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MKTG 80: MARKETING MANAGEMENT starting point, which is the societal process.

The second, the two

terms individuals and groups were used separately. Now individuals
LESSON 1: OVERVIEW ON THE INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING behaving individually and individuals behaving in a group are very
MANAGEMENT different from each other. When people go to buy any item
Overview on Marketing Management individually for themselves or for their family, they decide based on
their own choices whereas if they go along with their friends or
-Can marketing be the same as selling or advertising? In most cases along with their family to buy even a simple item, the decision-
when people have heard the term 'marketing', often have different making process takes a long-winded elongated route. So even the
perspective of understanding of it. But usually, their view of group behavior is different than individual behavior and this kind of
marketing is partial or biased. Very few properly understand what distinction can be seen in the shopping pattern as well. What they
the concept really means. buy, how they buy, how much they buy, so on and so forth. The way
a consumer behaves in a store and chooses the product when she is
-Many people tend to think of marketing as selling, shopping or alone and when she is in a group is entirely different and hence the
advertising. Though these assumptions are not completely wrong, definition. More discussions covered about the requirements, and
they are not completely true either. Marketing is much more than individuals and groups differently at different points of time. The
selling or advertising - it involves a broader scope of activities and next part. Need and want. One of the most important things,
ideas. important basis for marketing. Marketers clearly tried to satisfy the
-Generally, marketing management is the process of planning, needs and wants of consumers, but there is a difference between
executing, and tracking the marketing strategy of an organization. need and want. Need is a felt sense of deprivation of some basic
This includes the marketing plan, campaigns, strategies and tactics necessities, for example, food, clothing, shelter, or anything without
used to create and meet the demand of target customers to drive which today you will not be able to survive.
profitability (Dickerson, 2022). Different Definitions of Marketing
-In this section, the meaning of “marketing” and as well as There are various definitions of marketing. The following are the list
“marketing management” and other terms, concepts and topics of various definitions of marketing given the marketing experts like
related to marketing and marketing management will be covered. Philip Kotler and Professional Body like American Marketing
Key Words and Concepts related to Marketing Management Association.

Marketing • Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups

obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and
Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social freely exchanging products and services of value with others.
needs. One of the shortest definitions of marketing is “meeting
needs profitably.” Whether the marketer is Procter & Gamble, which • Marketing is the set of activities, set of institutions and processes
notices that people feel overweight and want tasty but less fatty for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings
food and invents Olestra; or CarMax, which notes that people want that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large.
more certainty when they buy a used automobile and invents a new • Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for
system for selling used cars; or IKEA, which notices that people want creating, communicating, delivering value for customers and for
good furniture at a substantially lower price and creates knock-down managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
furniture—all illustrate a drive to turn a private or social need into a organizations and its stakeholders.
profitable business opportunity through marketing
• Marketing is the performance of business activities that directs the
TERMS THAT DEFINE MARKETING flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.
The word marketing encompasses a broad scope of activities and Meaning and Types of Markets
ideas and thus settling on one definition is difficult. Over a period of
time, various experts, authors and professionals have described Market is defined as a physical place where potential customers,
marketing in different ways using different perceptual routes. Some buyers, and sellers gathered, they gathered together and to buy and
of these descriptions are given in the table below. sell some goods. Today, in a more complex business environment, a
market means a set of buyers, sellers, intermediaries, and
-an art, a process, a philosophy, a science, a practice, an exchange organizations who are involved in the process of exchange. As per
process, a function, a system, an activity Oxford illustrated dictionary, market is the gathering of people for
Kotler's Marketing Definition the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock,etc., and the space, it
could be open or covered, that is used for the same purpose.
Understanding the keywords will not only help to understand the Though the meaning of market remains the same, there are
concept of marketing but also to appreciate the role of marketing different types of markets. There are broadly three types of market
within an organization. that we will be discussing as part of this course, one is the consumer
market, the business market, and finally the institutional market.
The following are the key terms in this definition. The first one is
societal process. It is process and it is societal. Hence, marketing is a
societal process where the marketer satisfies the consumption
requirements of the consumers inside the society and hence the
Meaning of Market reselling to any third party. For example, the provisions or
stationeries purchased by hotels, hospitals, schools, universities and
Traditionally, a market is a place where parties or people can gather even institutions like CvSU. Say CvSU buys chairs, tables, benches,
to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. The parties involved laptops, desks for its students, faculties, staff. These are all part of
are usually buyers and sellers. The may be physical, like a retail institutional purchasing. It is bulk purchasing, but not for reselling it
outlet, where people meet face-to-face, or virtual, like an online to somebody else for profit making. This market is called
market, where there is no physical presence or contact between institutional market.
buyers and sellers.
Ten Types of Entities that can be Marketed
Some key characteristics help define a market, including the
availability of an arena, buyers and sellers, and a commodity that Most of the marketing efforts revolve around physical goods coming
can be purchased and sold (Kenton, 2023). out of the manufacturing systems. Organizations make products
from safety pins to refrigerators to satellites. However, such physical
Additionally, a market comprise of all possible customers sharing a goods are just one of the ten types of entities that can be marketed
particular need or want who might be eager and able to engage in (Philip Kotler, 2016).
exchange to gratify this needs or wants (Serrano, 2019).
Marketing people are involved in marketing 10 types of entities:
The first type of market that is called the consumer market. It is also goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties,
called B2C market that is business to consumer market. As the name organizations, information, and ideas.
suggests, it is the end consumers of various merchandise like
products that are purchased by the consumer for their own or Goods. Physical goods constitute the bulk of most countries’
household usage that constitutes the consumer market. Every week production and marketing effort. Example Philippines produces and
people might be buying vegetables from the market. In addition to markets billions of physical goods, from eggs to steel to hair dryers.
vegetables, they might be buying household items, or groceries, In developing nations, goods— particularly food, commodities,
baby care items, blankets, towels, dresses, furniture, soap, clothing, and housing—are the mainstay of the economy.
detergent. All these things are part of consumer market. What’s
common across all these items? These are the products that is used Services. As economies advance, a growing proportion of their
within the households and that is used by the final consumer. So, activities are focused on the production of services. The Philippine
the market involved here is called consumer market. Please keep it economy today consists of a services-to-goods mix. Services include
in mind that the products brought and sold in the market doesn't airlines, hotels, and maintenance and repair people, as well as
decide the type of market here. It is the buyers and sellers that professionals such as accountants, lawyers, engineers, and doctors.
decide the type of market. Majority of the things that we will be Many market offerings consist of a variable mix of goods and
discussing at part of this course will be talking about consumer services.
market. However, that is not the only market here. Experiences. By orchestrating several services and goods, one can
The other type of market is called business market. Say people want create, stage, and market experiences. Enchanted Kingdom is an
to buy sugar. experience; so is the SkyRanch.

