Process Safety Management

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Process Safety Management

1 | 2015
What is Process Safety

Process Safety is
 The proactive identification, analysis, and
evaluation of the releases of hazardous
substances and process accidents.
 It applies to the management of hazards
associated with the chemical and physical
properties of the substances handled in our
oil, gas and energy activities.
 It aims to:
 Minimize the risk of a major accident event
 Ensure that the necessary mitigation and
emergency preparedness mechanisms are
in place

Risk Occupational Safety

Process Safety


Likelihood of occurrence

What Process Safety is about

What is a Major Accident & Major Accident Hazard?
 Major Accident (realisation)
 This is an accidental event which has major or severe consequences for
people or environment. The definitions of ‘major’ and ‘severe’
consequences in this context, are provided in the risk matrix.
 Major Accident Hazard (potential)
 Any substance or energy which if not contained could seriously harm
people or the environment, either directly or by initiating events which could
lead to a major accident.

Major Accidents exclude:

- Occupational health and personal safety hazards
- Business critical hazard severity categories

 Major Accidents are defined by their consequences

Definition of Major Accident

Consequence People Environment

Serious long term environmental

1 fatality of public
damage. Significant impact on highly
5 Severe >1 fatality of workforce
valued or sensitive species, habitat
> 6 people of workforce and/or public hospitalised
or ecosystem

1 fatality of workforce
> 3 people on-site hospitalised Very severe, persistent
1 person of public hospitalised environmental damage extending
4 Major
1 person of workforce with onset/signs of severe irreversible over large area. Long term
health effect impairment of ecosystem function
>1 person of public with reversible health effect
1 person of workforce >2 days lost
1 person of workforce with onset/signs of moderate irreversible Serious mid-term environmental
3 Moderate
health effect impacts
1 person of public with moderate reversible mid-term health effect

1 person of workforce 1 or 2 days off work

Moderate reversible environmental
1 person of workforce with moderate reversible mid-term health
2 Minor damage extends beyond site
1 person of public with minor reversible short term health effect

1 person of workforce injured, able to continue work but first aid

Slight reversible on-site
1 Slight needed
environmental damage
1 person of workforce with minor reversible short term health effect

Summary of Process Hazards

Major Accidents

Cyclohexane Release & Explosion – 28 fatalities
Flixborough, England – June 1, 1974

20” bypass piping fabricated on-site from

shop stock. This pipe ruptured and released
Cyclohexane which exploded.

On June 1, 1974 the Nypro Co. site at Flixborough, England was severely damaged by a
large explosion. Twenty-eight workers were killed and a further 36 suffered injuries. It is
recognized that the number of casualties would have been more if the incident had
occurred on a weekday, as the main office block was not occupied.

Methyl Isocyanate Tank Rupture and Release
Bhopal, India – Dec. 2-3, 1984

Source: United Nations Environment Programme Photo Source: Indian state government of Madhya Pradesh

On the night of December 2-3, 1984, a sudden release of about 30 metric tons of methyl isocyanate
(MIC) occurred at the Union Carbide pesticide plant at Bhopal, India. The accident was a result of poor
safety management practices, poor early warning systems, and the lack of community preparedness.
The accident led to the death of over 2,800 people (other estimates put the immediate death toll as
high as 8000) living in the vicinity and caused respiratory damage and eye damage to over 20,000
others. At least 200,000 people fled Bhopal during the week after the accident. Estimates of the
damage vary widely between $350 million to as high as $3 billion.

10 |
Gas Release & Explosion – 167 fatalities
Piper Alpha, North Sea – July 6, 1988

On the day the disaster occurred, the day shift maintenance crew was working on the condensate
pumps which compressed gas. One of the pumps was removed for routine maintenance and the
condensate pipe was temporarily sealed with a flat metal disk. Because the work could not be
completed before the next shift change-over, the metal disc was left in place as the day shift went off
duty. The shift coming on duty was unaware of this. Later in the evening, when the other condensate
pump stopped working, the pump under maintenance was started up. Gas leaked out at high pressure,
ignited and exploded.

11 |
Condensate Release & Explosion – 15 fatalities
BP Texas City Refinery, Texas– March 23, 2005

On March 23, 2005, during the startup of an isomerisation unit, the associated raffinate splitter tower
was overfilled and overheated. A substantial volume of hydrocarbon liquid and vapour were forced into
an adjacent blowdown stack, rapidly exceeding its capacity. Ignition of the resulting vapour cloud
caused an explosion that extended to nearby temporary trailers and resulting in 15 deaths, more than
170 injuries, and significant economic losses.

12 |
Deepwater Horizon oil spill
20 April – 15 July 2010, Gulf of Mexico, US
Oil Spill (up to 4.9 mln barrels), 11 people died, 17 injured

13 |
Fukushima Daiichi
11 March 2011, Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant, Japan
Release of radioactive materials, 37 injured

14 |
When will the next Major Accident occur?

15 |

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What must we focus on?
▪ Asset Integrity Management Plan
▪ SCE inspection, testing & maintenance
▪ Deviation analysis and close-out
Design Maintenance
Integrity Integrity
▪ Design reviews: ALARP; engineering
codes; standards Process
▪ SCE Safety Critical Elements (and

performance standards)
Operating  Operate within operating envelope
▪ MOC Management of Change Integrity ▪ Alarm management
(with technical authorities)
▪ Process control and procedures
▪ Robust Assurance
(WSE - Written Schemes of
▪ Incident investigation and close-out
Examination) ▪ Competencies and Capabilities
17 |
PSM Elements
OSHA PSM Elements (14)

 Process Safety Information  Mechanical Integrity

 Process Hazard Analysis  Hot Work Permit

 Operating Procedures  Management of Change

 Employee Participation  Incident Investigation

 Training  Emergency Planning and

 Contractors  Compliance Audits

 Pre-Startup Safety Review  Trade Secrets

18 |
PSM Elements
CCPS Risk-Based Process Safety Elements (20)

 Process safety culture  Contractor management

 Compliance with standards  Training and performance
 Process safety competence  Management of change
 Workforce involvement  Operational readiness
 Stakeholder outreach  Conduct of operations
 Process knowledge management  Emergency management
 Hazard identification and risk  Incident investigation
analysis  Measurement and metrics
 Operating procedures  Auditing
 Safe work practices  Management review and
 Asset integrity and reliability continuous improvement

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20 |
Safety Life Cycle

21 |
Safety Life Cycle

22 |
Safety Life Cycle & Risk Assessment

23 |
Safety Life Cycle & Risk Assessment

24 |
Risk Assessment steps & toolkits

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What should we do about it?

 Hierarchy of control for Process Safety

 Inherent Safety – reduce the hazard
 Prevention measures – keep it in the pipe
 Control measures – minimise size and duration of
hazardous event
 Mitigation – protect people, the environment and assets

 Layers of defence

 Risk Control systems

26 |
Hierarchy of control for Process Safety

27 |
Inherent Safety

1. Substitute - Replace material with a less hazardous


2. Minimize/Intensify - Use smaller quantities of dangerous


3. Moderate/attenuate – Change the conditions to reduce

hazard severity in the event of accidental release.

4. Simplify – Strive to eliminate unnecessary complexity

which increase the potential for incorrect operation,
particularly in the event of abnormal operating conditions.

28 |
Bow Tie – Defence in Depth

29 |
How & Why defences fail

30 |
Key risk control systems classification

31 |

32 |
What is a Safety Critical Element?

