CSI Energy Outlook 2019

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Strategist’s Tools p. 19

Analytical articles from CSI experts p. 34

Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan p. 47

October 2019

Key events in the oil and gas market in the world 5

Key events in the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan 13
Strategist’s Tools 19
Review of oil price changes 20
Pricing factors in the global oil market 22
Forecasts of oil prices, breakeven point in oil-exporting countries 23
Review of upstream capital and operating costs indices 27
Overview of key taxes and budget payments, changes in tax law and tax
burden in the upstream sector of Kazakhstan 29
Infographics: oil demand and production in the world and Kazakhstan 31

Analytical articles from CSI experts 34

Will IPO of NC KMG be a success? 35
Does Kazakhstan need a new Environmental Code? 37
Why Kazakhstani goods are not purchased by foreign companies? 40
First things first – Quality of data 45

Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan 47

CSI Oil and Gas Practice: team and contacts 56
Alikhan Baidussenov
Managing Partner,
Head of Oil and Gas Practice
Dear readers, colleagues!
We are pleased to present you the first was reflected in the forecasting tools in country are exploited, because they
issue of the annual CSI Energy Outlook. this issue, ratings of Kazakhstani oil and belong to the country, and therefore
It is significant that the publication of the gas producing companies, and also a to its citizens. At the same time, I would
outlook coincided with the celebration number of analytical articles on relevant like to note a positive example of a large
of the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstani topics in the industry. Kazakhstani oil company, which stands
oil. On this anniversary I would like to out from other companies in terms of
Taking this opportunity, I would like to
congratulate everyone who has devoted accessibility and detail of information -
note the invaluable contribution of the
their lives to the oil and gas industry JSC Embamunaigas.
reports of the Global Extractive Industries
and hope that the oil industry will be
Transparency Initiative (EITI) to the in- In this regard, CSI plans to actively
the source of many more victoriesand
depth analysis of the oil and gas sector. participate in an initiative to further
achievements of our country!
The implementation of the EITI has been increase transparency in accordance
It has been four years since the carried out in Kazakhstan since 2005 by with international requirements of
establishment of consulting company the initiative of the First President of the EITI standards for extractive industry
CSI. Project after project, our company Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. companies. And CSI Energy Outlook is
accumulates expertise, which we strive Since joining the initiative, a great deal one of the tools to increase transparency,
to share in every possible way. of work has been done to increase as it will allow readers not only to
transparency in the extractive sector find out the current state of affairs in
A few months ago, we launched the
of our country. the industry, but also to understand
CSI Digest – a weekly newsletter and
how accessible the information is to
the CSI Monthly – a monthly newsletter. For the leadership of Kazakhstan,
the general public. Our company can
CSI Digest provides an overview of the raising reporting standards has a high
provide the improvement of data
most important news of Kazakhstan and status of international, political and
collection and analysis, the quality
the world, which, in our opinion, have anti-corruption nature and is aimed
production of accessible versions with
the greatest impact on socio-economic at transparency of the income of
graphical depiction and analytical
development of Kazakhstan. And, in the companies and the government in the
calculations, conducting EITI forums,
CSI Monthly, CSI employees share their extractive sector. The full implementation
development of processes for provision
ideas, views and visions on the most of EITI standards in Kazakhstan should
and publication of sensitive information
pressing issues in Kazakhstan and the lead to a reduction in political risks
that may relate to beneficial ownership
world. and help prevent social tensions
and disclosure of data on social and
in the regions of their activity.
We hope that CSI Energy Outlook will environmental payments of companies.
become an annual analytical product However, a number of issues still remain
We hope that CSI Energy Outlook will be
in which the experts of our oil and gas open regarding the support by extractive
another source of useful and interesting
practice will provide readers with an industry companies of the achieved
information for all readers! Thank you
overview of the oil and gas industry, level of transparency and its further
for your attention, looking forward to
key world and Kazakhstani events in the advancement. In preparing CSI Energy
meeting you in the next issue of CSI
energy sector. Our experts prepared an Outlook, we encountered a number
Energy Outlook.
analysis of the world market and current of difficulties in collecting information
trends in the oil and gas sector, having (for details see page 48). We are sure
studied the performance indicators that potential investors face similar
of the business model of the leading difficulties, which hinder the attraction
companies in the industry, as well as of investments to Kazakhstan. And
compiled a medium-term forecast for Kazakhstan citizens are very interested
the development of the industry, which in how efficiently the subsoils of the
Key events in the oil and
gas market in the world

CSI Energy Outlook 5

“Druzhba” pollution -
is the largest emergency in the history of the Russian oil industry, which also
affected Kazakhstan
The shutdown of Russia’s most important oil pipeline In Russia, dirty raw materials are not only in the
due to chlorides entering it is an unprecedented “Druzhba” pipeline. From it, it enters the Baltic
event in the history of Russian energy exports Pipeline System-2 and through it reaches the export
to Europe. oil terminal of the port of Ust-Luga. There, oil with
organochlorine is poured into tankers and sent to the
The USSR built “Druzhba” in the 1960s to provide
EU countries, but European buyers refuse to take it.
fuel for the socialist countries. Today, Poland and
There are reports that China ready to accept oil.
Germany are supplied along the northern branch,
Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic along Traditionally, Druzhba’s largest customers are two
the southern branch. refineries in East Germany. The Total concern has
been hiding for a long time that dirty oil has got into
The key transit country for “Druzhba” is Belarus:
its plant in Loyne, and only on May 17 admits that it
near the city of Mazyr, oil from Russia is distributed
suspended the work of a number of installations “for
to the northern and southern branches. On April
technical inspection”. And on May 29, it turns out
19, 2019, the Belarusian state concern Belneftekhim
that the company, due to interrupted supply
announced that in recent days, the quality of the
of Druzhba, is forced to work half its capacity.
Russian Urals export mix has deteriorated sharply.
The content of organochlorine in it is ten times The second East German client of “Druzhba” is the
higher than the norm: 150-300 ppm instead PCK refinery in Schwedt. Its co-owners, the Russian
of the maximum allowable 10 ppm. state-owned company “Rosneft” and the British-
Dutch concern Shell, are silent about the losses of the
Poland and then Belarus stop “Druzhba” on April 24,
plant, which turned out to be within 7 weeks without
a day later, Ukraine stops transit along the southern
deliveries via “Druzhba”. But the head of “Rosneft”,
branch. Goods from Russia are contaminated with
Igor Sechin, wrote a letter to the Russian government
dichloroethane. This substance is used to increase
at the end of May, demanding that both the exporter
the return of depleted deposits, but then they must
and the consignee put pressure on “Transneft” for
certainly be separated from the extracted oil. Experts
admit that about a monthly pumping volume has
been spoiled - up to 5 million tons or 37 million On June 9, net oil via the northern branch of
barrels. “Druzhba” arrives from Belarus to Poland, then
Key events in the oil and gas market in the world

reaches Germany. Prior to this, transit through

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko begins
Ukraine to Slovakia (May 23), the Czech Republic
to demand compensation from Russia. The country
(May 27) and Hungary (May 29) is being restored.
is losing transit potential due to a shortage of
high-quality raw materials, its two refineries are At the end of June, it became known that the Russian
working half-heartedly and stop exporting petroleum operator “Transneft” would pay compensation to
products, in addition, the Mozyr oil refinery claims Kazakhstani pipeline operator “KazTransOil” for oil
to have broken some of the equipment. contaminated in the Baltic port of Ust-Luga. At the

Dichloroethane is a toxic and corrosive substance. Turning into hydrochloric

acid, corrodes the walls of pipelines, tanks, railway tanks, especially if there is
a lot of water in oil. But it poses the main threat at high temperatures
for alloy steel used in refinery equipment. If chlorides enter gasoline,
it will destroy the engines.

dw.com, tengrinews.kz, vedomosti.ru, transneft.ru

6 CSI Energy Outlook

same time, the amount of compensation may be and other European countries where dirty oil had
about $76 million (according to Bloomberg sources). been delivered or to which supplies of raw materials
According to traders, the volume of contaminated had ceased due to suspension of pumping was not
Kazakhstani export oil is 700 thousand tons of about determined.
5 million tons of substandard raw materials that fell
On July 24, a meeting of the Board of Directors of
into the “Transneft” pipeline system.
“Transneft” was held, at which the issue of resolving
“KazTransOil” is the first pollution-affected party the consequences of the incident with “Druzhba”
with which “Transneft” agreed on compensation. was considered. The Board of Directors has set a
In transit through the pipes of “Transneft”, oil of limit on payments to shippers under contracts for
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan is also exported. As the provision of oil transportation services at $15 per
of the end of June, agreements with them were not barrel of substandard oil. At the same time, shippers
known, and the amount of compensation to Belarus must document their property losses.

Energy security in the OSCE area

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution against
“Nord Stream 2” and “Turkish Stream” (July 7, 2019)
An amendment expressing particular concern has received permission to lay the pipeline from all
regarding the implementation of the projects was countries whose territorial waters are affected by the
introduced by a group of parliamentarians from the route except Denmark. The operator company has
United States, Lithuania and Canada. already submitted three route options for approval
by Copenhagen: the second and third routes do not
The resolution, in which the “Nord Stream-2” and
pass through the territorial waters of Denmark, but
“Turkish Stream” gas pipelines are called potential
affect only the exclusive economic zone of Denmark
means of political and economic pressure on supply-
in the Baltic Sea near the island of Bornholm.
dependent countries, was adopted by the Political
and Security Committee of the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly. The author of the resolution entitled
“Energy Security in the OSCE Area” is Ruta Miliute,
a parliamentarian from Lithuania. An amendment
expressing particular concern regarding the
implementation of the “Nord Stream 2” and “Turkish
Stream” projects was introduced by a group of
parliamentarians from the United States, Lithuania
and Canada.
The resolution, “Vedomosti” notes, calls on the
governments of the OSCE participating states to
abandon the use of energy as an instrument of
subordination and influence on countries that Route of the “Nord Stream-2” gas pipeline
depend on imports, supply or transit of energy.
“Nord Stream 2” is the trans-Baltic gas pipeline of
Gazprom, which should connect Russia and Germany.
It will carry out direct deliveries of Russian gas to
Europe, bypassing Ukraine. The commissioning of
the gas pipeline is planned at the end of this year.
The design capacity of the pipe is 55 billion cubic
meters per year. The project cost is almost 10 billion
euros. The pipeline may not be launched on time
due to the position of Denmark, which is delaying
the issuance of permission to lay wires in its territorial
waters. The “Nord Stream 2” gas pipeline operator

CSI Energy Outlook 7

The “Turkish Stream” is a gas pipeline from Russia
to Turkey through the Black Sea. The first line is
intended for gas supplies to Turkish consumers, the
second - for gas supply to the countries of Southern
and Southeast Europe. The capacity of the first and
second threads is 15.75 billion cubic meters each.
Commissioning is scheduled for the end of the year.

Sources: ria.ru, novayagazeta.ru, gazprom.com

Route of the “Turkish Stream” gas pipeline

The first oil supply from USA to Ukraine

The first ever batch of oil from the United States arrived at the port of Odessa
In July 2019, a tanker delivered 75 thousand tons of a day and a half.
American Bakken oil to the Odessa port. They are
The Odessa port reports that this is the first in the
going to process it at the Kremenchug refinery.
history of Ukraine oil supply directly from the United
The Wisdom Venture tanker, whose length is 237 States.
meters, delivered Hong Kong flag on Saturday, July 6,
In April, Russia imposed a ban on the export of oil
to the port of Odessa, 75 thousand tons of American
and petroleum products to Ukraine. According
Bakken oil. This was reported by the press service
to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, such
of the administration of the Odessa seaport.
a decision was made in response to the “unfriendly
The port is fully ready to receive oil, said the head actions of Ukraine.
of his administration, Igor Tkachuk.
“Bakken oil is produced from the Bakken wells
“At one time, large volumes of oil were transited located in the states of North Dakota and Montana
through the port from Russia and Kazakhstan, in the United States, and also partially in the
Key events in the oil and gas market in the world

Venezuelan for the Mozyr refinery in Belarus. A new Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
transshipment from the US will also be provided with In the 2000s, the field began active oil production
high-quality transshipment service,” he said. from oil shale (shale oil) by the methods of oblique
According to the publication of the Business horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
Information Network, a batch of oil was acquired
by the public joint-stock company “Ukrtatnafta” for
refining at the facilities of the Kremenchug refinery. Sources: rbc.ru, dw.com
Reception of oil in onshore tanks will take about

Petrochemical industry of Saudi Arabia

Ineos invests $2 billion in the construction of factories in Saudi Arabia
British energy company Ineos plans to invest $2 Jubail 2 industrial zone in Saudi Arabia.
billion (1.6 billion pounds) in the construction of its
These facilities will produce chemicals for industries
first plants in Saudi Arabia.
such as automotive, aerospace and electronics.
Ineos Group signed a memorandum of Ineos in particular plans to build an acrylonitrile plant
understanding with Total and Saudi Aramco on the with a capacity of 425 thousand tons per year by
construction of three petrochemical plants in the

8 CSI Energy Outlook

2025. This will be the first plant of its kind Ineos chairman Jim Ratcliffe called the signing of the
in the Middle East. In addition, Ineos will build memorandum “an important milestone that marks
a plant for the production of linear alpha olefins our first investment in the Middle East,” BBC reports.
(LinearAlphaOlefin) with a capacity of 400 thousand
tons and launch the production of polyalphaolefins
(PolyAlphaOlefin). Launch of production is also Sources : pfj.ru, nangs.org
scheduled for 2025.

