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Research and Dissemination Office

Guideline for:

Revised Research Incentive and Reward

Package (RRIRP)

Committee Members:

Belilew Molla (PhD) Chairman

Tadesse Alemu (PhD) Member

Yodit Abebe Member

Ararsa Boki Member

Timsel Girma Member

March, 2023
List of Tables..................................................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................6
1.1. Rationale..............................................................................................................................................7
1.2. Definition of Terms and Concepts.....................................................................................................7
1.3. Objectives............................................................................................................................................8
1.4. Scope of Application...........................................................................................................................9
1.5. Short Title..........................................................................................................................................10
1.6. Eligibility...........................................................................................................................................10
2. Categories of Incentives..........................................................................................................................11
Category I: Publication...............................................................................................................................11
2.1 Publication Award...........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Award for non-publication research activities.................................................................................14
Category II: Conference Participation.......................................................................................................16
2.2. Presentation of Research Findings on National/International Conferences................................16
Category III: Innovations............................................................................................................................18
2.3. Criteria to evaluate innovation........................................................................................................18
2.3.1 Recognitions and awards for innovative achievements............................................................19
2.3.2 General consideration for innovation awards...........................................................................20
Category IV Securing external fund...........................................................................................................21
Category V: Exceptional Award.................................................................................................................21
6. Applications, Nomination Procedures and Notification of the Awards...............................................23
6.1. Applications and Nomination Procedures.......................................................................................23
6.2. Required Documents........................................................................................................................23
6.3. Notification of the Awards...............................................................................................................23
7. Research Incentive and Reward Committee (RIRC)............................................................................23
8. Terms of Office of the RIRC Members..................................................................................................24
9. Compliance...............................................................................................................................................24
10. Restrictions.............................................................................................................................................25
11. Miscellaneous Provisions.......................................................................................................................25

11.1. Obligation to Comply and Right to Appeal..................................................................................25
11.2. Inapplicable Laws...........................................................................................................................25
11.3. Policy Duration...............................................................................................................................25
11.4. Effective Date and Notification......................................................................................................25

List of Tables

Table 1 List of Abbreviations.............................................................................................................4

Table 2– Summary of weights assigned to various types of publications based on the abstracting and
indexing data-base and accreditation status.......................................................................................11
Table 3: Values assigned to Journals, books and reviews.................................................................12
Table 4: Amount of award for publications.......................................................................................12
Table 5: Summary of weights assigned to various types of proposals based on completion status
and grant target levels........................................................................................................................13
Table 6: Summary of weights assigned to various types of proposals evaluated by faculty.............14
Table 7: Summary of weights assigned to manuscripts, books, book chapters submitted to a journal
or a publisher, based on the publisher accreditation status.................................................................14
Table 8. Requirements for innovation reward...................................................................................17
Table 9. Achievements, recognition and amounts of awards‡ for the winning innovation...............18

Table 1 List of Abbreviations

DURRIRPG Dilla University Revised Research Incentive and Reward

Package Guideline

RIRAC Research Incentive and Reward Advisory Committee

VPRTT Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer
RDO Research and Dissemination Office

RPS Research Performance Score

1. Introduction

Academic staffs of the university are expected to be actively engaged in the core business of the
university teaching-learning, research and community services. The University’s researchers are
expected to conduct high quality research to contribute to quality education, solving societal
problems and for guiding national policies. Thus, writing research proposals, securing research
grants, conducting research that is relevant to the development agenda of the country and
publishing /disseminating the findings thereof, is a major academic responsibility of every
academic staff member. The university, colleges, institutes, schools, centers and departments
have the responsibility to lay the foundation for staff members to contribute their part in
generating and disseminating scientific knowledge.

It is common that people respond best to incentives. As a result, it becomes more effective to
motivate researchers through incentives whenever they successfully complete funded research
projects, publish research findings in reputable journals or innovations. In addition, in contexts
like our country where people cannot easily travel abroad due to financial constraints, it
becomes strong motivating factor if the university provides travel grant for participation in
international and/or national scientific conferences. Therefore, introducing appropriate incentive
mechanisms will encourage and support academic staffs to be fully engaged in research
activities within the context of the University. Emphasis should also be given to securing
research funds from foreign and international institutions towards addressing national and local
priorities, and publishing their findings in peer reviewed reputable journals. Therefore, it is
very important to put in place incentives for researchers to enhance their productivity, to
acknowledge their research contributions in Dilla University.