Now, when a sugar is bought for your own consumption that Events. Marketers promote time-based events, such as the
becomes consumer market. If the same sugar is purchased by a Olympics, trade shows, sports events, and artistic performances.
company to make glycerin soap, then that becomes part of a Persons. Celebrity marketing has become a major business. Artists,
business market. Remember the products are the same here. A musicians, CEOs, physicians, high-profile lawyers and financiers, and
business market is defined as a market where output of one form other professionals draw help from celebrity marketers.
goes either as raw material, or as processed goods, or as
consumable goods into another industry. This is called B2B market Places. Cities, states, regions, and nations compete to attract
that is business to business. Thus, in business market, buyers buy tourists, factories, company headquarters, and new residents. Place
goods to resell at some point of time for profit to some other marketers include economic development specialists, real estate
business buyer. So, the major difference between the consumer and agents, commercial banks, local business associations, and
business market is the end user. For a consumer market, the product advertising and public relations agencies.
is used by the end consumer whereas a business market, the
product is used by a business entity for making something else, Properties. Properties are intangible rights of ownership of either
which eventually will be sold to the end consumer. In this market, real property (real estate) or financial property (stocks and bonds).
the buyers are professionals who buy based on rational evaluation Properties are bought and sold, and this occasions a marketing effort
of the offer, unlike in consumer market, where people make buying by real estate agents (for real estate) and investment companies and
decisions based on experience, emotions, sentiments, or even banks (for securities).
impulse. Also, in this business market, the purchasing is done Organizations. Organizations actively work to build a strong,
generally in bulk, unlike in consumer market where people purchase favorable image in the mind of their publics. Philips, the Dutch
in small quantities because it is for their own household electronics company, advertises with the tag line,“Let’s Make Things
consumptions. The third type of market is called institutional Better.” The Body Shop and Ben & Jerry’s also gain attention by
market, and this is called institutional market because the purchase promoting social causes. Universities, museums, and performing arts
is done by institutions, organizations. The purchase is bulk just like organizations boost their public images to compete more
business market. However, it is not for profit making. It is not for successfully for audiences and funds.
Information. The production, packaging, and distribution of business success. In this unit, the difference between marketing and
information is one of society’s major industries.6 Among the selling will be discussed.
marketers of information are schools and universities; publishers of
encyclopedias, nonfiction books, and specialized magazines; makers What is the difference between Marketing and Selling?
of CDs; and Internet Web sites. Marketing as was defined by Reis and Trout a long time ago in their
Ideas. Every market offering has a basic idea at its core. In essence, best-selling book “Positioning” as The Battle for the Customers
products and services are platforms for delivering some idea or Mind. So marketing is creating a demand in the customers mind so
benefit to satisfy a core need. that they will seek you out. Sales on the other hand, is chasing
customers and asking for the order. Another way of thinking about
The Marketing Environment the difference between selling and marketing is the difference
between a product and a brand. A product is something that is
The marketing environment consists of a micro-environment such as typically created by a company, made in their factory and placed in
actors engaged in producing, distributing and promoting its offering. stores or given to salesmen to sell. Much like what has been
These are called internal factors that is close to the company happening for a long time now with the American auto
because they have a direct impact on the organization’s strategy, manufacturers. The assumption is that the cars will be sold by their
and they are controllable by the organization, whether completely dealer’s salesmen.
or partially. These factors include competitors, customers,
employees, the suppliers to the organization and the various Difference between Marketing and Selling
shareholders in the organization. So, as you can see, while
employers are completely controllable by the organization, the Most often selling is used as a synonym for marketing. While selling
competitor, the customers, the suppliers, and the shareholders, they is surely part of marketing it is definitely not a synonym. Marketing
are not really controllable by the organization, but then because is a process, and the process involves selling as a promotional tool.
they are one way or the other used in the organization’s business. However, because these two terms are used very frequently and
So, organization also partially controls them one way or the other. almost used as a synonym, the major differences between marketing
Macro or broad environment such as demographic environment, and selling were clarified that right at the beginning. Now, the major
economic environment and so on, in this case, marketing manager difference is marketing starts with the consumer.Marketing tries to
will not be able to influence these external forces. However, the find out the requirement of the consumer and based on that they
impact of these forces too will be felt in the organization’s strategy create a an offering. However, selling starts with the marketer or the
and implementation. Macro environmental factors would include manufacturer. Example, a Eureka Forbes guy come to some house
demographic factors, cultural factors, social factors, economic and some demo of the Euroclean or Aqua guard or any such kind of
factors, legal and political factors, technological environment, and products and decide whether people want to buy or do not want to
even many natural factors. Now you can see here that the two buy it, then it is called marketing because the customer requirement
types, one is something that organization can influence, organization were explained, the products also were explained about its the
can control and the other is something that the organization cannot functioning. Selling is the act of persuading or influencing a
control but is influenced by it. So, it is important over here for the customer to buy a product or a service. Marketing is much more
organization to appreciate both these factors and keep a track of than that. As it is understood it by now through our discussion of
how these factors are changing, and accordingly modify and develop various definitions and processes. Now, marketing is a process of
its strategy. So, analyzing this marketing environment, both external identifying customer needs, translating those needs into products
and internal, macro and micro is crucial to effectively monitor and services, creating the demand for these products and service,
changes that may suddenly pose various opportunities or threats. and satisfying the consumer of course finally creating the value for
This kind of analysis is done through environmental scanning and the customer. There is another major difference, the emphasis of
analysis. “Environmental scanning” refers to systematically selling is more on closing the sale, that is, it is a short-term focus
collecting information about environmental forces that affect the with no strategy for long-term development.
performance of the company and of course its competitors. On the contrary, the emphasis of marketing is on customer
“Environmental analysis” refers to assessing, interpreting and satisfaction with a strong focus on building a brand which often is
estimating the gathered information and forecast the impact of long-term in nature.
various macro as well as micro environmental trends and focus it on
organizational strategy. Introduction to Business Models

