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1. (d) Barbarian: Uncivilized; one who has no manners. 10. (a) It’s been mentioned at the end of the passage –
Imposter: a person who pretends to be someone Isabella claimed the throne of France for her son,
else in order to deceive others, especially for but the French rejected it, maintaining that Isabella
fraudulent gain. could not transmit a right she did not possess.
Insolvent: One who has to pay no debts. 11. (d) ''Abscond'' means to leave hurriedly and secretly.
2. (a) Gulf: A very large area of sea surrounded on three The closest synonym would be to ''disappear'',
sides by a coast. making option D, the correct answer.
Peninsula: a piece of land almost surrounded by 12. (a) ''Extrapolate'' means to guess or think about what
water or projecting out into a body of water might happen using information that is already
Island: A piece of land surrounded by water. known. Hence, option A will be the correct answer.
Terrain: A stretch of land especially with regard to ''Perimeter'' means the outermost parts or
its physical features. boundary of an area or object.
3. (b) Q begins the passage by establishing the subject - 13. (c) ''Lopsided'' means with one side lower or smaller
the awkwardness of selling yourself. P talks about than the other. ''Asymmetrical'' is its synonym,
awkwardness specifically with respect to the meaning that ''symmetrical'' (made up of exactly
author. Therefore, QP is a pair. S seems to provide a similar parts facing each other or around an axis)
solution to overcome the awkwardness. PS is a pair. will be the antonym. Option C will be the correct
R concludes the passage. The correct sequence by answer. ''Lineate'' means having or marked with
joining all the above- mentioned points would be lines.
QPSR. Hence, (b) is the correct answer. 14. (b) ''Asinine'' = ''inane'' = extremely stupid or foolish.
4. (d) R is kind of a generic statement and Q is the advice The most obvious opposite would be ''intelligent'',
related to the statement R. RQ is a pair. PS follow as making option B the correct answer. ''Aloof'' means
a pair: P talks about how the author follows his own not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
advice, and S builds further on it. Both P and R can 15. (d) The sentence talks about something to do with
be the opening statement but the option with P as inflation. Option 1 and 2 can be eliminated as
the opening statement does not have PS as a pair. incorrect since they do not fit the context of the
Option (a) is eliminated. Similarly, RQ as a pair is sentence. Option 3 is also incorrect as to restrain
not present in options (b) and (c) and therefore means to keep in check or control and this seems to
eliminated. Hence, (d) is the correct answer. be the most logical option. To neutralise means to
5. (c) When converting direct to indirect speech, the make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
simple past tense (was chased, got hit) will change something. This also does not suit the context.
to the past perfect (had been chased, got hit). A is Hence, the correct answer is option 4.
incorrect as it does not change the tense. B is 16. (a) American Patriots strongly opposed the taxes in the
incorrect as ''is chased'' and ''gets hit'' is in simple Townshend Act as a violation of their rights.
present tense. D is incorrect as ''has been chased'' is Demonstrators, some disguised as Native
in present perfect tense C is the right answer as it Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea
uses the past perfect tense. sent by the East India Company.
6. (c) It’s been mentioned in the first paragraph – The 17. (b) The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which
Hundred Years'' War was a series of conflicts allowed the British East India Company to sell tea
waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of from China in American colonies without paying
Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend
against the French House of Acts.
Valois, over the right to rule the Kingdom of Fra 18. (b) The crisis escalated, and the American
nce. Revolutionary War began near Boston in 1775.
7. (d) It’s been mentioned in the second paragraph – 19. (c) Controversy between Great Britain and the colonies
In 1316, a principle was established denying arose in the 1760s when Parliament sought, for the
women succession to the French throne. first time, to impose a direct tax on the colonies for
8. (a) It’s been mentioned in the first paragraph – It was the purpose of raising revenue.
one of the most notable conflicts of the Middle 20. (a) It is mentioned at the end of the passage, that
Ages, in which five generations of kings from two Boston was the largest colonial importer of legal
rival dynasties fought for the throne of the largest tea.
kingdom in Western Europe. 21. (a) We need a noun in the given blank, while option C
9. (b) In 1328, Charles IV of France died without sons or and D are verb. ''courage'' does not fit the context of
brothers. His closest male relative the sentence. ''Account'' for means to give a
was his nephew Edward III of England, whose satisfactory record of something or to possess the
mother, Isabella of France, was sister of the responsibility of something. Option (a) is the right
deceased king. answer.