This document lays out the framework for a scheme that will acknowledge and reward
researchers for their productivity as well as create suitable situation that promotes active
engagement in research. Under this scheme, academic staffs may get incentives in terms of
financial or material reward through competitive process.

Dilla University is categorized as University of Applied Science and applied research for
evaluating the existing practices, research and development to produce new products and services,
and action research to provide practical solutions to the local and regional novel problems for
regional developments and innovations will be given priority. Agricultural sciences, health
sciences, education, economic transformation and public sector reforms, and technology-based
innovations pertinent to regional developments are among the frontline disciplines of focus. The
innovation emphasis areas may be subject to change depending on the revision of the DU strategic
research plan and the action plan for research in the University of Applied Sciences (UASs).
1.1. Rationale

In Dilla University, researchers have long been engaged in research activities that in one way or
another may benefit the local communities and the nation at large. To strengthen these efforts,
incentive mechanisms have been in place to recognize researchers for their contributions for the
last three years. However, the guideline which has been used so far lacks clarity and does not
conform with the mission given to the University of Applied Sciences and the guidelines of the
Ministry of Education. Moreover, this revision is needed to award more qualified articles and
to make the incentive guideline in line with the Ministry of Education promotion guideline.
Thus, to increase research outputs in applied sciences and innovations, stimulate participation in
research endeavors, enhance competitiveness and raise the university’s profile at national and
international levels, it is important to create incentive and award system for acknowledging staff
for their contributions. Therefore, this document is meant to provide a framework for merit-based
recognition of researchers. The ultimate goal is to build motivated and devoted scientific/scholarly
community in the university.

1.2. Definition of Terms and Concepts

The following definitions apply to key terms shown below as they are used in this guideline
unless the context requires otherwise:

1. Research: a systematic investigation into a problem or an issue to establish new

knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and more creative ways.
2. Reward: incentive or benefit given to researchers in kind or in monitory terms for
recognition of their measurable research-related achievements.
3. Research Output: tangible or intangible product of research that includes, but not
limited to, technology, knowledge and information.
4. Award: a prize given to a researcher or a group of researchers to recognize the research
endeavors and attainments.
5. Innovation: shall mean the practice of developing and introducing new ideas or value,
knowledge, usually a new product, services or process in natural and social sciences, and
technology that has been transformed into practical reality into organizations and the
outside marketplace.
6. Invention: shall mean the application of technology to solve specific problems, the output
of which can be products (for example, goods and tools, equipment such as production
facilities and machinery, materials such as chemical substances, textiles, etc.) or processes
(production steps for manufacturing a product, process steps for using an apparatus or
machines, measuring methods) that may technically require patenting.
7. Patent: shall mean an intellectual property (IP) right for a technical invention that can be
protected by patent law if it is new, inventive, and industrially applicable and practicable
OR the right granted to an inventor that permits the inventor to exclude other from
making, selling, or using the invention for some time.
8. Research Incentive: an initiative or a package of inducement set in a form of
payment or concession to stimulate a researcher or group of researchers to carryout
research with greater motivation and commitments.
9. Research Benefit: an advantage gained by virtue of one's contribution in producing
measurable research outputs.
10. Researcher: a scholar with specialized stock of knowledge and expertise and employed
on contractual or permanent basis to work as a researcher at least for 25% of his/her
time in the university.
11. Research Publication: any scholarly publication (book, book chapter, journal article,
proceedings, and conference paper that is published as an original work of a
researcher(s) or through critical scholarly review, and published in reputable journals or
book publishers.

