Explore: Why Do People Explore The World by Traveling?

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04 Explore
Why do people explore the world
by traveling?
Lesson Focus

Topic 여행을 통한 다양한 경험과 즐거움 / 이탈리아 여행기

Communicative Functions
• 희망 ・ 기대 표현하기 | I’m looking forward to my first

visit to Tokyo.
• 요청하기 | Could I ask you to recommend a good
place to visit tonight?

Language Structures
• Many people lined up in front of a small store where

green apple gelato was served.

• Suji suggested that I explore the city on my own

for a few hours.

Lesson Goal

Travel Preparations / Fun Memories

여행 준비 과정과 여행지에서의 상황을 듣고, 이를 자신의
Listen 여행 경험에 적용하여 말할 수 있다.
Speak Travel with a Purpose
여행의 목적과 그에 맞는 장소를 정하여 학교 현장 학습
방안을 제안할 수 있다.

Adventure in Italy
Read 이탈리아 여행기를 읽고, 글에 드러난 생생한 경험과 느낌을
통해 여행의 의미를 생각할 수 있다.

Write a Travel Plan

가고 싶은 곳에 대한 여행 계획을 작성할 수 있다.

My Study Plan

Which of the goals above interests you the most?

ex. I’m interested in learning about what I should prepare for a trip abroad
as I’ve never been to a foreign country.

• What will you need to achieve your goals?

ex. I’ll need to learn how to make myself understood in English.
Travel Preparations
희망 ・ 기대 표현하기 I’m looking forward to my first visit to Tokyo.

Get Ready
Which city would you like to visit? What would you like to do there?



New York

Mexico City New Delhi


Rio de Janeiro


try local foods go shopping

visit historic sites

Listen In
1 Which best describes the woman’s attitude?
a friendly and helpful Strategy

b confident and relaxed 화자의 태도를 추론할 때에는 심리

상태 또는 감정과 관련된 표현을
c doubtful and careless 주의하여 듣는다.

2 What is the man’s travel plan in Tokyo?

Sunday Monday Tuesday

a Tokyo Tower Tokyo Theme Park Animation Museum
b Tokyo Tower Animation Museum Tokyo Theme Park
c Animation Museum Tokyo Theme Park Tokyo Tower
Lesson 04

Speak Out
1 Listen and fill in the blanks. Then practice the dialog with your partner.

Are you excited about the trip Of course. I’m really looking forward
tomorrow? to on the river.

2 What are the things you need in the following travel destinations in Jejudo?
Talk about them with your partner.

Ha lla sa n Hyeopjae Beach Seongeup Folk Village

enjoy leisure activities see the live s of loc al

get to the top of the
mount ain on the water people in the 140 0s


camera hiking boots
hiking poles beach wear

A Are you ready for our trip to Hallasan in Jejudo?
B Sure. I’m really looking forward to getting to the top of the mountain.
A Me, too. Oh, don’t forget to bring hiking boots and hiking poles.
B OK, I won’t. Thanks.

I’m looking forward to... . •I hope... . •I can’t wait for... .


듣고 이해할 수 있다. 1 2 3
‘I’m looking forward to... .’를
활용하여 말할 수 있다. 1 2 3 83
Fun Memories
요청하기 Could I ask you to recommend a good place to visit tonight?

Get Ready
Look at the pictures and think about what you would say in each situation.

1 2

a Can you tell me the best way to get around in the city?
b We don’t have to, but many people do it.

Listen In
1 What does the man ask the woman to do?
a to show him the passport b to call him back c to look for his bag

2 Fill in the blanks in the poster.

•An annual outdoor 1) festival

•Date: May 27 - June 18

A festival cruise gives you the
best 2)
of the festival!
Lesson 04

Speak Out
1 Listen and fill in the blanks. Then practice the dialog with your partner.

Could I ask you to

to look around Why don’t you take the bicycle tour?
the lakeside parks?

2 Which tour option would you choose? Talk about it with your partner.

Walk & Discover Jump On

Taste the street food Get on and off the bus
and meet local people! at any stop you like!

Guided walking tour Jump On Tourist bus service

Walk & Discover
Price: $30 Price: $27
Tour takes about 3 hours Bus ticket is valid for
and 30 minutes. 24 hours.
River Wonders

River Wonders
See the great views along the river!

