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Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion

Received 16-09-2020 | Accepted 10-10-2020 | Published Online 11--10-2020

DOI: ISSN (O) 2589-8779 | (P) 2589-8760

CMRO 11 (10), 652−664 (2020)


Disease of Pulp and Periradicular Tissue: An Overview

Geetanjali Singh1 Sanjana Paul R2 Ayush Arora3 Shakti Kumar4 Lucky Jindal5
Sachin Raina6
Senior Lecturer, Department of Abstract:
Prosthodontics, Crown, Bridge Dental pain is the most common reason due to which patient seek dental
and Implantology, Himachal
treatment. Pain occur due to diseases involving pulp and periradicular
Dental College, Sundernagar,
Himachal Pradesh tissues, as these tissues are richly innervated and have ample of blood
2 supply. Also it is enclosed by surrounding tissues that are incapable
Consultant Endodontist,
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu of expanding, such as dentin and also has terminal blood flow and
small-gauge circulatory access the periapex. All of these characteristics
Consultant Dental Surgeon, severely constrain the defensive capacity of the pulp tissue when faced
Jaipur, Rajasthan with the different aggressions it may be subjected to. In addition to
Consultant Orthodontist, Sirsa,
above mentioned characterstics, pulp tissue can also be affected by a
Haryana retrograde infection, arising from the secondary canaliculi, from the
5 periodontal ligament or from the apex during the course of periodontitis.
Senior Lecturer, Department of
Paedodontics and Preventive this review article basically concentrates on structure of pulp, classifi-
Dentistry, JCD Dental College, cation of diseases related to pulp and periradicular tissue and detailed
Sirsa, Haryana explanation of diseases.
Intern, Himachal Institute of
Dental Sciences, Paonta Sahib, Keywords: Abscess, Periodontitis, Pulp, Pulpitis
Himachal Pradesh


Supplementary information The online version of
ulp has been described as a highly resistant
this article (
organ and sometime as an organ with little
1) contains supplementary material, which is avail-
or no resistance as its resistance depends on able to authorized users.
cellular activity, nutritional supply, age and other
metabolic and physiologic parameters. (1) The dental Corresponding Author: Geetanjali Singh
Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown,
pulp consists of vascular connective tissue contained Bridge and Implantology, Himachal Dental College,
within rigid dentin walls. (2) It is the principal source Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh
of pain within the mouth and also the major site of at- Email:

tention in endodontics and restorative treatment. (3)


Singh G et al.

Stimuli----> deposition of secondary dentin ---->

reducing size of pulp chamber and volume-----> • Diagnostic method by – Tooth may disclose an
enamel crack which may be better visualized by
reduces the cellular, vascular and neural content of
using a dye or transilluminating the tooth with
the pulp results in atrophy (3) fibre optic light
• Treatment-a full crown restoration immobilis-
The first and foremost reaction of pulp tissue to ing the fragments.
irritation is “Inflammation”, but the basic disease
process that is involved in pulp and periapical disease
is “Infection”. Infection can start from pulp and Barodontalgia
spread to periodontal tissue and vice versa is also
Toothache occuring at low atmospheric pressure.
possible. (4)
It occurs in high altitude. For example, in chronic
Causes of Pulp Disease (5, 6) disease no symptoms occur at ground level but at
high altitude pain occurs due to low atmospheric
• Physical pressure.
b) Thermal
a) Mechanical
1. Trauma • Heat from cavity preparation , at either low or
high speed
A. Accidental (contact sports) – traumatic injury
to pulp due to violent blow to the tooth during a • If there are deep fillings without protective base
fight, sports or household accidents. Habits such as there will be conduction of heat.
opening booby pins with the teeth and nail biting may
also cause pulp injury. • Polishing of restoration will lead to production
B. Iatrogenic dental procedures such as of frictional Heat

• during excavation of carious tooth structure, c) Chemical cause-

there might be accidental exposure of the pulp
• Phosphoric acid and acrylic monomer etc.
• Rapid movement of teeth by means of mechan-
ical separator and during orthodontic treatment • Erosion by acids

• The use of pins for mechanical retention of

d) Infection caused by bacteria and their by products
enter pulp through-
2.Pathologic wear – attrition , abrasion etc
3.Crack tooth syndrome • Caries associated toxins.
Crack Tooth Syndrome • Direct invasion of the pulp from caries or

• Incomplete fractures through the body of tooth. • Microbial colonization in pulp by blood borne
micro organisms (anachoresis)
• Symptom – pain ranging from mild to excrutiat-
ing, at the initiation or release of biting pressure • Entry of bacteria through developmental groove


TABLE 1: Fibers associtaed with dental pain a. Dentinal hypersenstivity.

b. Hyperemia.
2. Acute pulpalgia.
a. Incipient.
b. Moderate.
c. Advanced.
3. Chronic pulpalgia.
4. Hyperplastic pulpitis.