1.3. Objectives

 The primary objective of the proposed incentive scheme is to motivate the staff members of
our university to undertake quality research, i n n o v a t i o n , consultancy, publication,
dissemination and other research related activities.
Advance the University’s mission of promoting active research.
Retain as well as attract distinguished scholars to the University.
To give special thrust to research culture in the university, and thus improve the
profile of the university in the country.
Honor and award researchers who have carried out proven, innovative, demand-
driven, and problem-solving research activities and those whose research outputs
have made outstanding achievements in fulfilling the national priority areas;
Encourage staff members to devote enough time to communicate their research
findings to the scientific community and the general public.
Encourage staff to secure externally funded research, scholarship and sponsored
program projects, and reward those who successfully secure extramural funds.

1.4. Scope of Application

The provisions stipulated in this document are applicable to individual researchers or a group of
researchers in Dilla University who have achieved outstanding research findings, produced
quality research output and disseminate their outputs to national and international community,
publish research works on reputable journals or books and solicit funding/collaboration through
Dilla University.

1.5. Short Title

This Document may be cited as “Revised Research Incentive and Reward Package Guideline,
2023” or can be shortly written as “RRIRPG, 2023”.
1.6. Eligibility

To be eligible for research incentive

The research must be within the Dilla University's research priority
A full-time academic staff is eligible to apply for incentives within the
conditions prescribed within this guideline.
Individuals who are not affiliated to the university shall not claim for incentives based on
research outputs;
For incentives claimed based on research output, Dilla University must be indicated as the
applicants’ affiliation. The publication must explicitly mention its university affiliation as
“Dilla University”.
The applicant must have no record of research ethics disciplinary misconduct.
The project must be original research work
Researchers applying should have relevant qualifications and competence in the subject
area of the proposed project.
Incentive compensation can only be earned once a year in June.
Applications should be received one month before the incentive delivery period.

2. Categories of Incentives

1. Publication of Original article, book, book chapter, Systematic review / Meta-analysis, Case
report / brief communication / technical report

2. Presentation of research findings on national/international conferences.

3. Innovation (technological innovation accredited by nationally/internationally
recognized accrediting institution).
4. Exceptional award

Category I: Publication

2.1 Publication Award

The current award system has been revised in such a way that it emphasizes all types of research
outputs and activities conducted within and outside the University while remaining a merit-based
system to ensure optimal engagement and participation of academic and research staff in research.
To that end, a novel research performance score (RPS) has been generated to account, gauge and
identify the status of all colleges’ research activities in a year. As such, original articles, review
papers (systematic review /metal analysis), case studies, books/book-chapters and all other forms of
research outputs will be weighed based on their reputability status and quartile ranking as Q1, Q2
and Q3 excepting national journals. The classification of journals by quartile (Q) is based on
the impact factor and other relevant criteria. Q1 includes the most prestigious journals in the field
with the highest number of citations. Q2 covers journals with slightly lower impact factors, but still
of high quality. Q3 covers journals with low impact factor, but still fairly good.

The reputation status or the weight is based on the type of abstracting and indexing data-base (Web
of science, Scopus and PubMed) for international journals. Local journals are weighed based on the
accreditation given by the Ministry of Education. To ensure continued and rapid growth of journals
within the University, a special value has also been assigned to publications arising from DU
journals. Similarly, all articles published in national and an international peer-reviewed and indexed
journal are assigned a weight of one, with the total weight determined by Q1, Q2 and Q3 rankings
and nationally accredited journals and other DU journals.

Table 2– Summary of weights assigned to various types of publications based on the abstracting and
indexing data-base and accreditation status

S.N Type of article Publisher Weight*

Peer reviewed International Journal 1
1 Original article Nationally accredited Journals 1
Review Journals 1

DU other Journal 0.7

2 Systematic review / Peer reviewed International Journal 0.8
Meta-analysis Nationally accredited Journals 0.8

DU other journals 0.6

3 Case report / brief Peer reviewed International Journal 0.6
communication / Nationally accredited Journals 0.6
technical report Other DU Journals 0.5

Total weight is the product of weight allocated for Q1, Q2 ranking of the journal of the
international journals, nationally accredited journals and other DU emerging journals

S.N Type of article Publisher Weight* Multiplier


1 Book, Published by peer-reviewed publishers 3 0.5

and indexed by the databases indicated
under article 2 and with ISBN; if not it
shall be evaluated and approved by three
external professionals

