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Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788

The Second
Second International
International Workshop
Workshop on
on Edge
Edge AI-IoT
AI-IoT for
for Smart
Smart Agriculture
Agriculture (SA2IOT)
August 9-11, 2022, Niagara Falls, Canada
August 9-11, 2022, Niagara Falls, Canada

Smart farming architectures based on IoT review: comparative study

Benlahsiniya Maroua,
Maroua, Ait
Ait Abdelouahid
Abdelouahid Rachida*,
Rachida*, Marzak
Marzak Abdelaziz
Matematics and
and computer
computer science
science departement,LTIM
departement,LTIM laboratory
laboratory faculty
faculty of
of sciences
sciences Ben
Ben M’Sik,
Hassan II University, Casablanca Morocco
Hassan II University, Casablanca Morocco


The amount
amount of of data
data generated
generated by
by internet
internet of
of things
things devices
devices multiplied
multiplied day
day after
after day,
day, and
and the
the use
use of
of cloud
cloud computing
computing to to store
store and
process the data is very challenging due to the congestion of network, which negatively affects the processing time. The thing that
the data is very challenging due to the congestion of network, which negatively affects the processing time. The thing that
led to
to the
the emergence
emergence of of edge
edge computing
computing to to solve
solve these
these problems
problems besides
besides with
with the
the use
use of
of recent
recent technologies
technologies such
such asas artificial
intelligence, blockchain and many more. The objective of this paper is to present the comparative study of the several proposed
blockchain and many more. The objective of this paper is to present the comparative study of the several proposed
architectures on
on smart
smart farming
farming based
based on
on IoT
IoT according
according to
to different
different features
features since
since protocols,
protocols, technologies,
technologies, security,
security, interoperability,
accessibility, resilience
resilience etc.,
etc., the
the advantages
advantages andand limitations
limitations of
of each
each solution.
Index Terms
Index Terms
© 2022
© 2022 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published byby Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
© 2022
This is The
an Authors.
open accessPublished
article by Elsevier
under the CC B.V.
BY-NC-ND license
license (
This is
is an open access
an open access article
BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of
of the
the Conference
Conference Program
Program Chairs.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Keywords: Internet
Keywords: Internet of
of things(IoT);
things(IoT); Smart
Smart farming;
farming; Cloud
Cloud computing;
computing; Edge
Edge computing

1. Introduction
The Internet
Internet of
of Things
Things is
is aa term
term you
you may
may have
have heard
heard of
of in
in recent
recent months.
months. ButBut do
do you
you really
really know
know what
what hehe means?
The Internet of Things connects billions of things and billions of people. It can now be considered one of the
Internet of Things connects billions of things and billions of people. It can now be considered one of the most
powerful tools
tools for
for creating,
creating, modifying
modifying and and sharing
sharing countless
countless information.
information. InIn fact,
fact, the
the IoT
IoT is
is designed
designed toto allow
allow objects
to communicate
communicate withwith each
each other
other and
and with
with people.
people. IoT
IoT consist
consist ofof various
various technologies
technologies such
such as
as artificial
artificial intelligence,
cloud computing,
computing, wireless
wireless sensors
sensors network
network these
these technologies
technologies offer
offer many
many advantages
advantages such
such as
as real
real time
time processing,
online remote
remote analysis,
analysis, and
and management.
management. The The IoT
IoT affects
affects several
several areas
areas of
of application,
application, among
among these
these main
main areas
areas we
we list:
Automation, transport,
transport, environment,
environment, agriculture
agriculture and
and many
many more.
more. the
the IoT
IoT has
has wide
wide range
range of
of advantages
advantages from
from healthcare
to smart
smart industry,
industry, Agriculture,
Agriculture, cities
cities and
and more.
more. Among
Among thethe benefits
benefits of
of IoT
IoT in in smart
smart agriculture
agriculture that
that improves
improves thethe
quality of services for automated user experience.
quality of services for automated user experience.