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22. (b) The given sentence is in active voice. We have to backwaters, and fed by tidal waters from the sea
convert it to passive voice. Subject-they, direct through rivers and creeks.The Cooum River
object- the machine, indirect object-He, verb- use, connects the canal to the Bay of Bengal in the
tense- past continuous (were servicing). center of Chennai. The portion north of the Cooum
The passive voice of the sentence in past is known as the North Buckingham Canal, and the
continuous will be in the form: portion south of the Cooum as the South
Object + could not+be + past participle of verb + Buckingham Canal. 257 km (160 mi) of the canal is
by indirect object in Andhra Pradesh, and 163 km (101 mi) is in Tamil
Only option ‘d’ confirms to the above form. Nadu. Approximately 31 km (19 mi) is within the
23. (a) Salubrious: healthy. city limits of Chennai. In Andhra Pradesh it joins
Lugubrious: Sad the Cammamar Canal at the Krishna delta, which in
Savoury: Taste of salt or spicy. turn is connected with the canals of the Godavari
We need an adjective in the blank, while C is an delta. The complete inter-connected system
adverb. Gooseberry (fruit) juice cannot be salty or presents a continuous 400 miles of navigable
spicy. But it is healthy. So, salubrious is the correct channel along the coast.
option. 30. (b) A Suitable Boy is a novel by Vikram Seth, published
24. (b) Option 1 is incorrect. It should have been “Either in 1993. The English–language book is one of the
you or he has to be here”. longest novels published in a single volume.
Option 3 is incorrect. It should have been “Neither A Suitable Boy is set in a newly post-independence,
you nor he has to be here”. post-partition India. The novel follows four families
Option 4 is incorrect. It should have been “Neither during 18 months, and centres on Mrs. Rupa
you nor they have to be here”. Mehra's efforts to arrange the marriage of her
Hence, the correct answer is option 2. younger daughter, Lata, to a "suitable boy". Lata is a
25. (d) The correct form of indirect speech is “Neha asked 19-year-old university student who refuses to be
if she had to write a letter”. influenced by her domineering mother or
Hence, the correct answer is option 4. opinionated brother, Arun. Her story revolves
26. (a) “Fool’s Gold” is technically known as pyrite or iron around the choice she is forced to make between
sulfide (FeS2) and is one of the most common her suitors Kabir, Haresh, and Amit.
sulfide minerals. Sulfide minerals are a group of It begins in the fictional town of Brahmpur, located
inorganic compounds containing sulfur and one or along the Ganges. Patna, Brahmpur, along with
more elements. Minerals are defined by their Calcutta, Delhi, Lucknow and other Indian cities,
chemistry and crystalline structure. Minerals that forms a colourful backdrop for the emerging
have the same chemical composition but different stories.
crystal structures are called polymorphs. The novel alternately offers satirical and earnest
Pyrite and marcasite, for example, are polymorphs examinations of national political issues in the
because they are both iron sulfide, but each has a period leading up to the first post-Independence
distinct structure. Minerals can also have the same national election of 1952, including Hindu–Muslim
crystalline structure but different elemental strife, the status of lower caste peoples such as the
compositions, but it’s the crystal structure that jatav, land reforms and the eclipse of the feudal
determines the mineral’s physical characteristics. princes and landlords, academic affairs, abolition of
27. (d) The health and strength of our bones rely on a the Zamindari system, family relations and a range
balanced diet and a steady stream of nutrients — of further issues of importance to the characters.
most importantly, calcium and Vitamin D. 31. (b) Adam Osborne invented the laptop in 1981. Though
Calcium is a mineral that people need to build and Osborne 1 was recognized as the first laptop, the
maintain strong bones and teeth. It is also very concept of a portable computer was given in 1968
important for other physical functions, such as by Alan Kay.
muscle control and blood circulation. Alan Kay invented and designed the concept of the
Calcium is not made in the body — it must be portable computer while working for Xerox PARC.
