Drug Calculations VI - Diluting Solutions

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Drug calculations VI - Diluting solutions

1. The patient has undergone oral surgery and needs to rinse his mouth with
chlorhexide solution (Corsodyl® 2mg/ml) twice a day. The solution of chlorhexide
prescribed to your patient is too strong, so he should dilute it so that he takes 5 ml of
chlorhexide solution and 5 ml of sterile water.
a. How many milligrams of the active substance there are in a milliliter of
diluted solution? Total volume = 10 ml, act sub = 2x5 = 10mg, new
concentration 1 mg/ml
b. What is the concentration of diluted solution in percentage? 0,1%

2. Your task is to prepare 40 millilitres of a 0.1% ropivakain mixture for your patient.
How do you prepare a mixture when robivacain (Robivacain Fresenius Kabi® 2
mg/ml) is diluted with physiological saline? 20ml

3. Suxametonium chloride may be used as an anaesthetic muscle relaxant in an

infusion. Suxsametone (Sukoli® 50 mg/ml) is diluted for infusion to a concentration
of 0,2 %. Physiological saline solution is used as a diluter.
a. How much diluted solution do you get when you use two two-milliliter
ampoules? 100 ml
b. How much diluter do you need when you are supposed to make a 0.1 % solution
from one ampoule? 98 ml

4. In your ward there is local antiseptic Betadine® with a concentration of 100 mg/ml.
You want to use this to disinfect the skin and dilute it to a concentration of
75 mg/ml. How do you make a dilution when you need 20 ml of diluted solution? 15
ml of betadine

5. Your task is to dilute Morphin® 20 mg/ml (1 ml ampoule) to a concentration of

2 mg/ml. As a diluter you are using physiological saline. How many milliliters of
physiological saline do you need? 9 ml

6. You're doing a noradrenaline infusion. You are using Noradrenal Abcur 1 mg/ml
solution for the infusion. How much glucose solution (diluter) do you need when you
dilute 4 ml of Noradrenal's Abcuria® 40 mg/ml? 156 ml

7. You need to prepare a nitro infusion with a concentration of 100 μg/ml. For that
infusion you need to dilute Perlingans® (1 mg/ml) so that you can get
500 milliliters of diluted solution for the infusion. As a diluter, you use saline. How
many milliliters do need the stock solution and how do you prepare an infusion?
50ml of perligans 0,1%
8. Your patient has ventricular tachycardia, which has been initiated by infusion of
lidocane hydrochloride (Lidocard® 20 mg/ml). The infusion is prepared at a
concentration of 2 mg/ml and is needed 500 ml. How do you prepare the solution?
mix 50 ml of lido 2% with 450 ml of diluter

9. A solution for Solu-Meridol 250 mg is prepared by dissolving the powder in the 4 ml

solvent included in the package. The solution can then be further diluted for
infusion. What is the concentration of the diluted solution in mg/ml if the original
solution is further diluted for infusion by adding ad 100 ml of NaCl solution?

10. 10 ml of 2 % solution will be diluted with a ration 1: 100. How many milliliters of
diluted solution will you get and what is the concentration of the diluted solution in
1000ml 0,2 mg/ml

Answers - diluting solutions

1. a) 1 mg b) 0,1 %
2. I take 20 ml of robivacain solution and 20 ml NaCl-solution
3. a) 100ml b) 98 ml
4. I take 15 ml of Betadinea® 100 mg/ml-solution and add water 5 ml / ad 20 ml .
5. 9 ml (volume of the diluted solution is 10 ml, from which the volume of the stock
solution needs to be reduced)
6. 156 ml
7. I take 50 ml of Perlingans® and add physiological solution 450 ml or ad 500 ml.
8. I take 50 ml of Lidocard® and add physiological solution 450 ml or ad 500 ml.
9. 2,5 mg/ml
10. 1000 ml, 0,2 mg/ml

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