* Corresponding
Corresponding author.
author. Tel.:
Tel.: +212
+212 638-242-829;
638-242-829; fax:
fax: +0-000-000-0000
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1877-0509 © © 2022
2022 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
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is an
an open
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1877-0509 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
784 Benlahsiniya Maroua et al. / Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Traditional IoT architectures based on cloud computing or centralized server pose many challenges for monitoring
and management within farms, especially in white areas, where the internet is not stable or limited, and for security
reasons, some operations require real-time decisions and delays cannot be tolerated, especially in the healthcare sector,
in such cases, data processing can not be in real-time, bandwidth saturation and latency is very likely to happen, to
solve these problems, edge computing was born.
Edge computing is a local source of processing and storage for the data and computational needs of IoT devices. It
reduces the latency of communications between IoT devices and the core networks to which they are connected.
Without edge computing, IoT would have to rely on network connectivity and compute services from a cloud or
datacenter. The back and forth of data between the IoT device and the cloud, however, can slow response times and
reduce operational efficiency. Edge computing also solves other problems, as it reduces the amount of bandwidth
needed to transfer large amounts of data over satellite connections or slow cellular networks and allows systems to
operate offline if a network connection is lost. With edge computing, you can take advantage of the large amounts of
data generated by connected objects. Deploying analytics algorithms and machine learning models at the edge of the
network allows you to process data locally and use it quickly to make decisions, and edge computing aggregates the
data before sending it to a centralized location for further processing or long-term storage.
In this paper, we present a comparative study between different architectures proposed in smart farming. The rest of
the paper is organized as follows: in section II the proposed architectures in smart farming. Section III comparative
study between architectures followed by critical study in section IV. Finally, Section V concludes the paper.

2. Related work
Different architectures and efforts are devoted on smart farming using different technologies and systems, Their
deployment allows farmers to make informed decisions and improves almost every aspect of their work.
(Debauche et al, 2022)[1] A distributed edge architecture designed to process and store IoT and multimedia data close
to data producers. Proximity of media objects to data producers provides fast response times to meet modern
application requirements, this architecture named the Short Supply Circuit Internet of Things inspired of short supply
chains in agriculture, based on removing the insuful intermediaries between the producer and the final users of the
data improves efficiency.(Nguyen Gia et al, 2020)[2] Present an edge and fog computing based architercture for smart
farming buy using CNN and LoRa ,the architecture consists of sensor layer it’s a groups of sensor nodes that collects
and sends the data to edge gateways in edge layer via nRF ,the edge layer process and compress the data and sent it
to fog gateways via LoRa, the fog layer consists of Fog gateways located in areas with outdated and reliable Internet
connections are connected to cloud via Wifi ,Ethernet or 4G, the cloud layer used to store, process and analyze the
data using complex algorithms and the end-user layer consists of a mobile application and a website to access the
data.(Dahane et al, 2021)[3] Architecture based on Edge-Fog-IoT-Cloud for Smart Farming and the analysis of the
results obtained, this architecture consists of three layers the IoT data collection and transmission layer composed of
sensor nodes which collect data and sent it to edge through nRF24L01,data processing and intelligence layer where
The EDGE is placed between IoT sensors Network and the Cloud as an intermediate layer and finally user application
layer where the farmer can access the results.(Perez-Pons et al 2020)[4](GECA) Edge computing based architecture
consists of three layers, the IoT layer composed of various sensors to gather the data and then transmit it to the edge
layer via zigbee or Wifi, the Edge Layer, it is formed by the Edge nodes or Edge Gateways, these nodes act as a
gateway between the IoT devices and the business solution layer it is processes and analyzes the collected data then
send it to the application layer through Http,MQTT or AMQP, and the business solution layer here where the end user
can consult and manage the data in his farm.(Roukh et al, 2020)[5] WALLeSMART architecture based on lambda
architecture is composed of the lambda three layers, Data acquisition the data comes from two main resources Eleveo
for cows behavior and Pameseb5 for weather conditions and transmited to data processing layer via Wifi, EMQ, OR
LoRa. Data processing layer use apache Hadoop for bach data processing then stored into Cassandra or postgresQL
and apache Storm for real time data processing and the data access layer to generate interfaces and reports using
different technologies such as graphQL. (Kakamoukas et al, 2019)[6] is an architecture that aims to implement an
integrated plant protection and tree protection architecture that will use recent technological advances in drones,
cameras and WSN. It will support combinatorial and computer vision and machine learning methods to deal with
adverse situations while achieving the highest accuracy in the analysis and processing of agricultural
information.(Zamora-Izquierdo et al, 2018)[7] A flexible platform for all soilless growing needs a circulating
greenhouse using moderately salty water. It is based on low-cost exchangeable hardware, supported by a three-tier
open-source software platform at the local edge and cloud plane. At the local level, cyber-physical systems (CPS)
Benlahsiniya Maroua et al. / Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788 785
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 3

