03 - Income Taxation - Regular Income Taxation

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United

Income Taxation
OVERVIEW Classification Rule
1. Introduction to Regular Income Gross income is first classified into:
Taxation a. Compensation Income
2. Regular Income Taxation – Exclusions o Arises from an employer-employee
in Gross Income relationship; characterized by a
3. Regular Income Taxation – Inclusions power to retrench giving the
in Gross Income purchaser of the service a
terminate the arrangement when
INTRODUCTION TO REGULAR INCOME he is losing in business.
TAXATION b. Business or Professional Income
Characteristics of the Regular Income Tax o Arises from selling of goods or
1. General in coverage rendering of services for a profit;
2. A net income tax purchaser of the service has no
3. An annual tax power to retrench, the income
4. Creditable withholding tax realized thereon is a business
5. Progressive or proportional tax income.

General in coverage Globalization Rule

- The Regular Income Tax applies to all - The income of mixed income earner from
items of income except those that are both sources is simply globalized or
subject to final tax, capital gains tax, and totaled. A negative net income or net loss
special tax regimes. when deductions exceed gross income
Net Income Taxation from business or profession shall not be
- The regular tax is an imposition on offset against taxable compensation
residual profits or gains after deductions income because deductions are expenses
for expenses and personal exemptions of business or profession and are properly
allowable by law. deductible only against gross income
Annual Income Tax thereto whereas no expense is deductible
- The Regular Income Tax applies on yearly against taxable compensation income.
profits or gains.
Creditable Withholding Taxes Taxable Income of Corporate Income
- these are advanced taxes that must be Taxpayers
deducted against regular tax due in - The taxable income of corporations is
computing the Tax Still due to the computed in the same manner as pure
government. business or professional income earner.
Progressive of Proportional Tax
- NIRC imposes a progressive tax on the Types of Regular Income Tax
taxable income of individuals while it Individual Income Tax
imposes a flat or proportional tax of 30% Taxable income per Income tax rate
upon the taxable income of the year
Corporations. P 250,000 and below 0%
Above P250,000 to 20% of the excess over
Regular Income Tax Model P400,000 P250,000
Gross Income xxx Above P400,000 to P30,000 + 25% of the
Less: Allowable Deductions (xxx) P800,000 excess over P400,000
Net Taxable Income xxx Above P800,000 to P130,000 + of the excess
P2,000,000 over P800,000
Taxable Income of Individual Income Above P2,000,000 to P490,000 + 32% of the
Taxpayers P8,000,000 excess over P8,000,000
- The taxable income of individuals Above P8,000,000 P2,410,000 + 35% of the
taxpayers is computed using the excess over P8,000,000
classification and globalization rule.

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United
Income Taxation
Tax Return Individual Taxpayers GROSS INCOME
Form Exclusions from Gross Income
Form 1700 Purely employed taxpayer - Exclusions from Gross Income are income
Form 1701A Purely in business or which will not be subject to income tax.
profession using itemized, They are not included in gross income
OSD or opting to the 8% subject to regular tax, capital gains tax, or
optional income tax final tax.
Form 1701 Mixed income earners, A. Proceeds of life insurance
estates, and trusts B. Amount received by the insured as a return of
Corporate Taxpayers premium.
Form 1702-RT Corporations subject only to C. Gift, bequest, devise, or descent
the 30% regular income tax D. Compensation for injuries or sickness
Form 1702-MX Corporations subject to E. Income exempt under treaty
special or a combination of F. Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities, etc
tax rates G. Miscellaneous Items
Form 1702-EX Corporations that is exempt • Income in the Philippines of a foreign
with no tax due Government or Foreign Government-
Note for rounding rules: owned and controlled corporations
o .49 or less = dropped down • Income of the Government and its political
o .50 or more = round up subdivisions
• Prizes and awards in recognition of
Deadline for filing the Income Tax Return religious, charitable, scientific,
Annual: 15th day of the 4th month following the educational, artistic, literary, or civic
close of the taxable year of the taxpayer • achievements
• Prizes and awards in athletic sports
Quarterly: competitions
Quarterly Taxpayers • Contributions to GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, Pag-
Income Tax Individuals Corporations ibig and Union Dues
Returns • Contributions to Personal Equity
1 Quarter ITR
st May 15, same 60 days from Retirement Account (PERA)
year end of 1st • PERA investment income and PERA
Quarter distributions
2nd Quarter ITR August 15, 60 days from • 13th month pay and other benefits not
same year end of 2nd exceeding P90,000
Quarter • Gains from sale of bonds, debentures or
3rd Quarter ITR November 60 days from certificates of indebtedness with maturity
15, same end of 3rd of more than 5 years.
year Quarter • Gains from redemption of shares in mutual
Frequency of Reporting per Taxpayer Type
Taxpayer Frequency of Tax A. Proceeds of a Life Insurance Policy
Reporting - policies paid to the heirs or beneficiaries
Individuals upon the death of the insured, whether in
Pure Compensation Annual a single sum or otherwise is excluded in
Income Earner the computation of Gross Income.
Purely engaged in Quarterly & Annual Life
Business of - regarded as a capital item with infinite
Profession value. Hence the proceeds of life insurance
Mixed Income Earner Quarterly & Annual are a return of capital.
Corporations Quarterly & Annual

