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Pupils’ Leadership Performance as Perceived by

Supreme Pupil’s Government

A Thesis

Master of Arts in Education,

Southern Philippines College

Cagayan de Oro City



Chapter 1

Pupils' Leadership Performance as perceived by Supreme Pupil Government

Within an educational context, the process of cultivating and promoting

leadership traits in children or students is known as "pupil leadership." It comprises

giving students the authority to take on leadership roles and responsibilities,

enhancing their ability to make decisions, solve problems, communicate clearly, and

influence their peers in a positive way. Pupil leadership programs often involve

activities such as student councils, peer mentorship, group projects, community

service initiatives, and leadership

training seminars in order to develop and optimize the potential for leadership

in young people.

Under Department of Education Order No. 47, Series of 2014 (DO

No.47, s. 2014), the Supreme Student Government (SSG) and Supreme Pupil

Government (SPG) in elementary and secondary schools are acknowledged as the

"autonomous, unified, and highest democratic representative of the student body

from whom it emanates (Art. 1, sec. 1)"

For several reasons, the way students lead in the Supreme Pupil

Government (SPG) matters a lot. It first assists in the development of critical

leadership skills in children. Students have the opportunity to learn and practice

critical skills like as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and decision-


making through the SPG. They are going to gain from these skills in their upcoming

endeavors and are crucial to their personal growth.

The leadership skills of the students involved in the SPG impact its overall

effectiveness and success. Proficient leaders possess the ability to encourage and

motivate their team members, encourage proactive involvement, and ensure that the

SPG's goals and objectives are met. Students who have strong leadership qualities

inside the organization create a positive and productive work environment that

boosts engagement and increases the success of projects and initiatives.

The way students lead in the SPG has a direct impact on the entire school

community. By advocating for their needs, desires, and problems, the SPG speaks

for the interests of the students. When they have exhibited outstanding leadership

traits, exceptional leaders are better equipped to stand up for their colleagues,

address their problems, and work toward solutions. This fosters a sense of unity and

self-determination among students, leading to a more hospitable and tranquil

educational setting.

Leadership is defined as someone who can influence others toward a

common purpose. Encouragement to change and willingly enable others to do the

same are the first steps in fostering and transforming students to become effective

leaders of future. The West II district's level of SPG implementation serves as the

foundation for this process.

The SPG was formed as a student group in order to give students a way to

keep a closer and more friendly relationship with the school administration. In order

to carry out the crucial tasks of promoting the welfare of the students and the entire

school community, the SPG establishes the

essential obligation of bringing the voice of the student constituency to the

attention of the school authorities. Additionally, SPG is parliamentary in nature,

allowing any student to run for office and cast a vote for the leader they select.

Officers in the organization include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Auditor,

Public Information Officer, Peace Officer, Grade Level Chairperson, and

Representatives from each grade level. A Teacher-Adviser will act as the facilitator

for all programs and activities that are started. All SPG adhere to the rules outlined

in DO No. 47. 2014. The Gingoog City Division pushed schools to bolster the SPG's


Pupils were not incapacitated on guidelines and leadership activities in

2015, my first year as an SPG adviser at the aforementioned school. It was seen

that the organization was not running properly due to insufficient funding, low

morale, Because of this, an analysis of the impact and subsequent appraisal of the

benefits and drawbacks of the SPG can provide solutions to concerns and difficulties

that will serve as the basis for creating a program of leadership empowerment for

development. In order to tackle the issue of students' growth and generate well-

rounded individuals, SPG needs to be effectively implemented through

communication between teachers and students. SPG will serve as a training ground

to expand their social and academic capacity. This also contributes to an

improvement in fulfillment and self-assurance.


Theoretical Framework

The purpose of this study was to empower pupils’ leadership roles and

responsibilities, and developing their capacity for decision-making, problem-solving,

effective communication, and influencing their peers toward successful ends.

Activities like student councils, peer mentor-ship, community service projects, group

projects, and leadership training workshops are frequently included in pupil

leadership programs

The present work was informed by a review of several studies that were

reviewed by the researcher. Gutek (2009) states that educational institutions

typically offer learning centers to help pupils that are having trouble in their courses.

These establishments provide tutoring and remedial instruction in the subjects that

the learner is finding challenging, counseling programs are further offered to

students coping with personal issues, such as substance misuse and problems with

eating. professional placement services assist with choosing a professional path and

hiring following graduation from college, greater understanding of the issues our

study raises

The Student Government oversees the planning and control of pupil’s events.