1. Necrotic pulp.

2. Internal resorption.

3. Traumatic occlusion.

4. Incomplete fracture

Classification (Weine) (10)

• Inflammatory changes
Pulp fibres associated with dental pain have been
describes in Table 1 (7)
1. Hyperplastic (reversible pulpitis).
Classification of Diseases of Pulp
According to Grossman (8) a. Hypersenstive dentin.
b. Hyperemia
• Inflammatory diseases of dental pulp
1. Acute pulpalgia (acute pulpitis)
(a) Reversible pulpitis
1. Symptomatic (acute) 2. Chronic pulpalgia (subacute pulpitis)
2. Asymptomatic (chronic) 3. Chronic pulpitis
(b) Irreversible pulpitis
4. Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
1. Acute – 1 abnormally responsive to cold
2 abnormally responsive to heat 5. Pulp necrosis
2. Chronic -1 Asymptomatic with pulp exposure
B. Retrogressive changes
2 Hyper plastic pulpitis
3 Internal resorption 1. Atrophy

1. Pulp degeneration- 1.calcific 2. atrophic 2. Dystropic calcifications

• Pulp necrosis Reversible Pulpitis (6, 10, 11)

It is one of the earliest form of pulpitis and at one
Classification (Ingles ) (9) time referred to as “pulp hyperaemia”.
1.Hyperreactive pulpalgia. Symptoms

Singh G et al.
• The pulp is inflamed to the extent that thermal
stimuli- usually cold- cause a quick, sharp, hy- Irreversible Pulpitis (6, 11)
persensitive response that subsides as soon as
Is a persistent inflammatory condition of the pulp,
stimulus is removed– symptomatic reversible
symptomatic or asymptomatic, caused by noxious
stimulus. Pain occurs spontaneously and it persists
• Pain is not spontaneous. Occurs due to stimula- for several min to hrs and lingers on even after
tion of A delta nerve fibres. removal of stimulus.
Early symptoms
• If the irritant is removed by sealing the tubules,
pulp will revert to asymptomatic. Or if the
symptoms persist, it leads to irreversible pulpi- • Pain is sharp, piercing, shooting and may be
tis. intermittent or continuous which occurs due to
stimulation of C- fibres.
• Asymptomatic reversible pulpitis
In later stages
There is capillary bed engorgement with oedema — • Pain is so severe in later stages and can be
—prolonged vasodilation———increased capillary described as boring, gnawing, or throbbing. Its
pressure——–increased vascular permeability——– intensity is increased by heat and sometimes
increased blood volume———increased intrapulpal relieved by cold. Patients often kept awake at
pressure——pain occurs. night by pain.

As decay reaches the pulp following changes are
• Pain short duration
venules become congested causing necrosis—
• Stimulus – required — necrosis attract PMN’s by chemotaxis——
-Acute inflammation——–phagocytosis———-
• History - recent dental procedures
PMN’s die ——-release lysozyme ———purulent
• Percussion test - negative exudates———-microabcess is formed——pulp
protects itself with fibrous connective tissue.
• Referred pain - negative Microscopically, one sees the area of abscess, zone
• On lying down pain - negative of necrotic tissue, with micro organisms present in
the late carious state, along with lymphocytes,
• Color change - negative plasma cells, macrophages.