Security in the Gulf region

USA creates a military coalition to protect oil tankers in the Gulf region
The United States - amid tensions with Iran - intends and Oman gulfs, notes DW. The Bab el Mandeb Strait
to create a military coalition to protect oil tankers in at the entrance to the Red Sea is also one of the
the Gulf region. “We are negotiating with a number most important shipping routes in the world. On May
of countries to find out if we can create a coalition to 12 and June 12, attacks on oil tankers occurred in the
ensure freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz Gulf of Oman. The United States blamed Iran for
and the Bab el Mandeb Strait,” General Joseph the incident, but Tehran has denied any involvement
Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the in these incidents.
United States Armed Forces, said in Washington
According to news at the end of August this year,
on July 9, 2019.
the United Kingdom, Poland, Bahrain, and Australia
According to him, in the near future it will become joined the coalition. The authorities of Japan and
clear which countries have the political will to South Korea are still pondering over a request from
participate in such a mission, and then the question Washington. Official Berlin rejected the US proposal,
will be asked whether they are ready to make a indicating that it was considering the feasibility of
military contribution to its implementation. The creating a separate European coalition to protect
American general noted that the United States merchant shipping in the Strait of Hormuz (linking
is ready to share its know-how and means of the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea).
monitoring shipping. Civilian vessels, Dunford noted,
can be escorted by the ships of the country whose
flag they fly. Sources: oilcapital.ru, eadaily.com
A third of the world’s oil transported by sea passes
through the Strait of Hormuz, connecting the Persian

Chevron’s activities in Venezuela

US authorities extended Chevron›s license to operate in Venezuela
until January 22, 2020
In the beginning of July 2019, news appeared that then until January 22, 2020. The license involves
the United States was allowing the possibility of doing business with the Venezuelan state-owned
extending the license of the American oil and gas company PDVSA. In addition, the oilfield services
company Chevron to work in Venezuela, despite corporations Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker
the US sanctions imposed on this country. This was Hughes, Weatherford were also allowed to continue
reported by the head of the White House National their work in Venezuela.
Economic Council, Larry Cadlow. The license of the
Note: on January 23, 2019, the Venezuelan
American company was due to expire on July 27.
opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself
As a result, the U.S. Treasury Department renewed interim president. He was supported by several
Chevron’s license to operate in Venezuela for two European countries, as well as the United States.
three-month periods: at first until October 25, 2019, On January 28, Washington imposed sanctions on

CSI Energy Outlook 9

Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA, blocking the oilfield service companies for operations in Venezuela
company’s assets and interests in its jurisdiction for (for six months).
$7 billion, and also banned transactions with them. At
the same time, the U.S. Treasury Department issued Sources: bloomberg.com, news.ru, reuters.com
special temporary licenses to Chevron and four

The arrest of the Iranian tanker Grace 1

Oil tanker detained in Gibraltar at US request
On this issue, the Iranian Foreign Ministry called sanctions is unacceptable, ”a government spokesman
“on the carpet” the British ambassador to Tehran. told reporters on Thursday.
On July 4, 2019, a supertanker with oil, supposedly
On the evening of the same day, the Iranian Foreign
intended for Syria, was detained in Gibraltar, media
Ministry announced that the British ambassador
reported. Tanker Grace 1 under the flag of Panama
to Tehran, Robert Makar, was called to the ministry
was detained by the authorities of the territory on
to express “his strong objection to the illegal and
suspicion of violating the oil embargo against Syria.
unacceptable capture” of Grace 1.
According to the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Spain, Josep Borrel, the detention occurred at the Gibraltar released the Iranian tanker 45 days after
request of the United States. its detention in the waters of the state. The state
made this decision, despite the US request for
Gibraltar authorities say they have “reasonable
the detention of the ship. Washington, in turn, is
grounds” to believe that the tanker was transporting
interested in this, because it wants to achieve the
oil to the Baniyas refinery in the Syrian province of
confiscation of oil on board the vessel, which violated
Tartus. This plant is owned by a company that is
US sanctions. Iran called the decision of Gibraltar
under EU sanctions. Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian
a victory of diplomacy and the failure of the White
Picardo has already sent a letter to the heads
House policy.
of the European Commission and the European
Council explaining the actions taken by the Gibraltar EU sanctions against Syria prohibit European
authorities in accordance with EU rules. business contacts with Syria, especially in the oil and
petroleum products trade. Sanctions introduced
“We are studying the circumstances in which it
in 2011.
happened. This was a request that the United States
Key events in the oil and gas market in the world

sent to the United Kingdom. We are looking at how Gibraltar is the overseas territory of Great Britain,
this affects our sovereignty, in the sense that disputed by Spain, in the south of the Iberian
it happened in the waters, which, as we understand Peninsula, including the Rock of Gibraltar and the
Spain, ”explained Josep Borrell. sandy isthmus connecting the rock with the Iberian
Peninsula. Enters the EU through UK membership.
The spokesman for the British government’s office,
The territory is the NATO naval base.
in turn, said: “We welcome these decisive actions to
ensure the implementation of EU sanctions against
the Syrian regime. We welcome the decisions of the
Sources: gazeta.ru, aljazeera.com
Gibraltar authorities who conducted this operation.
All this should give a clear signal that violation of

Syria’s position on Grace 1

According to Damascus, the captured tanker was not heading to Syria,
there is no evidence to the contrary
According to news from July 11, 2019, Syria denied The Iranian tanker detained in Gibraltar was not
that Iranian oil on a tanker captured in Gibraltar waiting for a single Syrian port, the link with the
was destined for one of the country’s refineries. Syrian refinery of the Baniyas port, which the British

10 CSI Energy Outlook

intelligence services insist on, is fundamentally our ports did not expect a ship with a similar name
incorrect, the Syrian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and registration number, ”said Deputy Chairman of
Committee told Izvestia. They recognized that the the Committee on Foreign Affairs Ammar al-Assad.
country really continues to purchase Iranian oil, but “Nevertheless, our country has the right to purchase
they go through other channels. In Damascus, they oil from any state, for this we do not need permission
called on London to release the oil tanker, since the from London or Washington.”
British have no legal grounds for detaining the ship.
“There is not a single official confirmation that the
Source: iz.ru
tanker was heading to Syria. I know for certain that

OPEC forecasts
World oil demand in 2020 will exceed 100 million barrels per day
The cartel changed its forecasts in its July report of subsidy programs and plans for their termination,
the current year. According to OPEC forecasts, world the consequences of commissioning / delays / the
oil consumption in 2020 will increase by 1.14 million closure of mega-projects in the field of processing
barrels per day, as a result of which global demand and programs to reduce fuel consumption, especially
will cross the sign barrier of 100 million barrels per in the transport sector, ”the OPEC report said.
day. Consumption in OECD countries, the cartel said
At the same time, in 2020, the organization expects
in a July report, will increase by 90 thousand barrels
an increase in oil supply from OPEC non-resident
per day. On the whole, positive dynamics is expected
countries by 2.44 million barrels per day to
only in the countries of the Americas, and in Europe
66.87 million barrels. It is noted that the United
and the Asia-Pacific region demand will decrease,
States, Brazil, Norway, Canada, Russia, Australia
the document says. Thus, the annual oil consumption
and Kazakhstan will become the main drivers of
in the world will be 101.01 million barrels per day.
growth in oil supply, while Mexico, Colombia, Great
“Factors that may affect the growth rate of oil Britain, Indonesia and Thailand, on the contrary,
demand in 2020 include macroeconomic changes will decrease. “The forecast for a 2020 proposal
in major consumer countries, the displacement of by non-OPEC countries, despite the expected
heavy distillates with natural gas and other fuels, commissioning of new pipelines for transporting
subsidy programs and plans for their termination, oil from the Permian basin in the amount of more
the consequences of commissioning / delays / the than 2.5 million barrels per day, is subject to many
closure of mega-projects in the field of processing uncertainties, including oil prices, investment
and programs to reduce fuel consumption, especially management, hedging, inflation costs, unplanned
in the transport sector, ”the OPEC report said. downtime associated with technical problems,
a delay in the commissioning of new projects and
The cartel changed its forecasts in its July report of
the duration of maintenance, ”the document says. In
the current year.According to OPEC forecasts, world
June, OPEC reduced oil production in monthly terms
oil consumption in 2020 will increase by 1.14 million
by 68 thousand barrels per day to 29.83 million,
barrels per day, as a result of which global demand
while in the framework of the OPEC+ transaction, the
will cross the sign barrier of 100 million barrels per
organization continued to overfulfill its obligations
day. Consumption in OECD countries, the cartel said
- in the reporting month by 22%. “Oil production
in a July report, will increase by 90 thousand barrels
declined mainly in Iran, Libya and Angola, while it
per day. On the whole, positive dynamics is expected
grew in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia,” the report said.
only in the countries of the Americas, and in Europe
OPEC countries that pledged to reduce their oil
and the Asia-Pacific region demand will decrease,
production in the framework of the deal, reduced it
the document says. Thus, the annual oil consumption
in total compared to October 2018 by 987 thousand
in the world will be 101.01 million barrels per day.
barrels per day against the promised 812 thousand.
“Factors that may affect the growth rate of oil In particular, Saudi Arabia traditionally showed the
demand in 2020 include macroeconomic changes largest reduction, having reduced production by
in major consumer countries, the displacement of 820 thousand barrels per day, having exceeded the
heavy distillates with natural gas and other fuels, agreement more than twice.

CSI Energy Outlook 11

On July 1, the largest oil exporters included in for oil prices, but trade wars will remain a key risk
OPEC+, following a two-day meeting in Vienna, for the market, analysts say.
signed an agreement to extend the deal to regulate
oil production for the next 9 months until March
2020. The decision to extend the deal will be positive Source: wsj.com

US-China trade war

USA plans sanctions against China over imports of Iranian oil
The US administration decided that China’s import sanctions policy against Iran is working. Increasing
of more than 1 million barrels of oil from Iran in June pressure on China in this matter is required from
was a violation of US oil sanctions against Tehran. US President Donald Trump and US Republican
However, it has not yet been finally decided what lawmakers. At the same time, the introduction of
kind of response Washington can give. Meanwhile, such restrictions may complicate the already difficult
the US administration is actively calling for sanctions trade negotiations between the two countries.
against Chinese companies acquiring Iranian oil,
TASS reported.
Sources: tass.ru, oilcapital.ru, July 12, 2019
The US government fears that China’s actions
could undermine Washington’s position that the US

Drone attack in Saudi Arabia

As a result, the country’s oil production fell in September by 1.3 million barrels
per day
The daily average production of the world’s largest WTI crude oil futures for November delivery rose
oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, fell by 1.3 million barrels in by 16% to $ 63.64 per barrel, and Brent crude oil
September due to drone attacks on the country’s oil rose by 19.3% to $ 71.95. Prices have not grown
facilities, the OPEC report said. Now the production so aggressively since 1988. A week later, after
Key events in the oil and gas market in the world

is restored. Saudi Aramco opened data on the progress of

reconstruction, oil prices began to fall again.
On the night of September 14, 2019, 10 UAVs
(unmanned aerial vehicles) attacked Khurais oil field There was an unsuccessful attempt to compensate
and the primary oil refinery at Abqaiq field. After the the fall in production in Saudi Arabia in September
bombing, a fire broke out, which was quickly put out. by Libya (increased production by 104,000 barrels per
Nevertheless, the state-owned oil company Saudi day) and Angola (24,000 barrels per day). The total
Aramco announced a halving of oil production – to production of OPEC countries fell by 5% compared
5.7 million barrels per day. In Abqaiq there is a center to August and amounted to 28.5 million barrels per
for primary oil refining and bringing it to marketable day.
quality, 50% of all the company’s oil goes through it,
said Saudi Aramco. Hussite Yemeni rebels claimed
responsibility for the attack, but the United States Sources: vedomosti.ru, interfax.ru
doubted that and blamed Iran for the attacks. Tehran
rejected these allegations.
Saudi Aramco produced oil less than usual for two
weeks. At the end of September, it managed to
restore production, but the average daily rate for
September still was low – 8.6 million barrels per day.
As soon as events in Saudi Arabia became known,

12 CSI Energy Outlook

Key events in the energy
sector of the Republic
of Kazakhstan

CSI Energy Outlook 13

KPO announced successful completion
of scheduled shutdown
October 14, 2019 at the Karachaganak field in Kazakhstan successfully completed
planned shutdown
For scheduled preventive shutdown, all production During the shutdown, the following types of work
facilities of the field were completely stopped, were successfully completed:
including the Karachaganak Processing Complex,
--Mandatory maintenance and inspection works;
Complex Gas Treatment Units UKPG-2 and UKPG-3
as well as the product collection system. --Modification of production facilities;
--Pre-installation for the “Removing Production
Up to 12 thousand people were involved daily during
Restrictions on Gas Project”;
the shutdown (including day and night shifts).
In total, the involved personnel worked out about --Pre-installation for the “Construction of the Fourth
3 million man-hours. Gas Re-Injection Compressor Project”;
--Pre-installation for the “Fifth Infield Pipeline Project”;
In preparation for the shutdown, KPO organized
large-scale training for employees of 212 contracting --Pre-installation for the “Karachaganak Expansion
companies. Altogether, 2 216 training courses were Project”.
organized, the results of which were issued 33 000 All scheduled works were completed in full, safely
relevant certificates. and earlier than planned.

