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Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary

Learners of Holy Cross College


Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in

Elementary Learners of Holy Cross College

A Research Presented to the

School of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Holy Cross College

Sta. Ana, Pampanga

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education

Submitted By:

Culala, Shanella Jane B.

Ignacio, Era Mai D.

Miralles, Shaira P.

Nicdao, Clarita F.

Sombillo, Kayla C.

May 2024

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
School of Arts, Sciences and Education

This research here to entitled:

“Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in
Elementary Learners of Holy Cross College”

Prepared and submitted by Shanella Jane B. Culala, Era Mai D. Ignacio,

Shaira P. Miralles, Clarita F. Nicdao and Kayla C. Sombillo has been examined
and is recommended for the acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Research Adviser
Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED on ____.

Member Member


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Elementary Education

Abigael S. Caliwag Leticia D. Flores, PhD.

Program Chairperson Dean

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College



Foremost, the researcher wants to express their deepest gratitude to God, whose
boundless blessings, guidance, and providence have illuminated this research journey.
With humility and reverence, they acknowledge the divine presence that has
bestowed wisdom, strength, and clarity upon this endeavor.

To their esteemed research adviser, Mrs. Rosemarie T. Mallari, they extend

heartfelt appreciation for unwavering support, mentorship, and expertise. Her
guidance, encouragement, and invaluable insights have been the cornerstone of this
research, shaping its direction and depth.

The researchers also wish to acknowledge their research instructor, Dr. Eduardo
C. Canlas Jr., for his dedication, wisdom, and encouragement throughout this
academic pursuit. His passion for teaching and commitment to excellence have
inspired and guided the researcher on this path of discovery.

To researchers cherishing family and friends, whose love, support, and

understanding have been their intense companions through the highs and lows of this
journey, they are deeply grateful. Their unwavering belief in them, encouragement,
and presence have been a source of strength and inspiration.

Together, the researcher is deeply indebted to God, their advisor, instructor,

family, and friends for their unwavering support, guidance, and belief in their
abilities. Their collective contributions have enriched this research endeavor in
immeasurable ways, and for that, they offer heartfelt gratitude.


Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


TITLE PAGE ……………..……..………..……………..………. i

APPROVAL SHEET .……………………….……………...……...……ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT …...………………. …..…………….....…..……..iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..…………………..……………......……..…...….v



Introduction …………………………..……………………..…..1

Literature Review ………………………………………………….….4

Statement of the Problem ....….…………………….…………………….……9

Conceptual Framework ..……………..…………….………………………10

Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………….11

Hypothesis …………………………………………………….12

Scope and Delimitation ……………………………….……………………12

Significance of the Study ……...………………………………………….….13

Definition of terms ...……………………………………………….….14


Research Design ….……………………………..…………………..15

Sampling Method ……….………………………………….………...15

Respondents ..…………………………………….………….….15

Instrument .………………………….……….………………..16

Data Collection ……..……………………………………………...16

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


Statistical Treatment of Data .…………….…………….…….……………...….17

Ethical Considerations ..……..…………………………………….…..….17


References ..……..……………………………………..…..…18


Appendices ..……..…………………………………………..

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College




This study evaluates the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

in teaching science at Holy Cross College, with a focus on student learning outcomes,
engagement, and perceptions. It aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion about
including technology into Science Education. Computers are increasingly used as
tools to improve student learning through interactive presentations. This study seeks
to meet Holy Cross College's educational needs and improve teaching strategies in the
digital age by examining the impact of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) on
student achievement and engagement. Smartphones, tablets, and computers are
widely used in modern society. Schools, including Holy Cross College, use
interactive Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) to help students understand Science
concepts. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) provides real-time feedback to both
students and instructors making lessons more engaging and efficient.