• Radiograph - normal
• Vitality test - cold intensifies pain
• Pain-Continuous &throbbing
Prevention is best treatment .Periodic care is done to • Stimulus-Not required , spontaneous pain
prevent development of caries. Use of cavity varnish • History-Deep caries, trauma , extensive restora-
or base followed by proper filling and polishing. If tion
pain persists even after removal of stimulus irre-
versible pulpitis occurs- treated by pulp extirpation. • Percussion test-Positive


• Referred pain-Positive It is an idiopathic slow or fast progressive resorptive

process occurring in the dentin of pulp chamber or
• On lying down pain-positive root canals of tooth. It is painless condition stimu-
lated by trauma which produces dentin destruction.
• Color -Positive due to tissue lysis
Tooth is asymptomatic but on perforation of root
• Radiograph-Widening of PDL space pain occurs.
Appearance: Pink Spot
• Vitality test-Heat intensifies pain cold relieves
Treatment It is the result of osteoclastic activity. The resorptive
Complete removal of the pulp or pulpectomy and process is characterized by lacunae, which may be
surgical removal is considered if tooth is not filled in by osteoid tissue and presence of granulation
restorable. tissue accounts for profuse bleeding when the pulp is
removed. Multinucleated giant cells are usually seen
Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis (Pulp Polyp) (12–14) when pulp is chronically inflamed.
• A reddish cauliflower like growth of pulp tissue
through & around a carious exposure of young Radiographic features
pulp characterized by development of granula-
tion tissue • Radiographically appears as uniform, round or
ovoid radiolucent enlargement of pulp chamber
Histopathology • It does not involve the bone , if perforation
Microscopically, a complex of new capillaries, pro- occurs the bone adjacent to it is resorbed
liferating fibroblasts and inflammatory cells are
present in pulp polyp. The tissue in the pulp chamber
is often transformed into granulation tissue, which
Vitality test: occurs in teeth with vital pulps &give
projects from the pulp into the carious lesion.
positive response to sensitivity tests.
Pulp extirpation stops the internal resorption, after
• If hyperplastic tissue grow beyond the cavity of
repair defect is obturated with plasticized gutta per-
tooth, it appears as if gum is growing into the
cavity. Differentiate it by raising the tissue back
to its origin. Pulp Degeneration (18)
Generally present in older people. It may be the result
• Radiograph shows large open cavity with direct of persistent, mild irritation. May also be induced by
access to pulp chamber. attrition, abrasion, erosion, bacteria etc. It occurs in
2 forms
Differential Diagnosis
It should be differentially diagnosed from gum polyp 1. Calcific degeneration
by raising the stalk back to its origin.
2. Atrophic degeneration
Elimination of polypoid tissue, removal of pulp fol- Calcific Degeneration: It occur when part of pulp
lowed by restoration. tissue is replaced by calcific material i.e pulp stones
Internal Resorption (10, 15–17) (denticles)

Singh G et al.
Pulp stones are classified as – Symptoms: Discoloration of tooth, no painful symp-
a) according to location - 1) free 2) embedded 3) toms occur
attached Diagnosis
b) according to structure- 1) true 2 )false
True Denticles • Radiographic changes – shows large cavity &
thickening of PDL.
Made up of localized mass of calcified tissue that
resemble dentin because of their tubular structure, • Vitality test – tooth is not responding to vitality
more common in pulp chamber than in root canal and test
nodules bear great resemblance to secondary dentin.
False Denticles • Visual examination: due to lack of normal
translucency tooth appear opaque .
Localised mass of calcified tissue, does not exhibit
tubular structure. Nodules appear to be made up • Histopathology – inflammation is seen.
of concentric layers or lamellae deposited around a
central nidus. More common in pulp chamber than Treatment
in root canal.
Free Denticles • Root canal treatment or extraction in non
Denticles lying entirely within the pulp chamber and restorable tooth.
not attached to dentin walls
Attached Denticles Diseases of Periradicular Tissue
Denticles lying within the pulp chamber and is con- Pulpal diseases are one of the most common cause of
tinuous with the dentin walls periradicular diseases, as there is inter relationship
Radiographically, appears as intracanal radiopacity between pulp and periradicular tissues through the
similar to surrounding dentin. Calcific degeneration various foramina of root canals and give rise to
of complete pulp space occurs as a sequale to trau- inflammatory and immunologic reactions through
matic injury is known as Calcific Metamorphosis the passage of bacterial products and toxins. It is said
that even pulpal inflammation causes inflammatory
Atrophic Degeneration
changes in the periodontal ligament even before pulp
Decrease in size occurs slowly as tooth grows old. becomes totally necrotic. (20)
Fewer stellate cells are present &intracellular fluid
is increased. Replacement of cellular elements with
fibrous tissue is called as fibrous degeneration. (10) According to Grossman (8)
Pulp Necrosis (19) 1. Acute periradicular diseases
Necrosis is death of pulp. (A) Acute apical periodontitis
Types (B) Acute alveolar abcess
(C) Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodonti-
• In Coagulation necrosis soluble part of tissue is tis
converted into solid material 2. Chronic periradicular diseases
• Caseation (A) Chronic apical periodontitis
(a) Chronic alveolar abcess
• Liquefaction necrosis
(b) Cystic apical periodontitis
Cause: Noxious insult or injury to pulp such as (B) Persistent apical periodontitis
trauma, bacteria, chemical irritation. 3. Condensing osteitis


