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IIFL Finance Limited (IIFL) (Formerly known as “IIFL Holdings Limited”) BRANCH COPY CIN:

L67100MH1995PLC093797 / RBI CoR No. N-13.02386

Regd. Office: IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V, Plot No. B-23, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400 604
Tel: (91-22) 4103 5000 • Fax: (91-22) 2580 6654
Corporate Office: 802, 8th Floor, Hub Town Solaris, N.S. Phadke Marg, Vijay Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 069
Tel: (91-22) 6788 1000 • Fax: (91-22) 6788 1010 • E-mail: • Website:


Amount of Loa n: ₹ 1,64,000.00 GL No.: GL24888526 Source of Income : Sa la ried
CUID No.: A38ECB9F Scheme: IIFL SPL 9M 099 Purpos e of Loa n: HOUSE REPAIRS
Na tiona lity: India n CKYC No: Type of Activity:
Account type: Normal Simplified La nd type:
Applica tion type: New Update La nd holding (In Acre): 0.00
Other a llied a ctivity:
Loa n ca tegory: NON-PSU
Gros s Annua l Income: ₹ 2,00,000.00
Occupa tion:
Identifica tion Deta ils : Pa n -FYXPS8565J

Personal Details

Applica nt Na me: Mr.As his h Singh PAN Ca rd No./ Form 60: FYXPS8565J Da te of Birth: 07/06/1994
Gender: Ma le Qua lifica tion: GRADUATE No. of yea rs of current res idence: 20.0 Ma rita l Sta tus : UNMARRIED
Fa ther Na me: Arvind Mother Na me: Sa rika
Ma iden Na me: Spous e Na me:
Res identia l Addres s : Wa rda -10 Ba lua , Ba xa r Perma nent Addres s :
Bra mha pura , Ba lua , Ba lua Buxa r City: Dumra on Pin code:
City: Dumra on Pin code: 802130 La nd ma rk: Sta te/U.T :
La nd ma rk: Nea r a bout Shiv Sta te/U.T : Biha r Da te: 24/12/2022 Office Tel.:
s a kht clinic 12:59:49 PM
Res identia l Tel: Mobile: 7909041295

Individua ls : 1) Photo ID Proof 2) Res idence Proof

For lis t of a ccepta ble documents , kindly refer to KYC Documenta tion Policy a va ila ble on our webs ite
I/We hereby reques t you to kindly gra nt the a bove mentioned a mount of Rs . ₹ 1,64,000.00 (One La kh Sixty Four Thous a nd ) by ta king tota l jewellery of 45.19 grams a s
s ecurity towa rds the a bove s a id a mount. The deta ils of the gold a re mentioned below.)

DETAILS OF THE PLEDGED ARTICLES (Gold Ornaments and other articles)

Particulars Units Carat Total Wt

Chain 1.00 22 23.95
Ring 1.00 22 7.70
Studd 2.00 22 13.54
I/ We declare and understand that purity of the gold as aforesaid is atleast 21.00 carat, however same is subject to reconfirmation by Auditors/ Valuers appointed by IIFL, whose decision shall be final and
binding on me/ us ("Lender's Record"). The pledged gold’s value has been arrived as per average of closing price of 22 carat gold for preceding 30 days as quoted by the Bombay Bullion Association Ltd. or the
historical spot gold price published by regulated commodity exchange.
The proportionate net weight at 22 carats is 44.76 gms.
Principal Amount : ₹ 1,64,000.00 (One Lakh Sixty Four Thousand )
Principal Due Date: 24/12/2024 (subject to standard terms) Interest Due Date: 24 of Every 9th Month Tenure: 24 (subject to standard terms)
Interest Rate: 24.00 per annum Additional Interest Rate:6.0000 per annum Repayment Type: 9 Monthly Mode of Computation: Simple Interest
Purpose: Others

SCHEDULED OF CHARGES Rebate for early payment of interest is available as given in the chart Rates applicable for early payment of interest as given
(Exclusive of Taxes) below(Applicable for FBL scheme only) in chart below:
IF PAID WITHIN Rebate Effective ROI p.a
Particular Amount/Percent If Paying Within Effective ROI p.a
Processing Fee Rs.246.00 1-30 days 11.88
Closure and Part payment charges 0.00 % 31-60 days 15.00
MTM charges Rs.500 61-90 days 18.00
Auction Charges Rs.1500 91-180 days 21.00
Franking Charges applicable as per the 181-270 days 24.00

Detailed terms & conditions attached. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of copy of Most Important Terms & Conditions and Standard Terms

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.
GST related Details:
GST Number:
GST Registered Address:
I/We, residing at
do hereby declare and undertake that:

1. I/We declare and accept that I/We have approached IIFL for the grant of loan facility and IIFL may agree to grant the said loan to me/us on the terms and conditions set out in the loan
2. I/We declare and accept that I am /We are registered under Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017 (Hereinafter referred to as the ‘GST Act’) rules and regulations AND/OR in case I/We become
notified under GST Act in the due course of time, and I/We shall abide by the any such regulations applicable to me/us from time to time.
3. I/We declare and state that the abovementioned GST details furnished by me/us to IIFL are true and genuine and I/We shall undertake to inform and update IIFL in case of any change in
my/our GST related details.
4. I/We agree that any changes in GST related details intimated by me/us to IIFL shall be given effect prospectively by IIFL, from the date of receipt of such change request.
5. I/We declare and state that I/We shall submit the proof of GST No. and other GST related details, in case I/We am/are registered under the GST Act, to IIFL as and when required by IIFL.
6. I/We acknowledge and agree that IIFL would not be responsible for any non-receipt/short receipt of GST credit due to incorrect/inaccurate/incomplete information provided by me/us to
7. In the event, IIFL issues a credit note in relation to charges levied, I/ We shall reverse the GST input tax credit availed, if any , within the month in which the discrepancy is communicated.
If the same is not rectified (for any reasons whatsoever), which results in any additional liability (whether in form of tax, interest, penalty or otherwise) for IIFL, I/We shall promptly pay
and/or reimburse such amount to IIFL.
8. In the event, I/ We, do not provide IIFL with necessary GST related information, IIFL may consider us as ‘unregistered’ and Proceed accordingly.
9. Any references to words ‘Service Tax’, ‘Value Added Tax’ or ‘VAT’ in the loan documentation shall be read as Goods and Service Tax (GST) and taxes would accordingly be collected as per
applicable rate.
10. I am/ We are aware that it is on the faith of our aforesaid undertakings that IIFL may disburse the said loan or continue with such facility


1. I confirm that I shall use the loan amount only for the Purpose stated in the Application Form and not for any other purpose.
2. I shall indemnify IIFL in the event of any loss or damage incurred by IIFL, arising out of or in connection with false / incorrect declaration / misrepresentation of information by me


