Fetal Period

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Fetal Period

The Second Month of

Embryonic Development
• Limb buds formed
• Embryo first looks recognizably human
(week 8)
• Head is relatively large
• All major organs are in place

Figure 3.11
Embryo at Eight Weeks

End of eighth week marks end of embryonic period

Fetal Period

Figure 3.1 (2 of 2)
The Fetal Period
• A time of maturation and rapid growth
• Cells are differentiating during the first half
of the fetal period
• Normal births occur 38 weeks after
• Premature birth is one that occurs before
38 weeks

PLAY Ultrasound of Fetus

Measurements of Fetuses
• Biparietal diameter (diameter of the head
between the two parietal eminences)
• Head circumference
• Abdominal circumference
• Femur length
• Foot length
Major Events of
Fetal Development
• 9th –12th week
• Head is half of CRL
• Face is broad and eyes are widely separated
• Eye lids are fused throughout this period
• ossification centers appear
• sex organs differentiate
• fetal limbs begin to move
Major Events of
Fetal Development
• 13th – 16th week
• Limbs movements
• body grows rapidly
• ossification continues
• External genitalia could be recognized by 14 week
• Eyes face anteriorly rather than anterolaterally.
• External ears are close to their definitive position
Major Events of
Fetal Development
• 17th – 20th week
• muscle movements stronger and felt by mother
• skin is covered with vernix caseosa. It is greasy material
secreted by fetus delicate skin to protect it against
• skin is covered with lanugo ( fine down hair)

Major Events of
Fetal Development
• 21st – 38th week
• body gains weight
• subcutaneous fat deposited
• eyebrows and eyelashes appear
• eyelids open
• testes descend
• Glucose is essential source for
metabolism and growth as well as amino
• Insulin secreted by fetal pancreas and
does not cross placenta
Intrauterine growth retardation
Causes of IUGR
• Cigarette smoking
• alcohol and other social drugs
• multiple pregnancy
• Impaired blood flow to the placenta
Position of Full-Term Fetus

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