4. External root resorption Classification (Weine) (10)

5. Diseases of periradicular tissue of non endodontic i) Apical periodontitis
origin -Acute apical periodontitis (AAP)
Classification (Ingles) (9) -Chronic apical periodontitis( CAP)
Periradicular lesions are divided into three main - Condensing ostetitis
clinical groups.
ii) Apical abscess
a) Symptomatic (acute) apical periodontitis (SAP)
- Acute apical abscess (AAP)
b) Asymptomatic (chronic) apical periodontitis
(AAP) -Chronic apical abscess (CAP)
i) Periapical granuloma iii) Non-endodontic periapical lesions
ii) periradicular cyst Odontogenic cyst
iii) condensing osteitis -Dentigerous cyst
c) Apical abscess -Lateral periodontal cyst
i) Symptomatic Apical Abscess -Odontogenic keratocyst
ii) Asymptomatic Apical Abscess -Residual apical cyst
Non-Endodontic Periradicular Lesions Odontogenic tumor
Odontogenic Cysts Non-Odontogenic tumor .
Routes of Micro-organism Ingress
• Dentigerous cyst
Through the open cavity, dentinal tubules, gingival
• Lateral periodontal cyst sulcus, periodontal ligament, blood stream, broken
occlusal seal or faulty restoration of a tooth pre-
• Odontogenic keratocyst viously treated by endodontic therapy and exten-
sion of a periapical infection from adjacent infected
• Residual apical cyst
teeth. (20)
Bone Pathology: fibrous- osseous lesions Acute Apical Periodontitis (21, 22)
Painful inflammation around the apex as an exten-
• Periradicular cemental dysplasia sion of pulpal inflammation into periapical tissue,
mechanical or chemical trauma by endodontic in-
• Osteoblastoma & cementoblastoma struments or materials or occlusal trauma caused by
• Cementifying & Ossifying fibroma hyperocclusion or bruxism.
Odontogenic Tumor 1. Abnormal occlusal contacts
- Ameloblastoma 2. Recently inserted restoration extending beyond the
Non-Odontogenic Lesions occlusal plane.
3. Traumatic blow to the tooth
• Central giant cell granuloma 4. Bacterial or noxious products from an inflamed,
• Nasopalatine duct cyst necrotic pulp
5. over instrumentation during cleaning and shaping
• Simple bone cyst root canal
• Globulomaxillary cyst 6. Forcing of irritants through the apical foramen

Singh G et al.
7. Extension of obturating material through the apical • Osteitis, periostitis, cellulites or osteomyelitis
foramen. may occur if left unattended.
Symptoms • Sinus tract is formed usually on labial and buc-
Patient complains of pain on closure and mastication cal mucosa though which pus drainage occur.
and tenderness of tooth. Tooth may feel slightly sore
and extruded. Diagnosis
• Generally made quick and accurately from the
• An inflammatory reaction occurs in the PDL. clinical examination and from the subjective
history give by the patient.
• Dilatation of blood vessels, PMN’s are present,
and an accumulation of serous exudates dis- • A radiograph may help one to determine the
tends the PDL and extrudes the tooth slightly. tooth affected by showing a cavity, a defective
restoration, thickened PDL space, or evidence
• Severe irritation lead to activation of osteoclast of breakdown of bone.
resulting in breakdown of periradicular bone,
and the acute alveolar abscess may follows • Affected tooth may be tender to percussion or
patient may state that it hurts to chew with the
Diagnosis tooth.