How this is going to influence organizational strategy? The Though marketing is one of the most crucial functions of any
organizations often develop or modify their strategies based on such organization, it cannot work in isolation. There are various
information in order to achieve their objectives effectively. stakeholders and multiple activities in any business and a successful
appreciation and interaction between these stakeholders is the key
Marketing and Selling to feasibility of any business. Through the study of business models,
Many people tend to think of ‘marketing’ as synonymous with marketers try to identify the reasons for the feasibility of any
‘selling’. Selling is the act of persuading or influencing a customer to business. In other words, they try to answer this question: “How any
buy a product or service but marketing is much more than that. business makes money?”. In this unit, the discussion focused on
Selling and marketing bring different orientations to business; hence what business model is and its significance to marketing.
managers are expected to follow different kinds of strategies for Business Model Templates
A business model template typically has nine different blocks or Consumer. Anyone who consumes the product/service that is
constituents. They are the customer segment that is who is the offered by the marketer
customer, the value proposition that is what is value to the
customer, the various channels that is how to reach the customer Customer. Anyone who regularly purchases any product / service /
both physically, as well as emotionally, or cognitively. And the fourth brand from any specific store
component is customer relations, how to develop and maintain Target segment. A consumer group on which the marketer wants to
relationships with the customer. Fifth, revenue stream. What will be focus for their marketing efforts
the revenue cost and hence the net earnings? Sixth, key resources.
What assets are required to deliver this value? That is physical Segmentation. Process of dividing the market into various
resources, financial resources, manpower resources, intellectual homogenous groups based on some common parameters
resources whatever kind of resources. Seven, key activities. What
activities need to be carried out to provide value to the customers? Positioning. Creating an image in the mind of the target consumers
That is manufacturing, or retailing, or consulting, or supply chain, Marketing mix. A combination of marketing tools to create a
what kind of activities? Then the eighth component is key marketing strategy. Typically, the marketing mix consists of 4Ps
partnerships. What activities they do in-house and what they (Product, price, place and promotion). However, there are different
outsource? And if outsource, to whom do they outsource? And the instances where different combinations are proposed.
ninth component is the cost structure. What are the different costs
incurred to operate the business? That is the fixed cost, the variable 5Ps: - Any of packaging, people, positioning, performance etc.
cost, and eventually the economy of scale etc.
6Ps:- Any of Political power, public opinion, production etc.
Typically, for a business which is based on marketing, it will involve
the suppliers, the manufacturers, the third-party logistics. If you look 7Ps:- Any of Packaging, process, people, practice, physical evidence
up to the key activities then for a marketing organization, the key etc.
activities will be manufacturing, retailing, logistics, supply chain. If a
Logistics: Physical movement of goods from one location to another.
company are looking at key resources, what will be the key
It includes all the commercial activities in the process of
resources for a marketing organization? It would be brands. It would
transportation (viz. warehousing, storage, physical distribution etc.)
be customer databases. It will be manpower who run the business,
the distribution network which is very important for marketing, the Supply chain: It includes all activities and processes (including
financial power to run the business, launch new products, launch organizations, resources and people) involved in transportation of
new brands, reach out to new customers. If the company look up to goods from the manufacturer / supplier to the end consumer. For a
the value proposition, very significant, what is value to the marketing organization like Nestle or P&G that manufactures and
customer? What will satisfy the customer? So, typically, if the sells various FMCG products, supply chain starts from procurement
company look up to a marketing organization or different products of the raw materials from various vendors and it ends with the
and brands, why do people buy the products and brands? So that finished good reaching the end consumer.
typically would be price conscious consumers, or value conscious
consumers, or experience seeking consumers, or luxury seeking Marketing channels: The means through which the products reach
consumers. So that will lead to the obvious things, who are the the end consumer from the marketers’ site. It includes the physical
customers? Geographic, demographic, psychographic,behavioral, stores, online channels and personal selling etc.
different type of consumer segments, how to establish relationship
Niche marketing: Focusing on a small customer segment with
with the customers and of course the channels that is distribution
specific requirements and trying to satisfy the customers at a
network, store formats, online formats, the different promotion that
is the emotional connect. So these are the different attributes of a
business model. Apart from that, of course, we will be talking about LESSON 2: Market Segmentation and Targeting
the cost and the revenue streams. So this is quite relevant for a
marketing organization. CONCEPT OF SEGMENTATION

