Action Project 9

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MOHGANESAN 01/08/2022
Name Date

The in-depth interview provides an opportunity for you to get to know a candidate much
better. Use of a structured interview guide helps ensure that you are asking all the questions
you should ask and that you ask the same questions of all candidates you see. This is helpful
because it provides a common standard of information that you can use to evaluate a
person’s potential for your career opportunity.
This Action Project will help increase your interviewing skills by having you critique your
own interviewing techniques and actually practice your interviewing skills. You are to:

1. Record your next in-depth interview and critique your skills in terms of the
interviewing rules.
2. Report the results of your next two in-depth interviews as a way of demonstrating
your ongoing use of proper interviewing techniques.

AMTC ©2014, LL Global, Inc.SM / PROJECTS 15 

Selection Module  Class Eleven

1. Interview Self-Critique — The next time you do an in-depth interview, you should
record it — with the candidate’s permission, of course. (You should have no problem in
obtaining this permission! Simply explain to the candidate that you are involved in a
management development program that requires you to review your own management
skills. This is just like the training the candidate will be doing if you reach a mutual
decision for him or her to join your unit/agency. The candidate has to be impressed that
you are practicing the training principles that will guide his or her own development!)
Once the interview is over, listen to the recording and critique your own skills using the
form below. Write down on the form the actual words you used to express things. This
will help you better understand the phrases you use … and do the critique!

If you want even more help in improving your interviewing skills, ask your supervisor or
one of your associates to do a critique also. That way you’ll get even more feedback.
Interviewing Rule 1: Use silence — listen to what the interviewee has to say.
a. Positive examples of how I used this rule:
Helps me to gather important information and more precise observations of the
candidate's personality without causing discomfort for both the candidate or me.

b. Negative examples of how I used this rule:

I tent to focus too much on certain details and spend too much time analyzing the
particular points. I try to improve on this area by checking in with myself from time
to time and get myself to refocus on the bigger picture. That way I can make sure
that we have quality without getting so caught up in the details that it affecting my
productivity or the team’s ability to perform.

c. How I can restate items in (b) so I do not violate the rule:

I believe that there is always something to be improved but it need to be done
without jeopardizing the timeline. To improve myself in this area, I give myself
time to listen and understand the candidate. Detailed conversation will result a better
result during interview.

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Selection Module  Class Eleven

Interviewing Rule 2: Be sure to get complete and accurate answers to your questions.
a. Positive examples of how I used this rule:
I listen very carefully, note down what she needs and then read it back to her for
confirmation. I would also email the details and get it checked again. Once
everything is agreed, I would arrange a time to give her feedback and check if I had
everything she needed. Then, I will send a followup email with all the confirmed
details. This is to make sure the information is accurate. I will double check, cross
check, and confirm everything.

b. Negative examples of how I used this rule:

It is difficult for me to work with people who are not able to work at the same pace
as I do. I manage this by making sure that they have the right resources for the job. I
also follow up from time to time to see if they are on track and I step in and help
whenever there is a need. I make sure I answer my emails and messages as soon as
possible. I can be a bit aggressive in reaching my goals.

c. How I can restate items in (b) so I do not violate the rule:

I have to re-evaluate this as it was increasing my workload. I evaluate each person
particularly, break everything into manageable task and then follow up regularly to
see that it is being done properly. This seems to work well.

Interviewing Rule 3: Remain neutral throughout the interview.

a. Positive examples of how I used this rule:
I will be myself, show my natural quality and sense of humor. I will be relaxed and
have positive mind set in approaching interview candidates. Calling candidate by
name frequently during interview session. By this it will enhance two-way
communication and interaction for a better interview environment as a whole.

b. Negative examples of how I used this rule:

I will be friendly and have sense of humor but avoid being too casual. Behave in a
respectful and professional manner. Take a few seconds to think about the interview
question before responding. Ensure don’t go off on tangents or end abruptly without
rounding out answer back to what was asked.

AMTC ©2014, LL Global, Inc.SM / PROJECTS 17 

Selection Module  Class Eleven

c. How I can restate items in (b) so I do not violate the rule:

Avoid mumbling or speaking too fast. Allow candidates time to describe theirskills
and qualifications during the interview. Make sure to get to all questions well
prepared to avoid the need for additional follow up.

Interviewing Rule 4: Maintain control of the interview.

a. Positive examples of how I used this rule:
Provide some basic instructions

Change my approach

Change my tactics

b. Negative examples of how I used this rule:

It is not suitable for all candidates - We can’t expect all candidates to be fine with
the unstructured interview. The candidate might take advantage of the informal way
by getting into informal arguments, or irrelevant topics and losing the real intention
of the interview process.

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Selection Module  Class Eleven

c. How I can restate items in (b) so I do not violate the rule:

Unstructured interviews are very valid when compared to structured interviews
because of the thorough understanding of the concept as well as the interviewer will
be able to clarify the doubts of the concept raised by the candidate. Hence, the
unstructured interview is something that has clarity and it is very interactive too.

Interviewing Rule 5: Provide every candidate with an equal employment opportunity.

a. Positive examples of how I used this rule:
When deciding what questions to ask candidates, I will consider what I need to
know to make an educated hiring decision. It's important to ask the same questions
to every candidate I am interviewing for.

b. Negative examples of how I used this rule:

A structured interview process is important for both phone interviews and in-person
interviews. If I don’t, I will end up asking job candidates different questions. This
results in job candidates being evaluated differently.

c. How I can restate items in (b) so I do not violate the rule:

I can ensure that a selection process is fair by creating a structured interview process
that reduces the likelihood of bias and increases objectivity. The greater amount of
objectivity that is built into the interview process the higher the likelihood that my
agency can demonstrate that its selection process was fair.

2. Reports of In-Depth Interviews — For each of your next two in-depth interviews, attach
either the completed interview guide you used to do the interview, or a copy of the guide,
to this Action Project and turn them in to your AMTC moderator. (If you do not presently
use a structured guide and want to try one, you may use blank copies of the In-Depth
Interview Guides in your binder in the Resource Materials section for Class 11.)
In addition, please provide the information below.
Interview 1
a. Date and time of interview 27/07/2022 @ 2pm
Pan Pan Restaurant,
b. Place interview was held
Bandar Casia, Penang
c. Name of candidate Adithya Shargunan

AMTC ©2014, LL Global, Inc.SM / PROJECTS 19 

Selection Module  Class Eleven

d. Describe your next steps in the selection process with this candidate
◾ check candidate education quality
◾ Able to travel independently
◾ Willing to learn new things
◾ once all 3 above condition met, prepare candidate for exam
◾ Teach the products and start prospecting

Interview 2
a. Date and time of interview 01/08/2022 @ 5pm
b. Place interview was held Sanctuary Mall, Bandar Rimbayu
c. Name of candidate Sharmeena Muniandy
d. Describe your next steps in the selection process with this candidate
◾ check candidate education quality
◾ Able to travel independently
◾ Willing to learn new things
◾ once all 3 above condition met, prepare candidate for exam
◾ Teach the products and start prospecting

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Selection Module  Class Eleven

Then, you must actually contact the references, face-to-face if at all possible, and interview
them using proper interviewing skills.
This part of the Action Project helps you develop these skills by asking you to:
1. Outline what you will say to ask candidates for their references’ names.
2. Use this script to ask two candidates for the names of their references.
3. List the questions you will use to ask information about candidates.
4. Conduct face-to-face interviews with two references of a candidate.

AMTC ©2014, LL Global, Inc.SM / PROJECTS 21 

Selection Module  Class Eleven

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