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# tactiq.

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# I got rich in my 20s when I understood THIS
# https://www.youtube.com/watch/H7XTE9Yc7XM

00:00:00.120 so you want to become a millionaire in

00:00:03.000 your 20s well these are the five lessons
00:00:06.279 that when implemented will not only put
00:00:08.760 you on the path towards becoming a
00:00:10.400 millionaire but also allow you to level
00:00:12.920 up as a person you see it's one thing to
00:00:15.360 become rich later in life but becoming
00:00:18.199 rich in your teens and even 20s will
00:00:20.880 unlock a level to life that you didn't
00:00:23.400 even know existed and that's not simply
00:00:25.880 because of the money but because of the
00:00:27.679 person you need to become to earn that
00:00:30.240 money I mean take it from me I made my
00:00:32.800 first million dollar in profit at the
00:00:35.120 age of 18 and honestly the biggest
00:00:37.480 lesson I've learned in the last few
00:00:39.160 years is that there are truly a million
00:00:41.920 ways to make a million dollar and that
00:00:44.480 is why the first lesson is don't be
00:00:46.399 afraid to try making money in different
00:00:48.719 ways now I told you that there are a
00:00:51.120 million ways to make a million dollars
00:00:52.840 and that is true but it's not the whole
00:00:57.320 truth you see about 9
00:01:00.440 999,000 of those are unnecessarily
00:01:03.480 difficult maybe even more than that yet
00:01:06.280 there are more than enough ways to make
00:01:07.880 money that although may not be easy are
00:01:10.680 very very very simple now I've made
00:01:13.680 millions of dollars through half a dozen
00:01:15.720 ways and having been in the space for 10
00:01:17.880 years now I've seen so many different
00:01:20.400 things work for different people one of
00:01:22.479 the biggest mistakes people make is
00:01:24.000 trying to force their way with one
00:01:26.320 money-making method and that's not to
00:01:28.280 say that you don't need consistency in
00:01:29.920 and tenacity when it comes to making
00:01:31.439 money but you sometimes also need to
00:01:33.399 realize that not every method will work
00:01:36.000 for every person and sometimes it's
00:01:38.360 better to Simply figure out what works
00:01:40.680 best for you rather than keep hitting
00:01:43.040 your head against the wall trying to do
00:01:44.680 a method that maybe works for someone
00:01:46.560 else and that's why I keep saying don't
00:01:49.119 be afraid to make money in many
00:01:51.680 different ways try different things
00:01:53.719 acquire different skills and eventually
00:01:56.479 put many different skills together why
00:01:59.039 do you think I keep telling you just to
00:02:00.560 put one foot forward in front of the
00:02:02.360 other it's because at your stage you
00:02:04.680 need to always be doing and always be
00:02:07.240 learning and before being able to earn
00:02:09.160 your first million do you need to earn
00:02:11.480 your first $100,000 and before your
00:02:13.400 first $100,000 you need to earn your
00:02:15.599 first $110,000 and earning your first
00:02:17.920 $10,000 all starts with earning your
00:02:20.360 first $1,000 online and if you thought
00:02:23.360 there were many ways to make a million
00:02:25.319 there are even more ways to make a
00:02:27.040 thousand and that's why I've distilled
00:02:28.760 it to its Most B basic element so much
00:02:31.480 so that I've set out to prove that
00:02:33.560 anyone can make their $1,000 online with
00:02:37.080 this system and to prove exactly that
00:02:40.480 I've launched digital Launchpad for just
00:02:43.280 $37 a month or 74 cents per day if you
00:02:47.480 go for the yearly plan and get a 40%
00:02:49.560 discount you will get access to
00:02:51.319 everything you need to make your first
00:02:52.879 ,000 you're immediately going to have
00:02:55.040 three different Pathways taught by three
00:02:57.040 different experts and you're also going
00:02:58.720 to unlock in an extra four bonus