Summary of Marketing Terminologies Consumer markets are typically large and heterogeneous in nature
in which consumers are quite different from one another. Even
Market. Physical or virtual place where buyers and sellers assemble though no two consumers are exactly similar to each other, there
to carry out business transactions. The sellers are always business may be some commonality between them. Such commonality
organizations (commercial organizations like Unilever, P&G, Nstle, parameter can be used to divide the market into relatively
etc.) and the buyers could be final consumers or some other homogeneous groups. This is the essence of segmentation. Once
business organizations. In the former case, the market is called such groups are made, it is easier to put concentrated effort on
consumer market and type of marketing is called B2C marketing. In specific groups. This is popularly called targeting in marketing
the latter case, the market is called business market and the type of terminology.
marketing is called B2B marketing.
Marketing. It is the process of identifying the right customer for you,
identifying the requirements of the customers and developing an -Market segmentation is an increasingly important part of a strong
offering to satisfy the customer. Marketing management involves marketing strategy and can make all the difference for companies in
developing an appropriate managerial process to implement the competitive market landscapes, such as ecommerce. When up
marketing strategy and satisfy the customer.
against a range of online competitors, effective communication is marketing that consumers will feel speaks to them on a much more
the best way to differentiate your business. personal level.

-Market segmentation offers an opportunity to pinpoint exactly 3. Geographic segmentation: The where
what messaging will drive your customers to make a purchase
By comparison, geographic segmentation is often one of the easiest
WHAT IS SEGMENTATION? to identify, grouping customers with regards to their physical
location. This can be defined in any number of ways:
Segmentation is the process of dividing the market
Country • Region • City • Postal code
into various homogeneous groups based on some
4.Behavioral segmentation: The how
common parameters.
Behavioral segmentation is possibly the most useful of all for e-
BENEFITS OF SEGMENTATION commerce businesses. As with psychographic segmentation, it
Segmentation not only helps in identification of customers with requires a little data to be truly effective – but much of this can be
substantial similarity but also helps in profiling them and their need gathered via your website itself. Here they group customers with
structure. Some of the major benefits of segmentation are: regards to their:

-Segmentation helps to distinguish one customer group from -Spending habits • Browsing habits • Interactions with the brand •
another within a given market. Loyalty to brand • Previous product ratings

-It facilitates proper choice of target market. -Behavioral segmentation divides a population based on their
behavior, with respect to their purchase and usage of the products.
-When there exists a clear distinction between segments, the
marketing manager can use the resources in an efficient manner by Conditions for Effective Segmentation
spending optimally on high potential and most profitable segments. -The total market should be heterogeneous. However, each of the
-It provides useful insights into the value sought by each segment. identified segments must be homogeneous (within the segment) •

