most difficult part of the entire


In spite of having learned so much,

nothing works the way it used to. Even
your hard-won new techniques and
knowledge are useless.

You have no way back to normal life now,

so you have to move forward.

You’re walking into unknown territory

(sometimes described as the abyss).

It feels like stepping off the edge of a cliff.

You may try to step back into familiar

territory many times, but it no longer
makes you feel safe.
The Deep

You have no control over what happens next

or when. At a certain point you step into the
Light. You surrender. You stop struggling
and fighting with life and yourself. You stop
needing to prove yourself as someone special.
You look around you and see that there are
people everywhere who need your help.
You make a deep decision to do what you’ve
been called to do. You commit to work for
people in the “normal world” (i.e. the world
you left behind before). There’s peace in your
heart as you make this decision. You know
it’s the right thing to do.

Your vision crystallises, much more mature

than its original form. It’s still flexible in
implementation, but you’re clear about your
core strategy and direction.

You’re working at a more expanded level of

consciousness. For the first time, work begins
to feel truly light.
The Return

You return to the “normal world” to do

your work. Everything is exactly the same as
it was before, but you’re different.

You no longer need to run away. You now

live “in the world but not of it.” This is where
the true gamechanger’s journey begins.

Your head is clear. You make sensible,

grounded decisions and your impact starts to
expand, gradually and inexorably.
Challenges are no longer a struggle. They’re
what you search out and love to take on.

This leads to the development of

superpowers (enhanced human capabilities)
as you choose to solve problems that others
are unable or unwilling to solve.

Serendipity becomes a way of life and your

focus is on self-optimisation.

Your true community emerges. You find

other gamechangers who are on a path that
is aligned with yours. You collaborate with
each other to create new pathways for others
to thrive.
The Joy

What you do may look very normal from the

outside. It’s mostly business, family and daily
life. On the inside there’s joy and a deep sense
of inner peace. You know you’re on purpose
and your whole life is aligned in its overall
direction. You wear one hat – your own.

You’re changing the game through your work

and your example.

You’re elevating humanity to a place we’ve

never been, within our known history, where
we’re thriving in harmony with each other,
nature and our planet.

You’re emerging into the true creativity

of life.
Are you ready to take
the next step on
your journey
as a gamechanger?

• Mentoring • Training • Community

It’s a gamechanger for gamechangers.

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