 Safety Critical Element – any part of the facilities, the failure of which could
cause or contribute substantially to a major accident, or the purpose of
which is to limit the effects of a major accident

 So, there are two distinct types of SCE

Prevent: Those, the failure Mitigate: Those required to

of which could cause a intervene passively or actively
major accident, and to limit the effects of a major

33 |
Management systems, people & processes

SCEs are hardware-only


Management systems, people, processes, are

important parts of the Integrity assurance process used
to manage the hardware barriers/SCE

34 |
Safety Critical Activities
 Are management systems, procedures, people/competence safety critical?
 Yes, but as safety critical activities, not SCEs
 SCEs = hardware (& associated software)

 How are safety critical activities dealt with?

 They are inherent to the SCE assurance process

 Examples of safety critical activities/tasks

 Permit to work system
 Management of change
 Risk assessment
 Competency training
 Quality assurance
 Operating envelopes
 Defeats register

35 |
How SCEs fit into hazards management
 Management of major accident consequences is based on a hierarchy

Hierarchy of Risk Reduction

Prevention Systems to control the primary initiating events

Detection Systems to detect the primary safeguards have

Control Systems to prevent the event from escalating
and bring plant to a safe state
Mitigation Systems to minimize the effects of an event
Emergency Response Systems to allow you to safely muster and
& Lifesaving evacuate
 Industry has evolved models to support/demonstrate this
 The Integrity Barrier or “Swiss Cheese” diagram is one

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How SCEs fit to hazards management ‘barriers’ concept


Inspection, maintenance and testing are activities to prevent barrier degradation.

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Barrier Concept for Hazards Management
Detection Control &
Operation Mitigation Emergency


- Pressure vessels
- Rotating equipment
- Tanks - Fire detection - ESD system - Personal survival
- Pipelines / piping - Gas detection - Depressurisation syst equipment
- Relief system - H 2 S detection - HIPPS - Rescue facilities
- Well containment - Corrosion detection - Well isolation - TEMPSC / lifeboats
- Gas / oil fired heaters - Pipeline isolation - Tertiary escape
- Gas tight floors / walls valves systems
- Tanker loading systems - Process ESDV
- Wireline equipment - SSIVs
- Oily water control - Well control eqpt


- Drilling systems - Haz area HVAC - Deluge system - Temp refuge /muster
- Structural supports for - Non - haz area HVAC - Fire & expl protection - Escape / evac routes
safety critical equipment - Certified electrical - Firewater main & pump - Escape lighting
- Lifting equipment in equipment & instruments - Gas , foam & spray fire - Emergency comms
wellhead /HC process areas - Inert gas blanketing extinguishers - UPS
- WHP jacket & foundations - Earth bonding - Corrosion protection e .g . - Helicopter facilities
- Vessel hull , mooring & - Fuel gas purge system sand filters & chemical - Emergency power
ballasting systems - Ignition control eqpt injection - Hazardous & non -
- Flare tip ignition - Passive fire protection hazardous open drains
system - Navigation aids & collision

38 |
What are the benefits?

 Achieve & sustain acceptable level of major accident management

 Focus & prioritise resources on the aspects of systems and

equipment that manage major accidents
 Not how many, but how you manage them

 Ensure this is achieved by

 Defining the critical functions, and

 Aligning inspection and maintenance with these functions

39 |
How to identify SCEs
System Level Tag Level

List of systems and Major

equipment to reduce accident hazard
risk (plant barriers) identification

SCE Screening

This item is a
failure of this
element cause a

Is the
purpose of this
No Yes
element to prevent
a MAE?

failure of this Yes
No Yes
element contribute
substantially to a
Is the
purpose of this
This item is not No element to limit
a Safety Critical the effects of a
Element MAE?


40 |
Performance Standard – Key requirements
 Performance Standards (PSs) are parameters that are measured or set so that the
suitability and effectiveness of SCEs can be assured and verified.
 Performance criteria:

Functionality Reliability & Survivability Dependency


 The intended purpose  The probability that  The ability of the  Identification of other SCEs
and fundamental the system will work SCE to survive the performance of which
design performance on demand and be loadings from major the SCE is dependent on
requirements of the available when accidents it is
SCE (relative to
required intended to manage
major accidents)

 SCE integrity assurance activities

 Independent Verification Body (IVB) activities

41 |
Generic Performance Standard Structure

Presentation title November 15

42 |

What happens when the SCE integrity assurance

process is either not in place or not implemented

43 |

44 |
SCE Identification Practical

System or Equipment SCE? – Prevents or Why

Yes/No Mitigates?

Crude oil export pump

Diesel oil storage day tank

Glycol storage tank

Sales gas booster


NGL piping manual

isolating valves

45 |
SCE Identification Practical

System or Equipment SCE? – Prevents or Why

Yes/No Mitigates?

Pressure transmitter

Electrical equipment in
classified hazardous

Main power

HVAC system

46 |
SCE Identification Practical

System or Equipment SCE? – Prevents or Why

Yes/No Mitigates?

Compressor seal oil


Pump lubricating oil


Flare System

Instrument air system

47 |
SCE Identification Practical

System or Equipment SCE? – Prevents or Why

Yes/No Mitigates?

Oil Wellhead

Closed drain

Firewater ring-main
isolation valve

Permit to Work

48 |

53 |
Performance Monitoring System

54 |
Type of indicators

 Quantitative
 Numbers recorded on scale and tracked over time
 Ensure statistically valid interpretation
 Most relevant to regularly occurring activities
 Qualitative
 Descriptions typically inspection and audit observations
 Can be quantified using ratings and ladder assessments
(comparative definition of bad to good)
 Objective
 Independent of assessor’s personal judgement
 Subjective
 Influenced by those measuring

55 |
Type of indicators

56 |
Example leading & lagging indicators

57 |
Example leading & lagging indicators

58 |
Example of Key board

59 |

60 |

loss of An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material from a

primary tank, vessel, pipe, truck, rail car etc., including non-toxic and non-
containment flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot condensate, nitrogen,
LOPC compressed CO2 or compressed air).

Challenge to A demand on a safety system designed to prevent a LOPC or to

safety system mitigate the consequences of a LOPC.

Process An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material from a

safety event process or an undesired event or condition that, under slightly
PSE different circumstances, could have resulted in a release of a

61 |
Safety Critical Barriers


62 |
© 2011 OGP Guidance Report 456

63 |
PSPI & Barriers
Process Safety Performance Indicators
• Hi-Hi level Tier 1
alarm incidents
LOPC Events of
activated. Greater
• Defect below Consequence

minimum wall
thickness Tier 2
LOPC Events of lesser

• Relief valve
fails bench Tier 3
test. Challenges to Safety Systems
• Loss of
experience in
operations Tier 4
Operating Discipline & Management System
Performance Indicators

64 |
Process Safety Events:
Accidents, Incidents, Near Miss, etc.
 A Process Safety Event is:
 The actual or potential loss of
control or containment of
hazardous materials (flammable,
Accident Near Miss
toxic, corrosive, etc.)
Harm to humans or Just luck that no
 Failure or substandard environment, damage of accidental consequences
performance of one or more equipment occurred

barriers resulting in the potential

or actual operation of the highest all LOPC events Demands on
Safety System
safety barrier (e.g. opening of incl. LOPC to secondary
Development of incident
safety valve to flare) containment
scenario prevented by a
planed barrier
 The presence of hazardous PS related
material in systems which are production loss
not designed to contain it e.g. due unavailability
of barriers or