absorbed from the foods we eat. To effectively This concept then came to be known as Dynabook.
absorb calcium from food, our bodies need Vitamin Later, it became the basis for the generation of
D. laptops, tablets, and e-books. Kay envisioned
28. (c) Also known as the Five Treasures of Snow, revolutionizing the education system by bringing
Kangchenjunga stands tall at the elevation of 8586 forth Dynabook as an educational platform and
m above sea level. The mountain by Tamur river research on mobile learning. While designing the
lies between India and Nepal. It is the highest peak idea of Dynabook, he emphasized connecting
in India and the third highest summit in the world. educational communities with parents and
Nanda Devi, located in the Garhwal region in students. Though Dynabook was never
Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, is the second manufactured, it started the journey of portable
highest peak in India and is the 23rd highest peak computers.
in the world. The Nanda Devi National Park, set in 32. (a) Kisan Ghat, the "Farmer's Platform", is a memorial
proximity to the peak, is one of the best high to Chaudhary Charan Singh, former member of
altitude parks in the country. Parliament, Prime Minister and champion of
Kamet is the third highest peak in India,.and the farming and peasant communities throughout
second highest mountain in the Chamoli district of India. He was leader of the Lok Dal, the Peoples'
Uttarakhand after Nanda Devi. Due to its Party, until his death in 1987. Farmers still
geographical location, close to the Tibetan Plateau, continue to gather at the memorial to air their
the peak is remote. It is not as easily accessible as grievances. The memorial takes the form of a raised
some famous peaks of the Himalayas. platform surrounded by gardens and walkways
29. (b) The canal runs approximately 1 km (0.62 mi) back 33. (c) The economic dynamism so evident in China was a
from the coastline. It joins up a series of natural feature of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and

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Taiwan for many years. These four countries have nations. Belarusian and Russian boxers were not
been called ‘the four little dragons’ in Asia — China allowed to compete at the event after a ban as a
being the large dragon — and ‘the four tigers’ in the result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
west. The dragon is a symbol of serene and India for the first time in the past four years, had
prestigious power in Asia. The tiger, while also won a total medal tally of 3, which includes one
powerful, is regarded as less majestic and self- Gold and two Bronze.
confident. The India Boxer Nikhat Zareen( from Nizamabad,
34. (c) Malik Kafur, also known as Taj al-Din Izz al-Dawla, Telangana) won the gold in the flyweight (52kg)
was a prominent slave-general of the Delhi division with 5-0 points against Thailand’s Jitpong
Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji. He was captured by Jutamas. With this win, she became the fifth Indian
Alauddin's general Nusrat Khan during the 1299 women boxer to win the World Championship.
invasion of Gujarat, and rose to prominence in the The other two Indian women boxers Manisha Moun
1300s. (from Haryana) and Parveen Hooda(from Haryana)
As a commander of Alauddin's forces, Kafur had won the bronze medals in the 57kg and 63kg
defeated the Mongol invaders in 1306. categories respectively.
Subsequently, he led a series of expeditions in the 38. (a) Indian writer Geetanjali Shree and American
southern part of India, against the Yadavas (1308), translator Daisy Rockwell won the International
the Kakatiyas (1310), the Hoysalas (1311), and the Booker Prize for “Tomb of Sand,”. Originally written
Pandyas (1311). From these campaigns, he brought in Hindi, it’s the first book in any Indian language to
back many treasures, and many elephants and win the high-profile award, which recognizes
horses for the Delhi Sultanate. fiction from around the world that has been
From 1313 to 1315, Kafur served as Alauddin's translated into English. The 50,000-pound
governor of Devagiri. When Alauddin fell seriously ($63,000) prize money will be split between New
ill in 1315, Kafur was recalled to Delhi, where he Delhi-based Shree and Rockwell, who lives in
exercised power as Na'ib (viceroy). After Vermont.