River boat tour Price: $28 Tour takes about 1 hour.

Could I ask you to tell me about Walk & Discover?

Sure. It’s a guided walking tour. It allows you to

taste the street food and meet local people.

Anything else I need to know?


여행 상품 관련 특정 정보
It costs 30 dollars and the tour takes about 를 전달할 때에는 상품의
특징, 숫자, 단위 표현을
3 hours and 30 minutes. 정확하게 말한다.

Could I ask you to... ? •Could you... , please? •Would you mind... ?

듣고 이해할 수 있다. 1 2 3
‘Could I ask you to... ?’를
활용하여 말할 수 있다. 1 2 3 85
Travel with a Purpose

Island of Borneo
Travel Package

Listen to the TV Advertisement

Listen and complete the flyer.

eek ’s Themed Trav

T h is W el Package

Destination Borneo

Duration 2)
days and 3)

nights in July

Where you will stay 4)


•watch sun bears in their 5)
•rest and relax to the sounds of the rainforest
Lesson 04

Express Yourself
1 If you were to make a plan for your school field trip, what would it be like?
Complete your plan and talk about it with your partner.

Your Own
• Theme: Local Food
• Theme:
• Focus: recipes that reflect the local
• Focus:
• Destination: Boseong
green tea ice cream and shakes • Destination:

•History — historic sites and museums that tell us who we are
•Nature — places where we can appreciate the wonders of nature
•Sports & Leisure — outdoor activities that are thrilling and fun

• What do you have in mind for the field trip theme?

• Which town would be the best destination for the trip? ns
• What is the town famous for?


2 Make a presentation to your class about the next school field trip.

I would prefer a trip with a theme, so I suggest that we

choose local food for our next field trip theme. I’d like to
learn about recipes that reflect the local ingredients.
For example, Boseong is well known for green tea ice
cream and shakes. I’d really look forward to a field trip
like this.

여행의 목적에 맞는 장소를 정확하게 전달하였다. 1 2 3
어휘와 표현을 자연스러운 억양으로 적절하게 말하였다. 1 2 3 87
Before You Read

Think about your travel type by taking the test below. Then find friends who have
the same type and talk about where you want to travel.

c h o n e d o yo u p r e f e r ?
W hi

With friends. Doesn’t matter. By yourself.

Sandals or sneakers? Beach or pool? Suitcase or backpack?

Pattaya beach or
Guide book or novel? Comedy or action?
African safari?

Sunbathing or Plan it out or Exploring the Colosseum or

wandering in the city? see what happens? scuba diving in Australia?
Lesson 04

글을 이해하며 읽는 데 걸리는 시간을 수업 전과 후에 각각 점검해 보세요. p. 95

Paragraph 1 I was thrilled when my cousin, Suji, invited me to Italy, Strategy

Understanding the
a country in southern Europe that looks like a boot. She had a few author’s mood
글에 묘사된 상황을 이해하고,
days off from studying music in a conservatory, so we could spend 감정을 나타내는 표현에 유의하여
글쓴이의 심정 및 태도를 파악
a week together in Rome and Venice. I had never been abroad by 한다.
Go to Q4, Q8, Q9
5 myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve
hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da
Vinci International Airport in Rome. Since Italy is seven hours If you took a flight at ten in
the morning, when would
behind Seoul, I was quite exhausted and sleepy when I got there. you arrive in Rome?
However, I forced myself to stay awake to begin my trip in earnest.

L1 thrilled L3 conservatory L4 abroad L9 force L9 in earnest


The Colosseum
The Colosseum was mainly
used for public spectacles
Paragraph 2 Rome was like a giant museum to me. We began our
sightseeing at the Colosseum. Nowadays, we can only see a
part of what was once the greatest structure in the ancient
world. It amazed me to think that people could build
such a structure without modern construction equipment. 5

