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1 Whose prophecy did Cyrus king of Persia fulfil in issuing a proclamation to rebuild the temple?


A Haggai A

B Isaiah B

C Jeremiah C

D Zechariah D

2 What did Cyrus bring forth that Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of Jerusalem? (1:7)

The vessels of the house of the


B Shields of gold

C Ark of the covenant

D Book of the law

3 Who was the first person named as one who went out of captivity (कै द)? (2:2)

A Zerubbabel

B Ezra

C Nehemiah

D Mordecai

A 1,000

B 10,000

C 25,000

D 50,000

4 What was the approximate size of the congregation (मण्डली) that went out of captivity? (2:64-65)
The whole company numbered 42,360 + 7,337 male and female slaves + 200 male and female singers = 49897

5 What was the first thing that Jeshua and Zerubbabel built? (3:1-6)

A The ark of the covenant

B The altar(वेदी) of God

C The table of showbread

D The temple

6 What did the old men do who had seen the first temple? (3:12)

A Shouted
B Wept with a loud voice
C Sang
D Praised the Lord

7 What king issued a decree that the Jews cease working, until another commandment was given from him? (4:17-
24) कु न राजाले उहाँबाट अर्को आज्ञा नआएसम्म यहूदीहरूले काम नगर्ने आदेश जारी गर्नुभयो?

A Ahasuerus

B Artaxerxes

C Cyrus

D Darius

8 Who inspired the Jews to start building again? (5:1-2)

A Haggai

B Isaiah

C Zechariah


9 To whom did Tattenai send a letter regarding the progress of the work? (5:3-17)

A Ahasuerus

B Artaxerxes

C Cyrus

D Darius

10 How was the cost of rebuilding to be paid? (6:8)

A Out of the king's goods, even of the tribute

B With tithes

C With freewill offerings

D All of the above

11 What was the prayer request of Darius? (6:9-10)

A For the life of the king, and of his sons

B That the temple be built without injuries

C That the walls be built without injuries

D None of the above

12 What did Darius order to happen to anyone who altered his edict? (6:11)

Let timber be pulled down from his


B Let him be hanged

C Let his house be made a dunghill

D All of the above

13 Of whom was Ezra a descendant? (7:1-5)

A Aaron

B Daniel

C David

D Moses

14 What did Ezra prepare his heart to do? (7:10)

A To seek the law of the LORD

B To do the law of the Lord

C To teach in Israel statutes and judgments

D All of the above

15 Who sent a letter authorizing supplies and materials to be given to Ezra for the house of God? (7:11-25)

A Ahasuerus
B Artaxerxes

C Cyrus

D Darius

16 What did Ezra proclaim at the river of Ahava? (8:21)

A A fast, to seek God for direction

B A prayer meeting

C The feast of the Passover

D That all the males be circumcised

17 What did Ezra say to the king that caused him to be ashamed to ask for an escort of soldiers? (8:22)

A The angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear Him

B The hand of our God is on all them for good that seek him

C God’s power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him


18 How did Ezra handle the accounting of the silver and gold brought to Jerusalem? (8:24-34)
A He appointed Mithredath the treasurer over the accounting

B He weighed the silver, and the gold, and the vessels before they left

He weighed the silver, and the gold, and the vessels when they got to


19 How did Ezra consider the punishment of God? (9:13)

A As chastisement from the Lord

B Greater than they could bear

C Just and fair

D Less than their iniquities deserved

20 What did the Israelites make a covenant to do? (10:2-44)

A Put away all the wives that they had taken from the countries of the land
B Seek the law of the Lord

C Keep the Sabbath

D Tithe

a) What is the meaning of the name Ezra?

Answer: Help.

b) Who was Ezra's Father?

Answer: Seraiah.

c) What was the time period the book of Ezra after Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Jerusalem?
Answer: 48 Years.

d) Who prophesied that the Jews would remain in captivity for 70 years?
Answer: Jeremiah.

e) When the builders completed the foundation of the Temple, what did the priest do?
Answer: They sang rounds of praise and thanks to God.

f) Who presented Ezra the Priest, the Student of God a letter?

Answer: King Artaxerxes.

g) What was the time frame from the second group of exiles after Zerubbabel?
Answer: 80 years.

h) What was Ezra''s reaction to intermarriages for the men of Israel?