65 |
PSPI types of indicators
Tier 1  LOPC exceeding threshold not yet all LOPC without environment
LOPC* events with  human harm due LOPC consequences registered
greater consequence  asset damage after fire / explosion due LOPC

Tier 2  LOPC exceeding threshold not yet all LOPC without environment
LOPC events with  human harm due LOPC consequences registered
lesser consequence  asset damage after fire / explosion due LOPC

Tier 3  small fires / explosions many of these events are not

Challenge to safety  minor LOPC events registered; some are in other systems
system  primary containment inspection outside limits (e.g. shift logs, computerized
 demands on safety system maintenance systems)
 safe operating limits excursion
 critical operational deviation

Tier 4 focusing on:

Operating Discipline &  Management of Change (MoC) events
Management System  Process hazard and risk analyses (PHA) find the right leading indicators to
Performance  Action follow up improve your (lagging) PSE
 Inspection of safety critical systems performance
 PS audits
 PS related training
 Pre-startup safety review (PSSR), etc.
 PTW failures

66 |
Tier 1 & Tier 2

67 |
Decision Logic Tree for Tier 1 & 2
An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any
material, including non-toxic and non-
flammable materials (e.g., steam, hot No An employee, contractor, or subcontractor Yes
Not a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE
condensate, nitrogen, compressed CO2, or recordable injury
Tier 2 PSE
compressed air) from a process that results
in one or more of the consequences listed
below: No
A fire or explosion resulting in greater than or
An employee, contractor or subcontractor
Yes equal to $2,500 of direct cost to the Company
“days away from work” injury and/or fatality; Tier 1 PSE
or A hospital admission and/or fatality of a
third-party No


An officially declared community evacuation or A pressure relief device (PRD) discharge to

community shelter-in-place atmosphere whether directly or via a
downstream destructive device that results in
No one or more of the following four
A fire or explosion resulting in greater than or liquid carryover; or
equal to $25,000 of direct cost to the discharge to a potentially unsafe location; or
Company an on-site shelter-in-place; or
No public protective measures (e.g., road
A pressure relief device (PRD ) discharge to and a PRD discharge quantity greater than the
Atmosphere whether directly or via a threshold quantities Table 2
downstream destructive device that results in
one or more of the following four No
liquid carryover; or
discharge to a potentially unsafe location; or A release of material greater than the
an on-site shelter-in-place; or threshold quantities described in Table 2 in
public protective measures (e.g., road any one-hour period
and a PRD discharge quantity greater than the No
threshold quantities Table 1
No A Company may choose to record a Tier 3
other LO PC
A release of material greater than the
threshold quantities described in Table 1 in
any one-hour period
68 |
Tier 3 Consequences
A Tier 3 PSE typically represents a challenge to the barrier system that progressed
along the path to harm, but is stopped short of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 LOPC consequence.
Indicators at this level provide an additional opportunity to identify and correct
weaknesses within the barrier system.

 Safe operating limit excursions

 Primary containment inspection outside limits

 Demands on safety systems

 Critical operational deviation

 LOPC event below Tier 1 & 2 threshold

69 |
Safe Operating Limit Excursion – Tier 3

The process has an excursion

beyond the normal high or low alarm

A single initiating event may result in

multiple SOL excursions (e.g. site-wide
failure of a utility) and each excursion
should be counted as a separate Tier 3

A process condition that hovers near

the SOL value may result in multiple
excursions. These excursions should
be counted as a single Tier 3 PSE.
NEL – Never Exceed Limit.
RV – Relief Valve
PAH – Pressure Alarm High

70 |
Primary containment inspection outside acceptable
limits – Tier 3
This is a test or inspection where the
result is outside the acceptance criteria
and triggers some form of remedial action
(such as replacement in kind, repair,
modification, increased inspection/ testing
or de-rating of the equipment).

Examples include:
 A penetrating corrosion defect beyond
the corrosion allowance of a pipe.
 Subsidence of a pressure vessel support
outside acceptable limits.
 Excessive vibration of a small bore
instrument tapping on a larger diameter
process pipe.
 Missing flange bolts on a process
pipework joint.

71 |
Demands on safety systems - Tier 3
 Safety Systems are ones which prevent a LOPC
or detect, control or mitigate the effects of an
 Demand means they are activated by a valid
signal from the process. The system does not
have to activate.
 Where multiple devices constitute one system
then activation of that system counts as one PSE.
 Examples include:
 Where a vessel has a number of relief
valves to provide suitable flow, activation of
one or more of these valves constitutes one
PSE as they represent a system.
 Activation of a Safety Instrumented System
 Activation of Mechanical Shutdown System

The count of Demands on Safety Systems is typically segregated by system type (e.g. SIS,
PRD, and Mechanical Trip).

72 |
Critical operational deviation – Tier 3

This represents operational activity outside

good operating practice and/ or non
compliance with company Procedures.

Examples include:
 Operating without adequate
measurement of critical process
 Operating with inoperable safety
 Operating with uncontrolled
modifications / repairs to the process

73 |
Tier 4: Operating Discipline & MS Performance

Tier 4 indicators typically represent performance of individual components of

the barrier system and are comprised of operating discipline and
management system performance.
Tier 4 indicators are indicative of process safety system weaknesses that
may contribute to future Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSEs. In that sense, Tier 4
indicators may identify opportunities for both learning and systems

Examples include:
Process Safety Action Item Closure
Training completed on schedule
Safety Critical Equipment Inspection
Management of Change (MoC) Compliance
Completion of Emergency Response Drills

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75 |
Classification of PS Events
Has a person been injured by a release of hazardous substances?
Event Class Comment
A blow out of a gas well occurred during cement plug. An Tier 1 due to the fact of1hospital treatment; additionally the
Tier 1
operator was hit by mud and gas and needed hospital treatment. release amount may also have resulted in a Tier 1 event
While stealing a piece of pipework the gas released from that Even though the reason 2 for the injuries is a malicious act it
Tier 1
pipe ignited and the thefts suffered severe burns. is counted.
LPG from leaking pipework ignited and blasted the retail service Tier 1 event due to the 3injuries and the asset damage. This
station causing injuries and damage of the building. Tier 1 event will not be included in external reporting since the
retail station is not operated by OMV.
An operator slipped and fell while responding to a small spill of The operator was responding
4 to a LOPC
liquid with a flash point < 23 °C spill resulting in a days away Tier 1
from work injury.
A scaffold builder experiences a days away from work injury 5
after falling from a scaffold ladder while evacuating from a LOPC Tier 1
on nearby equipment.
An operator walks past a steam trap that discharges to an Even though the LOPC6 was steam (vs hydrocarbon or
unsafe location. The steam trap releases and the operator’s chemical), the physical state of the material was such that it
ankle is burned by the steam, resulting in a days away from caused a day away from work injury and it was an
Tier 1
work injury. uncontrolled release (i.e. unsafe location). Nontoxic and
non-flammable materials are within the scope of this
recommended practice.
A contractor enters a vessel and dies because nitrogen Fatality associated with7 an unplanned or uncontrolled
Tier 1
inadvertently leaked into the enclosure. LOPC
A maintenance contractor opens a process valve and gets Unplanned or uncontrolled
8 LOPC that resulted in a days
sprayed with less than the Tier 1 or Tier 2 quantity of sulfuric Tier 1 away from work injury. If this incident had resulted in a
acid resulting in a severe burn and days away from work injury. recordable injury, it would be a Tier 2 PSE.
A PRD release of sour gas less than the Tier 1 threshold Multiple Tier 1 consequences:
9 Human and unsafe PRD
quantity is routed to a flare which exposes two personnel to toxic Tier 1 release
SO2/SO3 vapors resulting in a LWDI.