-It helps in a better understanding of the competitive situation in -There should be enough potential customers in each of the
each of the segments. identified segments for the business to be profitable. Too small a
segment becomes infeasible from the company’s perspective.
-It helps spot the less satisfied segments and concentrate on them as
unique opportunities. -The customers within the segment should be willing and should
have the ability to buy the product.
-The final condition is that marketers should be able communicate
1.Demographic segmentation: The who effectively with the customers. It must be possible to effectively
reach the target segment.
Demographic segmentation might be the first thing people think of

they hear ‘market segmentation’. This is perhaps the most Targeting, also known as multisegmented marketing, is a marketing
straightforward way of defining customer groups, but it remains strategy that involves identifying specific personas or markets for
powerful. Demographic segmentation looks at identifiable non- specific content. Companies use target marketing to learn more
character traits such as: about their consumers and thus create advertisements for specified
groups to maximize response.
Age, Gender, Ethnicity,Income, Level of education, Religion,
Profession/role in a company Targeting means selecting one or more identified segments and
concentrating on those segments rather than the whole market.
2. Psychographic segmentation: The why
-Psychographic segmentation is focused on your customers’
personalities and interests. Here we might look at customers and 1.Demographic Targeting. These targets are based on age, gender,
define them by their: ethnicity, race, income, education, religion, economic status and
more, and are extremely commonly used in all types of marketing.
-Personality traits • Hobbies • Life goals • Values • Beliefs • Using demographics is a tried and true marketing technique, a
Lifestyles foundation for target marketing. By combining different segments,
-Segmentation based on the internal self of consumers is known as say age and gender, specific consumers can be targeted for specific
psychographic segmentation products in a myriad of ways, from ads to product placement and
-Compared to demographic segmentation, this can be a harder set
to identify. Good research is vital and, when done well,
psychographic segmentation can allow for incredibly effective
2.Geographic targeting. This targeting is based on a certain location The full market coverage could be different offers for each of these
and can be as broad as a country or region, or as specific as a city or different segments or it is the same offer for the total market. Even
neighborhood. Also known as geo-targeting or geo-filtering, though you are supplying cosmetics to each of these different
gathering segments, like teens and adults and elder ladies, but they are
different. The cosmetics offering to the teen females is not the same
geographic information (such as city, state, IP address) and then cosmetics that you are offering to adult ladies.
targeting consumers within certain locations has proven to be a very
effective marketing strategy, as it results in ads being sent to exactly probably the brands are different,
the right people in the right place.
probably the pricings are different,
Geographic targeting also uses the information on where the
consumer goes on a regular basis or has been to in the past to create probably the packaging is different,
interest and habit profiles, which can be very valuable in choosing probably the sizes are different, so on and so forth
what group the consumer belongs in. On a more practical level,
knowing the consumer’s geographic location ensures they are within LESSON 3: DIFFERENTIATION
the area of the product or service you are offering.
3.Psychological and behavioral targeting.
-Differentiation is a marketing tool used to distinguish a product
-This targeting uses personality traits, previous purchases, favorite from others in the same category.
places, shopping habits, “Likes” on Facebook or Twitter, opinions,
etc. Knowing the consumer’s personality can greatly enhance the -Marketing differentiation is crafting unique products and services to
efficacy of a marketing campaign. attract and retain customers.

-Think about how to best pitch a sale to them. Have they already -Companies that use marketing differentiation can differentiate
bought the product? Time to sell them that product a second time between their 2 offerings and competitors in several ways, including:
or offer something related to it. Using data gathered about the price, quality, service, innovation, and accessibility
user’s psychological and behavioral patterns using website cookies -There are several ways in which you can differentiate your goods or
gives more than a one-up in figuring out how to sell a product to services.
them, as you can also influence them and predict their response
better. -You could sell them at a lower price than those offered by
competitors, provide more value than they do, or create new
TARGETING STRATEGIES markets for products that were previously unsold.
1.Single Segment Concentration-focusing on one segment. -You could also reorder the way your goods or services are
Example: Company decides to focus on adult ladies, that is, 25 to 35 presented: use an unusual color scheme for packaging
2.Selective Specialization-which means the focus is on two or three WHAT IS DIFFERENTIATION?
segments which are apparently not related with each other; or you
are looking. Differentiation is a marketing tool used to distinguish a product from
others in the same category.
Example:cosmetics, apparel, and shoes
Differentiation is the act of designing a set of meaningful differences
3.Product Specialization to distinguish the company’s offerings from competitor’s offerings
-One product satisfying all the different markets UNDIFFERENTIATED MARKETING
-Catering to all the needs of one particular group, that is, the ladies, -Markets which are non-segmented and all consumers have more or
that is, teens, adults, elders, and so on and so forth. less similar needs for a specific product. Hence marketers do not
Example: Having cosmetics for all the categories( teens, adults ladies differentiate their products for such markets. We call such marketing
and elderly ladies). as 'undifferentiated marketing’.

-Providing the cosmetic needs of all the categories of consumers is -Undifferentiated marketing assumes the lack of significant
about specialization by product. differences among the consumers and their requirements.