I/ We, Mr.Ashish Singh the undersigned (hereinafter referred to as “I” with all its grammatical variations or “the Borrower” and the term shall include their successors, transferees, novatees
and permitted assigns) represent and declare that (i) I am a citizen of India; (ii) I have not submitted any application for insolvency, been declared insolvent nor has any insolvency/ bankruptcy
proceeding been initiated against me; (iii) the information furnished by me in this Application is true and correct. (iv) I have not defaulted on any repayment of any other loan interest or any
other amount to any lender or creditor and my name does not appear on the Reserve Bank of India’s (“RBI”) list of defaulters and Export & Credit Guarantee Corporation’s (“ECGC”) caution list
or any list/notifications issued by the RBI with respect to anti money laundering or combating financing of terrorism or any sanctions lists published by the United Nations Security Council with
respect to terrorist related activities; (v) I am the true and lawful owner of the gold ornaments and other articles (“Pledged Articles”). (vi) I am residing at the address given hereinabove and
that address is the address for all communications and I shall immediately intimate IIFL , if there is any change in my address. (vii) I confirm having read and understood the Standard Terms
which would apply to the Facility being requested under this Application Form. (viii) I understand that the sanction of the Facility and any disbursement thereunder is at the sole discretion of
IIFL, which reserves its right to reject the Application , and that IIFL shall not be responsible /liable in any manner whatsoever for such rejection or any delay in notifying me of such rejection. I
understand and agree that IIFL and/ or its group companies reserve the rights to retain the photographs and documents submitted with this Application. I shall promptly inform IIFL about any
change in any information furnished. The Borrower(s) further undertake to provide any further information/ documents that IIFL and/ or its group companies and/ or its agents may require. (ix)
I understand that IIFL shall have the discretion to change the rate of interest prospectively and levy charges as applicable to the Facility; (x) I/We consent / acknowledge the consent given by
the Borrower / such third parties (as required) to IIFL to obtain Borrower’s KYC and credit related information/documents from third parties including Unique Identification Authority of India,
Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd and other entities and also further consents that IIFL may, by its self or through authorised persons, verify any information given, check credit
references, employment details and obtain KYC related documents or credit reports to determine genuineness of the Borrower and/or creditworthiness from time to time. The Borrower(s)
have no objection to IIFL exchanging and sharing information with its affiliates, regulatory bodies, government and credit agencies and other such authority as may be required. In case there
are more than one Borrower(s), each Borrower shall be jointly and severally liable to make payments under the Loan. The Borrower(s) represent that information furnished in this Application
is true and correct. The Borrower(s) represent that none of the applicants have defaulted on any loan repayments with any of its creditors. I/We have no objection to IIFL and/ or its group
companies and/ or its agents providing me/us information on various products, offers and services provided by IIFL and/ or its group companies through any mode (including telephone calls,
SMSs/ emails, letters etc.) and authorize IIFL and/ or its group companies and/ or its agents for the above purpose. I confirm that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication referred in
"National Do Not Call Registry" as laid down by 'TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF INDIA' will not be applicable for such information/ communication to me.

Da te 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

Top-up Loa n GL GL24888526 is a linked loa n to Pa rent GL

*Linked Loa n deta ils

Prospect No ROI Tenure
GL24888526 2.00 % 24 months


This declaration is being obtained from Mr/Miss/Mrs Mr.Ashish Singh against Prospect number for confirmation and verification of ownership of
1. In ca s e if Bill /Invoice for purcha s e of owners hip a re a va ila ble - Refer Bill / Invoice a tta ched.
2. In ca s e of the a bove not being a va ila ble I confirm the following deta ils .

The gold provided by me is (a) Ancestral

Jewel Detail Jewel Ownership Details Jewel 1 Jewel 2 Jewel 3 Jewel 4 Jewel 5
Jewel Deta il Item Na me Cha in Studd Ring - -
Item Count 1 2 1 - -
Purcha s e Da te(If Ava ila ble) 1900-01-01 1900-01-01 1900-01-01 - -
Purcha s e cos t(Approx) (If Ava ila ble) 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -
Jeweller Deta ils Shop Na me(If Ava ila ble) - -
Addres s (If Ava ila ble) - -
Phone number(If Ava ila ble) - -
Rea s on for bill/ invoice not being a va ila ble - -
Na me of the pers on from whom gold is received (If Ances tra l) om om om - -
Da te on which received (If Ances tra l) - -
Rela tions hip of the pers on (If Ances tra l) brother brother brother - -
*Attach separate sheets, if required.



Account No.: 2312587279 IFSC code: KKBK0004611
Decla red by: Mr.As his h Singh Signa ture:
Da te: 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM Pla ce: PATNA


Borrower accepts and acknowledges the receipt of Rs. 163483.00 (Rupees One Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Three Only) under
the Gold Loan Facility.
Da te 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