Shell has decided not to continue the joint

development of the “Kalamkas Sea – Khazar” project
Key events in the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The project was recognized as not sufficiently competitive with other projects
in Shell’s global investment portfolio
North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC) and Khazar is an oil and gas field, also located on the
Caspian Meruert Operating Company B.V. (CMOC) shelf of the Caspian, is part of the Zhemchuzhina
announced the cancellation of public hearings contract area. The right to develop has a number of
on preliminary environmental impact assessment oil companies led by Royal Dutch Shell, which owns
(Pre-EIA) materials to the feasibility study for the a 55% stake in the project. The operating company
development of the Kalamkas Sea and Khazar for oil operations under the Production Sharing
deposits. The event was to be held on October 1, Agreement is CMOC. According to some reports,
2019 in Aktau. Khazar’s reserves are estimated at 40 million tons
of oil and 10 billion cubic meters of gas. And the
Kalamkas Sea is an oil and gas field located in the
reserves of the entire Pearl block, which also includes
Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea and developed
the Auezov, Naryn and Tulpar fields, are estimated
by a consortium of international companies as part
at 100 million tons of oil.
of the North Caspian Project, operated by NCOC.
According to data from open sources, the geological
reserves of the field are about 150 million tons of oil
and 15 billion cubic meters of gas.

14 CSI Energy Outlook

The new ministry was created -
Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan
On June 17, 2019, the President of the Republic of - The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure
Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, signed a Development in the field of state geological study,
decree on the creation of the Ministry of Ecology, reproduction of the mineral resource base.
Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic
of Kazakhstan with the transfer of the following The new ministry was headed by Magzum
functions and powers to him: Mirzagaliev
- The Ministry of Energy in the field of formation and
who previously held the posts of vice minister of
implementation of the state policy of environmental
energy, vice minister of oil and gas, as well as deputy
protection, solid waste management, protection,
chairman of the board of JSC “NC “KazMunayGas”.
control and supervision of the rational use of natural
- The Ministry of Agriculture in the field of use and
protection of the water fund, water supply, sanitation,

Daily oil production at Kashagan reached

370 thousand barrels
Kashagan field completed early repairs and resumed oil production
On May 19, 2019, after the first preventive
maintenance of production facilities, oil production The volume of oil production after the
at the Kashagan field was resumed. Repair work at reopening of the first production well gradually
the oil field began on April 14, lasted 35 days and increased and currently has reached the level of
completed ahead of schedule, which allowed the 370 thousand barrels of oil per day.
resumption of oil production ahead of schedule.
The plan of work included opening, inspection, repair Since the start of production in 2016, to this day,
and maintenance of vessels, safety valves, conversion NCOC has produced more than 20 million tons of
of production wells into injection wells, installation export oil, as well as more than 6 billion cubic meters
of additional reboilers, and other production of gas delivered to the market and more than 850
operations. Mining resumed after the completion thousand tons of sulfur export.
of commissioning of the equipment of the marine
and ground complexes, testing of instrumentation
and automatic process control systems.

Social tension at the fields

There was a conflict in Tengiz between local and foreign workers
of the TCO contractor
On June 29, 2019, in the Tengiz shift camp, working conditions. The reason for the disorder in
local workers of the Consolidated Contracting the Tengiz shift camp was a photograph of an SSER
Engineering and Procurement S.A.L Offshore (CCER, employee from Lebanon, which he published in the
Tengizchevroil contractor) gathered at the work site WhatsApp messenger. The next day, Tengizchevroil
and expressed their dissatisfaction with unequal LLP (TCO) announced a temporary freeze on the

CSI Energy Outlook 15

construction of a third-generation plant at the Tengiz conflicts at the Tengiz field. Among the more than
field. 10 major conflicts, the biggest is the events at the
Tengiz field on October 20, 2006. Riots at Senimdi
The riots in Tengiz affected 45 people. After the
Kurylys (a contractor for PFD, which, in turn, is a TCO
mass brawl that took place at the construction
contractor), which affected 339 Turkish citizens, 136
site of the third-generation TCO plant, 45 people
of them were seriously injured, several vehicles were
sought medical help. Over 100 foreign citizens
burned, and household premises were destroyed.
left Kazakhstan after the incident in Tengiz. At the
The reasons for the riots: wage discrimination in TCO,
moment, the conflict between the workers is settled.
SK and other contracting organizations, mass layoffs,
Work on the site of the TCO Third Generation Plant
as well as facts of disrespectful attitude of expats
is underway as usual.
to local workers.
Social tensions caused by the unfair attitude of
employers periodically spilled over into major

Nuclear power plant construction

There is no decision on construction yet, but the place has already been
determined in the Almaty region
On April 4, 2019, Deputy Minister of Energy Magzum document - a memorandum of understanding and
Mirzagaliev announced that in the Almaty region expansion of strategic cooperation in the field of the
a place was allocated for a nuclear power plant in nuclear fuel cycle between the Ministry of Energy of
case Kazakhstan decides to build it. The site for Kazakhstan, “Kazatomprom” and “Rosatom”.
the construction of nuclear power plants has been
previously determined in the Almaty region, however, In 2014, Kurchatov in the East Kazakhstan region
consideration is still being given to the most suitable was chosen as the location of the station. Later,
Key events in the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan

technologies for the construction of nuclear power a site was determined in the Almaty region.
The closest settlement to the proposed construction
The issue of building a nuclear power plant in
site in Kazakhstan is the tiny village of Ulken, 370
Kazakhstan has been under discussion for several
kilometers from the southern capital, near Lake
years. In May 2014, the heads of the atomic state
Balkhash. The village can be reached on the highway
companies of Kazakhstan and Russia, “Kazatomprom”
Almaty - Karaganda - Nur-Sultan. The population of
and “Rosatom”, Vladimir Shkolnik and Sergey
Ulken is 1807 people. Six out of twenty-six high-rise
Kiriyenko signed a memorandum of understanding
buildings are empty.
on cooperation in the construction of nuclear power
plants. Later, in 2016, it was supported by another

Saryarka gas pipeline

Construction works are on schedule and 75% of the pipeline
has already been built
On June 20, 2019, Minister of Energy Kanat of the Saryarka gas pipeline was built
Bozumbayev, at a reporting meeting with the
public, said that welding is currently underway near The Saryarka gas trunkline is being built for
Zhezkazgan. The average pace of welding gasification of the capital of Kazakhstan, as well
is 7-8 kilometers per day. At the same time, work is as settlements of the Karaganda and Akmola
underway on enlightenment, insulation of welding regions.
joints, laying and backfilling of pipes in the trench.
Involved more than 2,200 people and about 700
units of special equipment. As of August 16, 75%

16 CSI Energy Outlook

Construction began in November 2018 and is It is estimated that 171 settlements in the Karaganda
ongoing in four phases. At the first stage, the and Akmola regions will be supplied with gas from
construction of the Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan- the gas pipeline. The gas pipeline’s productivity will
Karaganda-Nur-Sultan route is implied. At the amount to 2.2 billion m3 of gas per year. In general,
second stage, it is planned to extend the gas due to gasification, the volume of coal consumption
pipeline from Nur-Sultan to Kokshetau, at the will decrease by 650 thousand tons / year, which will
third - to Petropavlovsk. The final stage involves significantly improve the environmental status in the
the construction of Zhezkazgan and Temirtau regions through which the gas pipeline will pass.
compressor stations. The length of the gas pipeline
is 1061.3 km.

KMG EP Buyback
JSC KazMunayGas Exploration Production completed the program of massive
buyback of its preferred shares
In February 2019, JSC KazMunayGas Exploration large number of applications from holders of small
Production completed the massive buyback program blocks of preferred shares of the Company.
for its preferred shares. The final specialized trades
at KASE for the repurchase of preferred shares took On April 16, 2019, the official press release of
place from January 14 to January 30, 2019, and the JSC KMG EP was available informing about the
final settlement date was January 31, 2019. decision on voluntary delisting of preferred
shares with KASE.
The program for the repurchase of preferred shares
of JSC KazMunayGas Exploration Production was
Immediately after the completion of the preferred
launched on August 13, 2018 at a price of KZT12,800
share buyback program, the restructuring of the
per preferred share, which at that time amounted to
KazMunayGas group of companies was launched,
a premium of 24.4% to the 30-day average market
including the liquidation of the sub-holding structure
price of preferred shares on KASE. Initially, the
program end date was set on November 16, 2018
and then extended until January 31, 2019 due to the

KMG new strategy

JSC NC KMG approved the development strategy until 2028
In September 2018, a new development strategy for In the short and medium term, the Company will
JSC NC KMG until 2028 was adopted. At this stage focus on strengthening financial stability and focus
of the Company’s development, the implementation on solving operational issues. Realization of medium-
of large investment projects has been completed term goals will allow KMG in the long term (10 years)
and the active investment phase has been to carry out investment activities to ensure the
completed. The company formed the strategic vision, growth of the value of the Company, by investing
mission and goals of KMG for the next 10-year period in an increase in the oil and gas resource base to
on the basis of the analysis of factors restraining the increase the supply of hydrocarbons and oil products,
growth of its value, developed ways to overcome both to the export and domestic markets. Although
them. in the medium term KMG plans to reduce debt and
not to attract new borrowings, in the long term,
The new development strategy of KMG is a strategy
borrowing for investment purposes is possible taking
for the gradual organic growth of the company for
into account the financial situation of the Company,
2018-2028, which defines the target state of the
to prevent the deterioration of KMG’s financial ratios
Company in the medium term (5 years), as a stable
and credit ratings.
company with an acceptable level of debt and a tight
debt control system.

CSI Energy Outlook 17

Privatization program continues
JSC NC KMG is preparing for IPO
According to the April news of the current year, the by a government decree in September 2011 with a
“Samruk-Kazyna” state fund is considering the option maturity of 2011 to 2015. The aim of the program was
of placing from 15% to 25% of the shares of NC KMG to provide opportunities for citizens of Kazakhstan
JSC as part of an IPO. The Chairman of the Board to acquire shares of leading domestic companies
of the Astana International Financial Center (AIX) and to promote the development of the Kazakhstani
Exchange Tim Bennett earlier in March 2019 reported securities market.
that the placement of “KazMunayGas” shares on the
According to the press service of JSC NC KMG (April
AIX site was tentatively planned for the II quarter of
25, 2019), they continue to explore opportunities
2020, but he did not rule out the possibility of listing
to support the growth and development of KMG,
may be delayed.
including a potential IPO.
According to the comprehensive privatization plan
“However, the final decision to conduct such a
for 2016-2020, it is planned to carry out an SPO
transaction, including on the possible structure,
of “Kazakhtelecom”, an IPO of the national railway
timing and involvement of consultants, has not yet
company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, the national
been made. KMG will inform the market about its
oil and gas company “KazMunayGas”, “Air Astana”
decisions in the proper manner in accordance with
and others. The program for introducing equity
regulatory requirements,” the company added.
stakes in subsidiaries and affiliates of the fund on
the Narodnoe IPO securities market was approved

Dunga field
The contract is extended for 15 years, while Kazakhstan will increase its share
Key events in the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan

in the profit oil

On July 4, 2019, an agreement was signed to extend The Dunga oil and gas field is located in the
the production sharing agreement on the Dunga Tupkaragan district of the Mangistau region.
oil and gas field development project for 15 years. Geological reserves amount to 106 million tons of oil
The document was signed by Minister of Energy of and more than 6 billion cubic meters of gas. The field
the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Bozumbayev and was discovered in 1966. It was put into trial operation
Vice President of the Caspian and Southern Europe in 2000.
Total Exploration and Production Bernard Clement,
Currently, the project participants are Total E & P
Director of Joint Ventures Oman Oil Exploration and
Dunga GmbH (60%), Oman Oil Company Limited
Production Abdul Wahab al Bulushi, Member of the
(20%) and Partex Kazakhstan Corporation (20%),
Board of Partex Oil and Gas Fernando Alves.
collectively referred to as the Contractor. The project
operator is Total E & P Dunga GmbH. In 2018,
The contract is extended from 2024 to 2039, this production at the field amounted to 708,000 tons
will additionally produce about 9 million tons of oil and 56.8 million cubic meters of gas.
of oil.

One of the important terms of the agreement was an

increase in the share of Kazakhstan in the profitable
products division from 40% to 60% by January 1,

18 CSI Energy Outlook

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CSI Energy Outlook 19

Review of changes in oil prices in 2011-2017
Whilst the sharp fluctuations in oil prices, CSI experts Chart 2. 2.Share
График of oil producers
Доля производителей in на
нефти theмировом
world market
analyzed the main driving forces that affect the oil
market. With relatively stable demand, supply factors
come to the fore of the attention.