Academic programs, and rules enforced by student bodies at colleges, universities,

and assemblies. a body of officers chosen by students, made up of both students

and some faculty serves as a liaison between the institution's management and its

members, like the head of a school, the president and board of governors of a

university, and the learners. Furthermore, it participates in the oversight of

extracurricular, disciplinary, and educational programs.


Garlejo (2006) asserted, however, that each institution or university has a student

council as the highest-ranking student organization at the school. Its primary duty is

to guarantee that the rights and well-being of every student is consistently

maintained and advanced. This is the job of the Student Council:

foster a sense of school pride and advance the well being of all students; to provide

guidance to president of the university or college on issues, events, and initiatives

pertaining to adoption of its own bylaws for both internal and external governance;

intercollegiate concern; organize student activities; and to use the authority and

carry out the tasks.It may occasionally receive delegations from the school

administration. Gacutan (2006), however, stated that the heads of several student

groups for the improvement of the school, each campus fulfilled crucial duties. As

they widely regarded as a potent human resource that the school uses for both

instruction and the way schools are run. Students will find this particularly true, as

they are regarded as the most influential member of the academic community.

Students are, despite their youth, cognizant of the various issues affecting their

schooling and future. So, they ought to take the initiative to provide answers to these

issues, providing them with opportunities to carry out their strategies and mobilize

their efforts to the best of their ability because they want to encourage pupils' growth

and contribute to raising the reputation of the institution to which they go. Foubert

and Grainge (2006) referenced Cooper et al. (1994) as saying that participation in

clubs. It has been demonstrated that organizations positively link with a number of

psycho social evolution. Junior college students who belong to student organizations

specifically receive higher scores greater than that of non-members in areas

including career planning and educational participation planning a lifestyle, engaging

in culture, and maintaining academic independence.


Conceptual Framework
The "Constitution & By-Laws of the Supreme Student Government

(SSG) and Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) in Elementary and Secondary

Schools" is another name for Department of Education Order No. 47, Series

of 2014 (DO No.47, s. 2014), which regards both student governing bodies as

the "autonomous, unified and highest democratic representative of the student

body from whom its power emanates" (Art. 1, sec. 1)

Beyond its formal pillars, the school has improved and encouraged

students to become future leaders. In particular, the Constitution and By-Laws of

Supreme Pupils Government in Elementary Schools Across the Nation became

institutionalized in recognition of the necessity to establish a student- run body at the

elementary school level that will embody the ideals, principles, and practices of

participatory democracy and citizenship and serve as a forum for students to

develop as active members of society.

The Department of Education today institutionalizes the Supreme Pupil

Government (SPG) for use in all of the nation's elementary schools. The Supreme

Child Government will serve as the highest level of child organization in school

government to further the welfare of all students, acting as an analog of the

Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) in elementary schools. Furthermore, the focus of

Pupils' Leadership Performance as Perceived by Supreme Pupil Government (SPG)

is on understanding and assessing student leadership performance from the

perspective of the SPG. Under the guidance of the school administration, the SPG

will implement projects, initiatives, and programs that will benefit the students. Clean

and green campaigns, environmental programs, health campaigns, literacy and


English-speaking campaigns, Brigada Eskwela, leadership development courses,

and other pertinent efforts will all be included in this set of activities. The functions

and responsibilities outlined in the constitutional law are upheld and fulfilled by the

SPG. However, it has been observed that today's pupils lack discipline, leadership

skills, and self-assurance when speaking in front of sizable gatherings. Through this

unified organization that has been developed nationwide, students who are

dedicated to putting ideas, concepts, and values into action through leadership

programs and activities are taught to encourage

great leadership.Schools may help guarantee that the concerns and voices of their

students are effectively represented and taken into consideration with in the larger

school community by fostering a strong feeling of passion and dedication among

SPG members.Researchers can better grasp how these factors interact with one

another by referring to the schematic model of the relationship between the

independent and dependent variables in Figure 1. The government commitment of

Supreme Pupil in terms of organization, services, and work is an independent

variable. The students' academic performance for the 2022–2023 school year is the

dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Pupils’ Leadership Supreme Pupils’

Commitment as to: Government Performance

 Organization For S.Y.2023-2024


Figure 1.