Module/ Teaching The module/ teaching material used for 1 0.5

Material one year before applying for incentive ;
AND it be evaluated and approved by
three external professionals

Book chapter Published by peer-reviewed publishers 1 0.25

and indexed by the databases indicated
under article 2 and with ISBN;

Table 3: Values assigned to Journals, books and reviews
Rank/type Weight Multiplier
Q1 1 1.5
Q2 1 1
Q3 1 0.8
Nationally accredited Journals 1 0.8
Other DU Journals 0.8 0.6
Book 3 0.5
Modules/Teaching materials 1 0.5
Book chapter 1 0.25
Systematic review Q1(review 1 1.5
Q1 (mixed with 0.8 0.9
original articles)
Q2 (review 1 1
Q2 (mixed) 0.7 0.8
Q3 review journal 1 0.8
Q3 (mixed) 1 0.7
Nationally 0.6 0.7
accredited Journals
Other DU Journals 0.5 0.5
Meta-analysis Q1 0.8 1
Q2 0.7 0.8
Q3 0.6 0.7
Nationally 0.6 0.7
accredited Journals

Other DU Journals 0.5 0.6

Case report / brief Q1 0.6 0.6
communication / technical report Q2 0.5 0.5
Nationally 0.4 0.4
accredited Journals
Other DU Journals 0.2 0.3

Table 4; Share of publication points for solo and joint authorship in international publications

No. of authors Share of each co-author

First author Co-authors Corresponding
1 1 - 1
2 0.800 0.750 0.775
3 0.700 0.650 0.675
4 0.600 0.550 0.575
>5 0.500 0.450 0.475

*If the corresponding author is also the first author, the publication points will only be the share allocated
to the first author (Source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education, October 16, 2020)

Table 5: Share of publication points for solo and joint authorship in national publications

No. of Share of each co-author

Accredited Non-accredited
First author Co-authors Correspondin First author Co-authors Corresponding
g author* author*
1 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.25
2 0.600 0.570 0.575 0.15 0.120 0.125
3 0.525 0.475 0.500 0.131 0.100 0.106
4 0.450 0.400 0.425 0.112 0.062 0.087
>5 0.375 0.365 0.370 0.093 0.043 0.068
*If the corresponding author is also the first author, the publication points will only be the share allocated
to the first author (Source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education, October 16, 2020)

Table 6: Amount of award for publications

No. Type of publication Point Amount

1 Book 1.5 15000
2 Articles, systematic review, meta-analysis, >3.00 30000
case report/brief communication/technical 2.5-2.99 25000
report 2.00-2.49 20000
1.5-1.99 15000
1.00-1.49 10000
3 Book chapters, Modules/ Teaching
*To be eligible for a financial award, the lowest publication-related score must be one.
* The amount of award indicated above is subjected to taxation.
* The cut points and amounts of award for original articles, systematic review and meta-analysis
also work for book chapter and modules or teaching materials. Moreover, the points earned from
book chapter and module/teaching materials shall be added to points earned from original
articles, systematic review and meta-analysis

2.2 Award for non-publication research activities

The revised guideline also gives emphasis to other non-publication research activities including but
not limited to proposal writing, contrition to staff/student proposal defense, student
(undergraduate and graduate) thesis advises, graduate thesis and/or defense, book chapters and
manuscript submissions and Review of manuscript. Accordingly, all these non-publication
related activities have been assigned reputability status (weight) values between 0.1 to 0.9.
A) Proposal/grant writing - details of weights assigned to proposal/grant wiring are presented in
Table 7.
An additional weighing factor for proposal writing, similar to article publication, has also been
assigned based on the role/position of the staff in the grant submitted. As a result, the PI, CO, and
project manager (if assigned) will have 100%, 80%, and 75% of the weight share, respectively,
while others should take 50%.
Table 7: Summary of weights assigned to various types of proposals based on completion status
and grant target levels

S. No Submitted to (for) Status Weight

1 Intramural grant Completed & submitted 0.2
Selected and/or funded 0.4

2 National grant Completed and submitted 0.4

Selected and/or funded 0.6
3 International grant Completed and submitted 0.6
Selected and/or funded 1

University wide
B) Proposal / Thesis defense and advice - any faculty/staff member who successfully completes
evaluation and/or defense of a staff/student research project/proposal (thesis) and/or
successfully completes supervision of an undergraduate or postgraduate student, he/she will
assume reputability status (weight) as shown in Table 7.