Chart 1. Change in oil prices, US dollars per barrel

Shale boom
Demand reduction

90 Libyan Civil

Beginning of
Arab spring

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

At the end of 2014, members of the Organization of

Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) changed their
After rising from the summer of 2017 and peaking strategy by abandoning oil quotas in an attempt
at $86 per barrel at the beginning of October 2018, to regain their market share and, according to some
the price of Brent crude oil underwent a noticeable market analysts, crowding out US oil supply, lowering
correction, falling by about 40% by the end of 2018 oil prices below the level at which US shale oil
(see Chart 1). A similar correction occurred five years producers can be profitable. OPEC’s actions led only
ago. Oil prices plummeted in 2014 after a period to a short-term reduction in shale oil production.
during which Brent crude traded at around $110 per At the end of 2016, OPEC had to reconsider its
barrel. And in January 2016, prices fell to less than approach, since a decrease in global demand led
$30 per barrel. to a further decrease in oil prices. The OPEC strategy
Changes in oil supply sources have become an put pressure on the public finances of its members,
important factor in rising oil prices since the advent and indicators of fiscal sustainability in the period
of shale oil in the United States. Since 2011, the 2014-2016. sharply worsened for most OPEC
US shale oil production capacity has expanded countries. As oil prices began to rise again in 2017,
significantly, allowing the United States to compete US producers quickly regained their market share.
with the two largest global oil producers, Russia
and Saudi Arabia, in terms of daily production.
The development of production technologies
and investments in pipeline systems and railway
capacities have allowed US producers to expand
production, which has made the US an important
driver in the global oil supply. Between 2011 and
the summer of 2014, the US share in the aggregate
supply increased significantly (see Chart 2).
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20 CSI Energy Outlook

Overview of changes in oil prices in 2018-2019
Chart 3. Oil price in 2018-2019, US dollars per barrel extent to which members would comply with the
conditions for reduced production. Consequently, the
decline in oil prices did not stop until the beginning
90 agreement of 2019 after the initial figures for December
indicated a significant decrease in production
80 at OPEC.
70 Further support for the oil price should be provided
60 U.S. Iranian oil sanctions by the extension until March 2020 of the OPEC+
announcement since
agreement on reducing the total oil production
50 November 2018
by 1.2 million barrels per day relative to the level
40 of November 2018, starting from July 1, 2019.
2018 2019 Chart 4. Demand for oil
Annual percentage
График 4. changes, quarterly data
Спрос на нефть

The latest fluctuations in oil prices by the end of 2018

were caused by significant changes in the market
assessment of the prospects for oil supplies. Despite
U.S. production growth, oil prices rose during the first
three quarters of 2018, as market participants focused
on lowering production in Venezuela and the
prospects for Iranian exports to decline after the U.S.
withdraws from the 2015 Iranian nuclear agreement.
In May 2018, the United States announced that,
starting in November 2018, they would again impose
sanctions on the export of Iranian oil. By October
2018, Iranian oil exports had already declined by
about 0.35 million barrels per day.
At the same time, the market was worried about The growth in aggregate oil demand in recent years
whether OPEC would respond by increasing has been more stable, but is expected to decline
production to compensate for the loss of Iranian by the end of 2019. Over the past decade, energy
products in world markets. However, since the consumption in countries that are not members of
beginning of October there has been a noticeable the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
correction in prices. Saudi Arabia and Russia have Development (hereinafter referred to as the OECD),
given assurances that they will indeed increase especially in China, has been the main driver of
production, if necessary, after the imposition of global oil demand (see Chart 4). However, demand
sanctions. Further downward pressure was exerted growth in emerging and developing economies
by the decision of the US government to provide has been balanced by slowing demand in OECD
six-month exemptions for oil imports to key Iranian countries. Recently, when economic growth in
consumers. At the beginning of December 2018, emerging and developing economies has slowed
OPEC, together with the largest manufacturers somewhat, there has been some similarity in oil
that are not members of OPEC, agreed to reduce demand growth in OECD and non-OECD countries.
production. However, there were doubts as to the

CSI Energy Outlook 21

Pricing factors in the global oil market
The role of OPEC and other major producers 2. The economic situation in China
cooperating with OPEC remains an important China is the largest exporter and the second largest
factor in the dynamics of oil prices. Extra-large country in terms of imports in the world (after the
oil producers, such as Saudi Arabia, still play an United States), this fact has a strong influence on the
important role. Nevertheless, the OPEC strategy global economy. Today, a big uncertainty is formed
to lower oil prices in 2014 and 2015 was not able by the trade war between the USA and China. The
to suppress shale oil production in the United negative impact of external circumstances slows
States, which indicates a decrease in OPEC’s ability down industrial production in China, and forecasts
to stabilize prices at the desired level over longer of GDP growth look disappointing. The Chinese
periods of time. While traditional production stock market received the title of the worst stock
methods are usually cheaper than shale oil, most market in 2018, thanks in large part to the trade war.
oil-exporting countries need higher oil prices to Inflation among manufacturers is also troubling in
balance their public sector budgets. However, the China, rising by only 0.9% compared with growth
shale revolution helped limit the increasing pressure expectations of 1.6%. If in 2019 the most important
on oil prices, as US production tends to rise when consumers in the world see a slowdown in economic
prices exceed the break-even level. According to growth, both the global economy and oil markets will
an energy study conducted by the Federal Reserve suffer.
Bank of Dallas, the operation of existing wells can be
profitable in the price range of 25-35 US dollars per 3. Global crisis and financial instability
barrel. We are currently in the longest bull market in
In general, the shale revolution has changed the history, and this fact can be considered a cause
structure of the oil market. OPEC strategies should for concern. In 2018, sales on the US stock market
now take into account the reaction of shale oil repeatedly occurred due to fear of the financial crisis,
producers. Competition from shale oil producers slow growth and a trade war. In 2019-2021, close
may reduce the ability of traditional oil producers to monitoring of the state of the world economy should
raise prices above a given level over long horizons. continue. The US yield curve, a time-tested measure
At the same time, the process of adapting OPEC of forecasting recession, has flipped over again.
strategies to a new source of competition has led to The inverted yield curve is a bad omen for both
some volatility in oil prices in recent years. Given that the global economy and the oil market.
oil price volatility will continue in 2019, the CSI team
examined a number of factors and identified the 4. Geopolitical Factors in the Middle East
most likely triggers that, in our opinion, will affect Due to the compact location of the largest oil fields,
the price of oil in 2019-2021. the Middle East is considered a rather important
region, and any tension in the region can seriously
affect oil prices.
The main factors that will affect the price It is also noteworthy that the events around
of oil in 2019-2021 important logistics hubs, which play a key role in the
transportation of Middle Eastern oil, also influence
1. Demand futures quotes. So, events in countries that control,
Market demand is the main driver of oil prices and for example, the Strait of Hormuz, significantly affect
in case of signs of weakening demand, the price prices. According to Lloyds, the strait accounts
of oil will decline. Forecasts regarding demand are for up to 40% of world exports.
mostly negative. Thus, OPEC lowered its forecast
for oil demand growth by 100,000 barrels per day. 5. Maritime regulations 2020
Goldman Sachs also lowered its forecast for oil prices
Strategist’s Tools

The International Maritime Organization (IMO)

due to concerns about oversupply and relatively low announced in 2016 a new set of rules, which should
demand. These forecasts indicate a possible decrease be enforced by 2020 and provides for reducing
in demand, which will negatively affect prices over the sulfur content in “all types of marine fuel” from
the entire period.

22 CSI Energy Outlook

3.5% to 0.5%. There are different opinions regarding key factors in the oil markets in 2019-2020. The
the readiness and potential of the refinery for such resumption of exceptions that have already been
reforms. According to one estimate, to fulfill these made for major purchasers of Iranian crude oil is far
rules, it is necessary to build almost 75% of additional from unambiguous. Any decision to renew or cancel
capacities. Moreover, the costs of this may not them will have serious consequences for oil prices.
be offset by sales. In any case, it will be extremely
important to monitor changes in the IMO 2020 rules, 8. Climatic factors
which could lead to a significant change One of the most consistent factors affecting the price
in the demand for crude oil. of oil is the weather. Each year in August-October,
the focus of the oil market is shifting towards
6. Reduction in oil production weather conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantic
Perhaps the most predictable and understandable hurricane season often makes serious adjustments
factor, which, however, is losing its importance year to expert forecasts. The period from September to
by year. The reason is clear: American and Canadian October is the peak of the hurricane season, and this
oil workers are producing more and more oil, and the is important for the industry and market players in
influence of OPEC is less and less. that most of the US mining and processing capacities
are located in a region that is subject to the influence
Countries included in the oil cartel meet twice a year
of these same disasters.
and decide on the volume of production or, to be
precise, on oil quotas. Quotas are formed for each In other words, an impending hurricane may stop
country, but a total figure (volume) is announced. or limit production and processing for some time.
Often, companies evacuate workers in advance and
In December 2018, OPEC+ countries decided to
reduce production. For example, in 2017, hurricanes
reduce daily production by 1.2 million barrels. On
Harvey, Irma, and Nate paralyzed the operations of
July 1, the largest oil exporters included in OPEC
the Gulf of Mexico enterprises, which led to a 12%
+, following a two-day meeting in Vienna, signed
drop in US production and a decrease in refinery
an agreement to extend the deal to regulate oil
load at the beginning of September from 96.6% to
production for the next 9 months until March 2020.
the minimum since 2008, 77.7%.
In general, this fact may provide further support for
the oil price. Hurricane Dorian, which occurred in August 2019,
did not support oil quotes, as it passed by the main
As of September 2019, OPEC includes 14 countries:
producing territories of the United States.
Algeria, Angola, Venezuela, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Congo,
Kuwait, Libya, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Saudi Although this list of factors is far from exhaustive, it
Arabia, Equatorial Guinea and Ecuador. Qatar has left contains the most significant catalysts for rising oil
the organization since January 2019. prices, which can be observed in our next section,
where we predict the dynamics of prices. Thus, the
7. Sanctions on Iran interaction between the above factors is likely to
Existing sanctions against Iran and the potential play a large role in shaping developments in the oil
withdrawal of US sanctions will remain one of the market in 2019-2021.

Oil Price Forecasts

Oil price dynamics in 2019: what to expect consumers of crude oil - the United States and China
from the global oil market? - continues to suppress rising oil prices. Although the
price of oil may still rise in 2019, as OPEC makes sure
According to the World Bank forecast for 2019, oil
that oil reserves are “under control”.
prices this year will average $66 per barrel and $65
per barrel in 2020. A slight downward revision of According to the OECD, “tensions in trade are
the oil price forecast is associated with lower than damaging not only short-term, but also medium-
expected global economic growth forecasts and term prospects, which requires the government to
higher than expected oil production in the United take urgent measures to revive growth.” The current
States. alliance of OPEC and other countries can keep oil
prices afloat, by not rushing to increase production.
The ongoing trade dispute between the two main
Thus, oil prices may continue to rise as the OPEC

CSI Energy Outlook 23

alliance continues. Recently, OPEC and its partners to a potential slowdown in global economic growth.
once again reduced production in an effort In turn, it can lead to a decrease in oil demand.
to stabilize the oil market. A noticeable response among investors was not even
provoked by the decision to extend the contract to
According to EIA’s Short-term Energy Outlook, crude
reduce production at OPEC+ (July 1). In August -
oil production in OPEC countries will average 30.3
the first trimester of September, Brent quotes were
million barrels per day, which is 1.7 million barrels
already in the range of $55–64 per barrel.
lower than in 2018. The EIA predicts a further decline
in oil production by 0.4 million barrels per day to According to RBC news for July, JPMorgan analysts
29.8 million barrels per day in 2020. Also, according believe that in the third quarter, oil prices may reach
to EIA forecasts, a decrease in world oil reserves of an average of $67.33 per barrel. BNP Paribas analysts
0.2 million barrels per day in 2019 and 0.1 million are even more optimistic. The French bank predicted
barrels per day in 2020 is expected. According to the the growth of Brent quotes to $ 76 per barrel
forecasts, global oil demand will grow by 1.4 million by September of this year.
barrels in 2019 and by 1.5 million barrels in 2020.
According to the EIA forecast, the price of Brent
In April 2019, crude oil prices rose for the previous crude oil in 2019 will be $73 per barrel, which is $5
4 consecutive months, gradually approaching more than previously predicted and will drop to $67
a 6-month high. Despite the EIA forecast for a per barrel in 2020.
decrease in Iranian oil production and exports, oil
Given the pricing factors listed in the previous
supplies from OPEC and other countries seem to be
section, CSI analysts forecast that oil prices can vary
able to compensate for the shortage of Iranian oil.
in the range of $52-92 per barrel in 2019-2021 with
Increased oil production is expected in the United
an average of $65, $69, $72 per barrel by the end
Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Russia.
of 2019, 2020, 2021 , respectively (see Chart 5).
In June-July, Brent quotes moved in the range
of $60–67 per barrel. Economic indicators point
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24 CSI Energy Outlook

What will happen in 2019-2020 in oil
exporting countries?
What will happen in 2019-2020 in oil to shareholders. The breakeven point differs in each
exporting countries? country depending on the budget deficit of various
oil producers.
Oil exporting countries are heavily dependent
on energy revenues to finance their economy as According to our expectations of oil prices, as well
a whole, including the allocation of subsidies to as statistics from the International Monetary Fund,
address priority issues in these countries. Thus, the we have identified a number of countries that may
break-even points of the budget of oil countries are have potential budget deficit problems with the
more important for world energy prices than the aforementioned forecast oil prices
sale of a barrel of oil by large oil companies, which (see Charts 6 and 7).
must finance capital expenditures and pay dividends

Chart 5. Dynamics of oil prices in 2018-2021, US dollars per barrel

CSI Energy Outlook 25

Chart 6. Break-even point in oil-exporting countries in 2019

Chart 7. Break-even point in oil-exporting countries in 2020

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26 CSI Energy Outlook

Review of Upstream Capital Costs Index

Chart 8. Dynamics of changes in the UCCI index and world oil prices

Brent USD (2000=100) Brent KZT (2000=100) UCCI

800 250

700 225

UCCI Index (2000 year = 100)

Oil prices (2000 year = 100)

600 200

500 175

400 150

300 125

200 100

100 75

0 50
2000 2004 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Source: IHS CERA, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Upstream Capital Costs Index (UCCI) tracks Chart 8 shows a direct relationship between changes
the costs of building production infrastructure and in capital costs and changes in oil prices. So, for
equipment. The index is based on a geographically example, in 2009, the Brent index rose to 400
diversified portfolio of 28 mining projects - onshore, units compared to the base 100 units in 2000, i.e.
offshore, pipeline and LNG (liquefied natural gas) 4 times. In turn, the UCCI rose to 230 units, i.e. 2.3
projects. times. Thus, the coefficient of elasticity was 0.43, i.e.
for every percentage increase in oil prices, capital
The UCCI is similar to the consumer price index and expenditures increased by 0.43%.
serves to track the level of costs around the world.