The Schematic Diagram Showing the Interplay between the Independent and

Dependent Variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the level of Pupil’s Leadership Performance as Perceived by

Supreme Pupil’s Performance in all school activities and programs.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:


1. What is the student’s leadership performance level in terms of: :

1.1 Organization;

1.2 Service; and

1.3 Work?

2. What is the S.Y.2023-2024 level of government performance for Supreme pupils?

3. Is there a significant relationship between Pupils’ Leadership Performance and

Supreme Pupils’ Government Performance?


The hypotheses in Problem 3 were supplied in a null form and the test was

conducted at a significance level of 0.5, Problems 1 and 2 were devoid of


Ho1: The Supreme Pupils' Government Performance and the Pupils' Leadership

Performance in the Gingoog City Division do not significantly correlate.

Significance of the Study

The study's findings may contribute to raising the caliber of student leadership

style programs and activities as judged by the Supreme Pupils' Government

Performance of primary schools in the Gingoog City Division. This could be a

chance to raise the standard of student leadership at each school in the Gingoog

City division's West-2 District.


In order to help students in the West-II district develop the important value of

leading an organization in their school and in their community, this study explores

the significance of leadership among students in the district. The following industries

and person groups can benefit from the study's findings.

The study may be used by the school to enhance the services provided by

the Supreme Pupils Government, as well as to work toward maximizing its possible


This research will assist teachers in fostering students' socializing,

camaraderie, and active participation at all levels, helping them to become good

community leaders.

The findings of this study may inspire parents and other stakeholders to get

involved in school activities for their kids in order to give them the confidence they

need to pursue careers as leaders.

The learners in this study—who are our future leaders—may this research serve as

a manual for being empowered leaders in the future. Through this study, learners

with unmatched competence and talents may develop into fiercely competitive,

value-laden individuals.

This study can be used by future researchers to assess how the Supreme

Pupils' Government affects program implementation and school activities. These will

also assist them in establishing benchmarks for the proper program design that

should be anchored to meet the needs of their students and school.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on students' performance through SPG and the degree of

commitment in putting school activities and programs into action. The study focused

solely on the SPG Commitment level and student performance in the following

elementary schools: Pedro Maligmat Integrated School, Tinulongan Elementary

School, Mindulean Elementary, Mimbuntong Elementary, Baybay Elementary

School, Fructoso Rife Integrated School, Lunao Central School, and School Year

2022–2023. The study uses the leadership commitment to work, organization, and

service as its independent variables. The dependent variable under study in this

study is students' academic performance.

Definition of terms

The following terminologies are defined to understand more about the study.

Leadership. The Department of Education Order No. 47, Series of 2014,

which serves as the foundation for school activities and programs, is the focus of

this discussion on young leaders. It also refers to the traits and abilities needed to

lead a team successfully and motivate them to strive toward a single objective.

Organization. This is a reference to the organizational structure and system,

which comprises the member roles and responsibilities, meetings and decision-

making procedures, channels of communication, and other prerequisites to

guarantee the government is running efficiently.

Pupils Performance. The degree to which a student, instructor, or institution

has met their short- or long-term learning objectives is referred to as academic

performance or achievement, and it is determined by ongoing assessment. How well

they lead and represent the interests and worries of their peers may be influenced

by how well they succeed in these domains.

Services. In order to serve and support the requirements of the school

community, elected officers carry out various activities and programs. Improving the

standard of school life and fostering the academic and personal development of the

student body are the main objectives of these services.

Supreme Pupil’s Government. This is the Supreme Pupils' Government,

which is the highest governing body of students in educational institutions. It serves

as a collective name for all of the school's groups that carry out their obligations,

responsibilities, and rights. a training program that prepared students to be the

greatest leaders they could be in the future. The Supreme Pupils Government (SPG)

is a student-run organization that aims to instill democratic values and leadership

abilities in elementary and secondary education.

Work. This is a reference to the duties and obligations that elected officials

carry out in order to support improved academic results, build school community,

and assist their fellow students. SPG members plan and participate in school-related

events and activities.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Important research, publications, and ideas that have been determined to be

beneficial for the current study are included in this chapter. These offer a framework

for the processing and interpretation of data by the researcher. Citations from

regional and international literary studies add to the current study's context, focus,

and breadth. They are categorized in line with the elements that support the roles

and leadership of the upcoming generation.

The Supreme Pupil Government

As stipulated by the Philippine Constitution and the school, the Supreme Pupil

Government (SPG) aims to serve as the umbrella organization for all other

organizations within the school, exercise the rights, privileges, duties, and

responsibilities of the students therein as student organizations, and work in tandem

with the administration, clubs, and other organizations for the betterment of both the

school and the students. It also helps students become more socially conscious,

elevates their degree of social awareness, and involves them in beneficial initiatives

and activities.

