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Acquisition (New Users) Retention and Engagement (Existing Users) Growth Equation

User Metrics to be tracked: User Metrics to be tracked:

Unique New User Count Acquisitions of the New Users from existing # of ads clicked
(City-wise) platform (PFM) customer base (Cross sell) WoW User Avg. Time
# 1-3 star ratings for a non-paying Revenue
Retention spent/user
Ad Spends (Across Unique New User Count user
channels) (Paid vs Free) Unique Customer # audio Adverts
# of 5 star ratings
Acquisitions of the genre Unique New User Count Count downloaded/user impression rate
CAC (Channel wise)
(Fantasy) (Channel-wise) # of Users Revenue/User Frequency
# of episodes
Sponsorships: DAU of the genre
DAU # of shares/user paid/Total # of
• College fests (Top universities across India) (Fantasy)
episodes New Customers Innovative pricing • Content
• Scholarships across best Tier-2 schools for the top performing students + Retained User strategies already Related
Rewarding the binge: Factors
• MM Champions: Ambassadors across colleges showing exemplary Base + in place:
• Milestone based reward system that would be given to the user post • Pay-as-you-go • Non-
performance Reactivated
he completes certain episodes (50th, 100th etc.). These can be • Smaller content
• Comicon: A unique event in Comicon featuring MM Users = Active
coupons, cashbacks in the form of coins etc. subscription related
Partnerships and collaborations with other companies: Users factors
Community building (Online + Offline) packages
• Partner with Boat, Noise on MM (free 50 episodes). Can leverage their
• Build a MM community (online and offline)
customer base
• Mobile companies with pre-installed MM app) - help with acquisition, Acquisition Retention
• Offline community events and meetups to drive user engagement.
retention and engagement)
Themes can be on the future story lines, contests and their rewards
Advertisements: Online:
• Radio adverts in Tier-1 & 2 cities (Shehar ke Mahabali: People doing • New Markets • Early Retention
• Online community pages on Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat on • Awareness • Stable Retention
something good for the society) quizzes, contests • New Languages
• Advertise on forums where similar demographics spend more time • MM App can include links to the episodes which would link to PFM, an
(Career websites, Sports networks and OTT platforms) Non-content Related Factors
interactive game with rewards (coin back, coupons), Offline events
• Offline banners around areas with high student population (PGs, finder Pricing UI/UX App Functionality
Coaching institutes, colleges) Product Strategy
Cross Selling: • Ensure glitch free functioning of the app. Most negative reviews on Content Related Factors
• Cross selling on users who have subscribed to shows having the same
Play store are due to glitches in app
genre tags (Fantasy) and have not listened to MM Quality Relevance
• Customer nudges to users completed N episodes or Have streamed
GTM Strategy: more than X hours of MM content. Nudges can be across all
• Launching in more languages (Gujarati, Punjabi) platforms - In-App, Mail, SMS
• Launching in newer cities to drive breadth
Alternate Revenue Sources
Content Strategy
Content Strategy: • Voiceovers by celebrities to create buzz and spike engagement. Ads Sales
• Episodes with crossovers between characters of other shows (Super Ranveer Singh for Mayank • Allow ad sales through Sponsored content, brand
Yoddha, Phunkaar) to get acquisition from those • Release of episodes on a weekly basis to ensure proper stickability integrations and Targeted audio ads on the episodes
Referral: • Monitor very closely the feedback metrics of the episodes (on content) Partnerships and Collaborations
• Since trust plays a major role in content recommendation (42% as per • Analyse where the drop outs are happening within for MM episodes (1 • Partnership with other companies who want to increase
Digital Entertainment Insight-2023), we can leverage the power of minute, 5 minutes etc.) their reach
Primary and Secondary Research Why should PFM focus on Fantasy?
Objective: Age split:
To understand the following points: A big retention and engagement lever:
• Types of consumers • As seen from the primary research, most
• What type of content do they consume? of the respondents will watch the next
• Why do they like that content? season/movie if it comes. They still
Methodology Used: periodically binge-watch these shows
Data Collection and Collation was done via google form. Attempt was made • Fantasy genre comes out among the top-3
to find significant data to prevent skewness movies and TV series (English and Non-
Respondent Details: English) for Netflix Link:
# of respondents: 59
City wise breakup: Fantasy consumption (Type of content): • Indian Fantasy TV shows have also
Key Insights: garnered high TRPs in the past. Shows like
• Most of the respondents consumed video content, followed by print. Audio Nagin, Divya Drishti are a testament to
content didn’t come up much this Link:
• Harry Potter, GOT, Stranger Things and House of Dragon were listed as the best
shows ws/hindi/supernatural-fantasy-shows-
• Irrespective of the platform, the respondents preferred the content to be ruled-the-trp-charts-on-hindi-
engaging tv/articleshow/80049440.cms
• The above mentioned shows were commonly recurring across ages 16-45 • Sci-fi and fantasy overtook comedy as the
years. Fantasy penetration starts to decrease in the Gen X most popular genre, with 12% favouring
• Tier-2 cities also had very large viewership of the above shows this . Netflix commissioned 29% of all
Occupation split: • Most of the respondents used Mobile Apps (57%) followed by TV (23%) and upcoming shows in this genre. Link:
Tablets (20%) to consume data
• Most of the respondents have paid annual membership to consume this ordered-more-sci-fi-after-genre-hits-says-
content (92%) ampere/#close-modal
• Preferred language of consumption started to turn towards the native language Acts as a reliable acquisition lever too:
in Tier-2 cities (Hindi the preferred choice) • Although no substantial data can be given
• Choice of choosing the next recommendation is majorly driven through word- on the number of subscribers acquired
of-mouth (40%) and social media (38%). Personal networks play a key role here due to Fantasy genre, a correlation can be
• A high majority of the respondents (92%) will watch the next season/sequel if made. Link:
it comes. Loyal fanbase and stickiness comes into play here (Retention)
• Thrilling plot, drama and good special effects play a major role in selecting the arkets/stocks/news/netflix-reverses-
content subscriber-slump-shares-surge-
Gender split: Motivators to like Fantasy Content
Key Insights:
• Sense of escapism, Classical story line (good vs evil) and Imagination being Relatable content in India as a culture
kindled came out to be the major reasons. Corroborated through secondary • As a culture we thrive on mythology and
research as well. Link: stories. Hence, it would be relatively easier to make relatable content

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