Table 8: Summary of weights assigned to various types of proposals evaluated by faculty

S.No Assessment Staff /Faculty Student*
Status BSC/BA Masters PhD
1 Intramural 0.3 0.05 0.2 0.5

2 National 0.5 N/A 0.4 1

3 International 1 0.8 1

The weights used to asses RPS metrics of a faculty/staff who advise student(s) will be similar
to those used for proposal evaluation (assessment), but they will only be earned if the
advisee passes, with at least a “pass mark”.
C) Manuscript (book chapter) submission: in a given year, a faculty/staff who successfully
submits a manuscript (s), a book (s), or a book chapter (s) to a journal or publisher, even if it is
not yet published, will be assigned the following reputability status (weight), as shown in Table
Percentage of weight allocation is also similar to articles (see Table 3 above). Similarly, a
faculty/staff who successfully completes review of a manuscript (s), a book (s), or a book
chapter (s) invited from a reputable journal or book publisher will also have similar weights as
manuscripts or books or book chapters submitted.
Table 9: Summary of weights assigned to manuscripts, books, book chapters submitted to a
journal or a publisher, based on the publisher accreditation status

S.N Type of Manuscript/Book Publisher Weight*

o submitted
Pear reviewed International 0.25
1 Original article, book, Journal
book chapter Nationally accredited DU Journal 0.25
Local accredited journal (old) 0.2
Local accredited journal (new) 0.05
DU other Journal 0.05
2 Systematic review / Meta- Pear reviewed International 0.25
analysis Journal 0.2

Nationally accredited DU Journal 0.1
Local accredited journal (old) 0.05
Local accredited journal (new) 0.05
DU other journals
3 Case report / brief Pear reviewed International 0.2
communication / technical Journal 0.2
report Nationally accredited DU Journal 0.1
Local accredited journal (old) 0.05
Local accredited journal (new) 0.05
DU Journal
Total weight is the product of individual weight and impact factor of the journal; is a peer-
reviewed accredited local journal with more than ten volumes;  is a local journal with less
than ten volumes.

The overall assessment and evaluation of a University staff member's research activity in a given
year is measured using an innovative university-based research performance score (RPS), which
is developed by taking all research activities by a staff member into account (See Annex). Every
year, the metrics shall be completed by all faculty/staff and will be validated by the head of the Unit
(department) and an officer assigned by RDO. The proportion of validation will depend on the RPS
category of the staff, whereby the higher the score (e.g. staff in gold or category A), the more
complete and stricter the validation and checking.
The overall rating of research outputs in a given year for a specific faculty/staff using the RPS
will be graded from A to D based on the overall (total) RPS score. As a result, a staff with an
RPS of 10 or higher falls into category "A,” or Gold; 7-10 falls into category "B," or Silver; 4-
7 falls into category "C," or Bronze and anything less than 4 falls into category "D." or Basic.

RDO may organize annual award and recognition event, as part of non-financial benefits to
give certificates, badges, awards and other recognition and motivational ceremony, especially
for those staff with higher RPS score or “A” and “B” or gold and silver categories.

Category II: Conference Participation

2.2. Presentation of Research Findings on National/International Conferences

To be eligible for conference participation grant, the following requirements should be


 The paper to be presented should be assessed by a review team and positively accepted.
 The research project can be either individually funded or by DU or externally funded
but institutionalized.
 Conference acceptance letter from recognized universities, institutions, societies,
and associations is required.
 Conference participation where by the cost of participation is covered by the organizer for
national conference and cost of participation fully or partially covered by the organizers for
international conference will be given priority.
 If conference participation is hosted by professional association or research institute and
if the cost is not covered by the organizer, the cost of participation will be fully or
partially covered by the university up on the evidence provided.
 The paper should be presented in Public Universities or Research Institutes or Private
Universities or Professional Associations.
 Maximum conference participation for awards is 2 (two) per person.
 Staff members whose research works are accepted in national and international conference
should use Dilla University logo on title page to increase the visibility of Dilla University.

