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Group #: _________________ Date: ____________

Ionic Bonding Exploration


 Engage students in hands-on learning to deepen their understanding of ionic bonding by

visually representing the formation of ionic compounds using paper strips and symbols.

 Manila Paper
 Modelling Clay
 Toothpick
 Marker
Get into Groups:
 Form six groups with your classmates.
 Each group will receive small paper strips with positive (+) and negative (-) symbols.

Choose Roles:
 Select an element from the periodic table that your group will represent.

Connect with Others:

 Find other groups' cations and anions that match with yours based on charges (opposites
 For instance, if your group represents sodium (Na+) and another group represents
chlorine (Cl-), come together to create sodium chloride (NaCl).

Physical Connection:
 Use the paper strips to link or connect your positive and negative symbols to show the
attraction between ions.
 Create a visual representation by pairing up your ions' symbols to mimic the formation of
an ionic bond.

Presentation Time:
 Share your formed ionic compound with the class!
 Explain the elements you chose, the charges of your ions, and how you came together to
form the compound.

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