Aribbado (2018) of ISJR asserts that the Supreme Pupils' Government is an

essential institution whose significant function cannot be disregarded. It cleared the

path for future student leaders and involved partners in the Department of Education

and schools, where effective and responsive leadership is practiced to prepare

students to be law-abiding, productive Filipino citizens. As the department of

education's and the school's implementing arm for initiatives, projects, and programs

aimed at the welfare and development of students, it is incredibly effective.

Furthermore, the issues that the SPG is currently facing make it more difficult for

them to carry out their mandate. Lucero (2021) also came to the conclusion that the

Supreme Student Government should not limit its attention to improving students'

extracurricular abilities. Additionally, the company ought to start initiatives, projects,

and activities with a focus on improving academic achievement.

According to Siscar & Ojales (2021), students who took part in SPG activities

demonstrated a higher level of development of their leadership potential than

students who did not participate in the program. They also found that the SPG

program had a positive effect on the students' academic achievement, social skills,

and discipline. They suggest that using SPG to develop students' leadership

potential can be a useful strategy for improving students' overall development in

public elementary schools.


According to Erino (2019), in order for suggested leadership activities to be

implemented in public elementary schools in a timely and efficient manner, they

must be presented to and approved by the appropriate authorities. Following

implementation, there may be a follow-up assessment of how leadership activities

were carried out. A similar study might be carried out to enhance the skills of SPG

officers. By doing this, you can assist the students reach their full leadership


As a result, SPG is task-related and focuses on functions for student leaders.

It is a valuable instrument for helping learners develop their inner desire for

leadership and their capacity for service (Pascua, 2017). Planning, carrying out,

observing, and evaluating in accordance with the authorities, responsibilities, and

duties specified by the Department of Education can be used to evaluate the

efficacy of the SPG.

The Department of Education is calling on all schools to unite under a single,

supreme student government policy that would: provide a forum for student-to-

student communication and leadership development; assist students and teachers in

preparing for and implementing participatory democracy, responsible citizenship,

and excellent academic achievement; and inspire students to work together as

partners to improve education, which can be enhanced through planning, carrying

out, observing, and evaluating student performance.Cadelina (2018) also found that

students have a high level of dedication to SPG and that, in spite of occasional

difficulties and obstacles, they are willing to collaborate and support SPG programs

and activities. They stay devoted and faithful. Furthermore, Capulso (2017)

acknowledges that students may be afraid of losing in the upcoming officer

elections; therefore, they must follow them to ensure high levels of satisfaction. But

since they are expected to take the lead, they ought to do the right thing, even if it

means going against public opinion at times.


The most significant extracurricular student group with permission to run and

carry out pertinent initiatives, programs, and activities in educational institutions

across the nation is the Supreme Pupils' Government. By giving students multiple

opportunities to develop their leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as

the attitudes that will support these efforts, it lays the groundwork for good

governance, unity, and collaboration. The Department of Education oversees the

implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the SPG's projects, programs, and

activities at the school level, ensuring that they a Planning is a series of procedures

that determine how a goal might be achieved or a collection of related goals that the

school undertakes that have a direct impact on the efficacy of an organization

(Arribado,2018). The organization needs to exercise caution when organizing

matters, affairs, and student organization activities; when establishing organizational

goals; when coming up with ideas for the current situation; when selecting a

strategy; and when initiating the SPG by organizing activities, taking action, and

evaluating the results. re put into action and practices.

According to Lugtu (2020), students' standing within the SPG or

organizational structure is unrelated to their academic performance. If they wish to

succeed in both fields, they will need to balance their time and efforts accordingly.

They cannot, however, anticipate succeeding academically if they are performing

well as slaves. Furthermore, according to Siscar and Ojales (2021), an organization

needs to pay attention to the learners who are its constituents' critics if it is to

function effectively and efficiently. Their voices need to be heard since they are the

ones they are working for.

Gregorio (2019) talked about the relationship between social networks,

academic success, and supreme student government. It also benefits from

involvement in the system of school organization. Additionally, it was mentioned that

getting involved in school-related groups and events can help young people feel

better about their appearance, keep fit, and reduce stress, all of which can have an

impact on their mental health. To guarantee the proper, effective, and efficient

delivery of services to students and to establish a visual representation that

recommends programs that address relevant issues and difficulties that affect the

students' performance.

