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Army Public School and College system Developed by Nazish

Week 3 Class :2

Daily lesson plan

Period-1 The Elves and the shoemaker.

SLO” s: Recognize noun and verbs in the text

Nam e few professions

Skill focused: Creativity, critical thinking

Resources: Student book, notebook, flash cards etc.

Methodology: Discuss the events, characters, and meanings of difficult words by writing
them on board. Students will note down the words and write meanings of these words.

Activity-1: In a group student read the text and each group identify “Who said that”

Activity –2: Divide students in pairs and suggest imaginary situations where someone is in
trouble. Let each pair brainstorm by which they can help.

Success Criteria: Every student participated in group activity.

CW\HW: Activity 15,16,17 to be done on reader and answer the follow up questions.

Picture description in a notebook.

Army Public School and college system Developed by Nazish


Period: English Language Lesson-4: Performing a play

SLO’s: Read the text and answer the following questions. They can describe the picture
shown in the text

Skill focused on: Speaking, recalling, creativity

Resources: Student book

Methodology: Show the video about animals' classification and briefly discuss how
animals are different from one another in diverse groups

Listen: Students will listen and fill in the missing words in the LB

Activity-1 Students will perform activity in group of 4 members each member will take part
in a role play and decide which animal they want to be and why. Ask by taking turns

Activity-2: Students will come in pairs and speak to the partner about what they are good
at and what they are unable to do or find difficulty in doing

Discuss the langage detective box to elect answer

Success: Student will take part in each activity

Assessment for following


Ex:1,2 to be done on LB

Ex: 1,6 to be done on page 10,11 of A, B

Ex Challange page 10 A, B to be given as a project to be given as a project.

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