interact with cultural devices Collect real-time data and perform atomic control actions. Dashboard The platform is
responsible for the main task of monitoring and managing access points near the access network In order to improve
the reliability of the system against network access failures. Finally, cloud platforms collect current and past records
and host data analysis modules in FIWARE deployments. IoT protocols such as Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport (MQTT) or Constraints Application Protocol (CoAP) are used to communicate with the CPS, while the
Next Generation Service Interface (NGSI) for north-south access to the cloud.(Triantafyllou et al, 2019)[8] This article
aims to address the problem of shortage of architectures for smart agriculture by proposing a "Precision farming
system architecture". A precision farming system mainly consists of the detection of agricultural parameters, the
identification of the detection location and the collection of data, the transmission of data from the cultivation field to
the control station for taking decisions, actuation and control decisions based on detected data and visualization of the
results to the farmer through an application. (Alonso et al, 2020)[9] this architecture based on previous GECA
architecture and was updated according to the following modifications : the edge layer is subdivided into to sublayers
the edge sublayer inherits the existing components From the previous GECA, the edge Gateways consists local storage
and preprocessing the data comes from iot layer to application layer and the fog sublayer This new sublayer consists
of fog backward gates. Like Edge Gateways in Edge Sublayer, includes packet fog forwarding gates Routing tables
that can be configured remotely from SDN Controled via the Southern API and the business solution layer is also
subdivided into two sublayers the Virtual Network Management Sublayer this sublayer is formed the control plane of
the SDN architecture contains SDN controller and the Application Sublayer This sublayer includes all the
functionalities that previously existed in the Business Solution Layer in GECA.( Trilles et al, 2020)[10] This
architecture is divided into two scopes: Physical and Cyber the physical scope represent the hardware devices and it’s
composed of two layers network and perception to cover the IoT devices. The cyber scope contains two main layers,
cloud and Client, the first layer is the IoT platform formed by two distinct layers: Data and Services and the second
layer applications/business contain applications to explore all the functionalities provided by the IoT platform. (Faid
et al, 2020)[ 11] propose an architecture composed of three layers: Access layer, gateway layer and application layer.
The Access layer for data collecting, data processing, and traffic. Forwarding, the gateway layer is responsible for
collecting the data from the access layer and stores the data in a local server. The application layer is responsible for
data processing and presentation for the end-user.

3. Comparative study
this part presents the comparative study of the different architectures mentioned in the previous section in the form
of a table. To compare these different architectures, we based on following criteria:
protocols: A communication protocol, defines the ways to communicate between several digital devices, they are
divided into different categories according to the role they play within the network. Among many others, there is
protocols used in connectivity infrastructure such as “6LowPAN”, communications “Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth”, data
transmission “CoAP, MQTT, XMPP”, security “DTLS” and many more.
• Interoperability: the ability to make an object communicate with other different objects.
• Security: The proposed architecture’s ability to ensure better availability, data and system integrity,
authorization and confidentiality of data.
• Resilience: Ability of a system or one of its components to continue its activity in the presence of a failure
or breakdown.
• Accessibility: is to be able to access the information you need from anywhere, on any network and under any
environmental conditions.
• Scalability: It is the possibility to increase or decrease IT resources according to the evolution of the demand.
• Latency: the time elapsed for the data to pass from the source to the destination.
• Cost: in terms of infrastructure and equipment.