• Apical mucosa tender on palpation and tooth

• Tender on percussion is classical diagnostic fea- may be mobile and extruded.
ture. Radiographically thickening of PDL or a
small area of rarefaction is present. Histopathology

Treatment: Occlusal adjustement and removal of • The marked infiltration of PMN’S and the rapid
irritants is the immediate line of the treatment accumulation of inflammatory exudates in re-
Acute Alveolar Abcess (20, 23, 24) sponse to an active infection distend the PDL
Localised collection of the pus in the alveolar bone & there by elongate the tooth. If the process
at the root apex of the tooth from the necrotic pulp, continue, periodontal fibers will separate.
with extension of infection through apical foramen
• Although some mononuclear cells may be
into periradicular tissues.
found, the chief inflammatory cells are PMN’S.
• As the bony tissue in the region of the root apex
• Trauma or of chemical or mechanical irritation. is resorbed, and as more and more of the PMN’S
die in their battle with the microorganisms, pus
• The immediate cause is generally bacterial in- is formed.
vasion of dead pulp tissues
• Microscopically, one sees an empty space or
Symptoms spaces, where suppuration has occurred, sur-
rounded by PMN’S & some mononuclear cells.
• Tenderness is the first symptom felt which is re-
lieved by continous slight pressure on extruded Treatment
tooth to push it back into the alveolus.
• The immediate treatment consists of establish-
• Later severe, throbbing pain occur with atten- ing the drainage and controlling the systemic
dant swelling of the overlying soft tissue. reaction.


Acute Excacerbation of Chronic Periodontitis • The exacerbation associated with the initiation
(Phoenix Abcess) (25) of root canal therapy in a completely asymp-
An acute periapical exacerbation that arises from a tomatic tooth.
previously existing chronic lesion. • In such a tooth, radiographs show well-defined
Cause periradicular lesion.
• The patient may have a history of a traumatic
1. Noxious stimuli from a diseased pulp with accident that turned the tooth dark after a period
chronic periradicular disease. of time or of postoperative pain in a tooth that
2. While chronic periradicular diseases, Such as had subsided until the present episode of pain.
granulomas and cysts, are in a state of equilib- • Lack of response to vitality tests points to a
rium, these apical reactions can be completely diagnosis of necrotic pulp.
3. At times, because of an influx of necrotic prod-
ucts from a diseased pulp, or because of bac- • Establishing drainage and controlling of sys-
teria and their toxins, these apparently dormant temic reaction.
lesions may react and may cause an acute in-
flammatory response. Periapical Granuloma (26, 27)
Dental granuloma is a granulomatus tissue continu-
4. Lowering of the body’s defenses in the presence
ous with the PDL, resulting from death of the pulp
of bacteria and the bacteria toxins released from
& diffusion of bacteria and bacterial product toxins
the root canal.
from the root canal into the surrounding periradicular
5. Root canal instrumentation leads to mechanical tissues through the apical and lateral foramen.
irritation that may also trigger an acute inflam- Inflamation in Dental Granuloma is misnomer.
matory response. Because its tissue is chronic in nature & not a tu-
mor. A granuloma contains “Granulomatous” tissue,
Symptoms that is granulation tissue & chronic inflammatory in
composition. A granuloma may be seen as a chronic
• Tender on touch during initial stages. low grade defensive reaction of the alveolar bone to
irritation from the root canal.
• As inflammation progresses, the tooth may be Cause
elevated in its socket and may become sensitive.
• Death of pulp followed by mild infection or
• The mucosa over the radicular area may be irritation of the periradicular tissue.
sensitive to palpation and may appear red and
swollen. • In some cases granuloma preceded by a chronic
alveolar abscess.
Histopathology • Experimental evidence has shown that a granu-
In the granuloma or cyst and the adjacent periradic- loma is cell mediated response to pulpal bacte-
ular tissues are areas of liquefaction necrosis with rial products.
disintegrating polymorphonuclear neutrophils and
cellular debris (pus).These areas are surrounded by Symptom
infiltration of macrophages and some lymphocytes No subjective symptom, except in rare cases when it
and plasma cell breaks down & undergoes suppuration.
Diagnosis Diagnosis

Singh G et al.
• Generally discovered during routine radio- Radicular Cyst (28, 29)
graphic examination. A radicular cyst is a cyst most likely results of
• Area of rarefaction is well defined, with lack of epithelial cells (Malassez) in the periodontal liga-
continuity of the lamina dura. ment are stimulated to proliferate and undergo cystic
degeneration by inflammatory products from a non
• Exact diagnosis can be made only by micro- vital tooth.The lumen of the cyst is filled with a low
scopic examination. – concentration of proteinaceous fluid.
• Generally tooth non tender to percussion & it′ s Causes
not loose.
• Physical
• Mucosa over the root may or may not tender on
palpation • Chemical