I hereby understand and agree that I may apply for one or more loans by submitting the Application Form(s) and IIFL Finance Limited (formerly known as “IIFL Holdings Limited”) (“IIFL” or “Lender”) may agree to grant such loan (s) (each a
“Loan” or “Facility”) that are or will be governed by these terms and conditions (“Standard Terms”) read together with the Application Form(s), MITC and any other document as exchanged between the borrower and IIFL Finance (together
referred to as “Transaction Document”). Capitalised terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed in Application Form and MITC and other terms and conditions mentioned in the Transaction Documents. I hereby read,
understand, agree, accept and acknowledge all the terms and conditions governing such Loan(s) including the Standard Terms mentioned herein. I hereby confirm that these Standard Terms can be accepted by me electronically by verifying the
One-Time Password (OTP) sent to me by my Lender. I understand that such verification by way of OTP shall be conclusive evidence of my acceptance of these Standard Terms and the same shall be binding on me
1. Sanction and Disbursement:
1.1 I understand and agree that the Lender may grant the loan against gold jewellery/ornaments (“Facility”) on the basis of the representations made by me. I understand and agree that the Lender may disburse loans to me (each disbursement
referred to as “Loan”).
1.2 I understand and agree and hereby request the Lender to extend the Loan for a maximum period of 2 years, subject to its policies from time to time. Provided however, I understand and agree that the initial grant of loan will only be for the
Tenure (with the Principal Due Date) as stipulated in the Application Form and thereafter the Lender may exercise its sole discretion to extend the Tenure (and the corresponding Principal Due Date) from time to time. Provided further that, in
absence of a communication by the Lender conveying the extension, last communicated Tenure and Principal Due Date shall be deemed to be final.
1.3 In furtherance to Borrower's request for part/ full release of the Pledged Article(s), if the Borrower makes part/ full online repayment above Rs.50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only), the Borrower shall be required to provide his bank account
statement to establish the source of funds.
2. Interest, other charges and Payments:
2.1 I understand and agree that the interest and charges on the Loan(s) shall be charged as specified in the Transaction Document and I acknowledge and agree that the rate of interest specified is reasonable and may be changed prospectively as
determined by the Lender.
2.2 I understand and agree that all income tax, any other tax, and all other imposts, duties including stamp duty and relevant registration and filing charges in connection with the Facility (as applicable) shall be borne by me and that if any such
cost is incurred by the Lender on my account, I shall forthwith reimburse the same to the Lender.
2.3 I understand and agree that the interest shall be charged on an actual/reducing balance assuming a year of 365 days and interest shall be payable on monthly intervals unless otherwise specified. I understand and agree that notwithstanding
anything mentioned herein once a Loan is disbursed, minimum interest for seven (7) days will be charged on the Loan even if it is repaid within such period.
2.4 I understand and agree that additional interest as specified by the Lender shall be charged in case of any failure to make timely payments.
2.5 I understand and agree that I shall make each payment (in freely transferable funds, without any set off, counter claim or any deduction) on or before the respective due date and if it is not a business day, then I agree to make payment on the
preceding business day.
3. Terms in relation to Gold:
3.1 I understand and agree that that I am the absolute owner and is in rightful possession of any gold jewellery/ ornaments (along with any stone or diamonds attached to such jewellery) which have been pledged to the Lender by way of first
and exclusive charge (“Pledged Articles”) in a sealed packet to be kept with Lender and there is no lien, encumbrance, charge(s) or claim(s) on the same apart from that created in favour of the Lender.
3.2 I understand and agree that the Lender shall be entitled, without furnishing any notice or intimation, to open such sealed packets during the tenor of the Loan and conduct investigation/s in connection with the quality of the Pledged
Articles (including but not limited to melting/cutting/ conducting destructive tests or other tests on the Pledged Articles) at my risk and cost at any time and I hereby provide consent for the same. I understand, agree and undertake that the
findings of the Lender shall be final and binding and I shall not dispute the same in any manner whatsoever.
3.3 I understand and agree that the Pledged Articles and any other security furnished by me to the Lender will be released only upon payment in full of the dues outstanding under Loan(s) by me to the satisfaction of the Lender.
3.4 I understand and agree that my title to the Pledged Articles is not defective or challenged in any manner nor it is spurious or of inferior quality.
3.5 I understand and agree that in the event of loss of the Pledged Articles due to theft or any natural calamity like fire, floods, earthquake, etc., the liability of the Lender is limited to replacing the lost Pledged Articles with the amount in cash
equivalent to the value of gold in the Pledged Articles as per the records of Lender, after adjusting all the outstanding dues of the Lender and further, that the replacement cost shall be calculated by way of weight and purity (as maintained in
Lender’s record) and multiplying the same by current date price of gold as per published data and the same shall be final and binding upon me.
4. Valuation of Pledged Articles:
4.1 I understand and agree that the valuation of the Pledged Articles shall be done by an assayer authorized and appointed by the Lender and the Loan amount shall be determined by the Lender on the basis of the value of the Pledged Articles
as set out in the valuation report supplied by the assayer. Such value shall be subject to the market price of the Pledged Articles from time to time.
4.2 I understand and agree and confirm that the value of the Pledged Articles as maintained in Lender’s record is acceptable, conclusive, final and binding upon me and the same shall not be disputed in any manner, at any point in time.
4.3 I understand and agree that by virtue of the Loan being sanctioned by the Lender to me, it does not mean, the Lender confirms or accepts the gold ornaments pledged is of a particular carat purity.
4.4 I understand and agree that if the Pledged Article is found to be fake or spurious or of lesser purity, or stolen, Lender reserves the right to initiate appropriate investigation/criminal action as deemed fit and on account of this, if any loss
incurred by the Lender, I shall be solely liable and responsible for the same.
4.5 I understand, and agree that only gold component of the Pledged Articles shall be considered for any valuation purposes and Lender will not consider the value of stone or diamond embedded in jewellery / ornaments at any time including at
the time of loss replacement.
5. Margin:
5.1 I understand and agree that I shall ensure at all times, aggregate amounts outstanding under the Transaction Documents is not more than 90% of value of Pledged Articles, as maintained in Lender's Record or such other percentage as
stipulated by the Lender from time to time (“Margin”).
5.2 I understand and agree that the value of the Pledged Articles shall be monitored on regular basis and if value of the Pledged Articles is less than the Margin requirements, Lender may demand creation of additional security or repayment of
Loan in part or full and I shall promptly upon such demand comply with the requirement.
5.3 I understand and agree that in case of failure to comply with additional margin requirements by me, additional margin shortfall charges for every such breach shall be levied by the Lender and the same shall be payable by me without any
delay, demur or protest.
5.4 I understand and agree that notwithstanding anything mentioned herein, if in the opinion of the Lender, value of the Pledged Articles is not sufficient to discharge my obligations or if there exists any circumstance/s which may materially
affect my ability to fulfil my obligations under these Standard Terms, Lender may sell the Pledged Articles by auction at anytime, even before the expiry of tenure and I hereby consent to the same and shall not dispute the same in any manner at
any point in time.
6. Covenants:
6.1 I understand and agree that I shall indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless the Lender for all losses, expenses, charges, damages, costs and liabilities (including due to claims by a third party), incurred by the Lender as a result of any
breach by it of any Transaction Documents or any misrepresentation made in relation to the Facility or Pledged Articles. I understand and agree that I shall also reimburse the Lender for any cost and expenses in connection with the Loan(s)
including cost for insuring the securities, enforcement costs, clearance of arrears of all taxes and any other levies of Government, etc. without any delay, demur or protest.
6.2 I understand and agree that I shall not utilize the funds for purchase of gold in any form, (including primary gold, gold bullion, gold jewellery, gold coins, units of gold exchange traded funds (ETF) and units of gold mutual funds).
6.3 I understand and agree and accept that notwithstanding any of the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 or any other applicable law or anything contained in the Transaction Documents, the amounts repaid by me shall be
appropriated first towards cost, charges and expenses and other monies; secondly towards interest on the delayed payments; thirdly towards interest payable under the Transaction Documents and lastly towards repayment of any principal
6.4 I understand and agree that I shall furnish all documents/information as may be required by the Lender from time to time and that the Lender may by itself or through its agents verify any information given, check credit references,
employment details and obtain credit reports or any other information deemed necessary by the Lender, from time to time.
7. Events of Default: I understand and agree and accept that the following would include Events of Default:
7.1 Default has occurred in the payment/ repayment of any monies (whether at stated due date, by acceleration or otherwise) under the Transaction Documents.
7.2 I have defaulted (other than a payment default) in the performance of any covenant and such covenant is not remedied with 3(three) days of such breach.
7.3 I have, or there is a reasonable apprehension that I would, voluntarily or involuntarily become the subject of proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency law.
7.4 My death, or the change of my constitution without the consent of the Lender.
7.5 The security, if any, for the Facility is in jeopardy or ceases to have effect.v 7.6 If any of my representations are found to be false, misleading or incorrect.
7.7 Upon detection of any systemic fraud in relation to the quality of the Pledged Article.
7.8 If the value of the Pledged Articles falls lower than the required Margin as stipulated from time to time, due to change in market price or any other reason. I understand, agree and accept that upon occurrence of any of the above, Lender may:
(a) call upon me to pay forthwith the outstanding balance of the Facility together with interest and all sums payable as per Transaction Documents;
(b) call upon me to pay all claims, costs, losses and expenses that may be incurred by the Lender because of any act or default on my part of with respect to the Facility and/or for the recovery of the outstanding dues (including legal/attorney
fee) and/or on account of my failure of any of the terms and conditions under the Transaction Documents;
(c) sell the Pledged Articles by auction.
i. I understand and agree that auction shall be conducted by the Lender by giving one advertisement in daily newspapers in vernacular language and another advertisement in a national daily newspaper, after giving me a notice of 10 business
days which I agree is a reasonable period for the purposes of Section 176 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. I understand and agree that the reserved price for the auction would not be less than 85% of the previous 30 days’ average closing price
of 22 carat gold as declared by the Bombay Bullion Association Ltd. or the historical spot gold price published by regulated commodity exchange.
ii. I understand and agree that I shall be intimated by registered letter/courier service, SMS or telephone or personal intimation or via email or via any other mode of communication regarding the lender's intent to subject the Pledged Articles to
public auction.
iii. I understand and agree that the Auction shall be conducted as per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India and other concerned regulator from time to time. iv. I understand and agree that the proceeds so realized from the sale of the
Pledged Articles shall be utilized towards the repayment of dues under the Loan and in the event the proceeds so realized are insufficient to meet the amount of dues, Lender reserves its right to take further action at its discretion.
(d) disclose and publish the information about me and my default in the public domain including through social media.
(e) enforce any rights available to it under any law or contract.