00:03:00.800 programs and additionally for the rest
00:03:02.640 of this year we are launching one
00:03:04.280 additional program every single month
00:03:06.720 that's going to teach you either how to
00:03:07.799 make money online Network better train
00:03:10.560 better dress better invest better as I
00:03:13.120 said for only 74 cents a day if you go
00:03:16.480 for the yearly plan this is the best way
00:03:18.760 to make money online Bar None So for the
00:03:21.840 price of lunch every single month you
00:03:23.640 can get access to the most fail prooof
00:03:25.720 protocol when it comes to making money
00:03:27.760 online and when I say anyone can make
00:03:29.879 money with this I mean anyone because
00:03:32.319 that's exactly what 20,000 students who
00:03:34.159 have joined this year have proved so now
00:03:36.519 that you've learned the first lesson
00:03:37.840 which is there are a million ways to
00:03:39.239 make a million dollars the next lesson
00:03:41.360 you need to internalize if you want to
00:03:43.280 become a millionaire in your 20s is that
00:03:45.560 you don't actually have business
00:03:47.080 problems you have personal problems
00:03:49.640 manifesting in your business and let me
00:03:52.319 explain what I mean you see a lot of the
00:03:54.200 times especially earlier on in your
00:03:56.319 career people struggle to get to the
00:03:58.439 next level and when they struggle they
00:04:00.840 look for reasons except there aren't
00:04:03.000 really any reasons they're just
00:04:04.560 scapegoats oh the business model doesn't
00:04:06.879 scale oh my Niche doesn't work oh there
00:04:09.519 just aren't any good products whatever
00:04:11.599 they say the problem is it usually isn't
00:04:14.519 instead the problem is much more Dee
00:04:16.918 rooted because the problem is with
00:04:19.560 themselves and I know what that's like
00:04:21.160 because I had this in the beginning you
00:04:22.800 know it's funny when I was first gang
00:04:24.000 started in business I thought that my
00:04:25.560 young age had something to do with the
00:04:27.320 fact that I was struggling and then I
00:04:28.639 had to have a very sober conversation
00:04:30.080 with myself and realized that it wasn't
00:04:31.919 my age that was just an excuse I was
00:04:33.600 making it was the fact that I did not
00:04:35.759 understand my market well enough I did
00:04:37.240 not understand how to put together a
00:04:38.720 good offer so whether that be a good
00:04:40.560 service or a good product at the time I
00:04:42.160 had a service based business and it's so
00:04:43.880 funny cuz one day I woke up and I
00:04:45.360 decided I am going to take full
00:04:47.680 responsibility for everything that's
00:04:49.039 happening in my life and when that
00:04:50.400 happened 90 days later I was making
00:04:52.759 $115,000 a month profit at the age of 17
00:04:56.560 it's very funny how that works isn't it
00:04:58.080 because 90 days prior I thought it was
00:05:00.240 all my age but 90 days later it seemed
00:05:02.240 like it was no problem at all it's not
00:05:03.639 like all of a sudden I grew that much
00:05:05.360 you know my face aged nothing no it was
00:05:08.000 all in my head it was simply a personal
00:05:10.360 problem or a personal belief or a
00:05:12.440 personal worldview that was manifesting
00:05:14.479 in the business and that's why I knew I
00:05:16.120 had to change my own ways in order to
00:05:18.280 progress in my business and that was
00:05:20.240 just one example there was many other
00:05:22.000 examples I knew I had to change my own
00:05:24.199 ways in order to progress in my business
00:05:26.479 and so I'll give you a few more examples
00:05:28.360 to illustrate this point for 1 I knew I
00:05:30.960 wouldn't be able to focus as well if my
00:05:32.919 phone was on the desk next to me so
00:05:34.880 that's why from the age of 17 until 21 I
00:05:37.720 did not check my phone for the first 4
00:05:39.600 to 5 hours a day and in order to make
00:05:41.800 sure I didn't slip up I would actually
00:05:43.520 put my phone in a vault I had in my
