Lesson 3 Performance in Management FINAL Manuscript For ePNU

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Lesson 3: Performance in Management

Focus Question: What could be theories, models and practices in Performance Management and Working with and through teams vis-à-vis educational
leadership and management?

Performance of every member in a team plays a vital role in producing desirable outcomes of the organization. The progress of one’s department is
directly proportional to the members work ethics and team performances. The organization must continuously enhance their team performance and
remove negativity.

It is essential for students like you to identify the best performances in managing ang leading educational organizations where you belong. Team
performance management encompasses activities that will improve the team functions and not only to evaluate the team but the participation of all
members. Performance indicators and performance models will also be discussed.

CILO Lesson Objective/s

Apply, compare & critically discuss classic as well as Share and compare the different leadership
contemporary and emerging theories on leadership and performance, management skills in working with and
management through team.

Teaching Resources

The module will be utilizing the following resources that will assist you in understanding the different models of educational leadership and
accomplish the required assignments needed for the course. Kindly refer to the reference list at the end of the module for the details of the specific

Type of Resource Title of Resource Description

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Indicate the type of resources, references, and other support Cells or rows for required Provide ample description of / annotation for
materials utilized in the lesson reading/s for the lesson should the listed resources
be highlighted in blue. Use the
APA 7th edition format to list the
references/ resources.
Book The book focused on the Modern Management,
Certo, Samuel C. (2016) Modern Management: concepts and skills . Modern Management: concepts challenges, Planning, Organizing, Influencing
14th edition. England: Pearson Education and skills and controlling skills of educational leaders.

Experiences Of Aspiring School This article shared the lived experiences of

Research Article Principals Receiving Coaching self-reported transformational leaders in
As Part Of A Leadership elementary private schools.
https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJMCE-11- Development Programme
2019-0107/full/html Christian van Nieuwerburgh, et
Research Article School Organizational Culture trends and theoretical particularities are
Torres, L. L. (2022). School organizational culture and leadership: And Leadership: Theoretical essential to the major approaches to
Theoretical trends and new analytical proposals. Education Trends And New Analytical organizational culture, focusing on research
Sciences, 12(4), 254. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12040254 Proposals carried out in the school setting; (ii) to debate
the heuristic usefulness of a theoretical
proposal for studying organizational culture in
the school setting.

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Include key points or statements Include specific instructions or Adapt / design / adopt reflection Have students create a
to expound and / or discuss the procedure to carry out or activities and include specific developmental JEL-based
Big Ideas or concepts elucidated deliver the chosen discussion instructions or provide trigger/guide output and provide ample
by and gleaned from the listed activity questions to allow for self-reflection and scaffolding activities/ tasks
reading materials and resources valuing of new insights/ lessons learned in each lesson/ topic per
and how they can be applied to improve week


This part of the discussion will be carried out asynchronously by each PPSS Scholar. The main purpose for these
READ is to allow the students to understand the performance management theories and practices in the educational
organization. It is essential to read the information and links to recommended resources on leadership theories,
models and practices in performance management and working with and through teams. As a result, the scholars
will come prepared for their synchronous learning session with their professor.
Foundational Knowledge
Why is managing team performance important?

Team performance management is important for some of the following reasons:

It helps build improvement

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Team performance management is important because it helps build improvement in almost every aspect of the team. It helps
team members individually improve concerning their goals, standards and margin of error in work. Evaluating team progress
can also improve the rate at which a team works, including the total margin of error allowed for a project.

It encourages teamwork

Team performance management can be important for a team because it helps improve teamwork. Some team performance
management tactics involve creating multiple teams, even in a department where teams aren't as common as others. Creating
teams purposely for the sake of evaluation encourages teamwork and building.

It monitors progress

Exercising team management skills improves overall progress. Because team management involves checking the progress of
employees on an individual and team-based level, exercising team management can help improve a department on both
accounts. Team management allows department managers to evaluate progress with focused intent, allotting more focus
toward team evaluation rather than orchestrating goals or deliveries independently.