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United
Income Taxation
B. Amount received by the insured as a b. Must be due to any cause
return of premium beyond the control of the
- is a return of capital; hence, it is excluded employee or official
from gross income (on any insurance • Social Security Benefits, Retirement
contract). Gratuities, and other similar benefits
C. Gift, bequest, devise, or descent from foreign government agencies and
- The value of the property acquired by gift, other institutions, private or public
bequest, devise or decent shall be excluded ▪ Received by resident or
from the gross income provided, however, non-resident citizens or
that income from such property as well as aliens who come to settle
gift, bequest, devise or descent of income permanently in the
from any property, in cases of transfers of Philippines
dividend interest, shall be included in ▪ United States Veterans Administration
gross income. (USVA)
D. Compensation for injuries or sickness ▪ Administered benefits
- Amounts received through accident or under the laws of the United
health insurance or under workmen’s States received by any
compensation acts as compensation for person residing in the
personal injuries or sickness , plus the Philippines
amounts of any damages received, • Social Security System (SSS) Benefits
whether by suit or agreement, on account • Government Service Insurance System
of such injuries or sickness. (GSIS) Benefits
E. Income exempt under treaty ▪ Under RA 8291
- Income items that are excluded by including retirement
international agreement to which the gratuity received by
Philippine Government is a signatory are Government officials
excluded from income tax. It must be and employees
recalled that treaty agreements override G. Miscellaneous Items
provisions of our revenue tax laws in case • Income derived on investments in the
of conflict under the exemption doctrine of Philippines in loans, stocks, bonds, and
international comity. other domestic securities, or from
F. Retirement Benefits, Pensions, interest on deposits in banks in the
Gratuities, etc Philippines by:
• Retirement Benefits under RA 7641 a. Foreign Governments
and those received by officials and b. Financing Institutions owned,
employees of Private Firms controlled, or enjoying refinancing
o Requisites of Exemption from foreign government.
a. This is the first time availment c. International or Regional Financial
of retirement benefit exemption institutions established by foreign
b. The retiring official or governments.
employee has been in the • Income derived by the government and
services of the same employer its political subdivisions from:
for at least 10 years a. Any public utility
c. The retiring employee is at least b. Exercise of essential Government
fifty (50) years of age at the time functions
of retirement • Prizes and awards made primarily in
d. The employer maintains a recognition of religious, charitable,
reasonable private benefit plan scientific, educational, artistic, literary
e. Approved by BIR or civic achievements but only if:
• Separation or Termination Pay a. The recipient was selected without
o Requisites any action on his part to enter the
a. The separation or termination contest or proceeding; and
must be due to job-threatening b. The recipient is not required to
sickness, deaths, or other render substantial future services
physical disability and