CSI Energy Outlook 27

Review of Upstream Operating Costs Index

Chart 9. Dynamics of changes in the UOCI index and world oil prices

Brent USD (2000=100) Brent KZT (2000=100) UOCI

800 250

700 225
Oil prices (2000 year = 100)

UOCI (2000 year = 100)

600 200

500 175

400 150

300 125

200 100

100 75

0 50
2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019
Sources: IHS CERA, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Note: The level of detail for UOCI is greater than UCCI. Those. the graph, including curves for the level of oil
prices, is built on a larger number of points. As a result, oil price curves in Charts 8 and 9 may vary slightly.

Upstream Operating Costs Index (UOCI) worth noting that Kazakhstan joined the Extractive
measures the change in the value of operating Industries Transparency Initiative, according to which
expenses in oil and gas fields. It is similar to the information on the use of the country›s natural
consumer price index (CPI) and serves to compare resources should be open to the public. Thus, if
costs around the world. procurement information is disclosed as part of this
The graph shows a direct relationship between program, it will be possible to calculate and track
changes in operating costs and changes in oil prices. the UCCI and UOCI indices for Kazakhstan.
So, for example, in 2009, the Brent index rose to 400 As a result of tracking indices in Kazakhstan, oil
units compared to the base 100 units in 2000, i.e. and gas companies will be able to use this data in
4 times. In turn, the UOCI index rose to 173 units, strategic planning and forecasts of their activities.
i.e. 1.7 times. Thus, the coefficient of elasticity was
0.24, i.e. for every percentage increase in oil prices,
operating costs increased by 0.24%.
In the future, it is advisable to conduct a similar
analysis on the situation in Kazakhstan on a
regular basis. This will be possible when disclosing
Strategist’s Tools

details on the types of goods, works and services

purchased by oil producers in their reports. It is

28 CSI Energy Outlook

Overview of key taxes and payments to the budget
from oil and gas companies
Mineral Extraction Tax (MET)
--Subject of taxation: the physical volume of hydrocarbons produced by a subsoil
user for the tax period
--Tax base: the value of the volume of hydrocarbons produced during the tax period
--Tax period: calendar quarter
--Tax rate: varies from 0.5% to 18% depending on the volume of annual production,
type of hydrocarbons produced, domestic sales or export

Rent tax on export

--Subject of taxation: the volume of crude oil and crude oil, coal products sold for
export (except for the volumes transferred by the subsoil user to fulfill the tax
obligation in kind and sold by the recipient on behalf of the state or authorized
--Tax base: the value of exported crude oil and crude oil products, calculated
on the basis of the volume actually sold for export and the world price calculated
in the manner determined by the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
--Tax period: calendar quarter
--Tax rate: varies from 0% to 32% depending on the world price of oil

Export Customs Duty (ECD)

--The ECD rate for crude oil and products derived from oil is determined based on
the average market price of crude oil prevailing in the world markets for crude oil
for the previous period. The preceding period - starts from the 20th day for two
months, until the 20th day of the month preceding the month of application of
export customs duties.
--Crude oil export customs duty rate: varies from 0 to 236 USD per ton

Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

--Subject of taxation:
- taxable income;
- income taxed at the source of payment;
- net income of a non-resident legal entity operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan
through a permanent establishment
--Tax period: calendar year from January 1 to December 31
--Tax rate: 20%

CSI Energy Outlook 29

Excess profit tax
--Subject of taxation: a part of the net income of a Source: Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
subsoil user exceeding an amount equal to 25% of Order of the Minister of National Economy of the
the amount of deductions of a subsoil user for the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2016 No.
purposes of calculating excess profit tax 81 “On approval of the List of goods with respect to
--Tax period: calendar year from January 1 which export customs duties are applied, the size of
to December 31 rates and their validity, and the Rules for calculating
--Tax rate: from 0% to 60% depending on the the rate of export customs duties for crude oil
percentage of net income in excess of 25% of the and goods derived from oil”.
ratio of net income to deductions for calculating
excess profit tax

Overview of changes in tax law and tax burden

in the upstream sector
Overview of Changes a mining allotment, 5,000 meters or less.
--In 2018 introduction of a “new” alternative tax on --This right shall apply from the date of the
subsurface use in exchange for rent tax on export, conclusion of the mining contract or the beginning
payment on reimbursement of historical costs, of the mining period under the combined
mineral extraction tax and tax on excess profits exploration and production contract until the
of subsoil users; expiration date of the relevant subsoil use contract
--The cancellation of the commercial discovery bonus and is not subject to change
in 2019 in order to stimulate exploration; --Subject of taxation: the difference between the
--Direct binding of the ECD rate for gasoline and total annual income for the purposes of calculating
diesel fuel to the ECD rate for oil, effective since Alternative Subsoil Use Tax and deductions for the
2019. purposes of Alternative Subsoil Use Tax, taking into
account the adjustments provided for by the Tax
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Alternative Subsoil Use Tax
--Tax period: calendar year
Alternative Subsoil Use Tax is entitled to apply, in
exchange for a payment for the reimbursement of --Tax rate: from 0% to 30% depending on the world
historical expenses, mineral extraction tax and excess price of oil
profit tax, legal entities-subsoil users who have
Source: Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. a contract for the production and (or) for
combined exploration and production of
hydrocarbons on the continental shelf
of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. a contract for the production and (or)
exploration and production of hydrocarbons
in fields with a depth of the upper point of the
hydrocarbon deposits indicated in the allotment
Strategist’s Tools

or in the contract for production or exploration

and production of hydrocarbons in the absence
of a mining allotment, not higher than 4,500
meters and the lower point of the hydrocarbon
deposits indicated in a mining allotment or in a
contract for the production or exploration and
production of hydrocarbons in the absence of

30 CSI Energy Outlook

Tax burden in Kazakhstan in 2017-2018 Government take in the upstream sector
Under the current tax regime, oil producing and in the world
exporting companies pay about half of the price
The average share that companies in the upstream
of a barrel to the state budget in the form of the
sector are obliged to pay to the state in different
following taxes and payments: MET, ECD, rental tax
countries (government take) for 2009-2014, %
on export and CIT*.

Assumptions: all produced oil was exported; oil

production volume was 120 thousand barrels per day (6
mln tons per year).
Measured as Net Present Value (NPV) of payments
* For the calculation, the average value of income to the state, divided by the sum of NPV of free cash
tax per unit of production for oil and gas companies flow and NPV of payments to the state
included in the CSI rating was taken.
Comment: In general, this share may be higher due
to the social burden in the form of sponsorship for the
Source: Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. development of the region, etc.
Source: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2015/

Infographics: world oil demand and production

CSI Energy Outlook 31

Strategist’s Tools

32 CSI Energy Outlook

Oil and gas production in Kazakhstan

replenishing Kazakhstan budget are oil and gas producing regions

Subventions from the republican budget / withdrawals from the local budget** in absolute value
(billion tenge) and in percentage of the local budget in 2018

* Total for Turkestan region and Shymkent

** Withdrawals from the local budget are expressed in negative values
Sources: Statistics committee of MNE RK, MF RK

CSI Energy Outlook 33

Analytical articles from
CSI experts

Will IPO of NC KMG be a success? p. 35

Does Kazakhstan need a new Environmental Code? p. 37

Why Kazakhstani goods are not purchased by foreign companies? p. 40

First things first – Quality of data p. 45

Analytical articles from CSI experts

34 CSI Energy Outlook

Will IPO of NC KMG be a success?
National Company KazMunayGas (NC KMG) is offering, the NC KMG team will undoubtedly do
expected to launch an IPO in 2020. Will this IPO be its best so that the IPO can be confidently called a
a success? To answer this question, we first need success. The more important is then to consider what
to agree on how to define success. In doing so it is should be viewed as a successful IPO.
important to take time and consider a broader range
Evaluation of IPO results can be done in different
of issues beyond the financial metrics of the shares
ways leading to starkly different conclusions. Take the
IPO of the Brazilian national oil company, Petrobras,
A potential listing and offering of NC KMG shares on in September 2010 as an example. The deal
the stock market has been under consideration for a amounted to a record $70 billion which translated
few years. Officially, no formal IPO decision has been into the entire company valuation of $200 billion, the
made yet. Nevertheless, the readiness of NC KMG for fourth biggest in the world at the time. Shares
the IPO was discussed at a meeting of the president of various types were placed domestically and on the
of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev and Alik New York stock exchange, the most prestigious and
Aidarbayev, the CEO of the National Company in demanding stock market in the world. Furthermore,
May 2019. This is one indication that the IPO in 2020 investors accepted high valuation per barrel of
can be viewed as a so-called base case scenario. reserves of the Brazilian company. Petrobras
confidently took its place among global oil and gas
The potential IPO of NC KMG would be an extremely
leaders. Why not an example of a successful IPO,
important event for Kazakhstan. Firstly, KMG is
it would seem?
the largest asset in the governmental privatization
program. NC KMG group is estimated to generate However, looking at this transaction from the point
about 5% of the country’s GDP. Furthermore, the of view of its participant, a long-term investor who
group is responsible for a large share of export bought Petrobras shares in New York in 2010 at the
revenues and tax receipts while being a large placement price of $34.5 per share (for example,
employer as well as a buyer of goods and services instead of investing in ExxonMobil trading on the
for many Kazakh companies. same exchange at about $60 per share), the picture
may be completely different. At IPO the investor
Secondly, NC KMG represents the strategic
made a bet that assuming fairly high oil prices hold
resources sector which plays a crucial role in the
on, the massive subsalt oil reserves of Petrobras
Kazakh economy. For this reason, IPOs and any
would be efficiently developed through an ambitious
other developments that improve transparency and
capital investment program, financed by IPO
accountability in this sector boost the attractiveness
proceeds among other sources, and this would lead
of the broader economy.
to share price appreciation.
Thirdly, given its size and position in the strategic oil
Fast-forward a few years. In April 2015 Petrobras
sector NC KMG shares are destined to become
issues, with a delay, financial statements for the
a “blue chip” of the local stock market, contributing
year 2014. These statements reflect the assessment
to its development and thereby attracting investors
of the damage caused to the company by corrupt
to all sectors of the Kazakh economy, in particular via
activity of managers and contractors in the process
the recently created AIFC financial hub.
of implementing that impressive capex program
Besides, investors were betting on. Corresponding losses are
valued at about $17 bn. By this time Petrobras has
as the first large privatization deal after the been in the center of an international investigation
2019 presidential elections, NC KMG IPO would called “Carwash”, the one that uncovered cases of
become one of the indicators of confidence of inflating contract prices for bribes and led to charges
international financial markets in the Kazakh against over 30 executives at Petrobras and its
political system contractors. Add to that lower oil prices, reduction in
capital investment, suspension of dividend payments,
its ability to maintain stability, predictability and sales of oil and oil products at reduced prices on the
market friendliness in the process of so-called transit local market (as demanded by the government), and
of power. you get the outcome for our investor: shares trading
at $5-7, five times lower than at the IPO 4.5 years
Given such importance of the upcoming public
before. For comparison, ExxonMobil shares went up

CSI Energy Outlook 35

from $60 to $80 per share during the same time. The main assessment of the successfulness of the
NC KMG IPO can be done only over time taking into
In this example,
account the extent to which expectations of new
we see two sides of the same IPO. On the one shareholders, as well as all other stakeholders, have
hand, a professionally conducted share placement been met.
for a record amount at a good price on a leading An important condition for such long-term success
stock exchange. On the other hand, an investor is harmonization of interests of different stakeholders
with an 80% loss of the company. This is a difficult task because
in addition to balancing their interests between
and a company with a seriously damaged reputation. themselves the existing pre-IPO stakeholders need
Should this IPO be regarded as a success or a failure? to collectively give up part of their claims on the
Going back to the planned IPO of NC KMG, one company’s results to accommodate the interests
suggestion is not to rush with evaluating its results. of new minority shareholders.

There is no reason to doubt that such company as For example, minority shareholders expect that
NC KMG is capable of going through a standard free cash would be distributed as dividends while
procedure of listing its shares on international management and employees would prefer to
exchanges. Specific financial parameters of the shares keep extra funds on the company’s accounts.
placement would depend on a variety of factors Minority investors would normally prefer to avoid
that would range from the IPO team efforts to unprofitable investments made at the request of the
external conditions such as oil price dynamics, stock government for social purposes while beneficiaries
market conditions at the moment of placement, of such investments and contractors responsible for
news flow, competitors’ activities. If the placement implementing them would welcome such spending.
does go ahead than surely on terms that NC KMG If at the IPO preparation stage the issue of
management advised by experienced bankers will compatibility of stakeholders’ interests is not
regard as attractive. addressed, this may lead to negative consequences
In sum, if the IPO of NC KMG happens in 2020, there for the company later on. In the Petrobras example,
is every reason to believe it will be called a success. the government-mandated sale of oil products
And this success should not be underestimated, as on the domestic market at subsidized prices, not
it would represent the result of significant efforts in anticipated at the time of the IPO, was one of the
preparing the company for the listing. IPO in like factors causing significant loss of shareholder value.
launching a new ship, the result of huge work and A similar issue was successfully addressed in the IPO
a good reason to celebrate. However, what really of KazmunaiGas Exploration Production, an NC KMG
matters for a ship is how it will be able to conduct subsidiary, in 2006. Prior to the listing KMG EP and
its missions, under various sea conditions. its parent company signed an agreement for delivery
For the key company stakeholders including of certain volumes of produced oil to the domestic
employees, the state, suppliers and contractors, market at regulated low prices. Although such sales
the population of the regions where the company were unprofitable compared to free-market trading,
investors had no problem with this arrangement
Analytical articles from CSI experts

operates, what matters most is not the IPO

transaction as such, but the public company because it was known before the IPO, priced in
that emerges as its result. Will this company be during the placement and did not prevent healthy
financially stable? Will it behave predictably? Will share price performance after the public offering.
it be transparent? Shall it deliver on the promises So, if meeting stakeholders’ expectations is the
made to the shareholders? Will it provide work for its goal of a successful public company then this
suppliers and ensure fair competition? Will it be fair company needs, before the IPO, to develop a clear
in distributing profits? Will it behave responsibly understanding of what these expectations are and
in terms of safety and environment? how to resolve contradictions between them. Maybe,
In other words, to achieve the harmonization of stakeholders’
interests, the level of state control over the company
should be reduced or shareholder returns (and IPO
a successful IPO is not the same thing as a good
valuation) should be partly sacrificed in favor of social
public company
responsibilities, or hiring practices should be revised.
The key is to work out a single set of “the rules of the

36 CSI Energy Outlook

game”, accepted by all parties so that the company However, if a single understanding of the company’s
could be free to move forward implementing its IPO obligations can be developed and shared by all
story. stakeholders, the management will have a chance to
build a long term success story of such a scale that
If such a set of rules, acceptable to all, cannot be
the specific parameters of the IPO will go down
found, then the idea of an IPO should be questioned.
as details of limited significance.
What if the status quo is not so bad after all?