According to (Zhussupbayev, et al. 2023), Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

can be defined as the activities in which students interact with computers in the
teaching process and computers function as a teaching tool and a teaching
environment in this process. In Computer-Assisted Instruction, the principles of self-
directed learning are combined with computer technology and the computer is used in
the teaching process not as an option but as a complementary and reinforcing element
of the system. The most widespread use of computers in educational institutions and
can be used to provide environments to support students in learning certain subjects,
as well as to access information resources, to do projects and research assignments,
and to present them more systematically (Kara 2020), (Kukul 2022). Indeed,
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) creates a position where students interact with

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


computers as essential teaching tools by smoothly integrating technology into the


According to (Haque 2024), another use of Computer-Assisted Instruction

(CAI) is in providing feedback to students. Computers can be programmed to provide
immediate and specific feedback on student performance, which can help to identify
areas where students need additional support. In a study done by (Srivani and Manhar
2020), said that with the help of technology, specifically the computer, the students
will explore and learn boundlessly about Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), and it
has a benefit on the students and their academic success. Computer-assisted learning
provides academics with various teaching information and multimedia platforms for
easy learning of students. It interprets the innovation of Computer-Assisted
Instruction Education and its success in today’s era.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is a flexible tool that promotes

personalized learning. By incorporating web tutoring, videos, and smart classes,
instructional content can be customized to individual learning styles while also
increasing accessibility. This approach allows students to select their preferred
learning methods, resulting in a more engaging and personalized learning experience.
Furthermore, combining computer-assisted tools with traditional teaching methods
reduces teachers' workload, allowing them to concentrate on improving their
instructional strategies. While Computer-Assisted Instruction provides new
opportunities, it should supplement rather than replace traditional teaching. Its
effectiveness is dependent on software quality, teacher support, technology
accessibility, and curriculum integration. When properly implemented, Computer-
Assisted Instruction (CAI) can improve learning outcomes in elementary school

According to (Aggarwal and Aggarwal 2020), Computer-assisted education is

one of the most precious gifts of this digital era. With just one click, people can have
an encyclopedia of knowledge. It refers to gaining education through electronic

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


devices and products. Now, no one must rely on books and schools completely to
gain education and knowledge. There exists no field of education where the
technology isn’t used, be it medical or civil. One can gain any kind of knowledge of
any kind of field from the use of electronic devices. Smart classes, video classes,
online-offline videos, web classrooms and many more services are available because
of computers. Computer-Assisted education is an easy way to learn and grasp

Computer-Assisted learning enables the creation of engaging presentations

while also providing flexibility in learning. Students can access videos and tutorials
multiple times and from any location, increasing their independence and reducing
their reliance on traditional teaching methods. Interactive multimedia engages
students and makes learning more interesting. This approach promotes collaboration
between teachers and students in order to develop effective learning strategies.
Overall, computer-assisted instruction makes learning easier and more enjoyable by
utilizing multimedia resources to reduce the workload at school.

According to (Mdhlalose and Mlambo 2023), said that technology can enhance
relationships between teachers & students. It makes teaching and learning more
meaningful and effective. Technology also helps students to score good marks in
Academics. Our senses–eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin are gateways to knowledge.
We acquire all knowledge through instruction. The senses are used for instruction.
The more the senses are used, the better the instruction. Most of the experiences are
gained through eyes and ears. Computer-Assisted Instruction draws on knowledge
from the field of learning, cognition, and human-computer interaction.

Computer-Assisted Instruction in teaching Science offers several benefits. It

improves student achievement and retention compared to traditional teaching
methods. Computer-Assisted Instruction also enhances students' understanding of
science concepts through modeling and simulation tools. Additionally, Computer-
Assisted Instruction can help overcome the difficulties and frustrations of deeper

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


learning by introducing Science topics in a simplistic framework and gradually

delving into details.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is most effective when used as a
supplement, incorporated in instruction, and encourages students' reflections when
used appropriately, Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) involves students in
inquiry-based and authentic science explorations (Mahawan and Celedonio 2023).
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) works best as a supportive tool alongside
regular teaching, enhancing lessons by engaging students in interactive learning
experiences. When integrated effectively, Computer-Assisted Instruction prompts
students to think critically and reflect on what they're learning. It's like having an
extra guide in the classroom that encourages students to explore Science concepts in a
hands-on, real-world way. By using Computer-Assisted Instruction, students become
active participants in their learning journey, fostering curiosity and deepening
understanding through inquiry-based activities and authentic scientific investigations.

