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Nazareth Academy, Gaya

Python Programs
Class - VII
1. Write a program in Python to take two numbers as input from the user and print the

2. Write a program in Python to calculate remainder when one number is divided by the

3. Write a program in Python to take two numbers from the user and print their product.

4. Write a program in Python to take two numbers from the user and print their

5. Write a program in Python to take principal, rate and time from the user and print the
Simple Interest.

6. Write a program in Python to take first name, middle name and last name from the
user and print their full name.
7. Write a program in Python to take distance in Kilometer from the user and change it to

8. Write a program in Python to take side of square from the user and print its area and

9. Write a program in Python to take length and breadth of rectangle from the user and
print its area and perimeter.

10.Write a program in Python to take temperature in degree Celsius from the user and
convert it into Fahrenheit.

11.Write a Program in Python to take age from the user and print whether they can vote or
not. (Age to vote is 18 or more)

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