Does Kazakhstan need a new Environmental Code?

Environmental problems today come to the fore. of atmospheric pollution in Kazakhstan ranges from
The quality of water, air, the extent of atmospheric 3-4 million tons.
pollution, the problem of waste processing – for
85% of industrial emissions are accounted for by 43
us these issues are becoming more and more
large corporations. In 15 large cities of the country,
urgent year by year. Therefore, the creation of a
the permissible level of air pollution is exceeded. The
separate ministry of ecology, geology and natural
most polluted atmosphere is in the East Kazakhstan,
resources came quite natural. The new ministry has
Karaganda and Pavlodar regions. The land of the
actively taken up the work. A draft concept of a new
Kyzylorda, Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions is
Environmental Code has already been submitted
also contaminated by heavy metals and oil products.
for public comment. Why is it needed and what
are the “revolutionary” ideas proposed by the new According to experts in the field of health and
environmental ministry? environment, Kazakhstan’s losses due to the negative
effect on public health from air pollution are more
than $2 billion a year. This is the damage caused to
Ecology worsens year by year the health of the population due to the deterioration
Despite the declaration of the transition of of the environmental situation, taking into account
Kazakhstan to the path of sustainable development the total costs of treatment, diagnostics and
(Kazakhstan-2030 and Kazakhstan-2050 Strategies), prevention of pathologies of the population, average
the adoption of the “Concept for the transition life expectancy, costs of payment of sick leave and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan to green economy” pensions for people with disabilities.
in 2013 (transition to energy-saving and green The oil and gas sectors rank first among industries in
technologies), and the official course on adopting terms of investment. Despite this, in the main areas
the standards of OECD countries in various of oil and gas production and oil refining - Atyrau
fields, including environmental protection, the and Mangistau regions - accidents and oil spills
environmental situation in Kazakhstan continues to occur. Associated gas flaring practices also cause
be extremely tense. Even according to official data, significant environmental damage. The increased
the environmental situation in the republic can be thermal background and the acidification of
characterized as stably negative, without a clear environmental components around the fields during
tendency to improve. gas combustion have a negative effect on the soil,
vegetation, and wildlife in the areas adjacent to the
An analysis of current environmental problems oil complexes, not to mention the increase in the
in Kazakhstan shows an increase in the greenhouse effect.
concentration of air polluting substances,
As a result of the activity of companies of the mining
a deterioration in the quality of water used, and
and metallurgical complex in Kazakhstan, more than
an increase in the annual waste generation from
20 billion tons of industrial waste accumulated with
production and consumption
an annual increase of about 1 billion tons, including
230 million tons of radioactive waste. 95% of the total
It is estimated that 75% of the country is at increased volume of ore mined goes to waste, often extremely
risk of environmental destabilization. More than 5 toxic and placed in inappropriate places for storage.
million residents of Kazakhstan live in areas with
One of the most pressing environmental problems
polluted air, of which 2 million live in conditions of
is the state of water resources. Their presence and
extremely high pollution levels. The annual volume
condition are vital factors that have a decisive

CSI Energy Outlook 37

influence on the country’s economic development. sustainable development of the country. Since its
However, the general condition and quality of adoption, 64 amendments have been made to it,
water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan is and a significant part of them have been in the
significantly deteriorating and their intense pollution last three years. This demonstrates the need for
can have a devastating effect on the environment. further improvement of environmental legislation by
If we take into account the fact that Kazakhstan updating and systematizing it in order to create all
has a low supply of fresh water resources, this is an the necessary conditions for achieving Kazakhstan’s
additional reason for having serious concern. strategic goals.
More than 1.5 billion tons of waste was accumulated It should be noted that so far the state policy of the
only in the ash dumps of Ekibastuz Power Plant. Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental
Under threat of a breakthrough into the Irtysh protection has been focused on protecting the
River is the ash storage of the Sogrinsk Power environment. Thus, the current approach gives
Plant. Over 350 waste landfills were created by the priority to tougher penalties for environmental
corporations of Mittal Steel Temirtau and Kazakhmys violations, and the promotion of sustainable
in the Karaganda region. Long-term waste from the development remains in a declarative form.
Balkhash Mining and Metallurgical Enterprise has
Within the framework of the proposed draft of the
led to pollution of the coast and the waters of Lake
new Environmental Code, the promotion of the
Balkhash itself.
country’s sustainable development, including in the
In addition to the above negative factors, there are field of environmental protection, and the transition
environmental disaster zones in the Aral and Semey to a green economy, has been identified as the main
regions, as well as environmental threats associated priority of environmental legislation.
with the operation of military test sites and the
Baikonur complex.
New Code: Course on Sustainable
Development of the Country and Society
Eco-legislation: unsustainable progress The draft of new Environmental Code proposes
The current Environmental Code, adopted in 2007, to revise terminology in the field of environmental
introduced significant changes to environmental protection. In particular, the term of “nature user”
regulation. With its adoption, the formal division of used today is proposed to be replaced by “polluter”,
the environmental branches (the Environmental Code “operator” or “person who has an impact on the
of the Republic of Kazakhstan; partially the Law “On environment”, which more accurately defines an
Highly Protected Natural Territories”) and the natural individual or legal entity that negatively affects the
resource legislation (Land Code; Water Code; Code environment. The use of the term “nature user” in the
“On Subsoil and Subsoil Use”; Forest Code; Law “On Environmental Code is not entirely appropriate, since
Protection, reproduction and use of wildlife”) was the use of natural resources is regulated by other
drawn. laws (“land user” in the Land Code, “water user”
For the first time, environmental requirements in the Water Code, “subsoil user” in the Code
were brought to the legislative level and the “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use”, etc.).
Analytical articles from CSI experts

competencies of local authorities in the field of It is proposed to consolidate the definitions of

environmental protection were formalized, the “green” goods, works and services, as well as the
procedure for conducting state control was drawn criteria presented to them. Norms will be laid aimed
up, and comprehensive environmental permits were at stimulating an increase in the share of “green”,
introduced. “green” public and quasi-public procurement (green
The main tasks of the 2007 Environmental Code were public procurement).
to generalize and systematize environmental issues Based on the principle of the “circular economy”,
at the legislative level. It was necessary to raise the it will be provided that substances and objects
status of environmental requirements and standards in circulation (including when stored in an
to the level of a legislative act of direct action, as well environmentally sound manner) should not be
as introduce international standards into the practice recognized as waste, and payment should only
of environmental protection. be made for “pollution” that gets into the air water
However, the Environmental Code has not become or soil. One of the main innovations is environmental
an effective tool for improving the ecology and standards will be brought into line with the principle

38 CSI Energy Outlook

of “polluter pays” environment, as well as fines for environmental
violations should be targeted and used exclusively
Such an approach implies a proportional distribution
to finance environmental initiatives and projects.
of the economic burden between the entire chain
of pollutants to maintain an acceptable state of the According to the draft of new Environmental Code,
environment, primarily the costs of “precautions an integrated pollution prevention and control
and prevention” of pollution. All funds received system will be introduced
from environmental payments, damages to the

Cleanliness requires incentives certification).

The draft of the new code proposes measures to Thus, despite the progress made in improving the
stimulate investment in “green” technologies, as environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
well as the purchase of “green” goods, works and there are objective reasons for adopting a new
services. The study and implementation of integrated Environmental Code, which will shift emphasis
environmental permitting systems are proposed, to new environmental principles and introduce
as well as the use of economic incentive methods new measures aimed at developing mechanisms
for people investing in the implementation of the for improving the efficiency of environmental
best available technologies (BAT), the use of green management in the country.
technologies, restoration, conservation of biodiversity At the inauguration, President Kassym-Zhomart
and ecosystems, including the possibility of providing Tokayev emphasized that the country needed a
incentives such as unified environmental policy, and announced the
--state co-financing; need to adopt a new Environmental Code.
--subsidies; During the first executive meeting of the Ministry
--loan financing; of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, created in June 2019, the
--deduction of amounts spent on environmental head of the ministry Magzum Mirzagaliyev said that
protection (including those directed as the development of a draft of the new Environmental
sponsorship in support of environmental Code is one of the priority tasks assigned to him by
institutions, foundations and public organizations the President.
working in the field of ecology, biodiversity
conservation); Active work of the ministry and repeated public
--zero CIT rate for organizations implementing statements about introducing the draft Code to
green projects developing ecotourism (hotels, the Parliament at the end of this year suggests that
tourist centers), subject to the introduction of Kazakhstan will enter 2020 with a new Environmental
additional environmental criteria (environmental Code, which will set new emphasis and rules for the
interaction of production entities with the state.

CSI Energy Outlook 39

Why Kazakhstani goods are not purchased
by foreign companies?
Local content development in the procurement of there were no local content requirements in the
the largest companies in Kazakhstan is highlighted as procurement of subsoil users at that time. In 2009,
one of the main focuses in the strategic government in order to support the local producers of goods
documents. However, despite the existence of the Government introduced a Certificate of Origin
directives, the local content level in the procurement “CT-KZ”. The certificate provided the holder with
of goods is still very low among the three major oil various preferences and conditional discounts in
and gas operators in Kazakhstan (TCO, NCOC, KPO). tenders and procurement of national companies
and subsoil users.
In 2010, the Law on Subsoil and Subsoil Use was
There are regulations, but adopted and later transformed into the Code, which
no procurement entered into force on 29 June 2018. Thus, currently
It cannot be said that no one thought about the Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code obliges subsoil
local content development in Kazakhstan. On the users to comply with the local content requirements
contrary, local content issue was first mentioned of at least 50% of the total volume of work and
in the Petroleum Law adopted in 1995. However, services purchased for subsoil use operations during
the calendar year.

Figure 1. Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code does not regulate the local content level in goods
Analytical articles from CSI experts

At the same time, the Code specifies that some Every year, subsoil users spend huge amounts of
regulations do not apply to the Production money on the procurement of goods, works and
Sharing Agreements (PSA) and the TCO Formation services. Certainly, special attention is paid to the
Agreement, which provide special working conditions procurement of three major oil and gas operators in
for the companies. So, major oil and gas operators Kazakhstan - TCO, KPO and NCOC. About 75% of all
such as Tengizchevroil (TCO), Karachaganak procurement of subsoil users (not only in the oil and
Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO), and North Caspian gas industry) is concentrated in the procurement
Operating Company N.V. (NCOC) are all operating of these three operators.
under these terms. There are no clear local content
requirements in these agreements. However, it is
worth noting that these large operators are still
implementing joint and individual initiatives to
develop local content in Kazakhstan.

40 CSI Energy Outlook

Figure 2. The three major oil and gas operators account for almost 75% of all subsoil users purchases

Sources: CSI analysis, JSC “Information and Analytical Center of Oil and Gas”, Nadloc

It is noteworthy that the expansion projects at Tengiz, How about the current state of local
Kashagan and Karachaganak are under way, which content development?
will eventually lead to further growth in production
and, consequently, procurement of goods, works According to the results of 2018, the lowest local
and services. From the perspective of local content content level of the three operators was in the
development, this trend may have a positive impact procurement of goods. On contrast, local content
on the economy. levels in the procurement of works and services were
considerably higher.

Figure 3. Local content level in goods is much lower than in services and works, 2018

Sources: CSI analysis, data from KPO, expert data

CSI Energy Outlook 41

СТ-KZ – only in KZ? kind of airbag. Being aware that operators will give
preferences to local products, domestic companies
What’s the reason behind this situation? Are the are putting minimum effort to improve the quality of
local goods really so bad that subsoil users have manufactured goods. As a result, the low quality of
to purchase the necessary goods abroad? Or Kazakhstani goods eventually leads to an increase in
they purposefully support companies from other the expenditures of oil and gas operators, as it forces
countries, despite the good local market. them to allocate additional funds for the repair
There are several reasons. The first is the quality or replacement of low-quality equipment.
of local goods. Indeed, they do not always meet In addition, there is a difference between the quality
the requirements and specifications of oil and gas standards of local goods and those of international
operators. The point is that there is little competition ones. Even though local goods meet quality
in the local market, and it makes no sense for local standards established in Kazakhstan, oil and gas
companies to compete for new customers, bring operators often complain about the quality of these
in new technologies and work on the quality of goods. Therefore, they are more likely to prefer more
their products. Their unwillingness to develop is expensive and time-tested imported materials and
further fueled by the government’s support for local equipment due to their reliability and long service
producers, which provides local businesses with some life.