In study of (Baiden and Agbene 2022), claims that Computer-Assisted

Instruction (CAI) improves student academic performance. The idea that Computer-
Assisted Instruction (CAI) enhances student academic performance suggests that
when students utilize computer-based learning tools, such as educational software or
online resources, they typically achieve better results in their studies. This belief
implies that integrating technology into education can lead to improved grades,
comprehension, and overall academic success. The reasoning behind this claim may
include factors like increased engagement, personalized learning experiences, and
access to diverse educational materials tailored to individual needs and preferences.

The students commended the Computer-Assisted Instruction for being a user-

friendly, autonomous, self-paced, and self-regulating instructional design that helped

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


them enhance their performance in the least learned competencies (Mutya and Ramas,
Computer-Based Instruction in Teaching Secondary Biology 2022). The students
praised Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) for its ease of use, independence, ability
to progress at their own speed, and capacity to regulate their learning. They found it
helpful in improving their skills in areas where they were least proficient. Essentially,
Computer- Assisted Instruction is like a friendly guide that allows students to learn
independently and at their own pace, helping them focus on areas where they need the
most improvement.

The major modes of Computer-Assisted Instruction include drill & practice,

tutorial, simulation, gaming, and problem-solving. Many studies had been conducted
to determine the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction on the scholastic
performance of students (Kaur, Kaur and Kumar 2022). Computer-Assisted
Instruction (CAI) encompasses various modes like drill and practice, tutorial,
simulation, gaming, and problem-solving, each offering different learning
approaches. Studies have examined how Computer-Assisted Instruction influences
students' academic performance, aiming to understand its impact on their grades and
overall success in school. In essence, Computer-Assisted Instruction provides
interactive learning experiences tailored to different preferences, with research
exploring its effectiveness in enhancing students' scholastic achievements.

The students’ academic performance in Science exposed to Computer-Assisted

Instruction is significantly higher than those exposed to Non-Computer-Assisted
Instruction also, there is a significant difference in students’ engagement level for a
cognitive domain in favor of Computer-Assisted Instruction (Dap-og and Orongan
2022). Students perform better in Science when exposed to Computer-Assisted
Instructios (CAI) compared to those without it, and they show higher engagement
levels, especially in cognitive activities.

The potential benefits of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) cannot be

underestimated in the contemporary world (Olajide and Aladejana 2019). In today's

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


world, the advantages of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) are immense and

should not be overlooked. Essentially, Computer-Assisted Instruction offers
significant benefits in education and beyond, thanks to its ability to enhance learning
experiences using technology. Whether it is improving academic performance,
facilitating personalized learning, fostering critical thinking skills, or preparing
students for the digital age, Computer-Assisted Instruction plays a crucial role in
modern education. Its impact extends beyond traditional classrooms, reaching
learners of all ages and backgrounds, making it an invaluable tool in today's
educational landscape.

Computer-Assisted Instruction represents a teaching tool that involves the

employment of a program to facilitate the education to scholars through interactive
programs that teach effectively (Daliri 2019). Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is
like having a helpful tutor on a computer screen. It's a teaching method where
programs are used to make learning more interactive and effective for students. These
programs can be anything from educational games to interactive lessons. Essentially,
Computer-Assisted Instruction helps teachers by providing additional resources and
activities that make learning fun and engaging for students, ultimately making
education more effective and enjoyable.

Teaching Elementary has some problems that teachers are good to be aware of.
Before deciding to teach Elementary, know they self-first if they have the ability to
not only to enforce behavioral rules but also to handle the stress and disorder that
accompanies pupils’ behavioral problems (Galang and Galang 2019). Teaching
Elementary requires not only enforcing rules but also managing the stress and
disorder that can arise from behavioral issues. Prospective teachers should consider
whether they have the ability to handle these challenges effectively before deciding to
teach Elementary.