The mission of the Supreme Pupils' Government (SPG) is to uphold and advance

the goals, tenets, thrusts, and purposes of the SPG, the School, and the Department

of Education. These include ensuring that services are provided to the student body

in a fair, effective, and efficient manner and developing and recommending

programs that will effectively address pertinent issues and concerns raised by the


Planning, according to Arribado (2018), entails a number of actions that

establish how a goal or a group of linked goals by the school can be accomplished.

An organization's efficacy is strongly correlated with the management of that

organization. In a similar vein, the SPG officers carefully plan the organization's

realization of student matters, affairs, and activities. They also determine the

organization's goals, develop hypotheses about the current environment, choose an

approach, launch the SPG with initiatives to put plans into action, and assess the


Borjal (2019) stated that in order to help the organization minimize problems

and concerns, leaders should adopt good leadership styles. Leaders should apply

their styles of leadership to improve the organization. Leaders must to be more

receptive to the organization's efforts to resolve concerns and challenges. It is

important to apply excellent training design to solve organizational difficulties,

concerns, and problems.


SPG has the authority to direct DepEd-driven thrusts, projects, programs, and

activities of the SPG/SSG in addition to planning, implementing, and enforcing

policies intended to safeguard and advance the rights and welfare of students.

Establishing committees as needed to meet the needs of the students is the use of a

strategy, a procedure, or any concept, idea, model, specification, guideline, or rule

for carrying out an action. Therefore, for something to truly happen, the action that

comes after any initial thought is called implementation.

According to Arribado (2018), the execution of relevant programs, projects,

and activities in schools across the country creates the foundation for volunteerism,

good governance, unity, and cooperation by giving students a variety of

opportunities to develop their leadership knowledge, abilities, and attitudes in order

to become better members of society in line with the goals and principles of good

citizenship and participatory democracy. He further mentioned that despite having a

demanding schedule, students and officers are ready and willing to complete their


According to Rico (2021), students in SPG are expected to undertake a variety of

tasks that are not immediately related to their academic performance or studies.

Thus, it is imperative that they maintain a steady balance between their academics

and SPG-related employment in order to prevent having to give up on either one.

Teachers need to communicate with students and follow up with them in detail.


Monitoring and evaluation are two separates but connected facets of the

creation and execution of the student government's program activities, initiatives,

and projects. These are fundamental tools for organization. Evaluating the programs

that students have started will support the needs of an organization and gauge the

results of the output produced by the organization.

Program elements that are distinct but equally significant are monitored and

evaluated as part of the planning and implementation of the student government's

projects, programs, and activities. These are essential tools for strategic positioning,

organizational learning, and future competent management. According to Cadelina

(2018), some students in the school look up to and revere the students who serve as

leaders. They must therefore demonstrate that they are not simply likeable but also

capable of performing and enduring in the face of juggling their studies with SPG


Arribado (2018) claims that monitoring happens during the implementation of

a program and its final evaluation at the conclusion of the project. Impact

assessment is a technique used to compare project outcomes with and without the

program. While putting the plan into action may be the most enjoyable because work

is done, it can also be the most frustrating because the details can be tedious and

even overwhelming. In general, monitoring and evaluation work better together to

improve the results of the SPG in schools. Leaders need to understand which duties

and responsibilities will continue as normal and which ones will change.According to

Lara et al. (2019), young leaders' experiences in the classroom have taught them

more and given them access to more chances for involvement in school

governance.He continued by saying such experiences gave student leaders the

ability to manage authority, develop a sense of self, and seize chances.

In order to respond appropriately to the organization's concerns and wishes,

Arribado (2018) stated that SPG actively strives to understand these things.

Representing fellow students is a student representative's most significant

responsibility. Similarly, Alde (2019) comes to the conclusion that for the

advancement of the school, a well-thought-out, well-planned plan of action as well

as helpful SPG projects in fostering positive relationships and a sense of

camaraderie among the students and the students' council should be restructured

and reorganized.

Serving the SPG organization, according to De Vera (2023), provided them

the chance to help children, particularly those who were struggling academically. He

saw firsthand the dedication these students showed to programs like tutoring and

coaching. Additionally, the organization influenced the growth of their lifelong

learning abilities, including communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, self-

assurance, and decision-making. According to Pascua and Dulos (2020), they have

a strong commitment to acting as SPG officers. Students thought that serving others

and experiencing service was the first step that pushed them to achieve what they

are doing.