The Colosseum has eighty arches through which about

fifty thousand people could go in and out in fifteen minutes!
As I reached the top of the stairs inside, I looked down and
I could almost hear the cheer of the crowd.
Underline the sentence
that best describes
the amazing structure Paragraph 3 Suji and I walked along a path leading away from the 10
of the Colosseum.
Colosseum and heard the sound of falling water. We knew instantly
that we were near the famous Trevi Fountain. Legend says that
Q3 Over to You a single coin thrown into the fountain will ensure a return to Rome,
If you were at the Trevi
Fountain, how many coins
a second coin will bring true love, and a third coin marriage!
would you throw? Why? I threw one over my shoulder, wishing a return to Italy someday. 15

I found it interesting that even on the other side of the world, people
still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

L2 sightseeing L3 ancient L5 construction L12 famous L12 fountain L13 ensure

The Trevi Fountain

An average of 3,000 euros are
thrown into the fountain each day
Lesson 04

Paragraph 4 Who in Rome could miss out on a chance to visit Vatican Q4
Underline the sentence
City, the place where the Pope lives? It is known as the smallest that best describes the
author’s impression on
state in the world. In fact, it takes only thirty minutes to walk from the taste of the gelato.

one border to the other! I was overwhelmed, however, by the

5 collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican Museums.
The Creation of Adam, one of Michelangelo’s masterpieces, on
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, still lingers in my mind. Although
I knew photographs are not allowed, the masterpiece was so
impressive that I almost took one. After looking around, we walked
10 out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where
green apple gelato was served. Suji convinced me to wait in line for
over twenty minutes saying that it would be worth it. She was right:
Write down the places
the gelato was out of this world. the author visited in Rome.

L1 miss out on L2 Pope L2 be known as L4 border L5 sculpture

L6 masterpiece L7 ceiling L7 linger L11 convince L13 out of this world

Vatican City
Vatican City is
world with a pothe smallest state in the
pulation of abou
t 1,000


Q6 Over to You Paragraph 5 After a couple of more days in Rome, we headed to Venice.
Have you ever been left
alone while traveling? The seaside city was a lot more romantic than Rome, but a lot more
How did you feel?
humid as well. Suji said she had to visit a friend, so she suggested
that I explore the city on my own for a few hours. We could meet up
at the train station later in the afternoon.

L1 a couple of L2 seaside L3 as well L4 explore

The Rialto Bridge

The Rialto Bridge is
the oldest bridge
that spans the Grand
Lesson 04

Paragraph 6 I decided to go to the Rialto Bridge first, so I started Q7
What does “the winding
walking. Within moments, the winding alleys made my map almost alleys made my map
useless” mean?
useless. After some wandering, I was lucky enough to meet a group
of tourists my age from Britain. They were headed to the Rialto
5 Bridge too! The bridge itself was as elegant as people say it is, but Q8
How would the author
I was more impressed by the beautiful view of the canal from the have felt when he learned
steps of the bridge. I said goodbye to my British friends and walked that the British tourists
were headed to the Rialto
to St. Mark’s Square, one of the prime attractions of Venice. I had Bridge?

never seen so many pigeons in my life. They were so used to being

10 around people that they would wait until people weren’t paying
attention and then steal their crackers! But what
truly made me stop and stare in wonder were
the beautiful buildings surrounding all three
sides of the square. Along the buildings were
15 shops selling beautiful glass pieces, gloves, and
much more. After looking around for a while,
I bought small glasses for my parents.

L2 alley L3 wander L6 canal L8 prime L9 pigeon L11 steal

St. Mark’s Square

St. Mark’s Square
to as “the drawing has been referred
room of Europe ”

Paragraph 7 My trip to Venice would not be complete
without a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, which
snakes through the city in a large S shape. I was
disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand
Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not 5

afford it. The moment I was turning back, I saw my

British tourist friends walking toward the ticket office.
We shared the fare and we commented on the unique
differences of the buildings along the canal. We had
a nice chat, took some great pictures, and exchanged 10

email addresses before we got off the gondola.

Check True or False.
⑴ “I” was disappointed by the unaffordably high price for the gondola ride.
⑵ “I” spent a pleasant time enjoying unique buildings along the canal.

L2 gondola L3 snake L4 find out L4 fare L6 afford

Lesson 04

L8 comment L10 exchange

Paragraph 8 My trip to Italy was definitely an experience of a lifetime. Q10
What does “I have read
I hope my next trip can be to England to visit my British friends. two pages” mean?