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United
Income Taxation
as a condition to receiving the prize Minimum Wage Earners
or award - An individual recipient of a minimum
• Prizes and awards in sports wage as fixed by the Reginal Tripartite
competitions granted to athletes Productivity Wage and Productivity Board
a. In local or international of the Department of Labor and
competitions and tournament Employment.
b. Whether held in the Philippines or - Exempt from income tax on the minimum
abroad; and wage including holiday pay, overtime pay,
c. Sanctioned by their national sports night shift differential pay, and hazard pay.
associations Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise (BMBE)
• Contributions for GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, - processing or manufacturing of products
Pag-ibig and Union dues of individuals or commodities, including agro-
- These pertain to the employee share in the processing, trading and services, whose
premium contributions to GSIS, SSS, total assets including those arising from
PHILHEALTH, Pag-Ibig and union dues. loans but exclusive of the land on which
• Contributions to personal equity the particular business entity’s office,
retirement account (PERA) plant, and equipment are situated, do not
- Is a contributor’s voluntary retirement exceed P3,000,000.
account established from qualified Service
contributions of the contributor and or his - excludes those rendered by licensed
employer for the sole purpose of being professionals and partnership and
invested in qualified PERA investment corporations engaged in consultancy,
products. Each OFW is allowed to advisory and similar services which are
contribute up to P200,000 per year to a essentially carried out through licensed
PERA account. Non-OFWs are allowed professionals.
P100,000 contributions per year. Revocation of BMBE Registrations
• PERA investment income and PERA 1. Transfer of place of business
distributions 2. Value of assets exceed P3,000,000
- The PERA account assets will be 3. Voluntary Surrender of the Certificate of
distributed back to the contributor either Authority
in lump sum, life pension, or in installment 4. Death of the registered individual owner;
upon reaching the age of 55 or to his heirs violation or non-compliance with the
or beneficiaries upon his or her death. provisions of RA 9178
• 13th month pay and other benefits 5. Merger or Consolidation with an entity
received by officials and employees of which is not eligible to be a BMBE
public or private entities not exceeding 6. Sale or transfer of the BMBE if a sole
P90,000 proprietorship without prejudice to the
• Gains from sale of bonds, debentures, transferee apply6ing for registration
or certificates of indebtedness with a 7. Submission of fake or falsified documents
maturity of more than 5 years. 8. Retirement from business, or
• Gains realized from redemption of cessation/suspension of operations for
shares in mutual fund company by the one year
investor. 9. Making false or omitting required
declarations or statements
Other exempt income under the NIRC and
special laws Items of Gross Income subject to Regular Tax
1. Minimum wage and certain benefits of - A broad category pertaining to all items of
Minimum wage Earners income subject to taxation, namely:
2. Income of Barangay Micro-Business 1. Gross income subject to final tax
Enterprises Act (RA9178) 2. Gross income subject to capital gains tax
3. Income of Cooperatives (RA 9520) 3. Gross income subject to regular tax
4. Income of Non-Stock, Non-Profit Entities
5. Income of qualified employee trust fund

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United
Income Taxation
Gross Income includes, but is not limited to, the Royalties
following items: - Royalties earned from sources within the
1. Compensation for Services in Whatever Philippines are generally subject to final
form paid tax except when they are active by nature
2. Gross Income from the conduct of trade, Dividends
business, or exercise of a profession - These pertain to dividends declared by
3. Gains derived from dealings in properties foreign corporations.
4. Interest Annuities
5. Rents - The excess of annuity payments received
6. Royalties by the recipient over premium paid is
7. Dividends taxable income in the year of receipt
8. Annuities Prizes and Winnings
9. Prizes and Winnings - Prizes and winnings that are exempted
10. Pensions from final tax are not items of gross
11. Partner’s distributive share from the net income subject to regular income tax
income of GPP Pensions
Interest - These pertain to pensions and retirement
- This particularly refers to interest other benefits that fail to meet the exclusion
than the passive interest income subject to criteria and hence subject to regular tax
final tax. A taxable interest income must Partner’s distributive share from the net
have been actually paid out of an income of the general professional
agreement to pay interest. partnership
Exempt Interest Income: - It should be recalled that GPP are not
1. Interest income earned by landowners in subject to income tax because they are
disposing their lands to their tenants merely viewed as pass-through entities.
pursuant to the Comprehensive Agrarian The partners are the ones subject to the
Reform Law regular tax on their share in the net income
2. Imputed Interest Income of the GPP.