Table 1 below summarizes the different protocols, technologies, benefits and limits of each Smart Farming
architecture, table 2 represents the criteria for comparing these architectures: security, interoperability, accessibility,
resilience and scalability these various factors help to provide a clear view and understanding of existing smart farming
786 Benlahsiniya Maroua et al. / Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788
4 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Table 1. Technologies of IoT based smart farming architectures

References Architecture Protocol technologie benefits limits
Debauche, Short Supply 5G-MEC Edge, Fog Efficient data processing. Complex architecture
2022. [1] Circuit LoRa &Cloud ultra-low latency.
Internet of Things WSN computing limit exchange with cloud.
(SSCIoT) Wi-Fi
Nguyen 5layer sensor edge LoRa Edge and Distributed local storage. Complex architecture
fog cloud terminal nRF fog
system Wifi computing Edge Computing paradigm
2020. [2]
architecture AVR LPWAN reduces congestion due to
the need for computing
Reduce the size of data up

Dahane, Edge-Fog-IoT- nRF24L01 Edge, Real time processing Complex architecture

2021. [3] Cloud based Http fog,cloud Interoperability and
architecture computing Accessibility
and AI The Edge Computing
paradigm reduces
congestion due to the need
for computing

Perez-Pons, SmartDairyTracer ZigBee Edge, Fog The Edge Computing Complex architecture
2020. [4] platform based on Wifi Computing paradigm reduces
Global Edge Http AI congestion due to the need
Computing MQTT Blockchain for computing. Network or
Architecture CoAP cloud storage resources
(GECA) reduce data traffic by more
than 46%. Blockchain
technologies guarantee the
security data integrity and
traceability. Low-cost

WALLeSMART LoRa Apache Lambda architecture Security and

Roukh, architecture Wifi Kafka guarantees linear scalability Interoperability
2020. [5] Bluetooth Apache and fault tolerance against not considerate
EMQ Storm & hardware failures while
Hadoop dramatically improving

Kakamoukas, MARS LoRaWAN WSN UAV Heterogeneous data. Bandwidth saturation

2019. [6] Architecture. cloud Wide Area Coverage. latency builds up
computing Portability and adaptability. security and
machine Interoperability not
learning considerate
Zamora- Overall 6LoWPAN NFV Edge computing reduces
Izquierdo. architecture of the MQTT FIWARE congestion due to the need
2018. [7] PA platform. CoAP Edge for computing.
CPS computing

Triantafyllou, Precision farming ZigBee WSN Sensor nodes

2019. [8] system LoRa are typically
architecture 6LoWPAN powered by low drain
Wifi batteries that are difficult
UAV or impossible to recharge
or replace.
Alonso, Global Edge ZigBee Blockchain resources in the edge-iot Complex architecture
2020. [9] Computing Wifi SDN/NFV network are optimized.
Architecture 2.0 Http Edge, Fog Security.
(GECA) improved MQTT Computing, low-cost
Benlahsiniya Maroua et al. / Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788 787
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 5

Trilles et al, SEnviro nodes MQTT RabbitMQ scalability, real-time, limitations in terms of
2020 Http Micro Mu timeliness, availability and energy and processing
[10] 2G/3G Influx reliability of service, capacity.Low storage
AMQP Firebase security and reusability capacity.
(Faid et al, High level system nRF24L01 WSN Bandwidth saturation
2020) [11] architecture I2C ATmega32 latency builds up
SPI 8P security.Interoperability
Zigbee MCU not considerate

Table 2. Smart farming IoT based features

Actors and critaria Security Interoperability Accessibility Resilience Scalability reduced Cost

Debauche and al, 2022. [1] x x x x x x high

Nguyen Gia et al, 2020. [2] x x x x x x high
Dahane et al, 2021. [3] x x x x x x high
Perez-Pons et al, 2020. [4] x x x x x x high
Roukh et al, 2020. [5] x x x low
Kakamoukas et al, 2019. [6] x x low
Zamora et al, 2018. [7] x x x x x x high
Triantafyllou et al, 2019. [8] x low
Alonso et al, 2020. [9] x x x x x x high
Trilles et al, 2020 [10] x x x x low
(Faid et al, 2020) [11] x low