Alauddin's death, he tried to usurp control by “Tomb of Sand” is published in Britain by a small
appointing Alauddin's minor son, Shihabuddin publisher Tilted Axis Press. It was founded by
Omar, as a puppet monarch. Kafur's regency lasted translator Deborah Smith, who won the 2016
for about a month, before he was assassinated by International Booker for translating Han Kang’s
Alauddin's former bodyguards. Alauddin's elder “The Vegetarian” to publish books from Asia.
son, Mubarak Shah, succeeded him as regent, and 39. (a) Narinder Batra has resigned from his position as
usurped power shortly afterward. president of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA).
35. (b) The Dudhwa National Park is a national park in the Mr Batra also indicated that he will not run for
Terai belt of marshy grasslands in northern Uttar president of the IOA again. He is also the
Pradesh, India. It stretches over an area of 490.3 International Hockey Federation’s president (FIH).
km2 (189.3 sq mi), with a buffer zone of 190 km2 In a letter, Batra stated that his involvement with
(73 sq mi). It is part of the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in FIH as president will take more time due to the
the Kheri and Lakhimpur districts. The park is organization’s different activities.
located on the Indo-Nepali border in the Lakhimpur Batra went on to say that it’s time for someone with
Kheri District, and has buffers of reserved forest a fresh perspective and ideas to take over the post
areas on the northern and southern sides. It he was voted to in 2017.
represents one of the few remaining protected 40. (b) Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh has inaugurated
areas of the diverse and productive Terai the country’s first ‘Lavendar festival’ at Jammu’s
ecosystem, supporting many endangered species, Bhaderwah where the cultivation of lavender has
obligate species of tall wet grasslands and species transformed the economy of the mountainous area.
of restricted distribution. Bhaderwah in the Doda district is the birthplace of
36. (d) Haryana’s Captain Abhilasha Barak has become the India’s purple revolution. The minister described
first woman officer to join the Army Aviation Corps Bhaderwah in the Doda district as the birthplace of
as a combat aviator after successfully completing India’s purple revolution.
her training. She was awarded the coveted wings Lavender has changed the fortunes of farmers in
along with 36 other army pilots by the DG and Jammu and Kashmir under the ‘Aroma Mission or
Colonel Commandant of Army Aviation in Nashik. Purple Revolution’, an initiative of the Central
She has been assigned to the second flight of the government towards transforming the lives of UT’s
2072 Army Aviation Squadron. She was farmers’ community.
commissioned into the Indian Army from the The Purple or Lavender Revolution was launched in
Officers Training Academy, Chennai in 2018. 2016 by the Union Ministry of Science &
Captain Barak is an alumnus of The Lawrence Technology through the Council of Scientific &
School, Sanawar. She completed her graduation Industrial Research’s (CSIR) Aroma Mission.
with B-Tech in Electronics and Communication The aim of the mission is to support the domestic
Engineering from Delhi Technological University in aromatic crop-based agroeconomy by moving from
2016 and was placed at Deloitte, USA. imported aromatic oils to homegrown varieties.
During her attachment with the Corps of Army Air Lavender cultivation is practised in almost all 20
Defence, she was selected as a Contingent districts of Jammu and Kashmir.
Commander for Presentation of Colours to Army 41. (c) Malaria is a significant global health problem with a
Air Defence by President Ram Nath Kovind. substantial disease burden worldwide. In 2019
37. (d) The 12th edition of the 2022 International Boxing there were approximately 229 million cases of
Association (IBA) Women’s World Boxing malaria responsible for about 409000 deaths, the
Championship (WWBC) was held at Başakşehir majority on the African continent (WHO World
Youth and Sports Facility, Istanbul, Turkey. The Malaria Report 2020). Malaria results from
event saw the participation of 310 Boxers from 73 infection with single-celled parasites belonging to

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the Plasmodium genus. Five species of Plasmodium 46. (c) Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen, who
are known to cause disease in humans: P. attended the inaugural ceremony, said the Padma
falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and P. Bridge Rail Link is a landmark project under the
knowlesi. Globally, Plasmodium falciparum and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and also the largest
Plasmodium vivax account for the majority of cases infrastructure project in Bangladesh using Chinese
of malaria. Tis activity reviews the presentation preferential loans.
and pathophysiology of malaria and highlights the 47. (d) In a momentous event that pays homage to the
role of the interprofessional team in its father of the nation, President Droupadi Murmu
management. will inaugurate a 12-foot statue of Mahatma Gandhi
42. (c) Plaster of Paris (popular name is POP), quick- and a ‘Gandhi Vatika’ near Rajghat on September 4.