76 |
Has a person been injured by a release of hazardous substances?
Event Class Comment
There is a 100 kg spill of liquid with a flash point < 23 °C (73 °F) This is a Tier 1 PSE. The 10 site would record a single event with
that ignites and results in damages to other equipment, a toxic gas multiple consequences (e.g., one fatality, three day away from
release above the reporting threshold, along with three days away Tier 1 work injuries, fire, and threshold quantity of liquid with a flash
from work injuries and one fatality. point < 23 °C and toxic gas).
During routine tour an operator suffered burns on his foot by Tier 2 due to the need of 11medical treatment. The release of hot
leaking condensate from a steam tracing which required medical Tier 2 condensate itself would not be a PSE.
A short circuit occurred in switchgear panel and caused burns of a Following industry recommendations
12 we consider electrical
Tier 2
contractor requiring medical treatment incidents in internal PSE reporting.
An operator walks through a process unit and slips and falls to the Personal safety “slip/trip/fall”
13 incidents that are not directly
ground and suffers a days away from work injury. The slip/fall is no PSE associated with evacuating from or responding to a LOPC are
due to weather conditions, “chronic” oily floors and slippery shoes. specifically excluded from PSE reporting.
An operator slipped and fell on a spill several hours after the Personal safety events 14that are not directly associated with
incident had concluded. This would not be a reportable PSE. onsite response to a LOPC are excluded. Slips/trip/falls after
no PSE the LOPC has concluded (such as “after-the-fact” clean-up
and remediation) is not directly associated with onsite
A vessel has been intentionally purged with nitrogen. A contractor This is not a PSE because
15 there was no unplanned or
bypasses safety controls, enters the enclosure and dies. no PSE uncontrolled LOPC, but it would be recorded on the
company’s injury and illness log.
An operator disconnected a steam hose which was still under The injury required only16
first aid, and the steam is no counted
no PSE
pressure and suffered light burns. as LOPC of hazardous substance.
A maintenance technician is turning a bolt on a process flange with No unplanned or uncontrolled
17 LOPC involved with the injury
a wrench. Due to improper body positioning, the wrench slips and
hits the employee in the mouth, requiring dental surgery and two no PSE
days off work.
An operator takes a sample. On the way he falls, the sample LOPC is from a piece of18ancillary equipment not connected to
container breaks and he suffers injury of the exposure to the no PSE a process is not considered as PSE
An employee suffered burns by a spill of hot coffee. no PSE Office incidents are not19PS related
While cleaning a joint screw a piece of frozen mud broke off and hit This is not a loss of primary
20 containment.
no PSE
the operator causing injury.

77 |
Has a fire or explosion occurred by a release of a hazardous substance?
Event Class Comment
Hot vacuum residue was released from a left open drainage, self- The immediate damage caused by the fire was above 25.000€
ignited and damaged a pump. Tier 1

An electrical fire impacts the operation of the process resulting in an This is a Tier 1 PSE since the LOPC exceeds the 1000 kg
acute release of 1500kg of light crude. Tier 1 22
reporting threshold for light crude.
A pump lube oil system fire from a leak causes damage greater than
€25,000, but does not create a LOPC greater than the threshold Tier 1
quantity or cause a fatality or serious injury.
A forklift truck delivering materials inside a process unit knocks off a
bleeder valve leading to the release of (HC) condensate and a
Tier 1
subsequent vapor cloud explosion with asset damage greater than
A bearing failure of a turbine causes high vibration and eventually Following industry recommendation we consider unplanned
leads to damage of the turbine > €100.000. Tier 1 release of mechanical energy under PS in internal reporting.
There is a loss of burner flame in a fired heater resulting in a fuel rich This would be a Tier 1 PSE since after the flameout the
environment and subsequent explosion in the fire box with greater
continuing flow of fuel gas is now an uncontrolled release. The
Tier 1
than €25,000 in damages to the internals of the heater. There was intent is for combustion of the fuel gas at the burner and not for
no release outside of the fire box. fuel gas to be contained in the fire box.
There is a tube rupture in a fired heater causing a fire (contained in the The tube failure is a loss of primary containment of the process
heater) resulting in greater than €25,000 in damages to the heater Tier 1
fluid and combined with the additional damages greater than
internals (beyond that of replacing the failed tube). €25,000 makes this a Tier 1 PSE.
A third-party truck loaded with a flammable product is traveling on The event will not be included in external reporting since truck
Company premises and experiences a leak and subsequent fire and
incidents are excluded except when they are connected to the
property damages of €75,000 (direct costs). Tier 1 process for the purposes of feedstock or product transfer or
being used for temporary onsite storage.
A steam injection well fails with an explosion resulting in release of 10t Unplanned release causing fire and resulting in over €25.000
of fluids, a mixture of hydrocarbons and water. The direct cost direct costs. The injury would result into Tier 2 but the higher
Tier 1
replacing and repairing damaged equipment was estimated over consequence counts.
€300.000 and a worker was injured, needing medical treatment.
The release of a hot steam from safety valve ignited wooden planks of The immediate damage was higher than 2.500€ but lower than
Tier 2
scaffolding and damaged the scaffolding. 25.000€
Hydrocarbon fumes migrate into the QA/QC laboratory located within This incident is a Tier 2 PSE since the LOPC was from the
the facility and results in a fire with €5000 damage. The source of Tier 2
process and resulted in a Tier 2 consequence (a fire which
the hydrocarbon fumes is the oily water sewer system. results in a direct cost greater than €2500).