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.
8. Additional Facilities:
8.1 I understand and agree that I may apply for further/additional facilities (continuing the pledge for such additional Loan(s)) using online secure platforms (Online Facility) or by making the call to the toll free numbers of the Lender. Lender
may at its discretion extend such additional loan subject to the Borrower complying with the Lender's credit parameters and submitting all documents/information as may be required. I understand and agree that the Lender shall have the right
of lien and set off in respect of the Pledged Articles and any proceeds of sale thereof, in respect ofany other facilities availed by me from the Lender from time to time.
9. Miscellaneous:
9.1 I understand and agree that any notice or request to be given by me must be in writing. All notices or requests shall be deemed to have been duly received by the party to whom it is addressed if it is given or made at the address specified
below or at such other address as may be agreed:
• For the Lender:
• Regd. Office: IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V, Plot No. B-23, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400 604, Corporate Office: 802, 8th Floor, Hub Town Solaris, N.S. Phadke Marg, Vijay Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 069
• For me: • The address as stated in the Application Form.
9.2 I understand and agree that any and all claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with the Transaction Documents or its performance shall be settled by arbitration by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the Lender. The venue of
arbitration shall be in Mumbai. The arbitration shall be conducted under the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force and the award of such
arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Borrower and the Lender.
9.3 I understand and agree that the Lender shall, without prejudice to any other agreement, at its sole discretion, be at liberty to utilise any other money, amounts, securities and other property belonging to me (whether singly or jointly with
another or others) in possession of the Lender or any of its subsidiary/affiliate/associate company in or towards payment of the dues under any facility granted by the Lender to me.
9.4 I understand and agree that the Lender shall be entitled at my sole risk and cost to engage one or more person(s) to collect my dues and shall further be entitled to share such information, facts and figures pertaining to me as the Lender
deems fit.
9.5 I understand and agree that the Lender may, at any time, assign or transfer all or any of its rights, benefits and obligations under the Transaction Documents.
9.6 I understand and agree that all transactions shall be only executed between the regular working hours of the Lender on business days only.
9.7 I understand and agree that the Lender reserves the right to amend the terms of these Standard Terms (except amendment to interest rate) by intimating the same to me. Interest Rate shall not be changed without my prior consent.
9.8 I understand and agree that by utilising the Facility provided, I am unconditionally and irrevocably accepting the terms and conditions listed hereunder and as may be amended from time to time and shall abide by and be bound by them at all
9.9 Co-Lending
I understand and agree that the Lender has entered into co-lending arrangement with (a) DCB Bank, (b) DBS Bank India Limited and (c) certain other banks in accordance with co-lending guidelines notified by RBI vide notification dated
November 05, 2020 titled “Co-Lending by Banks and NBFCs to Priority Sector” (Co-lending Guidelines”) pursuant to which such banks (“Bank”) can exercise their option to participate in the loan granted under these Standard Terms and
become a co lender along with the Lender to the extent of 80% of the total principal to be lent by the Lender (“Bank Contribution”) and such part of the loan will be novated to the Bank (“Bank’s Participation”) absolutely and forever, to the end
and intent that the Bank shall be deemed to be the full and absolute owner of the Bank’s Participation and as such legally and beneficially entitled to all such portion of the loan, free from all encumbrances. Further, upon transfer by the Bank of
the Bank Contribution to the Lender, the terms of the loan will be deemed to be novated/assigned in such a manner to the relevant Bank that the said bank will become a co-lender of the loan under these Standard Terms and will be deemed to
have executed this document as a co-lender along with the Lender. Accordingly, the said Bank shall be entitled to enforce all rights under the Standard Terms as a lender of the loan to you
9.10 KYC clause
I understand and agree that for facilitating the Co-lending arrangement as above, the Know Your Customer (KYC) and my related details are required to be shared with the Bank. By signing the pledge documents, I hereby provide my consent to
the Lender for sharing such information with the Bank being a participant to this Co-Lending arrangement. Further I hereby consent to the Lender and the Bank to disclose any information or data related to the loan and my personal KYC
information to the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited and / or any other agency authorized by the Reserve Bank of India, Central KYC Registry or any other competent authority. I understand, agree and am aware that such agencies may use
or share such information as they deem fit and proper. I authorise the Lender and the relevant Bank to share my personal details with third party/ies for such purpose(s), including but not limited to, gold appraisal, credit assessment,
background verification, analysis, marketing, fraud prevention, credit checks, loan servicing, payment processing, loan collection activities etc. as may be required by the Lender. The Lender and the relevant Bank may disclose my and/or the loan
information to Reserve Bank of India, other statutory/regulatory authorities, arbitrator, credit bureaus, local authority, credit rating agency, information utility, marketing agencies, service providers if required, or to its affiliates whether in India or
otherwise for offering services, risk management, business purposes, etc. I understand and agree that my/our personal information may be held and processed on computers of the Lender and the relevant Bank, their service providers and/or
contractors for providing certain value-added services, statistical analysis, etc. I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the privacy policy of the lenders.
9.11 FATCA
I understand, agree and hereby confirm that I am a citizen and permanent resident of India and subject to the tax regime of India.
9.12 Asset Classification
Pursuant to the Reserve Bank of India vide their Notification on "Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances - Clarifications" dated 12th November 2021, I, the Borrower shall note the
following loan classification structure:

Classification DPD BUCKET RANGE Description

If due da te of a loa n a ccount is Ma rch 31, 2021, a nd full dues a re not received before the da y-end proces s for this
SMA-0 Up to 30 Da ys
da te, the da te of overdue s ha ll be Ma rch 31, 2021 it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-0 on Ma rch 31, 2021.
More tha n 30 Da ys a nd up to 60 Continuing from the a bove, if the a ccount continues to rema in overdue, then it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-1 upon
Da ys running da y-end proces s on April 30, 2021 i.e. upon completion of 30 da ys of being continuous ly overdue.
More tha n 60 Da ys a nd up to 90 Continuing from the a bove, if the a ccount continues to rema in overdue, it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-2 upon running
da ys da y-end proces s on Ma y 30, 2021 i.e. upon completion of 60 da ys of being continuous ly overdue.
Continuing from the a bove, a nd if continues to rema in overdue further, it s ha ll get cla s s ified a s NPA upon
running da y-end proces s on June 29, 2021. Once a n a ccounts become NPA i.e. rema ins continue overdue for 90
Performing More tha n 90 Da ys
da ys , it will be ta gged a s NPA till it clea rs a ll overdue a mount* a nd its DPD becomes 0. Any pa rtia l pa yments
As s et (NPA)
ma de will not cha nge the NPA s ta tus .
Overdue a mount is Interes t due or Principa l a nd Interes t due a s per the repa yment s chedule

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

I_______________________________ son/daughter/wife of ____________________________________ aged _________ residing at

_______________________________________________ years, _________ do hereby state and declare that:
a. I have been read out and explained, in the language known to me, the contents of the loan documents, security documents (if any) and other documents
incidental to availing the loan from IIFL Finance Limited (IIFL).
b. I have signed the aforesaid documents after understanding each of its terms and conditions.


Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower



Relation to the Borrower:

Signature of the person who has read out and explained the documents to the Borrower
(Third Party other than employee of IIFL Finance Limited)

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.
IIFL Finance Limited (IIFL) (Formerly known as “IIFL Holdings Limited”) BRANCH COPY CIN:
L67100MH1995PLC093797 / RBI CoR No. N-13.02386
Regd. Office: IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V, Plot No. B-23, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400 604
Tel: (91-22) 4103 5000 • Fax: (91-22) 2580 6654
Corporate Office: 802, 8th Floor, Hub Town Solaris, N.S. Phadke Marg, Vijay Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 069
Tel: (91-22) 6788 1000 • Fax: (91-22) 6788 1010 • E-mail: • Website:


Pros pect Number GL24888526

1. We refer to the a pplica tion form da ted 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM for gra nt of the Fa cility des cribed below
2. The Borrower a cknowledges a nd confirms tha t the below mentioned a re the mos t importa nt terms a nd conditions in the a pplica tion for the Fa cility (a nd which
would a pply to the Borrower in res pect of the Fa cility, if the reques t for the Fa cility is a ccepted by the Lender) a nd they s ha ll be rea d in conjunction with
theApplica tion Form(s ) a nd the Sta nda rd Terms (Gold Loa n Fa cility):

Borrower Mr.As his h Singh

Fa cility Gold loa n
Principle Amount ₹ 1,64,000.00
Tenure 24 months (s ubject to Sta nda rd Terms )
Ra te of Interes t 24.00 % p.a . a t fixed ra te of interes t
Interes t Due Da te 24 of every 9th Month
Mode of Computa tion Simple Interes t Mode Of Dis burs ement: IMPS
Principa l Due Da te 24/12/2024 (s ubject to Sta nda rd Terms )
Additional Interest Rate 6.0000 % p.a.
Purpos e Others
Ris k Ca tegory Medium
The gold orna ments ha ve been depos ited with IIFL to s ecure the Fa cility a nd only gold component of pledged Articles
will be cons idered for va lua tion
Borrowers s ha ll ens ure tha t the a t a ll time a ggrega te a mounts outs ta nding is not more tha n 90% of va lue of Pledged
Ma rgin
Articles or s uch other percenta ge a s s tipula ted by the Lender from time to time
Auction IIFL ma y a uction the Gold a s per its policy in ca s e of brea ch of terms

SCHEDULED OF CHARGES Reba te for ea rly pa yment of interes t is a va ila ble Ra tes a pplica ble for ea rly pa yment of
(Exclus ive of Ta xes ) a s given in the cha rt below(Applica ble for FBL interes t a s given in cha rt below:
s cheme only)
Particular Amount/Percent If Paying Within Effective ROI p.a
IF PAID WITHIN Rebate Effective ROI p.a
Proces s ing Fee Rs .246.00 1-30 da ys 11.88
Clos ure a nd Pa rt pa yment cha rges 0.00 % 31-60 da ys 15.00
MTM cha rges Rs .500 61-90 da ys 18.00
Auction Cha rges Rs .1500 91-180 da ys 21.00
Fra nking Cha rges a pplica ble a s per 181-270 da ys 24.00
Rs .0.00
the s ta te
3. The Borrower unders ta nds tha t the Lender ha s a dopted ris k ba s ed pricing, which is a rrived by ta king into a ccount, broa d pa ra meters like cus tomers profile a nd
va rious other pa ra meters . Applica ble interes t ra tes a re a rrived a t ta king into a ccount the preva iling ma rket ra tes a t the time of s a nctioning. For policy deta ils refer
– Further, the Borrower a cknowledges a nd confirms tha t the Lender s ha ll ha ve the dis cretion to cha nge pros pectively the ra te of interes t a nd other
cha rges a pplica ble to the Fa cility.
4. The Borrower a cknowledges a nd confirms ha ving received a copy of ea ch Tra ns a ction Document a nd a grees tha t this letter is a Tra ns a ction Document.
5. Borrower unders ta nds tha t a ll pa yment receipts a re provided electronica lly only. However if phys ica l pa yment confirma tion is required, plea s e obta in the s a me
from our bra nch on pa ying nomina l cha rges .
6. The Borrower unders ta nd tha t a ll pa yment s ha ll be ma de a biding by the a mortis a tion s chedule a s mentioned in the following s ection.