 A full-time staff member who presented his/her research (oral/poster) on a
national conference /symposium shall be remunerated 7000 ETB.
 A full-time staff member who presented his/her research paper (oral/poster) on an
international conference (hosted inside Ethiopia, face to face or virtually) shall be
remunerated 10,000 ETB.
 A full-time staff member who presented research paper (oral/poster) on an
international conference (hosted outside Ethiopia) shall be remunerated 15,000 ETB.
 Author(s) shall make a presentation of the paper (oral/poster) in the Department before
submitting the claim for any incentive.
 It is expected that knowledge gained by the recipient of such funding, after attending a
conference, be shared with staff members and students of the relevant
Department/School in the form of an oral presentation during a seminar organized
for this purpose. The head of the Department/School should ensure compliance.
 A staff who attends international conferences will receive incentives based on national
guidelines. Name of the guideline ማበረታቻ
* The amount of award indicated above is subjected to taxation.

Category III: Innovations

2.3. Criteria to evaluate innovation
1. The innovation will be evaluated by a relevant standing or ad hoc committee comprised of
professionals with expertise relevant to the submitted innovation, and then by the Research
Incentive and Reward Committee (RIRC).
2. For each requirement, the competing candidate must attain a minimum of 75%; while the total
average value shall have more than 80% for first rank, 75-80% for second rand and 70-75%
for third rank.
3. Only the top three ranking innovations will win the award in each of officially reported
innovation achievements. Innovation achievement presented to the public, and innovation
achievement transferred to the community will receive a financial award stated in this
4. The requirements for full reward for the achievements in innovations are based on the
fulfilling the following criteria and score value.
Table 10. Requirements for innovation reward

S/No Criteria’s Maximum scoring points

1 Adopting technology or innovation refers to using the 5

technology without making significant change

2 Adapting/modified technology refers to special 5

versions of already existing technologies or tools that
provide enhancements or different ways of
interacting with the technology.

3 Innovating technology (creation and application of 5

new or improved technologies, tools, systems, and
processes that bring about significant advancements
or breakthroughs in various fields)

Total 15

Table 11: Criteria and value descriptions

Criteria Description Value
Adopting technology or 1. The adopted technology/innovation is less replicable 20
innovation refers to using the and sustainable
technology without making 2. The adopted technology/innovation is promoted 40
significant change through creative ways of communication involving
modern and traditional channels,
3. The adopted technology/innovation is potentially 60
replicable in other areas,
4. The adopted technology or innovation can be easily 80
scaled up and affordable,
5. The adopted technology/innovation show large 100
economic impact and has high accessibility for

•Adapting/modified 1-The technology/innovation adapted is less replicable 20

technology refers to special and sustainable,

versions of already existing 2-The adapted technology/innovation is promoted 40
technologies or tools that
through creative ways of communication involving
provide enhancements or
modern and traditional channels,
different ways of interacting 60
3-The adapted technology/innovation is potentially
with the technology.
replicable in other areas,
4-The adapted technology or innovation can be easily
scaled up and affordable,

5-The adapted technology/innovation show large
economic impact and has high accessibility for

b 20
•Innovating technology 1- The technology/innovation innovated is less replicable and
(creation and application of sustainable,
new or improved 2- The innovated technology is promoted through creative 40

technologies, tools, systems, ways of communication involving modern and traditional

and processes that bring about channels,,
significant advancements or 3- The innovated technology is potentially replicable in other 60

breakthroughs in various areas,

fields) 4- The innovated technology can be easily scaled up and 80

5- The innovated technology has large economic impact and
high accessibility for policymakers.

