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Section: BSBA 3-3 Date: 04/23/2024

General Instruction: Read each specific instruction in each exam part. This long quiz
would specifically assess the student’s understanding of the different topics related to
Distribution Management. The students will also provide their own explanation of the
identified answer’s meaning and importance.

Supply Chain Management 1-2. It is the management of the flow of goods, information
and other resources.


Ssupply chain management allows manufacturers to make as many products as needed to

meet market demand. It helps retailers reduce excess inventory and lower the cost of storing
products. Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow of goods or
services—starting from the raw components to delivering the final product to consumers. A
company creates a network of suppliers that move the product from raw materials suppliers to
organizations that deal directly with users.

Manufacturing 3-4. Focuses on converting raw materials into finished products.


Manufacturing is the production of goods through the use of labour, machinery, tools and
biological or chemical processing or formulation. Manufacturing can either mean
transforming raw materials into finished goods on a large scale, or the creation of more
complex items by selling basic goods to manufacturers for the production of items such as
automobiles, aircraft, or household appliances

Product Flow 5-6. Includes moving goods from supplier to consumer.


Product flow describes the various relationships that can exist between processes and
products. Product flow can, describe how a number of products can be used and/or produced
in one process step, or how various steps can produce one product. The product flow includes
the movement of goods from a supplier to a customer, as well as any customer returns or
service needs. The financial flow consists of credit terms, payment schedules, and
consignment and title ownership arrangements. The information flow involves product fact
sheet, transmitting orders, schedules, and updating the status of delivery.
Distribution Management 7-8. Process of supervising and managing the movement of
goods from supplier or manufacturer to the point of sale.


Distribution management is part of the supply chain process that ultimately delivers goods to
end-users or consumers. Managing distribution is essentially managing the movement of
goods, whether it be from a wholesaler to a retailer or from a retailer to a consumer.
Distribution management is essentially managing the movement of goods, whether it be from
a wholesaler to a retailer or from a retailer to a consumer.

Core Product 9-10. It concerns the item itself. Includes product features and the ease of


The core product is the main driving motivation for wanting a product. This can include
practical needs such as food or storage space or more values-based needs such as status or
fun. Actual product: The actual, or generic, product is the physical aspect of a product or
service. The core product satisfies the most basic need of the customer. For example, a
consumer who purchases a healthy snack bar may be seeking health, convenience, or simply
hunger relief. A student who buys low-priced, sturdy sneakers may just be seeking footwear.

36-45. Explain how the growth in competition helps to understand the importance of
customer service. Explain your words in 5 sentences.

Businesses need to produce unique products or a solution to current issues in the market to
survive the competitive market. Customer surveys will help you understand their problems
with the existing products to curate better products and services in the future. It makes you
stand out of the crowd and drives sales. Good customer service entails listening to your
customers and valuing their opinions. A company's culture is expressed with good customer
service—they go hand-in-hand. Maintain good customer service, and your company culture
will be recognized by your customers. But good customer service has an impact that goes
beyond company culture. In fact, providing a good customer service experience has several
real-world impacts on your business performance and how your company is perceived by the

46-50. Explain the 80/20 rule in 3 sentences.

The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a familiar saying that asserts that 80%
of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event. In
business, a goal of the 80-20 rule is to identify inputs that are potentially the most productive
and make them the priority.

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