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.
Original and Top-up loan accounts linked with the collateral
Prospect No Disbursement Date Loan Outstanding ROI p.a. Tenure
GL24888526 24/12/2022 164000.00 0.9900 24
Total 164000.00

Amortization Schedule
Payment Due Date Interest Payable Amount Principle Payble Amount
24-09-23 29546.96 -
24-06-24 29546.96 164000.00
In case of early repayment the Interest Amount to be considered as per applicable rate


Top-up Loa n GL GL24888526 is a linked loa n to Pa rent GL

*Linked Loa n deta ils

Prospect No ROI Tenure
GL24888526 2.00 % 24 months

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

I hereby understand and agree that I may apply for one or more loans by submitting the Application Form(s) and IIFL Finance Limited (formerly known as “IIFL Holdings Limited”) (“IIFL” or “Lender”) may agree to grant such loan (s) (each a
“Loan” or “Facility”) that are or will be governed by these terms and conditions (“Standard Terms”) read together with the Application Form(s), MITC and any other document as exchanged between the borrower and IIFL Finance (together
referred to as “Transaction Document”). Capitalised terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed in Application Form and MITC and other terms and conditions mentioned in the Transaction Documents. I hereby read,
understand, agree, accept and acknowledge all the terms and conditions governing such Loan(s) including the Standard Terms mentioned herein. I hereby confirm that these Standard Terms can be accepted by me electronically by verifying the
One-Time Password (OTP) sent to me by my Lender. I understand that such verification by way of OTP shall be conclusive evidence of my acceptance of these Standard Terms and the same shall be binding on me
1. Sanction and Disbursement:
1.1 I understand and agree that the Lender may grant the loan against gold jewellery/ornaments (“Facility”) on the basis of the representations made by me. I understand and agree that the Lender may disburse loans to me (each disbursement
referred to as “Loan”).
1.2 I understand and agree and hereby request the Lender to extend the Loan for a maximum period of 2 years, subject to its policies from time to time. Provided however, I understand and agree that the initial grant of loan will only be for the
Tenure (with the Principal Due Date) as stipulated in the Application Form and thereafter the Lender may exercise its sole discretion to extend the Tenure (and the corresponding Principal Due Date) from time to time. Provided further that, in
absence of a communication by the Lender conveying the extension, last communicated Tenure and Principal Due Date shall be deemed to be final.
1.3 In furtherance to Borrower's request for part/ full release of the Pledged Article(s), if the Borrower makes part/ full online repayment above Rs.50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only), the Borrower shall be required to provide his bank account
statement to establish the source of funds.
2. Interest, other charges and Payments:
2.1 I understand and agree that the interest and charges on the Loan(s) shall be charged as specified in the Transaction Document and I acknowledge and agree that the rate of interest specified is reasonable and may be changed prospectively as
determined by the Lender.
2.2 I understand and agree that all income tax, any other tax, and all other imposts, duties including stamp duty and relevant registration and filing charges in connection with the Facility (as applicable) shall be borne by me and that if any such
cost is incurred by the Lender on my account, I shall forthwith reimburse the same to the Lender.
2.3 I understand and agree that the interest shall be charged on an actual/reducing balance assuming a year of 365 days and interest shall be payable on monthly intervals unless otherwise specified. I understand and agree that notwithstanding
anything mentioned herein once a Loan is disbursed, minimum interest for seven (7) days will be charged on the Loan even if it is repaid within such period.
2.4 I understand and agree that additional interest as specified by the Lender shall be charged in case of any failure to make timely payments.
2.5 I understand and agree that I shall make each payment (in freely transferable funds, without any set off, counter claim or any deduction) on or before the respective due date and if it is not a business day, then I agree to make payment on the
preceding business day.
3. Terms in relation to Gold:
3.1 I understand and agree that that I am the absolute owner and is in rightful possession of any gold jewellery/ ornaments (along with any stone or diamonds attached to such jewellery) which have been pledged to the Lender by way of first
and exclusive charge (“Pledged Articles”) in a sealed packet to be kept with Lender and there is no lien, encumbrance, charge(s) or claim(s) on the same apart from that created in favour of the Lender.
3.2 I understand and agree that the Lender shall be entitled, without furnishing any notice or intimation, to open such sealed packets during the tenor of the Loan and conduct investigation/s in connection with the quality of the Pledged
Articles (including but not limited to melting/cutting/ conducting destructive tests or other tests on the Pledged Articles) at my risk and cost at any time and I hereby provide consent for the same. I understand, agree and undertake that the
findings of the Lender shall be final and binding and I shall not dispute the same in any manner whatsoever.
3.3 I understand and agree that the Pledged Articles and any other security furnished by me to the Lender will be released only upon payment in full of the dues outstanding under Loan(s) by me to the satisfaction of the Lender.
3.4 I understand and agree that my title to the Pledged Articles is not defective or challenged in any manner nor it is spurious or of inferior quality.
3.5 I understand and agree that in the event of loss of the Pledged Articles due to theft or any natural calamity like fire, floods, earthquake, etc., the liability of the Lender is limited to replacing the lost Pledged Articles with the amount in cash
equivalent to the value of gold in the Pledged Articles as per the records of Lender, after adjusting all the outstanding dues of the Lender and further, that the replacement cost shall be calculated by way of weight and purity (as maintained in
Lender’s record) and multiplying the same by current date price of gold as per published data and the same shall be final and binding upon me.
4. Valuation of Pledged Articles:
4.1 I understand and agree that the valuation of the Pledged Articles shall be done by an assayer authorized and appointed by the Lender and the Loan amount shall be determined by the Lender on the basis of the value of the Pledged Articles
as set out in the valuation report supplied by the assayer. Such value shall be subject to the market price of the Pledged Articles from time to time.
4.2 I understand and agree and confirm that the value of the Pledged Articles as maintained in Lender’s record is acceptable, conclusive, final and binding upon me and the same shall not be disputed in any manner, at any point in time.
4.3 I understand and agree that by virtue of the Loan being sanctioned by the Lender to me, it does not mean, the Lender confirms or accepts the gold ornaments pledged is of a particular carat purity.
4.4 I understand and agree that if the Pledged Article is found to be fake or spurious or of lesser purity, or stolen, Lender reserves the right to initiate appropriate investigation/criminal action as deemed fit and on account of this, if any loss