Pupils’ Academic Performance

A teacher's ongoing activity-based role in the classroom is known as "pupil

performance supervision." Through regular reviews and assessments of progress,

this role aims to match the student's learning interests with the school's and the

state's interests in order to advance and sustain the student's passion towards

understanding the established educational goals. It will be ascertained how the

student's performance improves in terms of leadership and academic performance

through SPG and other leadership involvement.

Pantaleon (2019) asserts that in order for students to gain empowerment and the

ability to handle and confront life's difficulties, they must be exposed to a variety of

stimulating activities. Participating in extracurricular activities is an additional facet of

a comprehensive education that extends beyond the standard academic

curriculum.In order to reform schools and enable youth to realize their full potential,

student leadership is essential. Students who are involved in student leadership

might benefit from guidance in planning, executing, overseeing, and assessing basic


Pupils’ who possess the expertise and abilities to become future national

leaders should be permitted to run for SPG positions, according to Borjal (2019). To

help the organization reduce difficulties and issues, executives should practice good

leadership styles. According to Pascua and Dulos (2020), students are more likely to

be inclined toward service and devotion to their roles as leaders than they are to be

interested in promoting activities relevant to their studies. Leaders should apply their

styles of leadership to improve the organization. Leaders must to be more receptive

to the initiatives that the company takes on. to deal with concerns and challenges. It

is important to apply excellent training design to solve organizational difficulties,

concerns, and problems.

According to Lucero (2021), SPG shouldn't limit its attention to helping pupils

develop their extracurricular abilities. Leadership that prioritizes upholding the best

interests of maintaining and following the Mission, as well as the student body, is

crucial for the development and implementation of educational initiatives. The


organization should also launch programs, projects, and activities with an emphasis

on improving academic performance. Steps must be done in the direction of their

evaluation with the clear possibility for growth and progress if the student leaders

are to contribute fully and fully to their rights and duties as basic members of the

student body.Since the SPG is regarded as the most democratic organization

among students, its ineffective and inefficient operations may finally affect the group

of learners' interest.

The study conducted by Gurney and Eckert concluded that students'

outcomes are greatly impacted by the culture and general atmosphere of the school.

By creating a positive learning environment, school administrators can enhance

students' academic performance and increase their satisfaction. This emphasizes

the value of funding initiatives that put fostering great school climates first, like

encouraging strong leadership and clear communication, fostering positive

connections among students, and offering supportive learning settings. In the end,

this may result in higher student achievement and better overall school performance.

Alviento (2018) emphasized that SPG organizations are successful in

promoting students' well-being, leaders' development, and community involvement.

Student welfare initiatives and activities, like facilitating access to health services,

organizing social events, and initiating programs that support student progress, were

successfully carried out by the students. They were effective in developing

leadership traits in their audience through training, seminars, and mentorship


Andrales (2018) asserted that participation in extracurricular activities such as

the SPG and other clubs allowed students to build their core values and that there is

a significant correlation between learners' performance and core values like service.

Students ought to participate in these organizations as a result. The Department of

Education asked that "One School, One Community" be implemented in all schools.

One Supreme Pupils Government" aims to "build a foundation for harmony and

cooperation by providing a forum for students and teachers to discuss their

leadership skills and capacity; it also aspires to shape children and students into

better members of society by promoting excellent academic achievement among

students as collaborators and participatory democracy as guiding principles.

According to Bellon, Ngware, and Admassu (2017), parents should be

actively involved in their child's education, especially by creating a nurturing home

environment and making sure their child attends school on a regular basis. This may

result in better academic achievement as well as future employment and educational


In conclusion, the Supreme Pupils' Government greatly influences how

students will develop in the future by promoting the values of social responsibility,

democratic engagement, and teamwork. It can serve as a platform for students to

gain important abilities, attitudes, and skills. Good leadership is a vital component of

school reform that helps kids reach their full potential. Students' leadership can

assist students in developing the fundamental skills necessary for success in life by

promoting teamwork, carrying out assignments, monitoring advancement, and

assessing outcomes.As a result, it's critical to create an atmosphere that greatly

appreciates student leadership and provides them with the tools and assistance they

require in order to contribute positively to society. Through the promotion of social

awareness and civic duty, the SPG can assist students in developing a sense of

responsibility for their community and society at large. Since student leadership has

so many benefits overall, it is critical that schools provide chances for this essential

part of their students' grow

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the research methods and procedures. This

contains a discussion of the research design, setting, respondents and sampling

procedure, research instrument, data collection procedure, categorization of

research variables, and statistical data treatment and interventions.


