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..during adolescence, dating and courtship emerge and become increasingly important. Pubertyis a
stage when many boys and girls experience their first sexual attraction.

..attraction is a positive attitude held by 1 person toward another person.

..initial attraction is influenceb by social norms, physical attractiveness, and process of interpersonal

..robert sternberge suggests that there are 3components of LOVE:

1. INTIMACY-feelings of closeness, connectedness, bondness.-frienship

2. PASSION-drives that lead to romance, physical attraction and sexual consummation.fling fling or
fwb -friens
3. COMMITMENT- decision to love and the commitment to maintain that love.-semi attachemnt
..attachment also called affectionate or companionate love.
..the 3 is about companionship at the same time friends,lovers

-ideal version how love is


-person’s and romantic interests either people of the opposite sex or people of the same sex.

-most common sexual orientation is heterosexual, In w/c people are sexually attracted to members of
the opposite sex.

-in homosexual orientation, people are attracted to and interested in relationship with people of the
same sex.

-men with a homosexual orientation are referred o as a gay while women with homosexual orientation
are referred to as lesbians.

-bisexual people are attracted to both men and women.

-transgender people are those who believe they were born with the body of the opposite sex. Thus,
some seek sex change operation.

-transsexual people are those whose genitals are surgically removed and are fashioned as the genitals of
the desired gender.

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