The impact of a Computer-Assisted Instruction laboratory on student problem-

solving skills is assessed using statistical analyses of the ability to transfer concepts

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


across disciplinary domains (Renshaw, Taylor and Reynolds 2021). This sentence
means that researchers are studying how a hydrogeological Computer-Assisted
Instruction (CAI) laboratory affects students' problem-solving skills. They are using
statistical analyses to measure how well students can apply what they've learned in
different areas of study. Essentially, they're looking at whether students can use
concepts from hydrogeology in other subjects. This research aims to understand the
effectiveness of the Computer-Assisted Instruction laboratory in helping students
develop broader problem-solving abilities that can be applied across various academic

The study of (Adalikwu and Iorkpilgh 2023), investigated the influence of

instructional materials (teaching aids) on students’ academic performance in senior
secondary school Chemistry in Cross River State. This statement means that
researchers looked into how teaching materials, like visual aids or textbooks, affect
students' grades in Chemistry at the senior secondary school level in Cross River
State. Essentially, they wanted to understand whether the resources teachers use in
their lessons have an impact on how well students perform academically. By studying
this, researchers aim to gain insights into the effectiveness of different instructional
materials in helping students learn and excel in Chemistry in that particular region.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) has shown significant positive effects on

various educational aspects. Studies have demonstrated its impact on improving
students' performance in subjects like Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning (Odetunde
and Onibaniyi 2023), Biology (Bel and Bright 2022), and Chemistry (Munyakazi, et
al. 2022). Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) has been found to enhance knowledge
acquisition, especially when compared to traditional teaching methods. It has been
effective in increasing students' understanding and performance levels, as seen in the
results of different experiments. Additionally, Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)
has been highlighted as a valuable tool for interactive and engaging learning
experiences, particularly beneficial during situations like the current pandemic
(Ekundayo 2022). Overall, the integration of Computer-Assisted Instruction in

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


educational settings has proven to be beneficial in enhancing teaching quality and

student outcomes (Anilkumar, et al. 2022).

Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has proven to be effective in enhancing

teachers' utilization of technology in teaching Science (Kaur, Kaur and Kumar 2022),
(Paje, Rogayan and Dantic 2021). Studies show that CAI not only improves teachers'
instructional methods but also significantly boosts students' learning interests and
concept understanding (Sun 2023). Additionally, the use of Digital Technology
Enhanced Learning Approaches (TELA) Toolkit has been found to be effective in
teaching Science, leading to a significant improvement in students' posttest scores
(Reyes, Garcia and Genton 2023). Moreover, the incorporation of technology, such as
open educational resources and natural language processing, empowers teachers to
customize instruction based on students' learning needs and rapidly assess their
understanding of complex science ideas (Wiley, et al. 2023). Overall, the integration
of computer-assisted instruction in teaching Science enhances teachers' effectiveness
by providing innovative tools and resources to improve the learning experience for

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) have shown effectiveness in enhancing

science teaching by providing visual aids and interactive learning experiences,
leading to increased student engagement and concept understanding (Fatonah, et al.
2022). However, teachers face challenges such as low Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) literacy and limited access to technology,
hindering the full utilization of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) (Županec, et al.
2019). Teacher training workshops are recommended to improve teachers'
competence in using CAI effectively (Zholymbayev, et al. 2020). Additionally,
incorporating appropriate instructional supports like worksheets, general support, and
peer collaboration can further enhance the implementation of computer simulations in
science lessons (Gonczi, et al. 2019). Overall, while Computer-Assisted Instruction
(CAI) has proven beneficial in Science instruction, adequate teacher training and

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


ongoing support are crucial to maximize its impact on student learning outcomes
(Pieper and Vahrenhold 2020).