Figure 4. Local suppliers of goods are still struggling to compete in quality with import suppliers

The second reason is the lack of trust in local Kazakhstan has a National Agency for Development
suppliers from oil and gas operators. In many cases, of Local Content NADLoC of the Ministry of Industry
Analytical articles from CSI experts

local suppliers of goods are late for the delivery of and Infrastructure Development, which is determined
equipment and materials. Any delay has an impact as the National Institute of Development in local
on the timeline of the project and can lead to the content development in accordance with the
stoppage of the production process, which in turn resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan since
entails additional costs for the company as a whole. 2012. NADLoC Agency publishes information on
For instance, one day of downtime costs $15 million procurement plans and tenders of subsoil users on
for oil and gas operators. That is the reason why web-portals such as “Register of goods, works and
subsoil users do not want to risk and lose money. services in the course of subsoil use operations and
their producers” and “Kazakhstan content”. However,
Obviously, not all Kazakhstani manufacturers produce
there is no information on procurement of major oil
low quality products. But they often do not know
and gas projects. Currently, subsoil users themselves
whether customers need their product or not. This is
contact potential suppliers to conduct tenders.
the third reason - local suppliers do not have access
to the information about the upcoming procurement There is also the Information and Analytical Center
of large subsoil users. for Oil and Gas (IACOG), which monitors the oil and

42 CSI Energy Outlook

gas industry in Kazakhstan. It analyzes the dynamics is not being fully implemented, as evidenced by
of fulfillment of contract obligations of subsoil users the low indicators of local content development
of the energy sector on local content requirements in procurement of local goods.
in the procurement of goods, works and services,
personnel, as well as the amount of funds spent on
training, professional development and retraining In-Country Value
of Kazakhstan citizens. However, local content
development statistics data is not publicly available, These problems can be solved. To solve this, we do
but is a commercial product of IACOG. As a result, not need to create new institutions and look for
all information on local content and procurement of years to find the ideal working model. First of all, it is
large subsoil users in the country is not available for necessary to improve the quality of goods produced
public. in the country. For this purpose, it is necessary to
take state measures on implementing international
The lack of transparency of information, the absence quality standards for domestic products. This will not
of a single coordination center and an overall only increase sales and confidence in local producers
strategy for local content development lead to the of goods, but will also affect the production process
fourth reason. Today, the functions of local content by attracting new technologies for equipment
development are “broken down” into various certification.
subdivisions of government agencies. Moreover,
the government policy on import substitution

Figure 5. The state should support the transition of Kazakhstani producers of goods to the international
quality standards.

Secondly, it is necessary to create a new information as publish statistics on the volume of local products
platform that would combine the functions of purchased by subsoil users. In general, this would
NADLoC and IACOG. This platform should ensure the allow businesses to obtain information about the
transparency of statistics on local content, aggregate market and plan their activities.
all necessary information from subsoil users and
Thirdly, since there is no single authorized state body
produce reports in the form of analytical reviews. By
in this sphere, and there is no need in its creation, it is
the way, such platform could ease the life of subsoil
possible to organize a compact project management
users as well.
office for the development of local content projects.
For example, the analytical center will be able to Its main functions should be: monitoring of new
determine which categories of goods, works and localization projects, bringing projects from idea
services are necessary and can be localized in initiation to production launch, as well as building
Kazakhstan. Moreover, this portal will place the interaction between subsoil users and local businesses.
information on long-term plans of subsoil users on
procurement of goods, works and services, as well

CSI Energy Outlook 43

Figure 5. Our proposed measures to address local content issues

It is also necessary to consider a new approach to of the manufacturing industry and increase the
local content development which is called In-Country competitiveness of domestic producers of goods
Value. This is not just about procurement, it is and suppliers of works and services for the oil
a concept that pursues longer-term goals, including and gas industry.
development of human potential. For example, based
All these measures should be taken in the near
on business development strategies, we can prepare
future, especially in view of the country’s accession
qualified personnel for the purpose of replacing
to the WTO (since November 2015, Kazakhstan has
foreign specialists with Kazakhstani personnel. In
been officially recognized as a full member of this
addition, we must create competitive, knowledge-
organization) and during the transition period, which
intensive and high-tech industries to meet the needs
was provided to our country for the implementation
of the subsoil use sector.
of integration processes, including the revision
Thus, in order to ensure a significant breakthrough in of aspects of the state policy on local content
local content development in our country, systematic development.
measures are needed to boost the development
Analytical articles from CSI experts

44 CSI Energy Outlook

Figure 6. Measures to be taken before the end of Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO

Note from the authors: (petrocouncil.kz). Previously, only announcements of

This article was first published in another CSI Group procurements of certain goods, works and services
information product - CSI Monthly, which is a were available. This initiative has been implemented
monthly review of current issues from company as a result of successful negotiations of NCOC
employees (publication issue 01 dated August 5, management and Oil & Gas Strategic Partnership
2019). Development Council (Petrocouncil), created under
the auspices of NCE Atameken and KAZENERGY
The article mentions that one of the reasons for the Association, as well as PSA. Thus, Petrocouncil
insufficient local content development is no access by website contains the procurement plans of two of the
local suppliers to procurement information of large three major oil and gas operators - KPO and NCOC.
subsoil users. We would like to note the progress By the way, KPO publishes annual and medium-term
made in solving this issue. On August 29, 2019, it was plans for the purchase of goods, works and services
announced that the operator of the North Caspian on the company’s website.
project - NCOC – published needs for goods, works
and services, so that Kazakhstan companies could
plan the development of their own production

First things first – Quality of data

Wearing of equipment and its subsequent failure is And now,
a problem familiar to everyone. But if a breakdown
of the electric kettle at home means only unplanned
on the wave of “digitalization” hype, jus in the past
expenses for the family budget, the breakdown at
couple of years, people created a lot of control
the production facility leads not only to additional
centers with huge, all-wall screens with employees
financial expenses, but also can become a threat
which thoughtfully looking through these screens
to human life.
Emerging new technologies makes it possible to
minimize these problems. The epithet “digitalization”, However, such control сenters are not the entire
which has become very popular now, is not digitalization, but only the top, the most visible part
just another “nice-to-have” innovation, but a of it. The presence of a control center is not a sign of
fundamentally new approach to operate production successful digitalization. It is only one of the tools for
and service facilities. Such concepts as “smart multi-disciplinary teams that make decisions based
oilfield”, “smart polyclinic”, “smart home” chime more on the data presented on the screens.
and more.

CSI Energy Outlook 45

And what about data? Its quality is often a huge accounting analytics; thanks to the automation
problem. Data is often collected in small pieces, they have carried out already. However, results of
manually and from different sources, at different cost accounting without a data from an automated
time intervals in electronic spreadsheets and even in MRO system are arbitrary and subjective due to
large handwritten journals. And there is no trust in assumptions of accounting policies, rather than
such data from either the staff or the management, on actual production data. For example, the
because no accurate decisions can be made on their costs of transport without MRO’s data cannot be
basis. determined per each vehicle, but only as a whole on
the transport department – the cost center as per
Because of this approach to data collection, the
accounting policy. As the result, this does not allow
concepts of the Digital Oilfield are not yet fully
to form detailed management reporting
implemented in Kazakhstan. In fact, there are talking
and, accordingly, to make appropriate management
just about individual elements of the “smart oilfield”
concept. This means that enterprises are not able to
capitalize advantages of full spectrum of possibilities Automated system of MRO assumes development
that full digitalization provides. and regular update of electronic passports of
equipment, putting in order data sources and
What is a solution? The best practice of large
processes for the collection and updating of all used
extractive enterprises shows that before the
data. This forms a basis for further digitalization and
implementation of a full-scale Digital oilfield the
allows knowledgeable decision making, effective cost
automated process of maintenance and repair
optimization, development of predictive models and
of equipment (MRO) should be in place.
business process automation.
In the early 2000s many companies started
Unfortunately, the top management is not in a hurry
automating business processes with the automation
to automate the maintenance and repair process
of processes of accounting and budget planning.
nowadays. It is due to absence of straightforward
And it was absolutely justified, because first of all
approach for calculation of direct economic effect
it was necessary to establish financial discipline.
from implementation of MRO at initiation stage
Another cause was the fact that Kazakh managers
of the project. Expenses are high enough and
received foreign education mainly in economic
payback period is lengthy. However, the companies
specialties. So, after return in Kazakhstan they were
should understand - at such design when there is
started with automation of those processes which
no digitized data per units of the equipment and
they understood and which they studied abroad.
technological facilities, and only processes of the
Unfortunately, the automation systems of production financial account are automated, the companies
records were not affected. It was believed that the cannot calculate expenses fast and precise enough.
established processes should not be touched - they Moreover, the costs will continue to increase,
“finely” worked for many years without digitalization. because when data collected manually it become
However, such an approach seriously complicated outdated very fast. As a result, where it was initially
the process of making important decisions and enough to replace one kettle, the entire kitchen will
delayed the speed of response to the problems, since have to be changed.
the comparison of manually collected data and its
Analytical articles from CSI experts

analysis takes a lot of time.

For example, how is a traditional equipment
check carried out? An employee goes around the
installations on a fixed schedule, fixes the status,
notes some shortcomings, and then manually, most
likely without doublecheck for errors, consolidates
all collected data into a spreadsheet that other
employees will use for analysis. Clearly, with
this approach, equipment’s technical condition
assessment and its further updates is very
time-consuming and data quality is not stable.
Another case, a company has decided to optimize
its operating costs. They already have financial and

46 CSI Energy Outlook

Rating of oil and gas
producing companies
in Kazakhstan

CSI Energy Outlook 47

The rating of oil and gas producing companies, as well as the Kazakhstan stock website
companies in Kazakhstan represents the Exchange (KASE).
opinion of CSI Group consultants regarding business
performance in terms of financial and operational
indicators, with the identification of market leaders. Selected companies
CSI approached the selection of oil and gas
producing companies using the 80/20 principle: the
Information sources selected companies represent 92.6% of Kazakhstan’s
The rating is based on publicly available information, total oil and condensate production in 2018 (613.8
including annual reports of the companies and and 662.6 million barrels, respectively).
related organizations, audited financial statements Thus, CSI consultants analyzed the financial and
(from the Internet resource of the Depository of production indicators of the following 19 oil and gas
financial statements for public interest organizations companies for 2017-2018:
of Kazakhstan), data from the official websites of the
Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan

Most of the above companies are assets of JSC Difficulties in collecting information
National Company KazMunayGas (NC KMG): When collecting information for the rating, we faced
--Operating assets: MMG (50%), OMG (100%), three types of difficulties.
PetroKazakhstan KR (33%), EMG (100%),
Kazgermunai (50%), Karazhanbasmunai (50%),
Kazakhoil Aktobe (50%), Kazakhturkmunai (100%); Problem with the availability of the latest
--Non-operating assets: TCO (20%), NCOC (8.44%), data (for 2018)
KPO (10%). Most of the company reports were collected in the
period July-early August 2019. The annual financial
NC KMG share in these companies represents 26.1%
statements for 2017 were available for all resident
of the total oil production in Kazakhstan in 2018.
companies included in the rating. The problem arose
with the reporting for 2018. Only some oil and gas

48 CSI Energy Outlook

companies by this time uploaded the annual financial It should be noted that the Republic of Kazakhstan
statements for the past year to the depository started the implementation of the Extractive
website. Industries Transparency Initiative in 2005. This
global standard helps ensure transparency and
When contacting a number of companies
accountability in managing the country’s natural
regarding the disclosure of information for 2018,
resources. In this regard, we hope that in the
they responded that the data would be available
near future transparency issues in the financial
later. According to the Rules for the submission of
performance of the largest oil and gas production
financial statements to the depository, public interest
projects’ operators in Kazakhstan will be fully
organizations (including joint-stock companies,
subsoil user organizations) should submit annual
financial statements to the depositary no later than
August 31 of the year following the reporting year.
Thus, it was found that many companies submit Lack of data on production and reserves in
their reports at the last moment, just before the open sources
established deadline. In addition to financial indicators, CSI consultants
collected production indicators to compile the rating.
When searching for information, we encountered
No statements in open sources a lack of production data for some companies that
The main part of oil and condensate in the country are not related to NC KMG. By the way, NC KMG
is extracted by three large operators: TCO, NCOC provides data broken down by its assets on its
and KPO (together 58.1% of the total production). website (11 of 19 companies in the sample are assets
However, only TCO publishes annual financial of NC KMG).
statements. In this regard, CSI sent a letter to the A more serious problem is the lack of company data
Authority in the Production Sharing Agreements on 2P reserves. Initially, we planned to make a rating
(PSA) for the North Caspian and Karachaganak taking into account these data. However, nowadays
projects (PSA LLP) with a request to assist in it is generally accepted in Kazakhstan to show
obtaining the financial statements of KPO and NCOC reserves according to the old methodology. NC KMG
for 2017-2018 (including date on revenue). We have in its annual report shows A, B, C1 reserves for its
received a response that this information operating assets. Despite this, there are already good
is confidential and should not be disclosed under examples when companies declare their 1P, 2P, 3P
the terms of the PSA. reserves, such as Zhaikmunai and Caspi neft.