78 |
Has a fire or explosion occurred by a release of a hazardous substance?
Event Class Comment
A pump seal fails and the resultant loss of containment catches on Only the costs for repair and replacement of the equipment
fire. The fire is put out quickly with no personal injuries. However, the damaged by the fire are to be considered. The cost for the repair
fire resulted in the need to repair some damaged instrumentation and Tier 2 of the equipment which led to the fire must not be considered.
replace insulation. The cost of the repairs, replacement, cleanup and
emergency response totaled €20.000.
A vacuum truck outfitted with a carbon canister on the vent is loading This is a Tier 2 PSE since the original spill of hydrocarbons
a spill of hydrocarbons. The carbon canister catches fire which
constitutes the LOPC and the response to the LOPC results in
Tier 2
escalates to the point of creating more than €10,000 in damage to the one of the Tier 2 consequences.
vacuum truck.
Product from a small flange leakage dropped on a hot steam pipe Negligible damage from a fire involving LOPC
and started smoldering Tier 3 34
There is a tube rupture in a fired heater. The operator detects the The LOPC did not result in any of the defined Tier 1 or 2
tube cracking with only a small flame from the tube and subsequently
consequences. However, it was a fire resulting from an
Tier 3
shuts down the heater with no resultant damage from the tube flame. unplanned LOPC.
During a hot work the sparkles ignited the vapor of an atmospheric The fire does not involve an unplanned, uncontrolled LOPC.
slop inlet. The fire damaged insulation material. no PSE
(see above) If the fire threatened the installation it may be
reported as Tier 3 Critical Operational Deviation
A vacuum truck caught fire while standing in the hangar for repair. Fire in offices, shops, warehouses, etc. are not related to PS
no PSE 37
A scaffold board is placed near a high pressure steam pipe and no unplanned or uncontrolled LOPC
subsequently begins to burn, but is quickly extinguished with no
if the burning scaffolding threatens the process installation and
further damage. The investigation finds that the board had been no PSE there is an increased risk of LOPC the event should be reported
contaminated by some oil, but there is no indication of an oil leak in under Tier 3 Critical operational deviation (COD)
the area.
An internal deflagration in a vessel causes equipment damage > Does not meet the definition of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE because
€25,000, but there was no loss of containment.
no Tier 1 or 39
there was no LOPC involved.
 The deflagration had critical potential for a LOPC event and will
Tier 3 COD thus reported under Tier 3 Critical operational deviation (COD)
An electrical fire, loss of electricity, or any other loss of utility may no Tier 1 or Does not meet the definition of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE because
occur that causes a plant shutdown and possibly incidental 2 PSE
there was no LOPC involved.
equipment damage greater than $25,000 (e.g. damage to equipment  The event needs to be reported under Tier 3 Challenge to Safety
due to inadequate shutdown). Tier 3 CTSS System (CTSS)
There is a boiler fire at the Main Office complex, and direct cost Fire in offices, shops, warehouses, etc. are not related to PS
damages totaled €75,000.
no PSE 41

79 |
Was there an unplanned release of hazardous substances?
Event Class Comment
A gas pipe broke and ~300m3 natural gas with 10% H2S was released For mixtures the highest category counts. From given data
Tier 1 ~45kg H2S have been released. The amount of natural gas
would classify as a Tier 2 event.
Ten bbl of gasoline (1400 kg) leak from piping onto concrete and the LOPC of 7 bbl (1000 kg) or more of liquid with a flash point < 23
gasoline doesn't reach soil or water. Site personnel estimate that the
°C in any one-hour period.
Tier 1
leak occurred within one hour. If the spill had been less than 1000kg, but equal to or greater
than 100kg, it would be a Tier 2 PSE.
A faulty tank gauge results in the overfilling of a product tank Release of 1000kg or more within any one-hour period,
containing liquid with a flash point < 23 °C. Approximately 50 bbl (7000
regardless of secondary containment.
Tier 1
kg) of liquid overflows into the tank’s diked area. This incident is a Tier
1 PSE since it is a
An operator is draining water off a flammable crude oil tank with a flash Release of crude oil is unplanned or uncontrolled and it is
point of 60 °C or less into a drainage system designed for that
greater than the release criteria of 14 bbl. If the drainage system
purpose. The operator leaves the site and forgets to close the valve. Tier 1 goes to an API separator and the oil is recovered (secondary
Twenty bbl of crude oil are released into the drainage system within an containment), this would still be a Tier 1 event because the
hour. crude oil was released from primary containment.
A process vessel low level cutout fails to close a valve allowing 550kg Unplanned release above the Tier 1 threshold.
of a flammable gas to a floating roof tank resulting in a minor damage Tier 1
to the tank roof.
An operator discovers an approximate 10 bbl liquid spill of aromatic Since the actual release duration is unknown, a best estimate
solvent (e.g. benzene, toluene) near a process exchanger that was not
should be used to determine if the TQ rate has been exceeded
there during his last inspection round two hours earlier. (it is preferred to err on the side of inclusion rather than
Tier 1 exclusion). This incident is a Tier 1 PSE because the solvents
involved are Packing Group II materials and the threshold
quantity of 7 bbl is exceeded if the time period is estimated to be
less than one hour.
A leak on a high pressure hydrochloric acid line results in a spill of Tier 1 The 860kg release of hydrochloric acid would not a reportable
860kg of hydrochloric acid. Flash calculations indicate that greater than
Tier 1 PSE since this liquid is categorized as a “Packing Group
100kg of hydrogen chloride would be released as a vapor. II” corrosive liquid with a 1000kg reporting threshold. However,
since the liquid flashed or was sprayed out as an aerosol,
producing more than 100kg of hydrogen chloride, the event is be
a reportable Tier 1 PSE due to exceeding the 100kg or more of
toxic chemical within 1 hour.
A pipe fitting in a specialty chemicals plant fails, releasing 1800kg of a Tier 1 This mixture is not classified by the UN Dangerous Goods/U.S.
mixture of 30% formaldehyde, 45% methanol, and 25% water in less
DOT protocols; therefore, the threshold quantity mixture
than one hour. calculation is applied. The pure component reporting threshold
Calculations show that 450kg formaldehyde and 850kg methanol is of formaldehyde is 2000kg and methanol is 1000kg. For the
released. current release formaldehyde is 27% of the Tier 1 threshold and
80 | methanol corresponds 85% of the Tier 1 threshold. In total 112%
of Tier 1 is achieved
Was there an unplanned release of hazardous substances?

Event Class Comment

A pipeline leaks and releases 900kg of flammable vapor above ground Remoteness is not a consideration
50 and it exceeds a Tier 1
within one hour; however, the release occurred in a remote location Tier 1 threshold quantity. For R&M operated pipelines the PSE will not
outside the facility fence. be included in external reporting (see Chapter ‎IV).
A pipeline leaks and releases 900kg of flammable vapor above ground Although the leak technically occurs off-site, this is a Tier 1 PSE
within 1 hour. A public road bisects the main facility and its marine
since the facility owns and operates the entire segment of
docks. This pipeline originates in the facility and goes to the docks. Tier 1 pipeline.
The leak site happens to be off the site’s property in the short segment
of piping that runs over the public road.
A DOT covered pipeline that is owned, operated, and maintained by This is not a PSE for Company B since the pipeline is not
Company A crosses through Company B’s property. The DOT covered
owned, operated or maintained by Company B. This would be a
line has a 700kg release within an hour from primary containment of Tier 1 transportation incident for Company A.
flammable gas and causes a fire resulting in greater than €25,000
damage to Company A’s equipment.
A third-party barge is being pushed by a tug and hits the Company The event is not included in external reporting since the barge
dock. A barge compartment is breached and releases 50 bbl of diesel
was not connected to the process for the purpose of feedstock
Tier 1
to the water. or product transfer.
A third-party truck/trailer on Company Premises has a spill of gasoline The incident is included in external reporting since the truck was
greater than 7 bbl in less than an hour while loading. Tier 1
connected to the process for the purpose of feedstock or product
A pipe containing CO2 and 10,000 vppm H2S (1 % by volume) leaks If the H2S concentration is 50 vppm, then the calculated release
and 7000 kg of the gas is released within an hour. Calculations show
quantity would be 0.3 kg of H2S and would be counted as Tier 3.
that the release involved about 55 kg of H2S (TIH Zone B chemical). Tier 1
The release is a Tier 1 PSE because it exceeded the threshold
A drilling subsurface blow-out comes to surface (along the casing path
to the surface) resulting in release of over 10t of flammable gas to Tier 1
During and extended well test at slug of liquid extinguished the flare Uncontrolled release because the flare failed to operate as
flame resulting in a release of combusted natural gas as 250.000 SCF
designed after the flame out. The released amount is above
per hour until the flare was reignited 10 min later. Tier 1 500kg within one hour.