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) have proven to be highly effective in

enhancing the learning environment for teachers in teaching Science (Mutya and
Ramas, Computer-Based Instruction in Teaching Secondary Biology 2022). Studies
have shown that Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), including simulation models
and visual media, make learning more concrete and engaging, leading to increased
student interest and performance (Gautam and Kaur 2019). Research specifically
focusing on Biology education demonstrated that Computer-Assisted Instruction
(CAI) outperformed conventional lecture methods, resulting in enhanced student
performance and motivation (Tansomboon 2019). Additionally, the utilization of
computer-based technology in science instruction has become a trend in 21st-century
learning, significantly improving teaching quality and student understanding, despite
challenges such as low Information and Communications Technology (ICT) literacy
and connectivity issues (Legvart, Aberšek and Kerneža 2022). Overall, the integration
of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Science Education creates a dynamic and
interactive learning environment that benefits both teachers and students (Kareem,
Aderoju and Olafare 2019).

Using Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) has totally revamped the way

science is taught, making it more exciting and effective for both teachers and
students. Picture this: instead of just listening to lectures, students get to dive into
interactive simulations and watch captivating videos that bring science concepts to
life. This hands-on approach not only boosts student interest but also improves their
performance in science. Take biology, for example. Studies have shown that using
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in biology classes leads to better results
compared to traditional teaching methods. It's like turning boring lectures into
engaging adventures that students can't wait to be a part of. And even though there are
challenges like some teachers not being super tech-savvy or not having great internet
connections, the benefits of using Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Science

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


Education are undeniable. It's like stepping into the future of learning, where Science
becomes an exciting journey of discovery for everyone involved.


In this study, the researchers aim to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents specifically the teachers in

terms of;
1.1. Age
1.2. Educational Attainment
1.3. Years in service
1.4. Training/s Attended About Computers
2. How effective are the Computer-Assisted Instruction to the teachers in
teaching Science in terms of technology computer in the Elementary learners
at Holy Cross College?
3. Based on the research findings, what will be the proposed program of teachers
in the Elementary level?

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College




Demographic Profile Preparation of the Propose a Training
of Teacher and Effectiveness of Strategy Program
Students in Holy Computer Computer- on Using Computer-
Cross College Assisted Instruction Assisted Instruction
1.1Age Retrieval and to all the science
1.2Educational elementary teacher.
distribution of
questionnaires to
1.3Years in Service
Attended Prepare data for
2. Effectiveness of analysis
3. Based on the
research findings,
what would be the
outputs that must be
implemented by the
researchers for this

The theoretical basis for this study is based on (Qi-rui, et al. 2020), who
identified an increase in learning content display in the form of dynamic audio/visual
as well as graphical and oral presentation of real-life phenomena among the benefits
of Computer-Assisted Instruction. Computer-Assisted Instruction is software used for
the delivery of course content as scheduled in the syllabus. Computer-Assisted
Instruction simulation optimizes teaching by virtual imitation of impractical
experiments that enhance students' thinking and imagination capabilities. However,
despite the numerous benefits of Computer-Assisted Instruction in teaching and
learning activities, it has challenges. (Gao 2021), outlined lack of funds, lack of

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


applicable software and hardware, lack of technical and theoretical knowledge as well
as the need for rapid and constant updates of both knowledge and technologies as the
main problems faced in Computer-Assisted Instruction. Similarly, (Usman and
Madudili 2020), identified poor maintenance culture and inadequate electricity supply
as some of the factors affecting the efficiency of Computer-Assisted Instruction in
Nigeria. Furthermore, (Kaye and Ehren 2021), identified operating environment,
learners’ engagement, infrastructure, security, and trust as some of the factors that
influence Computer-Assisted Instruction intervention in education systems.
Typically, different types of Computer-Assisted Instruction are applied to assist in
teaching different subjects such as English, Mathematics, History, Chemistry,
Physics, Biology, etc.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) offers significant advantages in learning

through engaging audio-visual presentations and simulations. Despite its benefits,
widespread implementation faces challenges like insufficient funding, connectivity
issues, and the need for regular updates. Operational difficulties may arise from poor
maintenance and electricity shortages. Factors such as the learning environment,
learner engagement, system functionality, security, and trust play crucial roles in
influencing the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction across diverse school


Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between Computer-Assisted

Instruction (CAI) and teachers in gaining a high cognitive teachers of the same level
have traditional learning.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between Computer-

Assisted Instruction (CAI) and teachers in gaining a high cognitive Teachers of the
same level have traditional learning.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College



This study centers on the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in

Teaching Science to Elementary Learners of Holy Cross College located at Sta.
Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga. The scope encompasses the entire student population of
Holy Cross College Sta. Ana Pampanga, totaling (Population) Teachers. However,
the target participants for the study, consisting of (No. of Sampling) Teachers, have
been selected for in-depth survey and data collection. These participants were
identified using a simple random sampling, providing specific insights into the
research questions. Geographically, the study is confined to Holy Cross College and
the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction. Data collection and analysis will
take place within a ten-minute time frame, efficacy of Computer-Assisted Instruction
in Teaching Science among Elementary Learners.

In terms of delimitations, the sample size is limited to (no. of sampling)

Teachers due to resource constraints, forming a subset of the larger student
population. The findings and conclusions may be context-specific to Holy Cross
College and may not be readily extrapolated to other educational institutions with
differing characteristics. Additionally, the study's findings may be time-specific, not
accounting for long-term trends or changes in learner behavior and preferences.
Finally, the research primarily focuses on the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted
Instruction in Teaching Science to Elementary Learners, and its findings may not be
directly transferrable to other educational institutions. By delineating these
boundaries, the study provides a clear understanding of the context and limitations of
its findings.


This study aims to evaluate the significant effect of Computer-Assisted

Instruction at Holy Cross College in the Elementary Department.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


To the Science Teachers:

This research study aims to help Elementary Science to improve their teaching
abilities with the help of Computer-Assisted Instruction.

To the Students:

The study aims to determine whether applying Computer-Assisted training

increases students' scientific knowledge, resulting in helping in their comprehension
of the subject matter.

To the Future Researchers:

This research acts as a foundational resource for future researchers, offering a

starting point for further effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction at
educational institutions. It inspires and guides future research in this area, allowing
for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.


Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) - A way to distribute learning materials that

use computer technology to improve learning. Interactive tutorials, role-playing
games, and other digital learning resources that offer individualized and captivating
learning experiences can be incorporated into Computer-Assisted Instruction.

Efficacy – Refers to the ability or capacity of something, such as intervention to

produce the intended result.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


Internet Connected – Refers to devices or systems that are able to access the internet
and enable them to communicate with other devices or systems over the web.

Complementary – combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities

of each other or another.

Supplement – something that completes or makes an addition.

Grasp – to gain a good understanding of.

Retention – the continued possession, use, or control of something.

Encyclopedia – is a reference work or compendium providing summaries of


Delving – to examine something in detail trying to find information

Inquiry-Based Learning – a learning process that engages students by making real-

world connections through exploration and high-level questioning.

Authentic Science – refers to a science experience that embodies more of the

qualities of actual or real science.

User-friendly – easy to use or understand.

Autonomous – having the right or power of self-government.

Self-paced – done or designed to be accomplished at the student’s own speed.

Self-regulating – used to describe a system, machine, etc. that is able to correct itself
when things begin to go wrong, without outside help.

Proficient – very good at doing something especially through practice.

Scholastic Performance or Achievement– students’ academic achievement or

ability while they are at school.

Immense – extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


Prospective – relating to or effective in the future.

Posttest – a test given to students after completion of an instructional program or


Revamp – given new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.

Simulations – a representation of something, not the real thing.

Biology – the study of living organisms.

Retrieval – the process of getting something back from somewhere.

Imitation – the action of using someone or something as a model.

Impractical – not adapted for use or action; not sensible or realistic.

Virtual – used to describe something that can be done or seen using computers or the
internet instead of going to a place, meeting people in person, etc.

Infrastructure – the system of public works of a country, state, or region.

