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Shahbaz sharif oaths report

Belief in Islam: This is a personal matter and cannot be objectively verified.

Commitment to Pakistan and its institution: During his time as Prime Minister from 2022 to
2023, Shahbaz Sharif promised to help Pakistan and its organizations. He said he would make
the country stronger and make sure its institutions grew and improved. Sharif stressed the need to
follow the rules and have good leadership to make Pakistan the best it can be.

Work for the well-being and prosperity of Pakistan:He revoked the voting rights of overseas
Pakistanis, neglecting their well-being. If their welfare was truly a concern, efforts could have
been directed towards building hospitals or providing medical check-ups to prevent them from
having to travel abroad for healthcare.

Justice for all without (fear or favor):he also not act upon this oath justic for all .he also in his
favor in his party members.”He made Ishaq Dar the Finance Minister, who, legally, is someone
who has run away from the law and been found guilty.”

Protection of Islamic principles: He did not protect islamic rules .In his government pass a
transgender bill on November 10, 2022.which is against islamic rules .

Honesty and integrity: politicians in Pakistan prioritize their own interests over the
country’s well-being. For example, Shahbaz Sharif appointed his son to oversee solar panelsMay
2023., which ended up increasing their costs. This shows how personal gain can outweigh public
welfare in politics.

Fulfillment of duties as Prime Minister: “After becoming Prime Minister, he would start
work at 6 in the morning. However, due to the country’s deteriorating conditions, he couldn’t
stabilize things.”

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