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Assignment MCM101

ID bc220424199
Solution 1
As a media student, I believe that religious and social values are generally followed in Pakistan Dramas,
However,On the other hand some dramas may depict violence or other forms of immorality that are not
in line with Islamic teachings. But due to some we can’t reject the position ones.

Portrayal of Religious Values:

In Pakistan dramas, the portrayal of religious values varies depending on the specific production and the
intended target audience.While some dramas do other forms of immorality that are not in line with
Islamic teachings.But due to some we can’t reject the positive ones.

Portrayal of Religious Values:

In Pakistan dramas, the portrayal of religious values varies depending on the specific production and the
intended target audience.While some dramas do incorporate religious themes and values, other may
focus more on entertainment and melodrama, with less emphasis on religious aspects.However, it,s
worth mentioning that Pakistan have often incorporated moral lessons,which can indirectly reflect
religious values.

Example 1:
Dastaan (2010)
Dastaan is a Pakistani dramas set during the partition of india and Pakistan. It portrays the struggles
faced by Muslims durings that time and highlights themes of sacrifice, unity, and faith. The drama
emphasizes the important of religious values in the challenging circumstances.It serves as an example of
Pakistani drama that explores religious values and their significance in historical contexts .

Example 2:
Alif (2019-2020)
Alif is another notable Pakistani drama that explore the connection between spirituality and the
modern world. It delves into the journey of a disillusioned film maker who reconnects with his faith and
seeks redemption. Through its storyline, “Alif” highlights the importance of introspection , Self-discovery
, and the persuit of spiritual growth .

While its focuses on religious themes , its also addresses social issues , making it a nuanced portraval of
religious values In a contemporary context.

Soltioun 2:
As a media student , I believe that Pakistani electronic media play a positive role in highlighting the issue
of Kashmir . The media is doing his best to raise awareness about the issue and put pressure on the
international community to take action
Here are some ways that proves that Pakistani electronic media has highlighted the issue of Kashmir :

1: Talk shows

2: Dramas

3: News bulletins

4: Documentaries

5: Social media

Pakistani electronic media has highlighted the issue of Kashmir through there talk shows . There they
discuss about Kashmir issue and share their stories to aware people about them .

Pakistani dramas are also playing a role to highlight the issue of Kashmir though talking and making
scenes of them .

News Bulletins also highlight the issue of Kashmir by taking talking about their rights an issues .

Documentaries also play vital role to highlight the issue by making videos about them.

Social media play a pretty much great role every time to highlight though videos , songs,images and
much more.

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