People say that the world is a book, and that those who do not
travel read only one of the pages in it. So far, I have read two pages.
I hope I have opportunities to read many more pages.
•수업 전: min. sec. •수업 후: min. sec.

L1 definitely L1 lifetime L4 so far


After You Read

Complete the diagram about the travel route in Italy.

My Trip to Italy Rialto Bridge

Venice The view of the 4) from the
steps of the bridge was very beautiful.

St. Mark’s Square

I was impressed by the buildings
surrounding the 5)

Gondola Ride

The Colosseum
Rome I was lucky to share the 6)

with my British friends.

It amazed me as it was built without
modern 1)

Trevi Fountain
I threw a coin in the hope of a
to Italy someday.

Vatican City
The Creation of Adam still 3)

in my mind.

Choose what the author means by the underlined phrase.

My trip to Italy was definitely an experience of a lifetime. I hope my next trip can be
to England to visit my British friends. People say that the world is a book, and that
those who do not travel read only one of the pages in it. So far, I have read two
pages. I hope I have opportunities to read many more pages.

a to read many more books

b to travel to many more places
c to make as many friends as I can
Lesson 04

Listen and complete the advertisement board.

It’s Time to Travel!

•Tour Destinations: Rome & Venice Welcome to Italy!
We Make Your Trip
•Duration: for 1)
days Memorable!

Rome Tour Venice Tour

focused on 2)
focused on the beauty of
heritage sites a 3)

Go Beyond

How do you record good travel memories? Choose one method from below or
write down your own way. Then talk about its advantages with your partner.

diary Your Own

Keepin g a travel

My first trip to Germ

When: July 4~15
With whom: My family
The train network in Germ
is quite good. We took
everyday, and it was
always a
comfortable and conv
28 34 experience. Also the build
16 of the main station
were so
S te lla eum!
a giant mus
Rome is like
ol os se um
#t he C

Posting photos online


글을 읽고, 전체적인 여정과 여행 중 글쓴이가 느낀 점을 이해할 수 있다. 1 2 3
글을 통해, 여행이 주는 즐거움과 의미를 생각할 수 있다. 1 2 3 97
Word Formation

ensure famous
en- enlarge -ous curious
enrich nervous

Choose an appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1 Our flight attendants will ensure / enlarge your safety during the flight.
2 After winning the prize, Emilia became nervous / famous around the world.

Expressions in Use

•I forced myself to stay awake to begin my trip in earnest.

Erica has apparently decided to study physics in earnest this vacation.

•Vatican City is known as the smallest state in the world.

Korea is known as “The Land of the Morning Calm.”

Complete the sentence with an expression from above. Change the form if necessary.
1 The rainy season will begin at the start of next week.
2 Michael an amusing entertainer among his friends.

Word Mates
a week seaside
spend a fortune tourist city
energy industrial

Choose an appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1 My uncle must have spent a fortune / week to buy a fancy house by the ocean.
2 Busan is a(n) tourist / industrial city that is appealing to numerous manufacturing
Lesson 04


Point 1

•Who could miss out on a chance to visit Vatican City, the place where the Pope lives?

•Many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served.

•The coffee shop where my mother and father first met is around the corner.

cf. Do you remember the day when we saw the accident?

Your Own This is the place where .

ex. I lived for ten years

Choose the correct one to complete the sentence.

1 This is the gym where / when my friends and I used to play basketball.
2 The village where / when my family spent this summer together had many lakes.
3 Ben often talks about the moment where / when he fell in love with pop music.

Point 2

•Suji suggested that I (should) explore the city on my own for a few hours.
•The nurse suggested that my sister (should) avoid consuming too much meat.
cf. The results suggested that the design of the machine was not perfect.

Your Own My mom suggested that I .

ex. invite my friends to the party

Choose one from the box to complete the sentence. Change the form if necessary.

take practice disagree

1 I suggest that you public transportation during rush hour.

2 Her long silence suggests that she with the new hypothesis.
3 The coach suggested that he harder to master the advanced skills.

Write a Travel Plan

Prepare to Write
Check it!