incurred by the Lender, I shall be solely liable and responsible for the same.
4.5 I understand, and agree that only gold component of the Pledged Articles shall be considered for any valuation purposes and Lender will not consider the value of stone or diamond embedded in jewellery / ornaments at any time including at
the time of loss replacement. 5. Margin:
5.1 I understand and agree that I shall ensure at all times, aggregate amounts outstanding under the Transaction Documents is not more than 90% of value of Pledged Articles, as maintained in Lender's Record or such other percentage as
stipulated by the Lender from time to time (“Margin”).
5.2 I understand and agree that the value of the Pledged Articles shall be monitored on regular basis and if value of the Pledged Articles is less than the Margin requirements, Lender may demand creation of additional security or repayment of
Loan in part or full and I shall promptly upon such demand comply with the requirement.
5.3 I understand and agree that in case of failure to comply with additional margin requirements by me, additional margin shortfall charges for every such breach shall be levied by the Lender and the same shall be payable by me without any
delay, demur or protest.
5.4 I understand and agree that notwithstanding anything mentioned herein, if in the opinion of the Lender, value of the Pledged Articles is not sufficient to discharge my obligations or if there exists any circumstance/s which may materially
affect my ability to fulfil my obligations under these Standard Terms, Lender may sell the Pledged Articles by auction at anytime, even before the expiry of tenure and I hereby consent to the same and shall not dispute the same in any manner at
any point in time.
6. Covenants:
6.1 I understand and agree that I shall indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless the Lender for all losses, expenses, charges, damages, costs and liabilities (including due to claims by a third party), incurred by the Lender as a result of any
breach by it of any Transaction Documents or any misrepresentation made in relation to the Facility or Pledged Articles. I understand and agree that I shall also reimburse the Lender for any cost and expenses in connection with the Loan(s)
including cost for insuring the securities, enforcement costs, clearance of arrears of all taxes and any other levies of Government, etc. without any delay, demur or protest.
6.2 I understand and agree that I shall not utilize the funds for purchase of gold in any form, (including primary gold, gold bullion, gold jewellery, gold coins, units of gold exchange traded funds (ETF) and units of gold mutual funds).
6.3 I understand and agree and accept that notwithstanding any of the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 or any other applicable law or anything contained in the Transaction Documents, the amounts repaid by me shall be
appropriated first towards cost, charges and expenses and other monies; secondly towards interest on the delayed payments; thirdly towards interest payable under the Transaction Documents and lastly towards repayment of any principal
6.4 I understand and agree that I shall furnish all documents/information as may be required by the Lender from time to time and that the Lender may by itself or through its agents verify any information given, check credit references,
employment details and obtain credit reports or any other information deemed necessary by the Lender, from time to time.
7. Events of Default: I understand and agree and accept that the following would include Events of Default:
7.1 Default has occurred in the payment/ repayment of any monies (whether at stated due date, by acceleration or otherwise) under the Transaction Documents.
7.2 I have defaulted (other than a payment default) in the performance of any covenant and such covenant is not remedied with 3(three) days of such breach.
7.3 I have, or there is a reasonable apprehension that I would, voluntarily or involuntarily become the subject of proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency law.
7.4 My death, or the change of my constitution without the consent of the Lender.
7.5 The security, if any, for the Facility is in jeopardy or ceases to have effect.
7.6 If any of my representations are found to be false, misleading or incorrect.
7.7 Upon detection of any systemic fraud in relation to the quality of the Pledged Article.
7.8 If the value of the Pledged Articles falls lower than the required Margin as stipulated from time to time, due to change in market price or any other reason. I understand, agree and accept that upon occurrence of any of the above, Lender may:
(a) call upon me to pay forthwith the outstanding balance of the Facility together with interest and all sums payable as per Transaction Documents;
(b) call upon me to pay all claims, costs, losses and expenses that may be incurred by the Lender because of any act or default on my part of with respect to the Facility and/or for the recovery of the outstanding dues (including legal/attorney
fee) and/or on account of my failure of any of the terms and conditions under the Transaction Documents;
(c) sell the Pledged Articles by auction.
i. I understand and agree that auction shall be conducted by the Lender by giving one advertisement in daily newspapers in vernacular language and another advertisement in a national daily newspaper, after giving me a notice of 10 business
days which I agree is a reasonable period for the purposes of Section 176 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. I understand and agree that the reserved price for the auction would not be less than 85% of the previous 30 days’ average closing price
of 22 carat gold as declared by the Bombay Bullion Association Ltd. or the historical spot gold price published by regulated commodity exchange.
ii. I understand and agree that I shall be intimated by registered letter/courier service, SMS or telephone or personal intimation or via email or via any other mode of communication regarding the lender's intent to subject the Pledged Articles to
public auction. iii. I understand and agree that the Auction shall be conducted as per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India and other concerned regulator from time to time. iv. I understand and agree that the proceeds so realized from
the sale of the Pledged Articles shall be utilized towards the repayment of dues under the Loan and in the event the proceeds so realized are insufficient to meet the amount of dues, Lender reserves its right to take further action at its discretion.
(d) disclose and publish the information about me and my default in the public domain including through social media.
(e) enforce any rights available to it under any law or contract.
8. Additional Facilities:
8.1 I understand and agree that I may apply for further/additional facilities (continuing the pledge for such additional Loan(s)) using online secure platforms (Online Facility) or by making the call to the toll free numbers of the Lender. Lender
may at its discretion extend such additional loan subject to the Borrower complying with the Lender's credit parameters and submitting all documents/information as may be required. I understand and agree that the Lender shall have the right
of lien and set off in respect of the Pledged Articles and any proceeds of sale thereof, in respect of any other facilities availed by me from the Lender from time to time.