setting gypsum plaster consisting of a fine white This initiative, organized by the Gandhi Smriti and
powder (calcium sulfate hemihydrate), which Darshan Samiti, carries immense significance as it
hardens when moistened and allowed to dry. coincides with India’s celebration of 75 years of
Known since ancient times, plaster of paris is so independence and its tenure as the G20 presidency.
called because of its preparation from the abundant Let’s explore the details of this event and its
gypsum found near Paris. symbolic importance.
43. (d) International Museum Day is celebrated with the 48. (c) Pushkar Singh Dhami, the Chief Minister of
aim of educating the public about museums and the Uttarakhand, inaugurated the logo and website for
challenges they face. Every year the International the Investor Global Summit set to take place in
Council of Museums (ICOM) comes up with a Dehradun on December 8-9, 2023. This summit is
specific Theme and all activities revolve around the poised to explore investment opportunities across
particular topic. A museum is a place that displays a wide range of sectors and holds the potential to
collections of documents and historical artefacts of usher in a significant transformation in the state’s
all different kinds from cultures, societies, and economic landscape.
nature around the world. 49. (a) Max Verstappen has won the Italian Grand Prix and
This year, the theme for International Museum Day sets a new record for the most consecutive wins in
is ‘The Power of Museums’. As per ICOM’s website, Formula 1 history with 10. Sergio Perez made it a
the theme focuses on exploring the power of Red Bull 1-2 after he got ahead of Carlos Sainz
museums to achieve sustainability, to innovate on following a fierce battle with the Ferrari driver in
digitalisation and accessibility, and the power of the closing stages. With Leclerc fourth, George
community building through education. Russell was fifth despite being issued a five-second
44. (b) 6,650 km in length, Nile River of North-East Africa time penalty for gaining an advantage off the track.
is the lifeline of a number of countries. Eleven 50. (b) Mohun Bagan Super Giant beat East Bengal (1-0) to
countries, namely, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, win the Durand Cup 2023 trophy at the Salt Lake
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Stadium in Kolkata, West Bengal. With this victory,
Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Mohun Bagan SG became the first team in Durand
Egypt share its water. Cup history to win 17 titles.
Amazon River of South America is the second With 16 titles, East Bengal are the second-most
longest river in the world with a length of 6,400 successful team in the Durand Cup. With this
km. But it is by far the largest river by water flow victory, Mohun Bagan SG became the first team in
with an average discharge greater than the next Durand Cup history to win 17 titles. With 16 titles,
seven largest rivers combined. It flows through East Bengal are the second-most successful team in
Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela the Durand Cup.
and Guyana. 51. (d) Let the angles be y, 6y and 2y.
The fourth longest river in the world is located in => y+6y+2y+45 = 360
North America. It is 6,274 km long and flows => 9y = 315
towards the Gulf of Mexico. Its presence is only in Or y=35
two countries, namely, United States of America Largest angle = 6y =210 and smallest angle = 35
and Canada. Required difference = 210-35 = 175.
45. (b) Durgeshnandini is a Bengali historical romance 52. (c) Let one man and one woman complete the work in
novel written by Indian writer Bankim Chandra 'm' days and 'w' days respectively. Then,
Chattopadhyay in 1865.Durgeshnandini is a story (3/m) + (10/w) = 1/15 ...(i)
of the love triangle between Jagat Singh, a Mughal (5/m) + (8/w) = 1/12 ...(ii)
General, Tilottama, the daughter of a Bengali feudal From 5 × (i) - 3 × (ii), we get
lord and Ayesha, the daughter of a rebel Pathan 5 × ((3/m) + (10/w)) - 3 × ((5/m) + (8/w)) =
leader against whom Jagat Singh was fighting. The (5/15) - (3/12)
story is set in the backdrop of Pathan-Mughal w = 312 days
conflicts that took place in south-western region of Therefore, time taken by 4 women to complete the
modern-day Indian state of Paschimbanga (West whole work
Bengal) during the reign of Akbar. = 312/4
Durgeshnandini is the first Bengali novel written by = 78 days.