• A sinus tract may be present. Tooth does not • Bacterial

respond to thermal or EPT.
• Patient may give a history of pulpalgia that sub
sided • No symptoms are associated with the devel-
opment of a cyst, except those incidentals to
necrosis of the pulp.
Granulomatous tissue replaces the alveolar bone and
PDL. • Tooth movement occur due to pressure of the
cyst, owing to accumulation of cystic fluid. As
It consists of a rich vascular net work, fibroblasts and
a result the root apices of the involved teeth
a moderate infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma
become spread apart, so the crowns are forced
cells. Macrophages and foreign – body giant cells
out of alignment.
may also be present.
As the inflammatory reaction continues, because of • Tooth also become mobile.
irritation from bacterial or their products, the exu-
dates accumulates at the expense of the surrounding • If left untreated, cyst continue to grow at the
alveolar bone, expense of the maxilla or the mandible.
This process is followed by clearing of the dead
osseous tissue by macrophages or foreign-body gi-
ant cells while, at the periphery, fibroblasts actively
build a fibrous wall. Diagnosis
Some granulomas consist foam cells, macrophages
containing lipid material, and cholesterol. The alve- • Tooth with a radicular cyst does not react to
olar bone may show resorption and osteoclasts may electrical or thermal stimuli, and results of other
be present. clinical tests are negative, except the radio-
graph. The patient may report a previous history
of pain.
• Extraction of involved tooth • Usually, on radiographic examination, shows
• Root canal therapy loss of continuity of the lamina dura with an area
of rarefaction. The radiolucent area is generally
• If left untreated, may undergo transformation round in outline, except where it approximates
into an apical periodontal cyst through prolif- adjacent teeth, in which case it may be flattened
eration of epithelial rests in the area. and may have on oval shape.


• The radiolucent area may be larger than a gran- • The mandibular posterior teeth are most fre-
uloma and may include more than one tooth. quently affected.

Location 60% of cysts are found maxilla, especially Histopathology

around incisors & canines. Microscopically, condensing osteitis appears as an
Histopathology area of dense bone with trabecular borders lined
Radicular cysts consist of a cavity lined with strat- with osteoblasts. Chronic inflammatory cells, plasma
ified squamous epithelium derived from epithelial cells, and lymphocytes are seen in the scant bone
cell rests of Malassez present in the periodontal liga- marrow.
ment. Periradicular inflammatory changes cause the Treatment:Root canal treatment is a treatment of
epithelium to proliferate. As the epithelium grows choice
into a mass of cells, the center loses the source of Prognosis: Excellent, lesion may persist after en-
nutrition from the peripheral tissues. These changes dodontic treatment
produce necrosis in the center; a cavity is formed,
Asymptomatic Apical Abcess (20, 24)
and a cyst is created.
A chronic alveolar abscess is a long standing, low-
grade infection of the periradicular alveolar bone.
The source of the infection is in the root canal.
• Extraction if involved tooth
• Root canal treatment Natural sequeale of death of the pulp with extension
of the infective process periapically or it may result
Condensing Osteitis/Chronic Focal Sclerosing Os- from a pre-existing acute abscess.
teomyelitis (30) Symptoms
Condensing Osteitis is the response to a low-grade, A tooth is generally asymptomatic, no response to
chronic inflammation of the periradicular area as a pulp vitality test such an abscess is detected only dur-
result of a mild irritation through the root canal. ing routine radiographic examination Continuously /
Etiology intermittently draining sinus tract which may seen as
Alveolar bone is stimulated by osteoblastic activity a stoma on the oral mucosa.
from pulpal disease resulting in degeneration. Diagnosis

Symptoms • May be painless or only mildly painful.

• At times, radiographic evidence of osseous

• Tooth may be asymptomatic/ sensitive to stim- breakdown is seen during routine examination
uli. or discoloration of the crown of the tooth.
• Vitality tests: the tooth may or may not respond • The radiograph often shows a diffuse area of
bone rarefaction, but the radiographic appear-
ance of the lesion is non diagnostic.
• Thickening of PDL. The rarefied area may be so
diffuse as to fade indistinctly into normal bone.
• Radiographs shown localized area of radio-
opacity surrounding the affected root. Histopathology
• It is an area of dense bone with reduced trabec- As the infective process extends to the periapical
ular pattern. tissues or as toxic products diffuse through the apical

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