Here the company takes up a particular market segment for PRICE

supplying all relevant products to the target group. Price is one of the most common ways businesses differentiate
Looking up to the needs and wants of one total market in different themselves from competitors. Sometimes this differentiation comes
stages; from price wars among competitors, but it comes from companies
offering low prices to attract more customers. Some businesses only
5.Full Market Coverage
sell their products online to keep the price lower than if the If differentiation were unachievable, the bigger companies with
products were sold in stores. economies of scale would

QUALITY always dominate the market because they can undercut smaller
producers in terms of price.
Quality is another common way marketing differentiation occurs.
While it's not always possible to be the highest quality product on Product differentiation is also a way to control costs for the
the market, some companies can distinguish themselves with higher consumer by maintaining a competitive market.
or unique quality.
Differentiation is also a way for market forces to do their work and
SERVICE keep prices down for the consumer

-Service sets many companies apart from their competition, 2.SERVICE DIFFERENTIATION.
particularly in industries where personal relationships are essential
(such as real estate). -Companies try to differentiate not only through products but also
through valued services and improving service quality. Services
-Providing excellent service is a crucial differentiator for many differentiation is the specific way in which a company provides
businesses because adding this value proposition increases certain services to its customers.
customer loyalty. A company might give excellent service at no
charge as a way to stand out from competitors. -Services differentiation is the specific way in which a company
provides certain services to its customers.
-Services differentiation is more common in industries with
1.PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION significant customer-facing interaction, like travel and leisure
activities, and less common in industries that work primarily
-Product differentiation is related to the concept of how the business to business or provide products rather than services.
marketer differentiates the offer on certain product attributes.
However, even these product driven companies can employ services
-It is the characteristic or characteristics that make your product or differentiation as a tool to increase customer satisfaction and,
service stand out to your target audience. It's how you distinguish potentially, sales.
what you sell from what your competitors do, and it increases brand
loyalty, sales, and growth. TYPES OF SERVICE DIFFERENTIATION

-It the process of distinguishing your offering from similar products ENVIRONMENT
orservices in the market. It's about identifying the unique features
and benefits of your product or service and positioning it in a way The environment in which your customers or clients interact with
that sets it apart from competitors. your organization is a great services differentiation opportunity.

-Product differentiation is a way for products and brands to Consider the architecture, interior design and convenience items,
command market share based on consumer preferences. like pillows or access to beverages and snacks, in your space for
optimal customer comfort during their interaction with your


Vertical integration is when two products are similar but priced Most companies have a customer service department to help clients
differently. However, if the price of both products was the same, solve problems and ensure customers have a positive experience
one would be considered "the best" because of its perceived quality. with the organization. Giving excellent customer service that offers
For example, a Hanes T-shirt vs. a Gucci T-shirt. support and communication options beyond what yourcompetitors
provide is an excellent way to differentiate your service in the
Horizontal differentiation occurs regardless of a product’s quality or BRANDING
price point. The customer chooses a product or brand according to
personal preference. For example, Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Consistent and effective branding can help entice potential
customers to engage with your services or products. Branding
MIXED DIFFERENTIATION includes elements like the colors and design you use in your logo,
Mixed differentiation is complex and involves factors of both vertical documents and other marketing and customer materials.
and horizontal differentiation. Usually, branding also includes your slogan or tagline, which your
IMPORTANCE OF PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION customer service or sales team will likely use when interfacing with
it allows different brands or companies to gain a competitive
advantage in the market. FUNCTIONALITY

By maximizing the functionality of your product or service, you're

improving the customer experience with your company.
Functionality can also apply to the ways in which your customers PRICING
communicate or interact with your organization, not just the
product or service you sell. You can use different feature -Consider inventive pricing structures for your products or services
to maximize your impact in the marketplace.
You can use different features to improve your service options and
provide customers with choices. SPEED

RELIABILITY -Efficiency and speed is another excellent service differentiation

Keep the services you offer reliable. Make plans and backup plans to
address potential problems before they happen so you can quickly -Consider a business like a car wash. Implement a system in which
resume your work as normal. drivers can get their car washed in less than 10 minutes to appeal to
customers who want to save time when completing errands.

-Your company's reputation is a key service differentiation option.

-Take active steps to not only improve, but to share your reputation
broadly in the marketplace. TIPS FOR DIFFERENTIATING SERVICES

-Ask customers for feedback and testimonials you can post on your Consult your customers. The goal of services differentiation is to
website and social media pages. increase customer engagement and purchasing. Find out what your
customers want and implement those specific strategies.
-Find ways to show your company is trustworthy and dependable to
your target demographic. Speak with your team. Look for opportunities by asking your team
and colleagues what they think would improve your competitive
CONVENIENCE edge in services differentiation.

-Make your services easy to access. Many customers will choose a Have a person answer the phone. If possible, have an employee
convenient option over a more complex, though potentially answer all phone calls rather than an automated answering service.
preferable, service.
Maintain customer focus. Ensure any services differentiation
-Ensure customers can access your services, storefront, customer strategies you choose to use put the customer first.
service team or any other business offering you have quickly and
easily Choose a few. Rather than implementing 10 or 15 strategies, look
for two or three that will best suit your organization and your
USABILITY customers' needs.