00:05:45.960 house and then I would have a second
00:05:47.520 burner phone that only had Essentials
00:05:49.319 like Audible and Spotify or Uber on
00:05:51.880 there and in the same way I knew that I
00:05:53.800 focused better and felt better if I
00:05:55.720 worked out first thing in the morning in
00:05:58.160 fact my health had such a profound
00:05:59.720 impact on my business that there was a
00:06:01.520 direct correlation between the months I
00:06:03.319 was on top of my fitness and diet and
00:06:06.160 the months that I made the most money so
00:06:07.880 obvious but sometimes you don't see it
00:06:09.240 in the moment and that's why I had to
00:06:10.720 create systems that made sure I was
00:06:12.680 always on top of my game because if I
00:06:15.319 didn't that my non-b business habits
00:06:17.520 would begin to affect my business so the
00:06:20.840 lesson to be drawn from this is simply
00:06:23.039 to evaluate your life once you've
00:06:25.440 evaluated your life be honest with
00:06:28.160 yourself identify all the bad habits
00:06:31.199 identify all the things that hold you
00:06:33.479 back and this is especially important in
00:06:36.000 the beginning of your career because as
00:06:38.120 I said making money at that stage is
00:06:40.599 just as much about the things you
00:06:42.440 actively do as it is about the things
00:06:44.759 that you don't do so that means that you
00:06:46.759 need to make sure that your inner state
00:06:48.639 is allowing you to succeed so make sure
00:06:51.880 that your personal problems don't
00:06:54.120 manifest in your business now the next
00:06:56.520 lesson you need to internalize is that
00:06:58.360 you won't invest your way to riches now
00:07:01.599 I know that when I say that all of the
00:07:03.400 finance gurus will come after me but
00:07:05.639 here's the deal I am not saying you
00:07:07.759 shouldn't invest you absolutely should I
00:07:10.039 started investing from a young age and
00:07:11.840 I'm very happy I built those habits my
00:07:13.800 only regrets is that I didn't start
00:07:15.360 investing sooner but when you only have
00:07:17.120 a few th000 to your name investing won't
00:07:19.520 do anything for you I mean let's just
00:07:21.599 simply break down the math even if you
00:07:24.199 invest $3,000 into the market you might
00:07:27.199 make what $200 to $300 back back and
00:07:30.039 when it comes to investing it's all
00:07:31.599 about risk to reward that means that you
00:07:34.080 need to analyze your potential upside
00:07:36.039 how much money you can make versus what
00:07:37.960 it actually costs you to lose that and
00:07:40.479 when you're looking at cost you need to
00:07:42.319 think in terms of how it will impact
00:07:44.360 your life so consider this you should
00:07:47.039 never invest more than you're willing to
00:07:49.000 lose and that means you cannot get
00:07:51.759 blindsided by the upside now some of you
00:07:54.000 might be thinking but if I invest into
00:07:56.039 this altcoin I can 2x 4X maybe even 20x
00:07:59.039 my money cuz bear in mind each time
00:08:00.960 someone has that 20x increase in their
00:08:03.120 portfolio someone else had to hold those
00:08:05.639 losses for every winner that there is in
00:08:07.919 investing there is a loser so beyond the
00:08:10.080 fact that the odds are extremely low let
00:08:11.879 me explain something else to you when
00:08:13.400 you're not actively making money your
00:08:15.520 risk of losing that 1,000 or $5,000 or
00:08:18.360 $3,000 whatever it is you want to invest
00:08:20.759 is extremely high why well because you
00:08:23.919 don't know how to earn it back so why
00:08:26.479 would you invest the only money you have
00:08:29.680 if you don't know how to actually make
00:08:31.759 money if you lost it you wouldn't even
00:08:33.640 know how to make it back instead let's
00:08:35.880 look at the alternative if you invest
00:08:38.519 just a fraction of that $5,000 into
00:08:41.360 improving your skills there's literally
00:08:43.519 no limit as to how much you can earn