Answer: Ezra Chapter 9:3
“When I heard this, I tore my tunic and cloak (पोशाक र खास्‍टो), pulled hair from my
head and beard and sat down appalled. “

i) The priest who had married heathen wives to divorce and acknowledge their guilt by offering what?
Answer: Rams as sacrafices. (10:19) (Ram - भेड़ा, a male sheep aged over 12 months )

j) Ezra returned to Judah with about how many men and families?
Answer: Approx. 2000. (Chapter - 8:1-14)

k) What was the youngest age of people working on building the temple of the Lord?
Answer: 20 years. (Ezra 3:8)

l) In which month the Israelites had settled in their town and start assemble together as one in Jerusalem.
Answer: Seventh Month. (Ezra 3:1)

m) From which month the Israelites began to build the Altar of the God of Israel?
Answer: Seventh Month. (Ezra 3:1-2)

n) What was Shimshai's job?

Answer: Shimshai was the secretary and he was a Writer. (Ezra 4:8)

o) In which time period did work began on the foundations of the Temple?
Answer: "In the second month of the second year.” (Ezra 3:8-10)
p) Who is the first prophet mentioned in Ezra Chapter 5:1?
Answer: Find Yourself. Bible pani padha hai.

q) In Ezra 5:1, which two prophets are named as instigating a renewal of the building work on the Temple?
Answer: Haggai and Zechariah.
r) King Darius' response was to approve the completion of the Temple; however, as described in Ezra 6:8-10, he
added an unexpected further command. What was that?
Answer: The building costs were to be paid out of the king's own taxes.
“परमेश्‍वरको त्‍यो भवन पुनर्निर्माण गरिओस्‌भनी तिमीहरूले ती यहूदी धर्म-गुरुहरूका निम्‍ति के गर्नुपर्छ सो पनि म
तिमीहरूलाई हुकु म गर्दैछु । त्‍यो काम नरोकिओस्‌भनेर यूफ्रे टिस पारिको प्रान्‍तमा उठे को करबाट, राजकीय कोषबाट
तिनीहरूको खर्च भर्नू।

s) The Persian King Darius decreed that what should happen to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem?
Answer: That everything should be done to aid its construction. (Ezra 6:8-9)

t) When the temple was finally completed the Israelites held a feast to dedicate it to God. During this feast how
many animals were sacrificed?
Answer: 712 animals were sacrificed to God. (Ezra 6:17)

u) In which time period the exiles celebrated the Passover?

Answer: On the Fourteenth day of the first month. (Ezra 6:19)

v) On their arrival in Jerusalem Ezra's followers made sacrifices to God. They sacrificed 12 bullocks, 77 lambs, 96
rams and how many goats?
Answer: 12 goats. (Ezra 6:17)

w) Ezra called a great assembly of the Israelites to warn them of their sin. What had they done which angered
Answer: They had married foreign women. (Ezra 10:10-12)

x) What freewill offering did Israelites gave towards the rebuilding of the house of God after returned to
Answer: 61,000 darics of gold, 5,000 minas of silver and 100 priestly garments. (Ezra 2:69).

y) What was the total numbers of animals they (Israelites) had when they reached Jerusalem from Captivity?
Answer: 8136. (Ezra 2:66-67)

z) In what time period Ezra arrived Jerusalem from Babylon?

Answer: In the fifth month of the seventh year of the king. (Ezra 7: 8)

1. Cyrus was the King of ____________.

Ans: Persia.

2. In order to fulfil the word of the lord spoken by ____________, the Lord moved the heart of King
Ans: Jeremiah.
3. Lord moved heart of the family heads of __________ and ______________ , and the priests and
__________ along with Cyrus to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem.
Ans: family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites

4. Who had carried away articles from Jerusalem and had placed in the temple of his God?
Ans: Nebuchadnezzar.

5. What was the numbers of Gold bowls?

Ans: 30

6. What was the numbers of Silver bowls?

Ans: 410

7. What was the total number of articles of gold and silver?

Ans: 5400

8. Who brought articles and exiles (निर्वासितहरू) from Babylon to Jerusalem?

Ans: Sheshbazzar
9. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of ____________.
Ans: Babylon.

10. Barzillai who had married a daughter of Barzallai the ______________ and was called by that name.
Ans: Gileadite

11. Governor ordered the descendants (सन्तान/परिवार) of _______________ , ________________ and

________________ not to eat any of the sacred food untill there was a priest ministering with the
_______________ and _______________.

Ans: The descendants of Hobaiah, Hakkoz and Barzillai not to eat any of the sacred food untill there
was a priest ministering with the Urim and Thummim.

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