Make any products, applications or digital offerings you provide user Build relationships. Take time to build relationships with your
friendly and as intuitive as possible. Should a customer want to customers to establish loyalty. Many services differentiation
make a service or product purchase online through your website, do strategies help you do this.
your best to make the purchasing process simple, with a limited
number of steps and actions required to complete the transaction. Track progress. Once you've implemented a services differentiation
strategy, track it to ensure it's helping your company meet goals and
TERMS objectives.

Some services require contracts with terms and conditions. If your Watch your competitors. See what services differentiation choices
company offers a service like this, keep your terms as simple, your competitors are making to ensure you're maintaining your
concise and straightforward as you can. competitive edge in the marketplace.

Review your competitor's terms and find a way to make yours more 3.PERSONNEL DIFFERENTIATION.
enticing to potential customers.
-Personnel differentiation refers that the corporation obtains
CUSTOMIZATION differential advantage through hiring and training staff better than
Offer customization options when applicable for your products or
services. -Personnel differentiation requires that a company should select its
customer-contact people carefully and train them well.
-These personnel must be competent -they must possess the
-Implement self service options for customers when applicable to required skills and knowledge.
your organization and convenient for the customer.
-They need to be courteous, friendly and respectful. They must serve
-Some customers prefer to solve problems or access information on customers with consistency and accuracy.
their own without working with a company representative during
business hours.
-And they must make an effort to understand customers, to -For a producer, this means that they want to attract as many
communicate dearly with them, and to respond quickly to customer customers as possible, and earn the highest profit. In an ideal
requests and problems setting, there are thousands of potential producers for any good.


-Competition in business and marketing refers to a situation in which WHAT IS POSITIONING?

one company attempts to outperform another. Companies compete
against one another in order to boost sales, raise revenues, and -Positioning is the act of designing a company's offering and image
acquire market share. to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market.

-It is a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be -To be successful in positioning, marketers should define and
more successful than someone else. communicate similarities and differences between their brand and
their competitors in order to have successful positioning.
-In economics, it is defined as an activity involving two or more
firms, in which each firm tries to get people to buy its own goods in -A good positioning should be done based on not only the current
preference to the other firm's goods. state of the market but alsokeeping in mind the future.

-These are businesses offering similar (or identical) products or -It needs to be forward-looking and somewhat aspirational so the
services in the same market. They also vye for the same customer brand has room to develop and improve. Thus, a good positioning
base. Some famous examples of direct competitors include Apple strategy should strike the right balance between what the brand is
versus Android, Pepsi versus Coca-Cola, etc. and what it could be.

-If any other player in the market offers the same product as yours VALUE PREPOSITION
to the same consumer group that company serve at similar price The output of such good positioning is the creation of value
levels, then this refers to a competitor. proposition, a convincing reason why the target group should buy
-Potentially, customers could move between you and your the product.
competitors as there is no significant difference between both of Value proposition indicates, “what value are you proposing to the
your offerings (in the perception of the customer). target market” that is “why the target market should buy your
-Competitor is anyone who provides the same offering to the same product”. Successful creation of ‘value proposition’ is the result of
target segment. effective positioning

-Competition like brand level, industry level, form level and generic LESS0N 4: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
-More competition means greater choice and more services -Human behavior is complex.
-Competition is not just a matter of price. In practice it means -When a consumer decides to buy a product or a service, there are
greater product diversity and it promotes the emergence of new several factors, (viz. Personal, situational, psychological etc.) which
services. influence their purchase decision.
-The pressure exerted by their competitors encourages companies -Marketers need to understand why consumers behave the way
to promote their products and to stand out by focusing on originality they do.
or quality of service or by targeting new customer segments.
-Competition” is when many producers try to sell similar goods to
the same set of consumers. A consumer is the end user of the product or the one who
'consumes' the product.
-The producers need to “compete” to try to attract more consumers,
usually by lowering prices, offering better versions of the goods or CUSTOMER
services, or through marketing.
Customer is involved in the purchase of the product, he may or may
-Competition is the core concept of the Market Economy. not consume it.


-Competition generally leads to lower prices, more choice, and -When marketers study consumer behavior, they attempt to
better qualities of product for consumers than other types of understand the basic reason behind the purchase of a product.
-A useful premise to the understanding consumer behavior is
-The reason for this is that with competition, there is very little "people do not buy products or services, they buy benefits". As
“central planning” of the economy, while producers and consumers
are able to act in their own self-interest.
consumers a few common questions we may ask ourselves before -It can also assume that the risk involved in making a wrong decision
making a purchase is: in routine problem solving is very low.

Do I have the need for this product? Do I want it? FIVE STAGES OF DECISION MAKING PROCESS

How will this product/service benefit me? 1.NEED RECOGNITION

Is this worth the money I paid? -In the beginning of this course, we discussed that need is the felt
sense deprivation of some necessities. In this step, consumers
In addition, a customer buys a product, he may not necessarily seek evaluate the gap between the actual state and the desired state.
one benefit but there could be several benefits; a combination of
both tangible as well as intangible benefits. -This step can also be called the "problem recognition" stage, where
the consumer attempts to solve a problem by making a purchase

Consumer behavior is and why it is important for marketers to

appreciate what is going on in the minds of his consumers.