00:08:46.080 this is why you need to invest in
00:08:47.800 yourself you need to invest in skills
00:08:49.920 that can produce more money whether that
00:08:51.800 means going to business seminars public
00:08:53.800 speaking events or spending $11,000
00:08:55.880 learning how to code whatever it is
00:08:58.000 anything that can make you more valuable
00:08:59.640 in the marketplace will generate you
00:09:01.760 more money and those are the skills that
00:09:04.440 are going to propel you to riches not
00:09:07.160 investing you simply will not get lucky
00:09:09.480 enough to turn $1,000 into a million
00:09:11.839 dollar by investing it won't happen and
00:09:14.640 honestly even if by some miracle it did
00:09:16.959 happen you wouldn't be able to neither
00:09:19.000 keep that million because you never
00:09:20.720 earned it nor multiply it because you
00:09:23.079 wouldn't be the type of person that is
00:09:25.000 worthy of that money and you would just
00:09:26.880 self-sabotage and that's the next reason
00:09:29.000 why you can never invest your way into
00:09:31.120 riches being rich is only half about the
00:09:34.200 money the latter half of it and the
00:09:36.079 important half is about being the person
00:09:38.079 to be able to earn it so once you're
00:09:40.320 making consistent money online by all
00:09:43.040 means toss it into the S&P 500 maybe
00:09:45.839 even invest it into some alternative
00:09:47.880 assets maybe watches maybe even go buy
00:09:50.000 some cars restore it whatever you're
00:09:51.680 into but for now just focus on what it
00:09:53.920 actually takes to earn money realize
00:09:56.000 that your best investment will always be
00:09:58.440 yourself and your skills and listen
00:10:00.560 whether it's a digital Launchpad and you
00:10:02.160 decide to spend 74 cents a day not even
00:10:05.839 a dollar a day for the best online
00:10:07.839 education out there taught by the best
00:10:09.480 mentors so let's say you don't want to
00:10:11.079 risk it and try it for a year let's say
00:10:12.560 you just want to commit to one month $37
00:10:15.079 the same amount of money you spend when
00:10:16.640 you go to the cinema for 2 hours to
00:10:18.279 watch some random whether you
00:10:20.040 decide to go for the 40% discounted
00:10:22.079 yearly digital Launchpad plan or the
00:10:23.959 monthly whether you decide to get one of
00:10:25.680 those or you spend $2,000 learning from
00:10:28.079 a successful real estate agent just
00:10:29.760 shadowing him and telling them hey teach
00:10:31.839 me all the tricks of the trade how do I
00:10:33.440 make $100,000 a year as a real estate
00:10:35.800 agent when you are first starting off
00:10:37.760 and you're trying to become a
00:10:38.800 millionaire trying to become the person
00:10:40.200 that can become a millionaire there's no
00:10:42.279 such thing as wasted money when you are
00:10:44.399 investing in yourself cuz let's say you
00:10:45.800 work with that coach for $22,000 and you
00:10:47.920 even learn one thing that one thing may
00:10:50.440 not make you much money today but in 9
00:10:52.399 months 18 months 25 months whatever it
00:10:55.000 is that one thing you learn will make
00:10:57.120 you so much more money than you spend on
00:10:59.079 the investment into self-education
00:11:01.360 itself and as I said no altcoin is ever
00:11:03.560 going to give you that because when you
00:11:05.120 become the sort of person that can make
00:11:06.519 a million dollars every single year
00:11:08.279 consistently because you invested in
00:11:09.959 yourself to learn the skills in order to
00:11:11.800 do so no one can take that away from you
00:11:13.800 no Market change no bull run be run oh
00:11:16.839 crypto's pumping again so now all of a
00:11:18.839 sudden I'm not poor do you really want
00:11:20.720 to be that sort of person now Lesson
00:11:22.760 Four is one that people refuse to learn
00:11:25.600 over and over and funny enough I even
00:11:28.079 see it with some of my success friends
00:11:30.040 they simply refuse to let go of the
00:11:32.040 things they need to let go of for some