Intervention – the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a

condition or process.

Geographically – in terms of the geography or physical features of an area.

Delineating – describe or portray precisely.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College




This chapter presents the research design, sampling method, the respondents of
the study, the instrument, data collection, statistical treatment of the data, and the
ethical considerations that would be considered in conducting this study.


This research followed a descriptive quantitative approach, focusing on the

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College. The researcher will collect numerical data through
surveys from selected Grade 3 to Grade 6 teachers. In this study, the descriptive-
correctional research design was used. Descriptive - Correctional research design was
used study. According to (McCombes 2019), descriptive research aims to accurately,
and systematically describe a population, situation, or phenomenon. It can answer
what, where, when, and how questions, but not why questions. While correlational
research design aims to investigate the relationship between the variables (Bhandi
2023), this method would help the researchers obtain the data needed in order to
answer the research problems.


The researchers used non-probability sampling techniques. Non-probability

sampling techniques make use of non-random research participant selection, which
may result in study samples that are not representative of the general population
(Raifman, et al. 2022).

The researchers specifically used purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a

type of nonprobability sampling in which the researchers’ select participants based on

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


a variety of characteristics such as subject matter expertise or the ability and desire to
participate in the study (Campbell, et al. 2020).


The study’s respondents were ten faculty science teachers who are currently
employed at Holy Cross College (Elementary Department). The respondents are said
to be experts in the field of science and are currently handling and teaching Grades 3
to Grades 6 science subjects.

TEACHERS (Elementary Department) TOTAL

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6
Table 1: Population


In order to obtain the quantitative component of the study, the data will be
gathered by questionnaires. The research questionnaires (research made) will include
a section for respondents’ basic information and checklist questions about how
Computer-Assisted Instruction helps educator in teaching Science among Holy Cross
College elementary students.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College



To collect the data, the researchers will conduct survey questionnaires to the
teachers who are handling Science subjects in Holy Cross College (Elementary
Department). Using printed questionnaires, the data collection procedure typically
follows a structured process to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data. Here's a
outline of the procedure:

 Designing the Questionnaire:

Determine the research objectives and the variables to be measured.

Use appropriate response formats (Likert scale).

 Printing and Preparing Questionnaires:

Print an adequate number of copies of the questionnaire.

Include any necessary instructions for respondents.

 Recruiting Participants:

Identify the target population for the study.

Determine the sampling method.

Distribute the questionnaires to respondents.

 Data Collection:

Provide clear instructions on how to complete the questionnaire.

Collect completed questionnaires promptly to minimize response bias.

 Data Entry and Management:

Enter the data into a computer database or statistical software for analysis.

Store the completed questionnaires securely for future reference.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College


 Data Analysis:

Use appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data.

Interpret the findings in relation to the research objectives and hypotheses.

Throughout the entire process, researchers should adhere to ethical guidelines

and standards to ensure the rights and well-being of the participants are protected.


In this research study titled “Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instructions in

Teaching Science in Elementary Learners of Holy Cross College,” researchers used
Microsoft Excel to tabulate and analyze the data as statistical tool. To interpret and
data analysis of the demographic profile of the participants, researchers used
Frequency and Percentage formula.

As the researchers want to know the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted

Instruction in teaching science among elementary learners from Holy Cross College,
researchers used Means and Likert Scale to analyze and find the Descriptive
Interpretation of data.


The researchers make certain that the study follows all the rules and guidelines
pertaining to the respondents’ privacy and confidentiality. The researchers obey and
consider R.A. 10173 or the so-called “Data Privacy Act of 2012”. A law that protects
the individuals from authorized processing of personal information that is private, not
public available. In addition, the respondents have the right to choose to participate or
not. The researcher ensure that all information or data gathered and obtained was
treated with great confidentiality and security.

Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Science in Elementary
Learners of Holy Cross College



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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Issue: 5 Volume No.6. https://ijetms.in/Vol-6-issue-5/Vol-6-Issue-5-68.pdf.

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