4. Critical study
Despite the number of proposed architectures in smart farming shown in the previous tables still there is no perfect
one, each architecture is designed to solve a specific problem regardless of all features, that is what creates gaps or
issues in every architecture. The architecture proposed by (Debauche and al, 2022) uses a structured architecture that
combines several technologies, which are; IoT to collect data from various kinds of sensors categorized in wireless
and wired sensors, and three types of data processing; the cloud offers possibilities to manage a large amount of data
but is limited in terms of latency, expensive in terms of bandwidth due to data transfer, On the other hand, the edge
computing is very limited in terms of treatment capacities with reduced latency and a better level of privacy protection,
the Fog Computing is an intermediate between Cloud and edge Computing with intermediate capacities of processing
and storage, MEC for service deployment for mobile networks and finallys a caching mechanisms such as Dew
computing used to deal with the possibility of interrupted connection during the transmission even some issues in this
architecture but is guarantees security, reliability, resiliency, scalability and interoperability, while using edge
computing. The architecture designed by (Nguyen Gia et al, 2020), has many advantages, it is secure, well designed,
accessible at any time even the disruption of internet thanks to the use of low power wide area networks (LPWAN)
that provide low power and long range transmission but limited data rate, also they propose a new integration of image
compression algorithms to process a large volume of data (images) then transmit it into a single message this
implementation of advanced compression techniques reduce the data to 67% and the use of edge and fog computing
add many benefits to this architecture such us security, interoperability, scalability and many more. The architecture
adopted by (Dahane et al, 2021), has several benefits it’s based on smart platform using artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques and capabilities for prediction to making better irrigation decisions with optimum water usage, in addiction
to this it uses developed technologies such as edge and fog computing that allow security, interoperability, scalability
and reliability and also reduce the use of cloud computing, storage and network resources , and finally they developed
an irrigation planning application allow farmers to better control their crops. The architecture developed by(Perez-
Pons et al) based on Global Edge Computing Architecture (GECA)presented by [10] consists of iot layer that contain
various sensors from humidity, temperature to breath and heart rate and more This difference makes it easier for
farmers to manage their farms, the edge nodes guarantee the security, scalability, Interoperability and reduce the need
of cloud computing, Furthermore, it includes blockchain technologies that provide security and guarantee data
788 Benlahsiniya Maroua et al. / Procedia Computer Science 203 (2022) 783–788
6 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

integrity and traceability. The main objective of the architecture is to integrate low cost but high-capacity
computational resources in its edge layer to enable pre-processing and filtering of the volume of data collected in
traditional IoT environments. The proposed architecture by (Alonso et al, 2020) is based on the previous GECA 1.0
with some updating, the main difference with the GECA 1.0 is the use of SDN/NFV to optimize the resources in Edge-
IoT networks. The architecture developed by (Zamora-Izquierdo et al, 2018) is a flexible platform for moderately
saline water, based on edge (for monitoring and managing main PA tasks close to the network to increase system
reliability against network access failures) and cloud computing in local, it is exchangeable low-cost hardware, the
data collected from the interaction of cyber physical systems (CPS) with crop devices to make real time control
actions. All the architectures mentioned above share some common gaps the high cost in terms of infrastructure and
equipment and the complexity added with the use of edge computing. The architectures proposed by (Roukh et al,
2020) ,(Kakamoukas et al, 2019) ,Triantafyllou et al, 2019) . do not verify the security, interoperability with high
latency and bandwidth saturation. In spite of that, the proposed solution is poor in terms of security, interoperability,
scalability, high latency and bandwidth saturation due to the number of data transformed.

5. Conclusion and future work

In this paper we have presented the comparative study between different smart farming architectures based on IoT,
the used protocols and technologies, the advantages and limitation of each architecture, the implementation features
since: security, interoperability, accessibility, resilience, scalability, cost and latency, all this factors help us to better
understand and classified the architectures, in particular our next paper will represent a new smart IoT architecture for
monitoring welfare and farm animals based on Edge and AI.

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