00:11:34.200 it's Tik Tok for some it's bad friends
00:11:36.800 for others it's bad diet we all have
00:11:39.360 those things and that's why Lesson Four
00:11:41.360 is you need to learn to break the
00:11:43.240 shackles you need to learn how to let go
00:11:45.519 of everything that's holding you back so
00:11:47.800 let's just do a simple thought
00:11:48.880 experiment what if tomorrow you got rid
00:11:50.920 of everything that's not serving you and
00:11:52.959 I mean absolutely everything so that
00:11:55.880 everything you did in your life was
00:11:57.720 designed with one goal in mind success
00:12:01.480 what would your life look like if you
00:12:03.040 live like that for just one month now
00:12:06.160 what if that month turned into a year
00:12:08.839 how much further along in your journey
00:12:11.279 would you be because I'm going to be
00:12:13.320 honest one year is all it takes to turn
00:12:16.320 your life around completely but it all
00:12:19.480 starts with breaking those shackles
00:12:21.440 today and that means delete Tik Tok off
00:12:23.839 your phone forever never download it
00:12:26.959 again unless you're making money with it
00:12:29.240 now don't just stop playing video games
00:12:31.720 sell your console go to some store go to
00:12:34.120 some pawn shop go somewhere and just
00:12:35.600 sell it even if it's cheap you won't
00:12:37.560 need it completely let go of it you know
00:12:39.959 those bad friends you have that keep
00:12:41.320 dragging you down cut them off once and
00:12:44.079 for all go to your kitchen right now and
00:12:46.560 just throw away all the unhealthy
00:12:48.600 all of it you don't need it whatever it
00:12:51.000 is that is holding you back let that
00:12:52.920 go make the decisions you know you
00:12:55.760 need to make once and for all and then
00:12:59.399 watch yourself propelled to the next
00:13:01.040 level burn all of those bad Bridges and
00:13:03.560 let them light your way now the final
00:13:06.079 lesson is one that I adopted very early
00:13:08.399 on but not because I wanted to but
00:13:10.720 because I needed to now those of you who
00:13:12.720 are familiar with my journey will know
00:13:14.399 that let's just say that I was forced to
00:13:15.959 be man at the house at a very young age
00:13:18.480 and in doing so I had to make a promise
00:13:21.120 and so when I was 14 years old I saw how
00:13:24.120 badly my mom and I were struggling and I
00:13:26.000 promised her that no matter what it took
00:13:27.360 I would buy her her dream house and a
00:13:29.279 Range Rover and then 9 years later I
00:13:31.600 bought her her dream house for $4
00:13:33.800 million in cash and there's a Range
00:13:36.760 Rover parked in front of it so lesson
00:13:39.240 five and the final lesson is to make a
00:13:41.720 promise to someone you love and this
00:13:43.360 doesn't have to be done out of
00:13:44.639 desperation like it was for me but it
00:13:46.440 needs to be someone you love so deeply
00:13:49.000 that you couldn't even conceive of
00:13:51.079 breaking the promise and that's what
00:13:52.880 gives the promise its meaning but this
00:13:54.959 isn't an ordinary promise though as much
00:13:57.279 as it's a promise to the person you tell
00:13:58.920 it to it's also a promise to yourself
00:14:01.320 it's a promise that you will achieve
00:14:03.240 everything you set out to do both for
00:14:05.120 the person that you love and for
00:14:06.920 yourself making that promise to yourself
00:14:09.000 often just isn't enough so make it to
00:14:11.959 the person you love and yourself Now
00:14:14.920 ladies and gentlemen those are the five
00:14:16.759 lessons that if you actually internalize
00:14:19.279 will set you on a path to becoming a
00:14:21.199 millionaire in your 20s the only thing
00:14:23.120 that stands between you and that
00:14:24.759 far-fetched goal now is a little bit of
00:14:27.040 work so get to it and as always I'll be
00:14:30.519 watching from afar and I'm rooting for
00:14:32.600 you

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