Bankim Chandra as well as the first major Bengali 53. (a) Isohyet is a line on a map connecting points having
novel in the history of Bengali literature. The story the same amount of rainfall in a given period.
of the novel was borrowed from some local legends Isotherm is a line on a map connecting points
of Arambag region, Hooghly district, Paschimbanga, having the same temperature at a given time or on
collected by Bankim Chandra’s great- average over a given period.
uncle.Although the conservative critics mocked the Isobar is a line connecting points of equal
lucidity of Bankim Chandra’s language, atmospheric pressure.
Durgeshnandini was highly praised by most of the 54. (b) Weber is the unit of magnetic flux in SI. Symbol,
contemporary scholars and newspapers. Wb. One weber is "the magnetic flux which, linking

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a circuit of one turn, would produce in it an 65. (a) My truth is a book authored by Indira Gandhi,
electromotive force of 1 volt if it were reduced to India's controversial Prime Minister recounting her
zero at a uniform rate in 1 second." childhood, her friendship with Mahatma Gandhi,
55. (b) Is the correct answer. the wars with China and Pakistan, and her personal
vision of India's future.
66. (d) 12B42D7A49B14D500 becomes,
12 × 42 - 7 ÷ 49 × 14 - 500 = 12×42 - 1/7 × 14 -
= 504 - 2 - 500
Likewise, HEARTEN would be coded as BFIQOFU 67. (a) Second letter is inverse of first letter, and third
56. (b) Point T is in north-east of point R letter is one more than second letter.
So, option 1 is odd from the rest.
68. (d) Let passing marks = 100x
Marks scored by Raj = 125% of 100x = 125x
Marks scored by Ajay = 72% of 125x = 90x
100x - 90x = 12
x = 1.2
Passing marks = 100x = 120
Maximum marks = 320
Required percent = (120/320) * 100
= 37.5%
69. (d) The sum of all digits is 8
57. (d) Divisibility by 11 rule: If the difference between 4+3+1=8
sum of digits of number at even place and sum of 5+2+1=8
digits at odd place is divisible by 11 or equal to 1+2+5=8
zero, then the number is also divisible by 11. 1 + 3 + 3 = 7 and not 8
Now, 70. (d) Let the sum = Rs. P, rate = R%
(8 + 6 + a) ~ (6 + 3 + 9) = 18 ~ (14 + a) = 0 SI = 1300 = P * R * 2/100 ⇒ P = 65000/R
Only possible value of 'a' = 4 CI = 1462.5 = P * ((1 + R/100)2 - 1)
58. (a) The life cycle of a butterfly is Egg, Caterpillar, Then, 1462.5 = (65000/R) * ((1 + R/100)2- 1)
Chrysalis and Adult. R = 25
59. (a) => Let, 3x= k→① Alternate solution:
=> 4y = k=> 4 = k1/y →② Simple interest for each year = Rs. 650
=> 12-z = k=> 12 = k -1/z 1462.5 - 1300 = 162.5 = 650*R/100
=> 3 *4 = k-1/z →③ R = 25
=> Multiply ① & ②, we get 71. (c) If the day after tomorrow is Sunday, then today is
=> 3.4 = k1/x * k1/y Friday. Hence, the day before yesterday is
=> 3.4 = k1/x+1/y→④ Wednesday.
=> \③ = ④ 72. (a) From statement I: A train crosses a pole in 11 25
=> \ k1/x+1/y = k -1/z seconds and a 120 meters platform in 18 75
=> \ 1/x + 1/y = -1/z seconds
=> 1/x + 1/y + 1/z = 0 Speed of train = length of train/11.25 = (120 +
60. (b) As we know, lateral surface area of a prism = length of train)/18.75
perimeter of base * height of prism Length of train = 180 meters
Now, side of triangular base = √(56.25√3 × 4/√3) Therefore, speed of train = 180/11.25 = 16 m/s
= 15 cm So, statement I alone is sufficient to find the
Then, perimeter of base of prism = 3 × 15 = 45 cm answer.
Now, 810 = 45 × height of prism From statement II: Length of the train is 180
Height of prism = 18 cm meters.