My Dream Travel Destination: London

If I could visit anywhere in the world for one day, I would Destination

go to London. As soon as I get there, I would rush to see What to see and why

the house at 221B Baker Street. I am a big fan of Sir Arthur

Conan Doyle’s novels and stories and have always wanted
to see the place where Sherlock Holmes lived. Then, I What to eat and why

would go to St. Christopher’s Place as I’d like to try a bowl

of trifle, the famous British dessert. A true traveler never What to buy and why
misses out on the joy of eating local food. Before coming
back, I would buy black tea for my mother because she is 계획을 작성할 때에는
자신이 할 것을 적고, 그
a tea lover. It would be the best day of my life.
이유를 기입하며, 계획의
목적을 구체화한다.

Write Your Story

1 Imagine you can go anywhere in the world for one day. Think about three things
you would like to do there.

sample Plan 1

visit the Louvre Museum

(famous sites)
My Destination

Plan 2 Plan 3

•visit famous sites •eat delicious food •see beautiful nature
•watch performances •buy local products •participate in an outdoor activity
Lesson 04

2 Write the reasons for each plan you chose in 1.

Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 3

Share Your Story

3 Using the information in 1 and 2, write your travel plan.

My Dream Travel Destination:

I f I c o u l d v i s i t a n y w h e r e i n t h e w o r l d f o r o n e d a y, I w o u l d g o to
. As soon as I get there,
because .
because .
Finally, .

It would be the best day of my life.

다시 한번 자신의 글을 살펴보며 수정해 봅시다.


가고 싶은 장소와 그 이유를 명확하게 표현하였다. 1 2 3
문법 및 철자가 정확하고, 어휘 사용이 적절하였다. 1 2 3 101
Listen and answer the questions.
1 Which place will the man visit this summer?
① ② ③ ④

Eiffel Tower Notre-Dame Cathedral Ganges River Taj Mahal

2 Which statement is NOT true about the dialog?

① The woman will visit Paris this summer.
② The woman’s cousin is an exchange student in India.
③ The man will go on a trip with his parents.
④ The man is interested in architecture.

Put the conversation in order and practice it with your partner.

1 Excuse me. Could you help me? Sure, what can I do for you?

I just missed my train back to No, it’s free. You are allowed to
Termini station in Rome. I don’t switch your reservation to any later
know what to do. train leaving within 3 hours.

That’s great. Do I need to pay any 4 I’m sorry to hear that. Could I ask
other fees? you to show me your train ticket?

Here you are. Thank you. The next train to Termini

will arrive here in 20 minutes and
9 That’s a relief. Thank you so much.
you can take that one.
Lesson 04

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

I decided to go to the Rialto Bridge first, so I started walking. Within moments, the
winding alleys made my map almost useless. After some wandering, I was lucky
enough to meet a group of tourists my age from Britain.

(A) ⓐ They were headed to the Rialto Bridge too!

(B) I said goodbye to my British friends and walked to St. Mark’s Square, one of
the prime attractions of Venice.
(C) The bridge itself was as elegant as people say it is, but I was more impressed by
the beautiful view of the canal from the steps of the bridge.

I had never seen so many pigeons in my life. ⓑ They were so used to being around
people that they would wait until people weren’t paying attention and then steal
their crackers!

1 Put the sentences in the box in the correct order. ( )→( )→( )

2 Write what ⓐ and ⓑ refer to.

ⓐ ⓑ

Read the following passage and write the answers.

I was overwhelmed by the collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican

Museums. The Creation of Adam, one of Michelangelo’s masterpieces, on the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel, still lingers in my mind. Although I knew photographs are not
allowed, the masterpiece was so impressive that I almost took one. After looking
around, we walked out to see many people lined up ⓐ (green apple gelato / was
served / in front of / where / a small store). Suji convinced me to wait in line for over
twenty minutes saying that it would be worth it.

1 Rearrange the words in ⓐ to complete the sentence.

2 Why did “I” not take a picture of The Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel?
That is because .

Self-check for Lesson 04


Listen & Speak ‘희망 ・ 기대 표현하기’와 ‘요청하기’를 활용하여 말할 수 있다. 1 2 3
Read 이탈리아 여행기를 읽고, 여행의 의미를 생각할 수 있다. 1 2 3
Write 가고 싶은 곳에 대한 여행 계획을 작성할 수 있다. 1 2 3 103
The World’s Most Exotic

In the Desert: Hustai Ger
When you visit Mongolia, a ger is a place worth
sleeping in. It is a portable round house used by
the people of Mongolia who had to move from
place to place in search of water, food, and grass
for their animals. Hustai Ger, located in Hustai
National Park, is equipped with modern showers,
restrooms, and restaurants for comfort. It provides
visitors with a rare chance to explore the natural
beauty of the park.

