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Ciochin Morial Month Ending 31 Mar 2024 De La cioncio sitro Steakhouse Limited

Employee Details Payments Deductions

Works number 14 Monthly pay £4,582.73 Tax £707.02
Tax code 1257L National Insurance £321.97
National Insurance number ar 22 33 44 A Student Loan deductions £207.00
National Insurance table A NEST £146.76
Student Loan plan Plan 2

Total £4,582.73 Total £1,382.73

This Month Year to Date Payment

Taxable gross pay £4,582.73 Taxable gross pay £48,601.18
Employer National Insurance £527.81 Tax £7,204.42
Net pay £3,346.76 Employee National Insurance £3,808.64
Employer National Insurance
Student Loan deductions
£2,117.00 £3,200.00
Employee pension £1,534.68 Paid 31/03/2024
Employer pension £1,187.70

Employer PAYE Reference: 120/WE46110 Created with

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