While drilling a well, a shallow gas pocket was stuck, causing a loss of
well control. Mud, cuttings, and 100 barrels of oil wer released to the
environment and over 64.000kg of gas were discharged to Tier 1

81 |
Was there an unplanned release of hazardous substances?

Event Class Comment

A bleeder valve is left open after a plant turnaround. On start-up, an Unplanned or uncontrolled release
estimated 15 bbl of fuel oil, a liquid with a flashpoint above 60 °C, is
If the release temperature would be above the flashpoint; thus, it
released at 38 °C (below its flashpoint) onto the ground within an hour Tier 2 would be a Tier 1 PSE
and into the plant’s drainage system before the bleeder is found and
closed. This is a Tier 2 PSE.
An operator opens a quality control sample point to collect a routine Unplanned or uncontrolled release
sample of product and material splashes on him. The operator runs to
Tier 2
a safety shower leaving the sample point open and a Tier 2 threshold
quantity is released.
A Company railcar derails and spills more than 7 bbl of gasoline while The incident is not included in external reporting since it is not
in transit. Tier 2
connected to the process for the purpose of feedstock or product
During loading a truck was overfilled and 150l heating oil spilled on the Unplanned release of a category 7 substance (see Table 2)
regardless whether the release is mitigated by secondary
Tier 2
A valve leak occurred in a gas turbine acoustic enclosure. The quantity The quantity released exceeds the threshold quantity for an
of gas released was 40kg. Tier 2 63
indoor release of flammable gases.
While troubleshooting a higher-than-expected natural gas flow rate, This is not a Tier 1 PSE as the release rate (~100 kg per hour)
operating personnel find an open block valve on the natural gas line
did not exceed the threshold quantity of 500 kg or more within
releasing to an elevated vent location. Upon further investigation, it is Tier 2 one hour); however, it is a Tier 2 PSE because it did exceed the
determined that a total of 1 million lb of natural gas was relieved at a threshold of 50 kg or more within 1 hour.
steady rate over a 6 month period.
An underground pipeline operated by the facility leaks and releases The spill results in contaminated soil that is subsequently
450kg of diesel (flash point > 60 °C) at a temperature below its flash Tier 2
remediated. This is a Tier 2 PSE since the leak rate was greater
point within the facility over a period of three days (6.5kg/hr). than the Tier 2 threshold quantity.
A Company operated Marine Transport Vessel that had just The event will not be included in external reporting since Marine
disconnected from the process has an onboard 10 bbl spill of material
Transport Vessel incidents are specifically excluded, except
with a flash point > 60 °C released at a temperature below its flash Tier 2 when the vessel is connected to the process for the purposes of
point. feedstock or product transfer.
A third-party survey boat is pulling a tube screen for seismic survey The event will not be included in external reporting because
and a shark bites into the tube releasing 7 bbl of hydraulic fluid into the Tier 2
exploration activities are not in the scope.

82 |
Was there an unplanned release of hazardous substances?

Event Class Comment

100kg of diesel spills within an enclosed area during a period of 30min The spill exceeds the indoor threshold and occurred during
while transferring fuel to a drilling platform while in-hole. Tier 2 68
transfer of fuel to a MODU (e.g., jack-up or drill ship).
An underground gasoil pipe was found leaking over several months. Here the amount released in any one-hour period is below the
Soil was contaminated and the loss was calculated 10l per hour. Tier 3 69
Tier 2 threshold even though the total loss is higher.
A rupture of a flow line created a spill of 1000 l saltwater (oil fraction Unplanned release of saltwater shall be recorded as Tier 3 PSE
negligible) Tier 3 if the exceeded 100l.
There is a 10 bbl spill of gasoline that steadily leaks from piping onto This is not a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE since the spill event did not
soil over a two week time period. Simple calculations show the spill
exceed the threshold quantity in any one-hour period. A
Tier 3
rate was approximately 0.03 bbl per hour. Company may choose to count this as a Tier 3 other LOPC
Infrared scans identified that the separator floatation treater was unplanned release below the thresholds for Tier 1 and 2 in any
leaking 10.000 SCFD (standard cubic feet per day) from an agitator one hour period
Tier 3
seal. The separator continued to operate for 10 days until the treater
was taken out of service and its seals replaced
After collecting a load from an adjacent unit, a vacuum truck is parked This event will not be reported externally since vacuum truck
at the wastewater treatment facility awaiting operator approval to
operations are excluded unless loading, discharging, or using
Tier 3
discharge. While waiting the vacuum truck malfunctions and vents a the truck’s transfer pump.
small amount of process material to the atmosphere.
A low pressure steam pipe broke in winter and freezing condensate Steam is considered as LOPC of hazardous substance unless
caused icing of the pathway no PSE 74
there is injury caused by the release.
An operator purposely drains 20 bbl of material with a flash point > 60 The drainage is planned and controlled and the collection
°C (140 °F) at a temperature below its flash point into an oily water
system is designed for such service, this is not a reportable Tier
collection system within one hour as part of a vessel cleaning no PSE 1 or 2 PSE.
Routine monitoring of waste water indicates increased load of H2S but Emission within the allowable permits are not PSE
below maximum allowable tolerance. no PSE

83 |
Was there a release of a pressure relief device to atmosphere?
Event Class Comment
There is a unit upset and the PRD fails to open, resulting in
overpressure of the equipment and a 10-minute release of 900kg of Tier 1
butane from a leaking flange before it can be blocked in.
A relief valve operates and vents 250kg of a flammable gas directly to The total mass exceeded the thresholds and there was a small
atmosphere with a small liquid carry over estimated at 10kg Tier 1 liquid carryover 78
The flare system is not functioning properly due to inactive pilots on the The volume of the vapor through the PRD is greater than the
flare tip. During this time, a vapor load is sent to the flare due to an Tier 1 79
Tier 1 threshold and it results in the formation of a flammable
overpressure in a process unit. mixture at grade to be considered as unsafe release.
A PRD activates resulting a substantial release exceeding Tier 1 This is equivalent to an onshore situation resulting in an onsite
thresholds on an offshore platform causing precautionary down- shelter in place.
Tier 1
manning or platform abandonment.
100 bbl of naphtha liquid are inadvertently routed to the flare system This is a Tier 1 PSE since the volume released from the PRD to
through a PRD. The flare knockout drum contains most of the release;
a downstream destructive device does exceed the threshold
Tier 1
however, there is minimal naphtha rainout from the flare. quantity in Table 1 and resulted in one of the four listed
consequences (i.e. liquid carryover).
During a routine procedure of bleeding off of casing pressure the well Unplanned release of a category 5 substance (see Table 2)
operators accidentally fully opened the valves. The bleeding off release Tier 2
was estimated higher than 500kg.
There is a unit upset and the PRD opens to an atmospheric vent that This is a Tier 2 PSE because it both exceeded the threshold
has been designed for that scenario, resulting in a release of 150 of Tier 2
quantity and resulted in one of the defined negative
propane to the atmosphere requiring on-site shelter in place. consequences.
A process upset caused a low pressure safety valve to open to blow off is on a safe location, steam not considered as
atmosphere no PSE 84
hazardous substance unless nobody is injured
A sour gas vessel has a PRD that was identified in a recent PHA to be This would not be a Tier 1 or Tier 2, regardless of the HAZOP
undersized. In the process of making a transfer, the vessel
finding, so long as it did not result in a liquid carryover, on-site
overpressures. A release of 30kg sour gas (TIH Zone B material) shelter-in-place, public protective measure or other indication of
occurs through this PRD to a safe location over a period of 25 minutes. no PSE discharge to an unsafe location. It is not counted as a Tier 1
LOPC since the system the overpressure opening is included in
normal operations design (although it is not a recommended

84 |
Was there a need of community evacuation or shelter in place due to the release of
hazardous substances?