How to manage team performance

If you want to manage your team for performance goals, consider some of the following steps:

1. Set effective goals

To have a team understand and complete new goals, consider making them SMART goals. These are objectives with qualities
that make them easier to perform due to their clarity of expectation and detail. SMART goals meet the following sets of criteria:

 Specific: Be specific concerning expectations, measurements and due dates of team members.
 Measurable: Try to use units that are measurable and easy to understand. This can help establish expectations
 Achievable: Setting goals well within your team's capabilities ensures you can evaluate their performance on an
accurate scale.
 Relevant: While the purpose of performance evaluation is a measurement, the goals your team completes should still

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be relevant to the company. Keep your goal relevant to company duties and current employee obligations in the
 Time-based: Make your evaluated goals time-based. This can ensure expectations have a limit so that proper
evaluation of work can result from your SMART goal.

Modern Management: Concept & Skills

Having considered modern concepts and recommendations of domestic and foreign successful entrepreneurs (benchmaking)
in modern management, an analysis and evaluation of innovative approaches and updated technologies that are necessary for
the organization of effective management in any institutions. Modern theories and approaches of various scientists in the field
of management are analyzed. The so called "strong team formula" has been developed, which will allow companies to take
leading positions in the period of modern crisis phenomena and global economic changes.

Management systems are evolving. We have come to the conclusion that it is more efficient to manage systems of any type by
decentralized methods. This applies to both the social structure of the company and digital technologies.

The Principles of Modern Management

In the book The Future of Management, Gary Hamel walks through the principles upon which modern management gives us a
nice way to frame looking at what he calls the modern management principles, by looking at their application, and their
intended goal.

Via The Future of Management:

Principle Application Goal

Standardization Minimize variances from standards around inputs, Cultivate economies of scale, manufacturing
outputs, and work methods. efficiency, reliability, and quality.

Specialization (of tasks Group like activities together in modular organizational Reduce complexity and accelerate learning.
and functions) units.

Goal Alignment Establish clear objectives through a cascade of Ensure that individual efforts are congruent

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subsidiary goals and supporting metrics. with top-down goals.

Ensure that individual efforts are congruent with top-
down goals.

Hierarchy Create a pyramid of authority based on a limited span Maintain control over a broad scope of
of control. operations.

Planning and control Forecast demand, budget resources, and schedule Establish regularity and predictability in
tasks, then track and correct deviations from plan. operations; conformance to plans.

Extrinsic rewards Provide financial rewards to individuals and teams for Motivate effort and ensure compliance with
achieving specified outcomes. policies and standards.

Certo, Samuel C. (2016) Modern Management: concepts and skills . 14th edition. England: Pearson EducationLtd.

Obozna, A., Burdelna, H., Savarina, I., Orlova, O., Bondarchuk-Chugina, I., & Havrilova, O. (2021). MODERN CONCEPT OF
PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20, 1-3.
Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/modern-concept-philosophy-human-resources/docview/

Torres, L. L. (2022). School organizational culture and leadership: Theoretical trends and new analytical proposals. Education
Sciences, 12(4), 254. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12040254


SHARE During the synchronous class, assigned students to facilitate the sharing of experiences about the importance of team
performance management in educational system. Share the different theories & models in performance, management skills in
working with and through team.

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Here are some guide questions:

1. How important team performance in your organization?

2. What are the different concepts & skills you had applied in managing your organization to perform better?
3. Discuss the challenges you encountered in your organization.
4. What are the steps that you had applied to solve performance problems?

PPSS Career Stage 2

What is the recurring

problem/issue/concern that you find?

List down the concepts you applied in

solving issues in your organization?

Who are the responsible persons to

support and solve performance
problems in your organization?

What you can do to help improve the

performance in your organization?

PPSS Career Stage 4

What is the recurring

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problem/issue/concern that you find?

List down the concepts you applied in

solving issues in your organization?

Who are the responsible persons to

support and solve performance
problems in your organization?

What you can do to help improve the

performance in your organization?

VALUE Reflect on the Issues in Measuring Performance.

Think about the problems in measuring performance. As a teacher, school head, or supervisor
account for different performance evaluations, models, designs, practices, and activities you
apply that help improve the performance of your team and improve participation of all members
in your organization (or of those you lead or manage).
What can you do to assist and support your institution's efforts to perform better?

PRODUCE As a teacher, school head, or supervisor, account for the different performance evaluations,
models, designs, practices, and activities you apply that help improve the team functions and
participation of all members in your organization.

What are the different performance evaluations you are implementing in your organization, and
explain why you are using the model?

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Discuss the challenges encountered in the process of measuring performance and how you were
able to address them.

Design your own assessment tool that could measure the performance of your school in order
to improve educational outcomes highlighting team functions and the participation of all
members in your organization.

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