2.3.1 Recognitions and awards for innovative achievements

1. A college member shall be recognized and awarded for their efforts, progression, and
achievements in creative effort and innovative outcomes that are strongly aligned with the
university's missions and strategies, as well as local, regional and national interests.
2. The innovation achievements must be the result of staff research conducted in accordance with
the legal framework and funded by the university and/or officially recognized university
partnership external funds, or self-sponsored.
3. Recognition and awards for the innovation winners will be carried once annually.
4. Achievements, recognition and amounts of awards for the winning innovation are indicated as
follows (Table 12).
Table 12. Achievements, recognition and amounts of awards‡ for the winning innovation

S/ Status of innovative 1st ranking 2nd ranking 3rd ranking Remarks

No achievements

1 Officially reported innovation
achievements, peer-reviewed,
checked by supervision 20,000
15,000 ETB 10,000 ETB innovation
committee, and presented at ETB
annual, national or international

2 Innovation achievements with Innovation

prototype phase and presented achieveme
to exhibition at university, 30,000 22, 000 nt
18, 000 ETB
regional, national or ETB ETB presented
international level to the

3 Innovation accomplishments
applied to the larger community
(technology transferred); these
shall be demonstrated by the
50,000 nt
distribution of products/services 40,000 ETB 30,000 ETB
ETB transferred
through small businesses or
to the
enterprises, direct sales, and
entry into industry for mass

Amount of award indicated includes taxation
2.3.2 General consideration for innovation awards

1. The innovative project idea funded by Dilla University reserves the patent and duplication or
use of the products or services for Dilla University unless there is any legal ground that may
grant the researcher/s the patent right.
2. If the innovative project idea wins a grant and receives funding, but fails to achieve the
outcome for unjustified reasons as per the proposed aims and objectives, the researcher/s or
innovator team will be held responsible for refunding half of the total grant withdrawn to the
university as a punishment.
3. Eligible applicants for the innovation competition and award must only consider new
innovative project ideas and outcomes within each academic year, but they may be involved in
projects that began more than a year ago and are still ongoing during the competition.
4. If the applicants submit a patent certificate as evidence for the competition, the date of
issuance of the patent must be within the academic year, unless the project is still in progress,
as mentioned in sub-article 3 above.
5. Recognition and award for innovative attempt, progression, or achievements per innovative
project idea proposal or outcomes shall be made only once per innovator/s team at the
completion of the project. This may be at the proposal approval, completion report, or
technology transfer phase, as evidenced by officially submitted relevant documents and/or
certificates of recognitions or patents.
6. Payment can be made only up to 50% of the awards for innovation award winners with
financial awards competition with the officially reported innovation achievement. Innovation
achievement presented to the public, with a special agreement for the remainder of payment
upon the transfer of the technology to the community evidenced with a significant impact.
7. To attract more applicants and increase the number of applicants for innovation, the university
may issue a call for innovative project ideas and nurture the innovative project at prototype.
This may be open to any applicants from Dilla University community (faculty, undergraduate
and postgraduate students enrolled), graduate students and alumni, pre-university students
from high school in the catchment area).

Category IV Securing external fund

A staff who obtained/won external funds will be awarded in accordance with the Grant Hunting
and Administration Guidelines.

Category V: Exceptional Award

 Achieving 50% or above of the following works over the last recen t two years makes
the applicant eligible for award:
5.1 Presentation on high-level international conferences;
5.2 Presentation as keynote speaker or invited guest speaker on national conferences;
5.3 Contributions to national agenda issues through media presentation, writing on newspapers,
magazines, dialogue, debates;
5.4 Serving as committee member at national level representing the university or individually;
5.5 Contributions in solving nationally or globally recognized problems;

5.6 Publishing two and above articles in reputable journals per year;
5.7 Role in internationalization of the University through collaborations;
5.8 Membership in institutional, national, and international reputable journals as editorial or
advisory board member;
5.9 Track records in attracting research funds from national and international organizations
5.10 Membership in editorial work or research conference committee.

Note: Researchers who fulfill the above requirements will be rewarded 30,000 Birr and a
certificate of recognition from Research and Dissemination Director and Vice President
for Research and Technology Transfer.