In the Frozen World: Icehotel
Ever dreamed of sleeping in an ice house? Try Icehotel in
northern Sweden. It is a place made of ice where you can
spend a night surrounded by walls of ice from the nearby Torne
River. It is open only for six months from November to April,
for obvious reasons. One great thing is that rooms are newly
designed and built every year from the new ice of the river,
which provides guests with unique, unforgettable memories.
Lesson 04

When you travel abroad and need a place to spend a night, would you prefer
a comfortable room on a busy city street or a place that is a bit uncomfortable but
unique and special? Check out the following accommodations that will give you
a memorable experience.

In the Jungle: Ariau Towers
If spending a night in a tree house is on your wish
list, visit Ariau Towers and your dream will come
true. Set high above the Ariau Creek deep in the
Amazon, it provides guests with a direct view of the
Amazon rainforest from six towers linked by miles
of wooden paths over the forest. Guests can enjoy
some peace and quiet in the swimming pool built
on tree tops or participate in tours such as a jungle
walk, boat fishing, and a visit to traditional houses.

* source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/hotels/articles/50-of-the-worlds-most-unusual-hotels/

Think Together

1 Of the three accommodations above, where would you want to stay? Why?

2 Do you know of other unique accommodations in the world? Find information

about them. unique accommodations in the world

3 What kind of tourist accommodations would you like to build? Where would
that place be?

A Travel Guide of Your Town

1 Make a group of four. Look at the tourist map below and think about what
attractions of your town travelers would be interested in visiting.


Nature & Activity

Munam Eco Park

History & Art
Yukgeori Market
Cheongju Early
Printing Museum

Food Nature
Seomun Market Cheongseokgul
Samgyeopsal Street


Culture & Activity

Beollat Hanji Village
Lesson 04

2 Choose the attractions to be included in your travel guide and find some
information about them.

Theme Attractions What’s famous there?

Cheongju Early
History & Art offers first-hand metal printing experience
Printing Museum

Seomun Market sells samgyeopsal served with a variety of

Samgyeopsal Street side dishes

Culture & Activity Beollat Hanji Village offers visitors an opportunity to make hanji

3 Using the information in Step 2, make a travel guide of your town. Then present
your travel guide to your class.

Welcome to Cheong
ju !

C he on gju Ea rl
y Se omun M arke Be ol lat
Pr in ti ng M us eu
m Sa m gyeops al St re et H anji Vill age
Th e m us eu m is ed wi th Be ol lat Ha nji Vi lla
lo cate d at
th e He un gd eo k Th is is a stre et fill ge of fe rs
vis ito rs an op po
Te m pl e site, sell samgyeopsal rtu nit y to m ake
wh ere Jik ji, th e wo restaurants that
rld’s ol de st s ha nji, tradi tio na l
riety of side dishe Ko re an pa pe r,
bo ok pr inted wi th
m ovab le served with a va
rk or jo in othe r ha nji
m et al ty pe, wa s ice s. Quality po ar twor k
pu bl ish ed. at reasonable pr
cla ss es fo r lam p
It prov id es a ra re said to have been sh ad es an d
ch an ce to from this area is
get fir st-ha nd ex g. fa ns. If yo u wa nt
pe rie nc e wi th of fered to the kin to lea rn m ore
m et al pr inting. It about hanji, visit
is als o on e of won per 200g Be ollat village.
th e ho sts of th e *Price: 10,000 to 13,000
an nu al Jik ji
Ko re a Fe stiva l in
Se ptem be r.

Hello, class. This is my group’

s travel guide of our town. ...

Self & Peer Check

self A B C
우리 지역의 대표적인 관광지를 소개하는 소책자를 잘 만들었다. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
과업의 전 과정에서 친구들과 협동하여 모둠 과제를 완성하였다. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 107

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