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.
9. Miscellaneous:
9.1 I understand and agree that any notice or request to be given by me must be in writing. All notices or requests shall be deemed to have been duly received by the party to whom it is addressed if it is given or made at the address specified
below or at such other address as may be agreed:
• For the Lender:
• Regd. Office: IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V, Plot No. B-23, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400 604, Corporate Office: 802, 8th Floor, Hub Town Solaris, N.S. Phadke Marg, Vijay Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 069
• For me:
• The address as stated in the Application Form.
9.2 I understand and agree that any and all claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with the Transaction Documents or its performance shall be settled by arbitration by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the Lender. The venue of
arbitration shall be in Mumbai. The arbitration shall be conducted under the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force and the award of such
arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Borrower and the Lender.
9.3 I understand and agree that the Lender shall, without prejudice to any other agreement, at its sole discretion, be at liberty to utilise any other money, amounts, securities and other property belonging to me (whether singly or jointly with
another or others) in possession of the Lender or any of its subsidiary/affiliate/associate company in or towards payment of the dues under any facility granted by the Lender to me.
9.4 I understand and agree that the Lender shall be entitled at my sole risk and cost to engage one or more person(s) to collect my dues and shall further be entitled to share such information, facts and figures pertaining to me as the Lender
deems fit.
9.5 I understand and agree that the Lender may, at any time, assign or transfer all or any of its rights, benefits and obligations under the Transaction Documents.
9.6 I understand and agree that all transactions shall be only executed between the regular working hours of the Lender on business days only.
9.7 I understand and agree that the Lender reserves the right to amend the terms of these Standard Terms (except amendment to interest rate) by intimating the same to me. Interest Rate shall not be changed without my prior consent.
9.8 I understand and agree that by utilising the Facility provided, I am unconditionally and irrevocably accepting the terms and conditions listed hereunder and as may be amended from time to time and shall abide by and be bound by them at all
9.9 Co-Lending
I understand and agree that the Lender has entered into co-lending arrangement with (a) DCB Bank, (b) DBS Bank India Limited and (c) certain other banks in accordance with co-lending guidelines notified by RBI vide notification dated
November 05, 2020 titled “Co-Lending by Banks and NBFCs to Priority Sector” (Co-lending Guidelines”) pursuant to which such banks (“Bank”) can exercise their option to participate in the loan granted under these Standard Terms and
become a co lender along with the Lender to the extent of 80% of the total principal to be lent by the Lender (“Bank Contribution”) and such part of the loan will be novated to the Bank (“Bank’s Participation”) absolutely and forever, to the end
and intent that the Bank shall be deemed to be the full and absolute owner of the Bank’s Participation and as such legally and beneficially entitled to all such portion of the loan, free from all encumbrances. Further, upon transfer by the Bank of
the Bank Contribution to the Lender, the terms of the loan will be deemed to be novated/assigned in such a manner to the relevant Bank that the said bank will become a co-lender of the loan under these Standard Terms and will be deemed to
have executed this document as a co-lender along with the Lender. Accordingly, the said Bank shall be entitled to enforce all rights under the Standard Terms as a lender of the loan to you
9.10 KYC clause I understand and agree that for facilitating the Co-lending arrangement as above, the Know Your Customer (KYC) and my related details are required to be shared with the Bank. By signing the pledge documents, I hereby provide
my consent to the Lender for sharing such information with the Bank being a participant to this Co-Lending arrangement. Further I hereby consent to the Lender and the Bank to disclose any information or data related to the loan and my
personal KYC information to the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited and / or any other agency authorized by the Reserve Bank of India, Central KYC Registry or any other competent authority. I understand, agree and am aware that such
agencies may use or share such information as they deem fit and proper. I authorise the Lender and the relevant Bank to share my personal details with third party/ies for such purpose(s), including but not limited to, gold appraisal, credit
assessment, background verification, analysis, marketing, fraud prevention, credit checks, loan servicing, payment processing, loan collection activities etc. as may be required by the Lender. The Lender and the relevant Bank may disclose my
and/or the loan information to Reserve Bank of India, other statutory/regulatory authorities, arbitrator, credit bureaus, local authority, credit rating agency, information utility, marketing agencies, service providers if required, or to its affiliates
whether in India or otherwise for offering services, risk management, business purposes, etc. I understand and agree that my/our personal information may be held and processed on computers of the Lender and the relevant Bank, their service
providers and/or contractors for providing certain value-added services, statistical analysis, etc. I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the privacy policy of the lenders.
9.11 FATCA I understand, agree and hereby confirm that I am a citizen and permanent resident of India and subject to the tax regime of India.
9.12 Asset Classification
Pursuant to the Reserve Bank of India vide their Notification on "Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances - Clarifications" dated 12th November 2021, I, the Borrower shall note the
following loan classification structure:
Classification DPD BUCKET RANGE Description
If due da te of a loa n a ccount is Ma rch 31, 2021, a nd full dues a re not received before the da y-end proces s for this
SMA-0 Up to 30 Da ys
da te, the da te of overdue s ha ll be Ma rch 31, 2021 it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-0 on Ma rch 31, 2021.
More tha n 30 Da ys a nd up to 60 Continuing from the a bove, if the a ccount continues to rema in overdue, then it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-1 upon
Da ys running da y-end proces s on April 30, 2021 i.e. upon completion of 30 da ys of being continuous ly overdue.
More tha n 60 Da ys a nd up to 90 Continuing from the a bove, if the a ccount continues to rema in overdue, it s ha ll get ta gged a s SMA-2 upon running
da ys da y-end proces s on Ma y 30, 2021 i.e. upon completion of 60 da ys of being continuous ly overdue.
Continuing from the a bove, a nd if continues to rema in overdue further, it s ha ll get cla s s ified a s NPA upon
running da y-end proces s on June 29, 2021. Once a n a ccounts become NPA i.e. rema ins continue overdue for 90
Performing More tha n 90 Da ys
da ys , it will be ta gged a s NPA till it clea rs a ll overdue a mount* a nd its DPD becomes 0. Any pa rtia l pa yments
As s et (NPA)
ma de will not cha nge the NPA s ta tus .
Overdue a mount is Interes t due or Principa l a nd Interes t due a s per the repa yment s chedule

Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

Date: 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM Prospect Number: GL24888526

Name of Borrower: Mr.Ashish Singh
Unique Identity Number: Pan -FYXPS8565J PAN Number: FYXPS8565J
Gold Loan Account Number: GL24888526 Telephone Number : 7909041295
Branch Code: BM5523
Branch Address: Ground Floor, Mandal
Market,MainRoad, Mainpura , Saguna
More,Danapur, Patna -801503

DETAILS OF THE PLEDGED ARTICLES (Gold Ornaments and other articles)

Particulars Units Carat Total Wt
Chain 1.00 22 23.95
Ring 1.00 22 7.70
Studd 2.00 22 13.54
This is electronically generated document and does not require any further signature


Dear Sir/ Madam

This is to acknowledge the receipt of the above Loan Application Form. It is our endeavour to process the Loan Application within 30 days,
Subject to furnishing of all the necessary documents as required by IIFL
Date 24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM


Signed via OTP: 42097320

24/12/2022 12:59:49 PM

Signature of Borrower

For a ny help or a s s is ta nce ca ll Toll Free Number: 1860-267-3000 / 7039-050-000 or E-ma il Plea s e refer our
Webs ite/Bra nch Notice Boa rd for Fa ir Pra ctice code a nd vis it our nea res t bra nch for s chemes /a pplica ble interes t ra te.

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