The rating was compiled for three groups of indicators:

CSI Energy Outlook 49

Rating methodology NCOC, for more details see page 48). Therefore, the
For the rating, we calculated all the indicators per maximum score for the best result is limited to 17. So,
production volume (​​per ton of oil), except for the the points were assigned according to the ranking: 17
oil production volume itself and ROACE. When - the highest place, 1 - the lowest place. In the end,
preparing the rating, seven indicators mentioned we calculated the sums of points for 2018 for each
above were included. The results for each indicator company. The company with the highest score takes
were ranked according to the principle: the first place, in other words, the company is the
leader in most of the seven indicators.
--“the higher the better”: oil production volume,
revenue, net income, CAPEX, Free Cash Flow and Further, in order to find out the changes in the
ROACE; rating, the results were ranked and the total points
were calculated in the same way for 2017. Changes
--“the lower the better”: production costs. between two years were also shown in points.
Despite the fact that 19 companies were included This methodology was applied in order to compare
in the sample, there are no open operational and not the size of the companies, but business
financial information for two operators (KPO and performance and its dynamics.

Rating results
Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan

50 CSI Energy Outlook

Rating of oil and gas producing companies
in Kazakhstan

On average, oil production of the selected

companies increased by 3% in 2018
compared to 2017 level. For two consecutive
years, the leaders by production volume are
three major operators in Kazakhstan: TCO,
KPO and NCOC. TCO is a leader with 209,785
thousand barrels of oil produced.
The most significant increase compared
to the previous period is 59% observed at
NCOC, with 95,012 thousand barrels in 2018.
KPO oil production has decreased by 3% to
the level of 80,264 thousand barrels. There
are also good results at Kazpetrol Group with
an increase of 49% and Maten Petroleum
with an increase of 23%.
The reverse situation is at Zhaikmunai with
a decrease of 23% and in Kazakhoil Aktobe
with a decrease of 16%. Sazankurak is in last
place with oil production of 474 thousand
barrels in 2018, which is 10% lower than the
previous year. MMG, OMG and CNPC-AMG
have almost the same production levels as in
the previous period.

Zhaikmunai takes the first place with revenue

of $103 per barrel of oil produced. Further,
there is TCO with the level of $82 in the
second position. The leader rating also
includes CNPC-AMG with revenue of $63.
Kazpetrol Group showed a significant
increase in revenue - by 34% compared to
2017, and also Kazakhturkmunai performed
well - with an increase of 31%.
PetroKazakhstan KR is in the last place with
revenue per production of $16 per barrel. The
only negative change (-4%) was observed at

CSI Energy Outlook 51

TCO has the smallest unit production
costs in the amount of $4.87 per barrel,
however this is 12% higher compared to
the previous period. Further in the rating,
there are the companies of the Kyzylorda
region, PetroKazakhstan KR with $6.41 and
Kazgermunai with $7.94.
Compared to 2017, Kazakhoil Aktobe has
significantly reduced its unit production cost
by 33%. The remaining companies,
in general, have a slight increase compared
to the previous period.
The maximum unit production costs are
at Zhaikmunai in the amount of $43.81, which
is 20% higher than in 2017.

In terms of net income per production, the

leader is TCO with $32.60 per barrel of oil
produced, which is 40% higher than in 2017.
Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan

Sazankurak’s net income is slightly lower –

$31.67, with an increase of 68% compared to
2017. In the third place is CNPC-AMG with
net profit of $12.73 per barrel.
Kazakhturkmunai has achieved the highest
growth at the level of 1,079%, increasing net
income from $1.04 per barrel to $12.29.
Zhaikmunai is the only company from the
analyzed companies with negative net
income in 2018.

52 CSI Energy Outlook

The leader in CAPEX per oil production is
Zhaikmunai with the amount of $68.19 per
barrel of oil produced, which is 53% higher
than in the previous period. The second
place is occupied by TCO with CAPEX of
$45.59 per barrel, which is 37% higher than
in the previous period. The top-3 is closed
by CNPC-AMG with the level of $14.13 per
PetroKazakhstan KR has the highest increase
in capital costs compared with 2017 - 103%.
Also, a significant increase of 57% has been
observed at Turgai-Petroleum.
The lowest unit capital costs are at Kazakhoil
Aktobe in the amount of $0.81 per barrel,
which is 28% lower than in the previous

Caspi neft has the largest free cash

flow in the amount of $18.52 per
barrel, which is 48% higher than in
2017. The second place is occupied by
CNPC-AMG with $17.68 per barrel, and
the third place goes to Kazgermunai
with $14.53 per barrel.
The highest increase in free cash flow
per unit of production was recorded
by Kazpetrol Group and Kazakhoil
Aktobe, who ended 2018 with a positive
cash inflow, whereas in 2017 it was
negative. For the second year in a row,
Zhaikmunai has negative cash flow,
however, in 2018, the indicator reached
the level of -$16.03 per barrel.

* Free Cash Flow = Cash from

Operating Activities - Capital Costs

CSI Energy Outlook 53

Caspi neft has the highest indicator of
111% among all companies. Kazgermunai
is in the second position with ROACE level
of 86%, which is 51% higher than in the
previous period. MMG closes the top-3 with
an indicator of 84%, thereby showing an
increase of 39%, compared with 2017.
The lowest values in 2018 were at Zhaikmunai
with -1%, Sazankurak with 17% and Turgai-
Petroleum with 21%.

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 + 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑥 + 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

Currency leverage ratio and its impact

on operating profit
Rating of oil and gas producing companies in Kazakhstan

All companies operating in the oil industry are largest Kazakhstan enterprises – JSC Embamunaigas
quite dependent on world oil prices. In the case (hereinafter EMG; included in the CSI rating of oil
of vertically integrated companies, the effect is and gas producing companies). We calculated the
minimized due to the fact that lower oil prices currency leverage ratios of the Company for 2017
negatively affect upstream revenues, but positively and 2018: the higher the ratio, the higher the benefit
affect downstream costs, i.e. a change in oil prices from weakening of tenge and vice versa.
may not be so harmful to the company as a whole.
In 2018, the currency share in EMG revenue
Oil producers in the upstream sector also have a amounted to 93.6%, and in expenses** - 2.4%
similar effect due to the currency structure of revenue (therefore, the share of local content in all operating
and costs, which serves as a natural hedge of the expenses amounted to 97.6%). As a result, the EMG
company’s currency risks. Usually a decrease in oil currency leverage ratio is 4.16, i.e. when the tenge
prices is accompanied by a weakening of the tenge, depreciates by 1%, operating profit rises by 4.16%. For
which partially compensates for the negative impact comparison, in 2017, the share of foreign currency
of a decrease in oil prices on financial indicators, if in the Company’s revenue and expenses amounted
the major part of operating and capital costs are to 93.4% and 4.2%, respectively. Thus, the currency
denominated in tenge. leverage ratio in 2017 was 3.76. The increase in this
indicator in 2018 is mainly due to higher oil prices.
For demonstration of this effect, we decided to
It is also worth noting that the high local content in
analyze the sensitivity of operating profit on changes
EMG costs allows to protect the Company from the
in the exchange rate using the example of one of the
possible depreciation of tenge.

** The following categories of expenses were taken into account:

cost of goods sold, selling expenses, general and administrative

54 CSI Energy Outlook

From an analytical point of view, there is a need to In general, by knowing the currency leverage ratio
calculate the currency leverage ratio and compare value, a company and potential investors, analysts
the values ​​for a number of oil companies. In this issue can predict the impact of changes in the exchange
of CSI Energy Outlook, the ratio is calculated only rate on the operating profit of a company and draw
for EMG, due to the availability of all the necessary appropriate conclusions and make certain decisions.
information for calculations in open sources for For example, company management may begin to
this company. In the future release, if there is data consider the use of financial instruments for currency
on other companies, the currency leverage ratio hedging.
may be included in the overall rating of oil and gas
producing companies.

This rating is for informational purposes only. The CSI Group materials cannot replace the knowledge,
rating and its description are not a recommendation judgment, and experience of the users, their
to buy, hold until maturity or sell any securities or management, employees, consultants and (or)
make any investment decisions and are not a call for clients during the adoption of investment and other
any action. business decisions. CSI Group receives information
from sources that are, in the company’s opinion,
Any statement, estimate or forecast included in
reliable, but CSI Group is not responsible for the
CSI Energy Outlook regarding the expected future
accuracy of the information, i.e. does not audit
results may not be accurate, and therefore should
or otherwise verify the data presented and is not
not be relied upon as an obligation or assurance
responsible for their accuracy and completeness.
regarding future results. CSI Group does not assume
any obligation or liability with respect to the recipient
or any other person for damage or loss of any
kind resulting from the use or erroneous use of
this document or its part by the recipient or other
person; does not accept and does not assume any
future obligations to update the document or its part
or to clarify or notify any person about inaccuracies
contained in the document or its part that may be

CSI Energy Outlook 55

CSI Oil and Gas Practice: team and contacts
Olzhas Khudaibergenov -- Many years of managerial experience in analytical organizations
-- Experience in conducting comprehensive economic research, preparing
strategic and program documents
Senior Partner
-- Managerial experience in enterprises in various sectors of the economy
khudaibergen@csi.kz -- Member of various government, state and non-state commissions, work
+7 7172 95 48 49 and expert groups

Alikhan Baidussenov -- Many years of experience in developing strategies, financial and economic
models for the largest oil and gas companies of Kazakhstan
-- 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry
Managing Partner
-- Experience in managing a transformation program in the Upstream
a.baidussenov@csi.kz sector, as well as development projects, efficiency improvement and
+7 7172 95 48 49 reengineering of business processes
-- Managerial experience in the group of KMG companies
-- Experience in support of M&A transactions and IPO preparation (KMG EP)
-- Master in Economics, Al-Farabi KazNU
-- Executive Education Program, London Business School

Alexander Gladyshev -- Expert in international capital markets, investor relations, IPO, corporate
governance, corporate communications
-- 13 years of experience in the oil and gas industry:
Partner, CSI Media
-- Managing experience at KMG EP (Managing Director for Investor
a.gladyshev@csi.kz Relations and Corporate Communications)
+7 7172 95 48 49 -- Vice President, Oil & Gas Analyst, Merrill Lynch (London, UK)
-- Head of Investor Relations at Yukos Oil Company (Moscow, Russia)
-- CFA Charterholder
-- Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Economic
-- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Applied Physics
and Mathematics

Denis Korsunov -- 13 year experience in the extractive industry: Upstream Oil&Gas (10 years),
production of natural uranium (2 years) and precious metals (1 year)
CSI Oil and Gas Practice: team and contacts

-- Projects’ contributor: preparation of KazMunaiGas EP and Kazatomprom

Associate Partner for IPO, transformation of Upstream business-unit of NC KazMunaiGas,
d.korsunov@csi.kz development of strategies of NC KazMunaiGas (Upstream) and
KazMunaiGas EP, implementation of information systems for activity-based
+7 7172 95 48 49 costing, budgeting and business-planning
-- EMBA 2015, Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business
-- ACCA fellow member, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Professional Project
Manager (PMP)

Olga Kupriyanova -- More than 10 years of managerial experience in oil and gas companies
-- Experience in implementing and managing large-scale campaigns to
introduce changes
-- Experience of optimization and reengineering of business processes,
o.kupriyanova@csi.kz transformation of business units
+7 7172 95 48 49 -- Master of Science in International Human Resource Management (MSc
IHRM, Cranfield University, UK)
-- Master of Business Administration (МВА in Finance and Accounting),

56 CSI Energy Outlook

Abzal Narymbetov -- 13 years of experience in various projects, including the North Sea, France,
Indonesia, Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan
-- Support and successful completion of reserve estimation for 13 oil and
Partner gas projects according to international SPE PRMS standards, as well as
a.narymbetov@csi.kz conduction of trainings and seminars on reserve estimation and asset
+7 7172 95 48 49
-- MBA, Geneva Business School (Switzerland); MS, IFP School-Gubkin
(France, Russia); BS, Middle East Technical University (Turkey)

Bekzat Baimenov -- Successful accomplishment of projects in the area of strategic consulting

-- Expertise in strategic management and project management
Project Manager -- Leadership experience in oil and gas sector
-- Experience in development and implementation of KPI for multinational
b.baimenov@csi.kz consortium NCOC and agent companies in the Kashagan project
+7 7172 95 48 49 -- MBA, Nazarbayev University,Graduate School of Business
-- Master in International Affairs and Administration (MIAA), Missouri State
University, USA

Talant Botbayev -- Expert in operational efficiency, logistics and supply chain

-- More than 7 years of managerial experience in large international
companies in oil and gas, oilfield services, FMCG and construction
Project Manager industries
t.botbayev@csi.kz -- Successful completion of projects in the engineering and public sectors
+7 7172 95 48 49 -- MSc, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, University of Warwick (UK)

Kamilya Seilkhanova -- More than 5 years of experience in strategic consulting and work in
finance department of the oil and gas major TOTAL
-- Successfully accomplished consulting projects in oil and gas,
Project Manager telecommunication and governmental sectors
-- Experience in analyzing foreign economic activities; studying international
+7 7172 95 48 49 practices in local content development; analyzing economic effects of
-- Master of Science in Petroleum Economics and Management, IFP School,

Madina Abdibayeva -- Expert in financial modeling

-- Experience in auditing oil and gas and electricity enterprises in Kazakhstan
Senior Consultant -- Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting,
Audit and Finance. KIMEP University (Kazakhstan)
m.abdibayeva@csi.kz -- Master of International Business, Grenoble Graduate School of Business
+7 7172 95 48 49 (France) (Honors)

Yerassyl Kanapyanov -- Analytical and research experience in strategic consulting

-- Experience in conducting analysis on the business climate in Kazakhstan,
policies in the field of developing local content in the oil and gas industry,
Consultant developing business plans and financial and economic justifications
y.kanapyanov@csi.kz -- Master of Science in Finance, Graduate School of Business, Nazarbayev
+7 7172 95 48 49 University

CSI Energy Outlook 57

2 Kunayev st., 10 floor, Nur-Sultan
+7 7172 95 48 49

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