Event Class Comment

A leakage of a gas system which contains up to 10% H2S requires Unplanned release of a category 2 substance requiring
evacuation of neighbors. Tier 1 evacuation
A PRD discharges to a srubber that vents to atmosphere. The The release quantity is estimated less than the Tier 1 threshold.
scrubber is overwhelmed by a flow rate greater the its design resulting
However, the need for shelter in place classifies to Tier 1 PSE
Tier 1
in a discharge that is detected by fence-line monitoring system and a
publich shelter in place order is issued
A small quantity of very odorous material enters a cooling water This is not a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE because of no official declared
system via tube leak. The material is dispersed into the atmosphere at shelter in place.
the cooling tower. An elementary school teacher decides not to no PSE
conduct recess outside due to a noticeable odor even though officials
deemed no shelter-in-place was necessary.
Less than 0.5kg of Hydrogen Sulphide gas is released while unloading This is not an officially declared evacuation or shelter-in-place
a truck at a refinery. The release is detected by a local analyzer and no Tier 1 because in this situation the officer is acting as a private citizen
triggers a unit response alarm. An off-duty police officer living in a PSE  Tier suggesting a precautionary measure; therefore this is not a Tier
nearby home advises his neighbors to evacuate because “an alarm 3 LOPC 1 or Tier 2 PSE.
like that means there’s a problem at the refinery.”
Evacuation because of bomb threat or other crime act Robbery, assault, crime acts (if not associated with hazardous
no PSE 90
substance) are not PS related.

85 |
Have the safe operations limit of a process installation exceeded?
Event Class Comment
A sealing of the pump was damaged after the pump pressure The shut off head of the pump is obviously higher than the
increased due to a blocked valve downstream of the pump Tier 3 91
design pressure of the sealing
A nozzle rated 16bar was accidentally installed at a 60bar pipeline. It The 60bar is well above the safe operating limit of the nozzle.
was found out during testing. No release created. Tier 3 92
Overfilling of a fuel tank but not creating a spill.
Tier 3 93
In the overhead section of a process installation product stared to
freeze because of very cold winter. Tier 3 94
A faulty pump bearing was identified by a temperature high alarm. The If the operation could have been continued with a spare pump it
system was shut down to avoid further damage to pump and process. Tier 3 95
will not be counted as PSE.
While drilling a well there was a loss of hydraulic overbalance resulted The release is planned and does not count under LOPC PSE.
in a well kick. The standard procedure to reestablish the well resulted
The event counts under demand of safety system.
Tier 3
in a planned venting of the kick through the rig's choke and kill system
and de-gasser.
The car wash needs to be stopped because of lack of cleaning Not relevant for safe process.
substance. no PSE

Have been inspection or testing results of primary containment found outside

acceptable limits?
Event Class Comment
Routine inspection of fuel tank yield critical degradation of the wall 98
thickness. Tier 3

A moving truck squeezes the fuel hose which suffers cracks.

Tier 3 99
During routine testing of a flow line a leaking flange has been identified The leak is considered as fugitive emission and does not count
Tier 3 under LOPC
Parts of the metal cover of control cabinet loosened. Not relevant for safe process.
no PSE 101

86 |
Was there an unplanned shutdown of a process installation or of its subsystems?
Event Class Comment
A technical failure of the LNG compressor causes the unit to shut-
down. Tier 3 102
Customer forgot the fuel hose in the car after filling and drove away. T3 Challenge to safety system: demands on safety systems
The hose broke and the dispenser shut down automatically. Tier 3 103
designed to prevent or mitigate a LOPC event.
A propane tank over-pressures through a PRD to the flare system. The Even though the PRD release exceeded the Tier 1 threshold
pilots on the flare system are not working properly, and the flare does
quantity, this is not a Tier 1 PSE since the discharge was routed
not combust the vapors. The event transpires over a period of 45 to a downstream destructive device with no consequence listed
Tier 3
minutes. The volume of propane release was estimated to be 600kg under Tier 1 PRD.
and the release dissipated into the atmosphere above grade and
above any working platforms.
An upset causes a PRD to open and release fuel gas to the facility This is not a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE since the PRD release was
flare system. The flare system works properly and combusts the vapor
routed to a downstream destructive device that functioned as
Tier 3
release which came from the PRD. intended (i.e. did not cause one of the four listed
A short circuit stopped power supply of the station. The shut-down is not cause for safety reasons.
no PSE 106
A faulty flame detector triggered fire alarm. Firefighting checked the No shut-down of the system.
situation and confirmed faulty alarm. no PSE 107

Was there an event within the process area which has no immediate PS consequence
but had critical potential for a PS event?
Event Class Comment
On a hot, dry summer day bushes close to a well site caught fire. The fire threatened the installation and had thus the potential for
Firefighting services could prevent flash over to the installation. Tier 3 a severe process accident.
While refueling a customer car caught fire. Tier 3 The fire threatened the retail station.
A sewer pit exploded due to electrostatic ignition of the hydro-carbons The explosion does not involve an unplanned, uncontrolled
contained in the waste water. The sewer cover flew several meters Tier 3
LOPC. Acc. definition Tier 1 & 2 explosions and fires need to
and damaged windows. result from LOPC.
A theft was stealing cables from the cathodic protection system. Tier 3 111
A truck damaged the support structure of a pipe rack. Tier 3 112
An internal leakage of a water cooler was identified by increased HC in
Tier 3 113
Marginal release. The unmanaged leak could have ended in
backflow cooling water. The unit had to shut down for repair. more severe consequences.
87 |crashed into the shop window.
A car not PS No risk to end up in a PS event.
Does the finding or hazard indicate an increased likelihood of a PS event?
Event Class Comment
Earthing cables found loosened / degraded / missing during inspection. Tier 4 115
Critical operating parameters changed without proper management of
change (e.g. increased H2S content) Tier 4 116
Slippery / icy paving. not PS Not relevant for PS

Are Process Safety relevant barriers missing or failing?

Event Class Comment

Missing emergency response devices (e.g. firefighting, oil spill, 118
Tier 4
emergency numbers)
A safety instrumented function is bypassed without appropriate
compensation measures and communication
Tier 4 119
A safety valve did not pop at the set pressure at the test bench.
Tier 4 120
Missing first-aid box First-aid box and PPE have only limited PS relevancy.
not PS 121

Is there a deficiency of a management procedure related to PS

Event Class Comment
PS related docs not up to date (e.g. emergency plan for LOPC,
explosion protection documentation) Tier 4 122
Design data for equipment not available. Tier 4 123
A subcontractor entered the site using the access card of his
colleague. not PS 124

88 |

89 |
Offshore regulatory regime

 The Offshore regime is

based around the Safety
Case Regulations (2005)
which requires operators to
have a safety case for fixed
and mobile installations
accepted by the Health and
Safety Executive (for UK

 The safety cases need to be

maintained and submitted to
the HSE at various times
throughout the life cycle of
the installation.