A descriptive-correlational research design was employed in the study.

A correlational design looks into the link between the variables in a way that is

grounded in science. The variables and the relationships that naturally occur

between and among them are explicitly specified in a descriptive correlational

design (Noah, 2021). Utilized to gather quantitative data on the target respondents

in order to draw statistical inferences about them. This study's approach explained

the degree of SPG's organizational, labor, and service dedication as well as the

students' academic achievement. The strong association between SPG dedication

and the academic achievement of West II District students was also made clearer by

this research design. This non-experimental study examined the relevance of the

variables with the aid of statistical analysis.



A subset of the West II district's elementary schools in Gingoog City

were the subject of this study. In the Philippine province of Misamis Oriental, the City

of Gingoog (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa Hingoog; Tagalog: Lungsod ng Gingoog) is a

2nd class component city.

Gingoog is located in the Northern Mindanao Region's Province of Misamis

Oriental. The city is situated around 76 miles (122 km) to the east of Cagayan de

Oro and 46 miles (74 km) to the west of Butuan. The municipality of Magsaysay

forms its eastern boundary; the municipalities of Medina, Claveria, and Magsaysay

comprise its southern, western, and northern borders, respectively. Its total land

area is 56,844 hectares (140,460 acres). Gingoog City is called the City of Good

Luck because the Lumad tribe of Manobo, who settled in the area, coined the

phrase "Hingoog," which means "Goodluck," giving rise to the term "Gingoog."

A Public Schools District Supervisor oversees the West II district. A school

principal and master teachers oversaw each school. One of the biggest districts in

the Gingoog City division is West II district. The Department of Education (formerly

DECS) in Gingoog City was awarded an ordinary Gratuitious Lawful Purpose

(School Site) Permit in compliance with Section 57 of Presidential Decree No. 705

(also known as the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines). Baybay Elementary

School has grown from this. It is located 11 kilometers away from the division office

and is easily accessible by car. The school has 16 highly qualified teachers under

the direction of its principal, and it has 8 classrooms spread across 2 new, 2-story

buildings, with 466 enrolled students, the location is swampy due to its proximity to

the sea. The SPG level at Baybay Elementary School is already increasing as a

result of various practices that address the D.O. 14 Series of 2014, which improved

their performance. SPG also planned meetings and other events to assist the school

stay organized. Nevertheless, appropriate direction and urgency must be created.

When Lunao Central School first opened in 1942, it was comprised of a

single room with a nipa roof, round timbers bound together with rattan, and benches

that each student's parents had built and provided. The first teacher in a combined

Grade I and II class was Mr. Rufino Ciruela. Documentation reveals that two of his

students, Aurea Maata and Emilio Opaon, are still alive today. Students would enroll

in Gingoog for Grade III after completing Grade II. Dioscoro Mercado, an additional

instructor, was assigned to teach Grade II in 1926; Eufracia Opaon, who is still alive

at the time of doing this research, was one of his students.

Among those present are legislators, teachers, government personnel,

factory workers, accountants, nurses, and priests. The unproductive creek piece of

land was turned into a fertile ground for many of today's bright and successful kids.

The Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) of

Lunao Central School deserves great praise for their ability to facilitate programs

that are anchored in the D.O. 14.Series of 2014. Pupils' involvement in organizations

of all kinds increases student engagement. One of the growing public elementary

schools in the Division of Gingoog City is Mindulean Elementary School. Located on

122,479 square meters of land provided by Apolinar De Lara, Mundelean

Elementary School is situated six kilometers from the National Highway in Purok 7,

Barangay Murallon, Gingoog City. The school currently employs four elementary

school administrators and is operating at the first level of school-based

management. The only ways to get to Tinulongan Elementary School (TES), which

is about 10 kilometers west of the city center, are by "habal-habal," motorcycles, or


private vehicles. Because TES only has a small number of students, it is less able to

carry out the various programs that the Department of Education offers. For this

reason, the conduct of Supreme Pupils' Government enhancement training may

address the demand to voice their rights and be the means of bringing the potential

learners in leadership positions within the organization.Purok 1, Mimbuntong is

where Mimbuntong Elementary School is situated. The National Highway in Catuan,

Lunao, Gingoog City is roughly 8 kilometers away. It is possible to go to this school

on a mountainside using "habal-habal" and other private cars. Regarding quality, the

school is making every effort to attain a 100% student group participation rate.