6. Applications, Nomination Procedures and Notification of the Awards

6.1. Applications and Nomination Procedures

6.1.1. A call for application and nominations shall be made in June by

Research and Dissemination Office (RDO);
6.1.2. Applications can be made by individuals directly or he/she can be nominated by head
of respective college/institute/school/center of DU;
6.1.3. A complete application form should be submitted to the RDO and then directed to
Research Incentive and Reward Committee (RIRC) together with supporting
6.1.4. The RIRC shall review the nominations and submit its recommendations to RDC
(Research and Dissemination Council) for approval;
6.1.5. Upon the approval by RDC, the Research and Technology Transfer Vice President
will offer a letter of confirmation on the Award and orders respective offices for
6.1.6. A staff member can simultaneously apply for more than one category of award as far
as he/she fulfills the criteria set for each category of award;
6.1.7. All contributors can apply separately for a single/the same publication for
an incentive;
6.1.8. T h e university reserves the right to withdraw the awards at any time if the recipient
is considered to be unethical or not fulfilling the requirements within the honor
and status of the awards as stipulated in the Senate Legislation.

6.2. Required Documents

1. Application letter

2. Supporting letters/testimonies from respective colleges/institutes/school/center

6.3. Notification of the Awards

Awardees shall be notified the result of the application within a month upon the deadline.

7. Research Incentive and Reward Committee (RIRC)

Revised Research Incentive and Reward Committee (RRIRC) will be appointed by the Vice
President for Research and Technology Transfer of Dilla University.
The committee is entrusted with the responsibility to discharge the implementation of this
DURIRP guideline.
The RIRC members are:
1. The Director of Research and Dissemination Office (Chairman)
2. Director of Publication Repository (Member)
3. Three ad hoc members who have publication experience representing Colleges to be
assigned by the Research and Dissemination Council (RDC)

8. Terms of Office of the RIRC Members

Except Director of Research and Dissemination, and Repository, others work two years (two
incentive terms).

9. Compliance

In recognition that the research allowance scheme is designed to encourage academic staffs to
engage in active research programs, the academic unit in which the PI is housed has the duty to
evaluate and report the compliance to the progress of the research project. Compliance
evaluation shall be conducted regularly and reported to the office of Vice President for Research
and Technology Transfer annually. Deficiency in sufficient progress in the research project or
abrogation to the terms of the external funding entity may result in suspension of the monthly
research allowance of all academic staffs engaged in a research project as deemed appropriate by
the Vice president for Research and Technology Transfer.

The authorized body or office is duty bound to make reasonable effort to ensure compliance
with this policy element. The items that need to be periodically evaluated and updated are, but
not limited to, the following:

 Data bases being used for promotion: Web of science, Scopus and PubMed
 A current list of the nations’ priority areas of research
 T he contribution of other potential author is not disregarded
 The publication under consideration is an original work and that work or a significant part
of it has not been previously published
 The work is free from plagiarism, ethical lapses, etc.

10. Restrictions

10.1. Plagiarized works, claims on duplicated papers with different titles of the same content in
different journals, seminars or dailies and such other irregularities shall attract severe
disciplinary action, including recovery of awards made earlier and loss of staff position at
the University.

10.2. Publications submitted, under review, or “in press” do not qualify.

10.3. However, publications that appear in reputable journals under the titles such as technical
notes, short communications, discussions, reviews and other publications like text books
and teaching materials etc. shall be counted and calculated as per the DU reputability

11. Miscellaneous Provisions

11.1. Obligation to Comply and Right to Appeal

All departments, other academic and administrative units, and staff members of the University
community shall have duty to observe and implement the provisions of these Guidelines.

11.2. Inapplicable Laws

No guideline or customary practice may, in so far as it is inconsistent with the provisions of

this guideline, be applicable with respect to matters covered under this guideline.
11.3. Policy Duration

 Amendment is possible to this guideline provided that it is supported by the majority of

the Senate members.

11.4. Effective Date and Notification

 This Guideline shall enter into force up on the date of approval by the University Senate.
 The VPRTT Office shall notify this guideline to all concerned bodies up on approval by
the University Senate.


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