The Abduction of Helen

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The Abduction of Helen

This mythology started with the origin of Trojan of War back before 13th century BCE
because of a particular event. Eris, the goddess of conflict, offered a golden apple to the
most beautiful of Olympia's goddesses, Peleus and Thetis, on the day of their wedding.
And that is when Zeus invited the Trojan prince named Paris but he was also said to be
called Alexandros to be the judge to decide between Athena, Hera, or Aphrodite. Athena
promised him power, beauty, and invincibility in war; Hera promised the territories of
Asia and vast wealth; and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world
who is Helen. Paris chose Aphrodite as his prize, as she promised Paris that he would
have Helen's hand in marriage, he abducted her and brought her to Troy, starting the
Trojan War.
So, before all of this, Let’s introduce Helen. Her father was Zeus, king of the gods, and
her mother was a human woman named Leda. She had many suitors, but she eventually
married Menelaus of Sparta. Menelaus, however, gathered an army to rescue her and
take vengeance on Paris and Troy. Greek armies were assembling to recover Helen and
launch a ten-year siege of the city of Troy. This led to the Trojan War, which ended with
the destruction of Troy.
There are several different versions of the story but it was claimed that after Paris and
Helen returned to Troy, Menelaus, outraged at this insult to his honor and he called on
all Greek aristocrats who had taken an oath to support him if he was ever wronged. They
all came to his aid, and the first great Greek army was assembled which was the largest
since the days of Heracles. This army attacked Troy, and the long and bloody siege
After many years of fighting, the Greeks finally succeeded in entering Troy and
recovering Helen.
There are actually valuable lessons we learned because of this mythology. One being
love is destructive. It was stated that this war had a huge impact on both Troy and
Sparta. Although we can say that love is wonderful but sometimes it can lead to
destruction and conflict.
The abduction of Helen is a lesson talking about the power and influence of beauty, as
well as the consequences of lust and ambition. It shows how a single act can have a
ripple effect and change the course of history. The myth also embodies themes of
betrayal, love, and warfare.

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