90 |
Offshore regulatory regime

The contents of a safety case are detailed in the Safety Case

Regulations (2005) and should include:

 Description of installation (with drawings)

 Location plan of installation

 Operational parameters

 Maximum number of persons on installation

 Well control arrangements

 Description of pipelines including contents, dimensions and layout

91 |
Offshore regulatory regime

 Description of compliance with PFEER regulations which include

description of risk assessments and the performance standards
for safety critical elements.

 Arrangements for protection against toxic gas

 Measures or arrangements for protection from hazards of explosion,

heat, smoke, toxic gas or fumes including provision for temporary

 Specification for design of installation/plant and description of

suitability of safety critical elements.

92 |
Hazard and Risk

A situation which poses a
threat to life, health,
property or environment

RISK High Risk

The probability that an

hazard will cause a given
damage under given Low Risk

93 |
Hazard and Risk

94 |
Risk Assessment – General Tolerability Criteria

95 |
Risk Assessment – Individual Risk

96 |
Safety Case – Hazard Identification

The Safety Case has to consider the hazards that can occur in the
field, from both external and internal origin:

 Loss of Containment:
• Fire, Explosion
• Gas and Smoke Dispersion
 Process Hazards (HAZOP Review)
 Workplace hazards
 Transportation hazards (Helicopter)

 Marine Hazard (impacts)
 Dropped Objects

97 |
Safety Case – Study Structure

Dropped Object Study Fire & Explosion Analysis

Gas & Smoke Dispersion Analysis
Marine Hazard Analysis
Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis

SIL Analysis QRA
Performance Standards
Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis

98 |
Safety Case Activities

As part of the Safety Case the following studies have to be developed.

 HAZOP Review
 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Review
 Marine Hazard Analysis
 Dropped Object Study
 Fire and Explosion Analysis
 Gas and Smoke Dispersion Analysis
 Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis (ESSA)
 Escape, Evacuation and Rescue (EER) Study
 Performance Standards & Verification Scheme for SCE
 QRA Report
 HSE Management System Review Report
 Operational Safety Case

99 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies – Marine Hazards

to assess quantitatively the incidental collision frequencies between ships
passing in the vicinity of the field facilities, shuttle tankers visiting the field,
supply vessels and fishing vessels in the area.

Collision Scenarios:
 Passing vessels (commercial, passenger, recreational boat) powered
and drifting;
 Shuttle tankers;
 Supply vessels (powered and drifting);
 Fishing ships.

The parameters considered to assess the impact frequency are:

 Ship breakdown frequency;
 Probability of human error;
 Emergency response.

100 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies – Marine Hazards

101 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies – Marine Hazards

Ships with tonnage higher than 5000 DWT are considered to cause major
damage to the impacted installation


Total frequency of collision

Frequency of collision causing major damage

102 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies – Marine Hazards

DWT <1500

DWT > 1500

DWT > 5000


103 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies – Marine Hazards

It is recommended that the supply vessel

approaches the platform away from the risers and to
create a limitation zone around the risers.

• Exclusion area of 7.1 km around the facilities;

• Signalisation and inscription on the maritime maps
of the field facilities;
• Marine radar system;
• Navigational aid systems on the platforms;
• Installation of an AIS (Automatic Identification System);
• Installation of a Radar anti-collision;
• Fog horn installed on each platform;
• Visual signals;
• Presence of supply vessel warning vessels entering the exclusion area;
• Supply vessel are forbidden to approach the facilities in case of bad weather;
• Shuttle tankers approach assisted by tug boat and only during the day.

104 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies– Dropped Objects

To evaluate quantitatively the dropped objects hit frequency on decks,
jackets and on oil and gas sealines.
The analysis covers the operation, drilling and work-over working
phases performed on the platforms and the storage barge.

 dropped objects from monorails impacting on main deck;
 dropped objects from cranes impacting on main deck;
 dropped objects from cranes impacting on the jacket structure;
 dropped objects from cranes impacting on the sealines.

The parameters considered to assess the impact frequency are:

• Drop frequency (from statistical data);
• Excursion in water.

105 |
Safety Case – Engineering studies– Dropped Objects

Calculation technique (examples)

Assess the impact energies

106 |
Safety Case –EER Analysis

Objective of the Escape, Evacuation and Rescue (EER) study is to
assess if successful evacuation from the manned facilities of the field
can be achieved.

The EER study is a qualitative assessment of the performance of the
EER systems in response to the major accident events, which may or
may not require personnel to evacuate the platform in an emergency.

The analysis could be done by means of an “EER HAZOP”

107 |
Safety Case –Fire & Gas explosion

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Safety Case –Fire & Gas explosion

The analysis of the fire and explosion risks is performed in accordance

with the following steps:
 Identification of Credible Fire and Explosion Scenarios; (example)
• Release diameter for Minor release: 7mm (1/4”);
• Release diameter for Significant release: 25mm (1”);
• Release diameter for Major release: 100mm (4”).
 Evaluation of Random Rupture Frequencies;
• Each identified section has been analysed in order to evaluate the
expected rate of failure
 Assessment of Consequences of Fire and Explosion Scenarios.

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Safety Case –Fire & Gas explosion

 Frequency result
Release Initial event Frequency consequences [event/year]
diameter frequency
[mm] [event/year] Jet Fire Explosion Flash-Fire Dispersion
7 5.90E-05 5.66E-08 0 2.36E-09 5.89E-05
25 8.86E-05 5.41E-07 0 2.98E-08 8.80E-05
100 2.95E-05 7.38E-07 1.33E-08 1.19E-07 2.86E-05

 Consequences result
• Pool fire Location Equipment
Hole Pool Distance to Heat Radiation
diameter diameter [m]
37.5 12.5 5
[mm] [m] 2 2
kW/m kW/m kW/m2
7 3 3.5 5.4 7.8
- - 25
6 5 11 15.6

• Explosion Hole Explosive Peak Overpressure distance

Location Equipment
diameter mass [m]
[mm] [Kg] 0.5bar 0.35bar 0.1bar
7 0 - - -
- - 25 0 - - -
100 17 122 126 147

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Safety Case –QRA

All the numerical results of the engineering safety studies have to be

summarized in a Quantified Risk Assessment report, to demonstrate if the
Company Risk tolerability criteria are met.


 IRPA (Individual Risk Per Annum)

 PLL (Potential Loss of Life)
 TRIF (Temporary Refuge Impairment Frequency)

The above values are calculated for the groups of people in the facilities:
• Group 1: personnel in the living quarter / offices most of the time;
• Group 2: personnel in the control rooms (or other technical rooms)
most of the time;
• Group 3: personnel in the process areas (maintenance, etc.).

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Safety Case –QRA

The QRA SUMS all the risks deriving from each of the hazards assessed
individually in the Engineering Safety Studies.

In formula:

All the hazards identified

IRPAGroup   f i  vi  pi

Probability that an individual will

Frequency of one of the hazards assessed be present in the location,
in the safety studies at the moment of an accident

“Vulnerability”. The probability that an individual will die

due to the consequence associated to the hazard

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Safety Case –QRA

The calculation of risk requires an high number of calculations to be


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Safety Case –QRA

Total IRPA




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Safety Case –QRA

Potential Loss of Life: PLL

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