Now, it will be useful to think how a purchase decision is made. 2.PRE-PURCHASE INFORMATION SEARCH
There are various stakeholders involved in every purchase decision.
They can be broadly classified as -Once the consumer feels the need for a product or a service, the
next step is to look for relevant information
1. Initiator
-In today's age information is very easily available. Product
2. Influencer hoardings, advertisements in social media, radio and television.

3. Decision maker -Once a consumer decides to purchase a certain product/service her

attention to these stimuli becomes more intense and she actively
4. Buyer starts looking for information related to her product/service.
CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS -Evaluation of alternatives involves the process of comparing and
The consumer decision making process primarily consists of 5 stages contrasting the various available alternatives of the product/ service
that the consumer desires to buy.
1. Need recognition
-This step is important in case of high involvement products, but a
2. Pre-purchase information search consumer can choose to skip this step if she is making a routine
3. Evaluation of alternatives
-In several cases, evaluation of alternatives happens simultaneously
4. Purchase decision when a consumer is looking for information
A purchase related behavior could be broadly classified into: PROCESS

1.EXTENSIVE PROBLEM SOLVING -A non-compensatory decision-making strategy eliminates

alternatives that do not meet a particular criterion.
-The consumer absolutely has no idea about the product category
nor has any idea about the brands. -A compensatory decision-making strategy weighs the positive and
negative attributes of the considered alternatives and allows for
-Consumer will put in all his energy and efforts and follow all the positive attributes to compensate for the negative ones.
steps. It is often assumed that bigger the purchase, the risk involved

2.LIMITED PROBLEM SOLVING -After the consumer carefully evaluates the alternatives available to
her, she then arrives at the purchase decision.
Limited problem solving, the consumer may choose to skip a few
steps as he may have some idea about the product category, but no -This step need not necessarily translate into immediate purchase.
idea about the brands involved. The purchase decisions could also be:


-In routine problem solving the consumer may not follow most of Postponing the purchase
the steps as has complete knowledge about the products and brands Immediate purchase
If the consumer decides not to make the purchase, in such cases, INFLUENCES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
she generally goes back to the first step and revisits her need.
-Personal factors are essentially demographics such as age,
Once the purchase is made, there are 3 possible outcomes occupation, income, education and lifestyle choices strongly
influence the buying behavior of a consumer.
1. The product exceeds consumer expectations
-They differ from person to person.
2. The product matches consumer expectations
(age, lifecycle stage, economic situation, occupation, lifestyle,
3. The product does not meet consumer expectations personality/self-concept)
The first two instances are examples of positive post-purchase
behavior,while the last instance is an example of dissatisfaction.


In certain cases, after buying a product, consumers go through post
purchase dissonance or cognitive dissonance. -Culture does influence the way a consumer behaves in a purchase
-This means that the consumer may regret the purchase.
-This can be further divided into • Culture • Sub-culture • Social
-Dissonance is more common in case of high involvement products, class
this is also because the risk associated with high involvement
products is higher. -In most cases culture is learned behavior. A child growing in a family
belonging to a certain culture and a social class is likely to adapt the
-Therefore it is important for both marketers and consumers to take buying behavior of her family.
steps to reduce dissonance.
-However her social class may change later due to educational
HOW CAN MARKETERS REDUCE DISSONANCE? background and job opportunities and consequently, her buying
-Marketers do play an important role in reducing, if not eliminating behavior may undergo modifications.
cognitive dissonance. However, culture and sub-culture will continue to influence his
-Positioning the product to the right segment of consumers. buying behavior, though the consumer may be influenced by
different subcultures over a period of time.
-Educating the consumers on the product/service.
-Staying in touch with the consumers after the sale, will help
marketers understand their post-purchase behavior, which will help The social factors consist of reference groups and family.
them address dissonance. -Reference groups primarily consist of people that consumers
-Communicating the return and the post sales warranty will help in interact with on a regular basis.
reducing dissonance to a large extent. -Consumers look for approval from this group.
HOW CAN CONSUMERS REDUCE DISSONANCE? -However, a reference group is not constant and is likely to change
Consumers also need to take steps to ensure that they face lower from time to time. For example, a consumer's buying behavior is
levels of anxiety/dissonance. likely to change when she moves from one job to another, as she
attempts to conform to the expectations of the new group.
The evaluation of alternatives stage plays an important role in
reducing dissonance to a certain extent. The following steps may -Family on the other hand has a very strong influence on the buying
help buyers reduce dissonance: behavior of a consumer. It is common to see a child to be influenced
by the parents' buying behavior.
-A thorough research on the product/service and its attributes
before making the purchase. 4.PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS

-Having clarity on the purpose that the product or service is likely to -Psychological factors refers to the internal self of any consumer.
serve. -These factors influence their behavioral patterns that include
-Returning the product before use or during the allowed return purchase decisions.
period in case of dissatisfaction during usage
-The most important psychological influences on consumer behavior
can be classified into the following :

• Perception • Motives • Learning • Attitudes • Personality •


All the variables influence a consumers' buying behavior to varying


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