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Page 1:
Good morning, AJ. Joseph and every student. My name is Nanthaphat
Prapakamol, I am third year student from department of electronic and
telecommunication engineering. Did you guy wonder how does people in the
movie can travel through time and move to very far place immediately?

Outline: This presentation will cover about what is wormhole? The teleport
theory, Time travel theory, how does it work? and benefit if it possible. I will also
have some quiz for you guy during the presentation.
Page 2:
First, let be familiar with the wormhole. Wormhole is a type of black hole
that forms between individual black holes. Because these black holes collapse
rapidly due to their own gravity, not even light can travel through these
Page 3:
Before I get into another topic, I will ask you guy a question. In these 4
names which one is another name of wormhole that scientist mostly called?
Please answer in the chat box.
let me tell you. The answer is Einstein Rosen bridge, which you may hear
this name from many movies which you will see in the new slide.
Page 4:
Thor and avenger movie are the one that use wormhole theory and
implement in the film. You can see the picture below, on the left side is called a
rainbow bridge it located in the asguard that people use to travel to another
universe, on the left side also can be consider it as a wormhole which it is a warp
gate that allow alien to get into the earth.

Page 5:
Let see how does it works, A wormhole is formed by the bending of
space-time and when it bends to a certain degree, it will create a shortcut in
space-time that can apply to many incredible things. Before I continue. Do you
guys think it's possible to pass through the wormhole nowadays?
Yes or no, please type in the chat box. Currently, the way to implement is
impossible, but scientists come out with many theories which can make people
believe that it is possible.

Page 6:
Move to Teleport theory, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, if an
object moves with greater velocity, its magnitude decreases and its mass
increases, time will slow down. If any object travels as fast as light time will stop
because light travels at a constant time. Therefore, if any object travels as fast as
light, it will reach its destination with constant time or equal to 0. This is a
principle of teleport or warp that we mostly see in the space sci-fi movie.
But at present, no object or method can travel as fast as light.
Page 7:
Let talk about space transportation, if wormhole is possible, there will be
many benefits that are beneficial to the space industry. The present travel time in
the space takes years. If it can be teleport it will allow us to explore more things.
They can also find more necessary resources or new matter that exists in space.
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Next is the theory of time travel. When we look into the wormhole, the
light we see also travels into the wormhole. When light travels back by another
path from the bent space-time, we will see ourselves in the wormhole. It means
that we are present in two places at the same time but very far distance.
Therefore, If the wormhole can last long enough to be able to enter it, in
theoretical, we can only travel through the future.
So far, do you guys think teleport and time-travel theory are the same? Same or
different. Please type in the chat box.
This theory is same as the teleport but we focus on the time. It also some
similar time travel theory that related to wormhole but I will not talk about it in
this presentation.

Page 9:
Before the end I will, give you guy a question in this three who can travel
through the time this only fun quiz.
1. Albert Einstein 2. Nathan Rosen 3. Barry Allen, please answer in the chat
The answer is Barry Allen or the flash he is a DC hero that can run faster
than the light. So, he can go though the time. Let me ask another question, did
anyone know who is the middle one what is his specialist? Please type in the chat
Page 10:
That end of my presentation. Thank you for attention. I hope you guy have
some fun and useful knowledge about wormhole. If you guy has any question you
can ask me now.

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