61. (a) Selling price of machine = Rs 1955 Answer cannot be determined by statement II
CP = 1955 x 100/115 = Rs. 1700 alone.
Marked Price = 1700 x 100/85 = Rs. 2000 73. (b) Neither I nor II follows. Since the entrance exam is
Hence, discount = Rs (2000 - 1700) = Rs 300 not specified or there is no data from other schools,
62. (c) let the number of non- officers = x so we cannot say that the number of students who
Then, cleared it is low as we do not have the scale of
180x + 825 × 16 = 300 (16 + x) measure with us. The data given in statement B is
180x + 13200 = 4800 + 300x in percentage, hence we do not know the number of
300x - 180x = 13200 - 4800 students in the two streams and so, cannot draw
120x = 8400 comparisons. Hence, the answer is option (b).
= 70 74. (d) Is the correct answer.
63. (d) D + 2 = F + 4 = J + 6 = P + 8 = X We know, (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ac
R+1=S+2=U+3=X+4=B Here, 11 + 48 + 72 + 24
2 2 2
G+2=I+4=M+6=S+8=A = 6 + 2 + 3 +2 6 2+ 6 3+ 3 2
So, the missing term is XBA. = 6+ 2+ 3

64. (b) The size of the Moon is one-fourth (1/4th) the size 75. (d) Vidit Gujarati represents India in Chess and Manika
of the Earth. Batra represents India in Table Tennis.
The Gravitational pull of Moon is one-sixth
(1/6th) that of the Earth.

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76. (d) Diesel Engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel and The complete pattern is,
the Atomic Bomb was invented by J. Robert
77. (c) Same number of arrows are coming from the
corners and the sides in all figures except the figure
78. (c) It is given that,
Seven friends D, E, F, G, H, I and J are sitting in a line
and are facing north.
D is sitting fourth to the left of G. G is sitting at the 83. (a) 128 + 83 = 640
end of the line. Both H and E sit to the left of D but 640 + 73 = 983 not 981
H is not adjacent to D. 983 + 63 = 1199
We get, 1199 + 53 = 1324
1324 + 43 = 1388
84. (b) The correct logical and meaningful order is:
85. (b) In each pair, there is one letter between the first
Here, H is sitting immediately left of E. two letters, then two letters between the second
Hence, statement I alone is sufficient. and third letters, and finally no gap between the
Statement II, last two letters.
I is sitting second to the right of E. Only two people 86. (a) Sol. It is given that; (a + b + c) = 0
are sitting to the right of F. Two people are sitting d) -3
between E and F. Hence; b + c = -a
We get, Therefore; (b + c)2/a = (-a)2/a = a ..(1)
Similarly; (c + a)2/b = (-b)2/b = ..(2)
And; (a + b)2/c = (-c)2/c = c ..(3)
Adding all the three equations we get:
(b + c)2/a + (c + a)2/b + (a + b)2/b = a + b + c = 0
We do not have further information hence
87. (d) Sol. It is given that,
statement II alone is not sufficient.
'are some of the best' is coded as '12586'..........(1)
79. (b) It is given that, January 15, 2000 is Saturday.
'best option for' is coded as '475'......................(2)
August 15, 2000 is the 213th day after January 15,
From (1) and (2),
best == 5
[213 - 16 days in January + 29 days in February
88. (d) Either I or II can be the course of action. The park
(2000 is a leap year) + 31 days in March + 30 days
can put fines on people who use plastic cups,
in April + 31 days in May +30 days in June + 31
bottles, etc. at the park. Alternatively, they can ban
days in July + 15 days in August]
the plastics to put a complete stop to the problem.
Each day of the week is repeated after 7 days. So
Both these are somewhat similar in action; hence,
after 213 days (30 weeks and 3 days) it will be
either of the two should be followed. Hence, the
answer is option (d).
80. (a) By using all the alphabets of only grid (IV), a 89. (b) At 5 : 45 , the minute hand will be on 9 and the hour
meaningful word cannot be formed.
hand will be between 5 and 6, approaching 6.