Rents General Criteria for items of Gross Income

- arises from leasing properties of any kind. - Under the NIRC, the regular income tax has
It is a passive income but is not subject to a catch-all provision for all income derived
final tax under the NIRC from whatever sources that are:
Special Considerations of Rent a. Not subject to final tax, capital gains tax
1. Obligations of the lessor that are assumed and special tax regime, and
by the lessee are additional rental income b. Not excluded or exempted by law,
to the lessor treaty, or contract from taxation
2. Advance Rentals are:
a. Item of Gross Income upon receipt if: Other sources of Gross Income subject to
✓ Unrestricted or Regular Income Tax
✓ Restricted to be applied in 1. Income Distributions from taxable
future years or upon the estates and trusts
termination of the lease - Any income distribution received by an
b. Not an item of Gross Income if: heir or beneficiary from a taxable estate or
✓ it constitutes a loan trust shall be included in his gross income
✓ it is a security deposit to subject to regular tax, provided that such
guarantee payment or rent income must not have been subjected to
subject to the contingency final tax or cgt
which may or may not happen 2. Share from the net income of other
3. Leasehold Improvement made by the pass-through entities
lessee on the leased property are - same treatment on recognition of share
recognized by the lessor as income using in the net income of a general professional
the spread-out method or outright method partnership applies to the share from:
a. Exempt Joint Venture
b. Exempt Co-ownership

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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and Auditors – United
Income Taxation
3. Farming Income 4. Creditable Withholding Tax
- Farming operations can be classified as: - Deducted by income payors against the
a. Raise and sell operation gross income of the taxpayer are not
- Proceeds on the sales of livestock or farm exclusions in gross income.
products is included in gross income - Added back to the reportable amount of
subject to regular income tax. gross income
- Animal raising expenses are presented as - Tax credits that are deductible against the
items of deductions against gross income. annual income tax due of the taxpayer
b. Purchase and sell operation 5. Power of the CIR to redistribute income
- The gross profit from the sale (sales cost of and expenses
purchase) is included in gross income - In the case of two or more organizations,
4. Recovery of Past Deductions trades or business owned or controlled
- Subsequently paid at an amount less than directly or indirectly by the same interest,
the deduction claimed. the Commissioner is authorized to
5. Reimbursement of Expenses distribute, apportion or allocate gross
- Expenses of the taxpayer that are income or deductions between or among
reimbursed or paid by the customer or such organization, trade or business, if
client constitute additional income to the they determined that such distribution,
taxpayer. apportionment or allocation is necessary
6. Cancellation of Indebtedness for in order to prevent evasion of taxes or
consideration clearly to reflect the income of any such
- May amount to gratuity or payment of organization, trade or business.
The cancellation of debt:
a. In consideration of service or goods –
treated as income.
b. As an act of gratuity – treated as gift; not as
c. As capital transaction such as forfeiting the
right to receive dividends in exchange of
the debt – treated as dividend income.

Special Considerations in reporting Gross

1. Accounting Methods
- It has a direct effect on the reportable
amount of gross income subject to regular
income tax.
2. Situs Rules
- Also affects the extent of income included
as items of gross income of the taxpayer.
3. Effect of Value Added Tax
a. VAT taxpayers – if their sales or
receipts exceeds P3,000,000 in the last
consecutive 12-month period
b. Non-VAT taxpayers – if their sales or
gorss receipts is below the VAT
threshold or are specifically
designated by the law to pay
percentage taxes
Note: every VAT taxpayer is mandatorily required
to charge 12% output tax on their sales or receipt.

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