Despite having a small student body, the school was nonetheless able to engage in

the student organization as required by the D.O. 47 Series of 2014. According to the

results, the school's initiative to form SPG improved students' performance and

allowed them to speak up for their rights and welfare in the school's policy-making

body, which in turn boosted students' self-esteem and sense of community.



Figure 2.

West II District ,Division of Gingoog City Map

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The focused respondents of the study are the SPG Officers and Classroom

Officers of Grades IV -VI in West II District. There were one hundred fifty (150) total

respondents which include the seventy (70) SPG Officers and eighty (80)

representatives from Grades IV-VI. With inclusion criteria, respondents:

(a) must abide by the voluntary informed consent form; (b) must be an SPG Officer,

Homeroom Class Officer and genuine member of the school covered by the study.

Respondents are excluded if they meet the following criteria: (a) they must be SPG

Officers, Homeroom Class Officers;and not legitimate students at the school being

studied; (b) if SPG Officers, Homeroom Class Officers, and Classroom Advisers did

not sign the informed consent form; (c) respondents who at the time the

questionnaire was distributed withdrew their volunteerism in the study; and (d) SPG

Officers and Homeroom Class Officers,

The researcher used the survey method or complete list.The sampling

process draws from the complete sample of respondents. All members of the

population took part in the study. There was no sample-based selection process.

Total population sampling, is a form of purposive sampling that the whole population

were involved. When the entire population is a manageable size, it is most


The table in the next page shows the distribution of respondents.

Table A

Respondents of the Study


School Respondents Percentage

Baybay Elementary School 25 16.67

Fructoso Rife Iintegrated School 25 16.67

Lunao Central School 25 16.67

Mimbuntong Elementary School 10 6.67

Mindulean Elementary School 15 10

Murallon Elementary School 15 10

Pedro Maligmat Iintegrated School 25 16.67

Tinulongan Elementary School 10 6.67

Total 150 100 Instrument

This study's primary tool was adapted from the study of Rollon (2023) that

anchored on the Supreme Pupil’s Government guidelines as an initial component

meant to gather data about the extent of Supreme Pupil’s Government commitment

in elementary schools through Organization, work, and services and Pupil’s

Academic Performance. The inquiries were founded on the researcher's

understanding of the authority, responsibility, and Constitutional provisions regarding

the SPG's obligations and SPG Bylaws.

Part I is the survey questionnaire of the Supreme Pupils’ Government

Commitment in terms of Organization, Services, and Work and Part II is the Pupils’

Academic Performance School year 2022-2023 in the first quarter based on DepEd

form 137.

Data Gathering Procedure


The researcher made the request in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies,

who in turn forwarded it to the Gingoog City Schools Division Superintendent

through the district's West II instructional supervisors and principals of the schools.

Therefore, the names of all respondents will be kept private and will instead

be denoted by numbers. The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) protocols shall be

adhered to during the data collection in order to guarantee security and reduce the

risk of Covid transmission. Data collecting took place over the course of three days,

with one adviser per grade level. This study used purposive sampling since all the

respondents were the identified elementary school pupils of the West II district for

the School Year 2022-2023. After collecting the data, these be tallied and

collaborated with a statistician in tabulating and interpreting data.

Validity and Reliability

The Commitment and Efficacious Performance of Supreme Student

Government Officers in the Select Schools of Division of Gingoog City and Misamis

Oriental: Foundation for Leadership Training Program questionnaire, which was

modified from Quijada (2022), was employed by the researcher.

Scoring of Variables

The variables in the study and their specific categorization are presented


Part I. Organization (SPG Commitment)

Range Scale Description Interpretation


5 4.21- 5.00 Very High Highly Implemented

4 3.26-4.20 High Implemented

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Low Moderately Implemented

2 1.76-2.50 Low Rarely Implemented

1 1.00-1.75 Very Low Not Implemented

Part II. Pupils’ Academic Performance

Rating Description
90-100 Outstanding
85-89 Very Satisfactory
80-84 Satisfactory
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory
75 below Did not meet the Expectation

Statistical Treatment

Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation

were employed to explain the study's variables. Furthermore, a significant link

between the SPG Commitment and Academic Performance for SY 2022–2023 was

found using Pearson Product Moment link.

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