Alphabets in Grid (I) are A, U, I, O, B, L, S, O and R
Hence, the angle between the hour and the minute
and the meaningful word is 'LABORIOUS'.
hand of the clock when the time is 5 : 45 is 97.5o.
Alphabets in Grid (II) are R, V, N, I, T, E, C, D and O
(9 - 5.45 = 3.25, 3.25 * 30 = 97.5)
and the meaningful word is 'CONTRIVED'.
90. (b) A + B = K
Alphabets in Grid (III) are I, R, I, T, E, A, C, T and N
and the meaningful word is 'INTRICATE'.
And, B = (1 + N) * C
Hence, option (a) is the answer.
C = B/(1 + N)
81. (c) Sum of first 9 observations = 9 * 41= 369
Also, A + C = K + 2
Sum of first 13 observations = 13 * 47= 611
Then, K - B + B/(1 + N) = K + 2
Sum of all 21 observations = 21 * 45 = 945
B = -(2(1 + N))/N
Value of 9th observations = (369 + 611) - 945
91. (c) Let C.P. of each article be Rs.1
= 35
C.P. of 15 articles = Rs.15
82. (d) The figure I would complete the pattern. S.P. of 15 articles = CP of 20 articles = Rs.20
Gain% = (20 - 15)/15 × 100 = 5/15 × 100 = 33

Supergrads | No.1 Institute for online preparation of IPM, CUET & other alternate career entrance exams |+91-7676564400 |
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92. (a) Is the correct answer.
Total number
Item Price of each item (in rupees)
of items sold
A (5 – 15)/2 = 10 15 10 * 15 = 150 10 * 150 = 1500
B (15 - 25)/2 = 20 12 20 * 12 = 240 20 * 240 = 4800
C (25 - 35)/2 = 30 9 30 * 9 = 270 30 * 270 = 8100
D (35 – 45)/2 = 40 10 40 * 10 = 400 40 * 400 = 16000
E (45 - 55)/2 = 50 7 50 * 7 = 350 50 * 350 = 17500
F (55 - 65)/2 = 60 3 60 * 3 = 180 60 * 180 = 10800
G (65 - 75)/2 = 70 4 70 * 4 = 280 70 * 280 = 19600
Total 60 1870 78300
Now, mean = 1870/60 = 31.17
variance = (78300/60) - 31.172 = 333.43

93. (a) Is the correct answer. 16 / 2 = 8 = H

18 / 2 = 9 = I
Similarly, the ranks of each letter in the second
letter-cluster is:
L = 12
J = 10
L = 12
Fig is a fruit and not a vegetable. H=8
94. (d) 7 + 1 = 8 Taking half of the ranks and the letters accordingly,
4+2=6 we have,
2+3=5 12 / 2 = 6 = F
1+4=5 10 / 2 = 5 = E
Becomes 8655 → rearranged to 5568. 12 / 2 = 6 = F
Similarly, 8/2=4=D
1+1=2 97. (a) = [8.075 ÷ 0.25 + 1.03 * 0.7] - 18.001
5+2=7 = [32.3 + 0.721] - 18.001
3+3=6 = 33.021 - 18.001
2+4=6 = 15.02
Becomes 6672. 98. (c) All except AHJ have only consonants.
95. (d) Selling price in the 1st case = 99. (a) Let the length and breadth of the rectangle be L and
(90/100)×(90/100)×(90/100)×20000 = Rs.14580 B. Let the side of square be A.
Selling price in the 2nd case = Given that,
(80/100)×(95/100)×(95/100)×20000 = Rs.14440 L*B = A2
⇒ Difference = 14580 - 14440 = Rs.140 ⇒ (L/A)*B = A
96. (b) PDRF : HBIC Substituting the values,
Rank of each letter in the first letter-cluster is: (2/3)*9 = A
P = 16 100. (a) Since, the four adjacent faces of green are not
D=4 white, hence green faces white.
R = 18 Black faces red, as if black faces blue, then, we don't
F=6 get yellow to the right of black face as shown in
Taking half of the ranks and the letters accordingly, second figure.
we have, Thus, yellow faces Blue.

Supergrads | No.1 Institute for online preparation of IPM, CUET & other alternate career entrance exams |+91-7676564400 |
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