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Cities 119 (2021) 103406

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Smart city research: A holistic and state-of-the-art literature review

Fang Zhao a, *, Olushola I. Fashola b, Tolulope I. Olarewaju c, Ijeoma Onwumere d
Staffordshire Business School, Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DF, UK
QA Higher Education, Birmingham, UK
Keele Business School, Keele University, Keele, UK
Manchester Metropolitan University


Keywords: This literature review provides a systematic review of smart city research between 2000 and 2019. The aim of the
Smart city review is to provide a comprehensive picture of the state-of-the-art of research in smart cities by addressing
Literature review major issues and identifying gaps and areas for future research. The analysis of 191 publications drawn from
Urban planning and governance
high-quality journals and the most influential or highly cited smart city literature highlights four major chal­
Technology diffusion
lenges for small city research: (a) smart city research is often fragmented and technology-driven; (b) many
Entrepreneurship studies are on the perceived benefits of smart cities and fewer on the downsides of technologies and failed
projects; (c) there is a need to build new theories for smart city research; and (d) there is a lack of empirical
testing of the conceptual frameworks developed in smart city research. The research insights of this literature
review may encourage practitioners, including city councillors, urban planners, and business managers, to
consider smart city strategies in a holistic way when building vibrant, sustainable, and resilient cities of the

1. Introduction EU27 countries.

Recent research (Trencher, 2019) indicates that the concept of smart
Although smart city research can be traced back to the 1990s, the cities has seen the emergence of its second generation, the so-called
past decade has witnessed an exponential growth and expansion of ‘smart city 2.0’. Unlike the first generation ‘smart city 1.0’, which was
multidisciplinary fields, taking on many perspectives (Kummitha & largely techno-economically driven and was more interested in digital
Crutzen, 2017; Trencher, 2019). The publication volume on smart cities technology diffusion and the economic and corporate potential of smart
has more than doubled since 2009 (Ojo et al., 2015). The research city projects, smart city 2.0 has shifted towards a decentralised,
usually touches on four areas: the technological aspect, including the anthropocentric approach and ways to foster collaboration and com­
technological infrastructure and support network for building smart munity involvement. This shift is seen to respond to the critiques of
cities, the sociocultural aspect, or citizen engagement, the political- smart city focus and strategy (Colding & Barthel, 2017; Glasmeier &
institutional aspect, such as government support and policies, and the Christopherson, 2015; Viitanen & Kingston, 2014). Among the critiques,
economic-business aspect, namely business models and profitability. some contest that the neoliberal economic interests in smart city plan­
The concept of the smart city has been seen as a strategy to tackle ning and strategies are prevailing at the expense of environmental and
challenges that city governments face, such as rapid urbanisation and social concerns (Cardullo & Kitchin, 2019; Hollands, 2015; Kitchin,
significant demographic changes, climate and environmental changes, 2015). The study by Hollands (2008) questioned critically the under­
economic restructuring and reforms, and digital technology disruptions lying assumptions and labelling process of the concept of smart cities
(Tompson, 2017). It is generally agreed that the objective of smart cities and called for a more progressive and inclusive smart city. Others point
is to enhance economic growth and social development through in­ out that the top-down tendency of many smart cities to privilege the
novations in technology and heightened collaboration (Sarma & Sunny, introduction of corporation-serving technologies is the key cause of
2017). The study by Caragliu et al. (2011) demonstrated positive asso­ many smart city project failures, because of a lack of understanding of
ciations between smart cities and urban wealth using urban audit data in what the citizens want (Carrasco-Sáez et al., 2017; McFarlane &

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Zhao), (O.I. Fashola), (T.I. Olarewaju), i.c.onwumere@gmail.
com (I. Onwumere).
Received 24 May 2020; Received in revised form 18 July 2021; Accepted 30 July 2021
Available online 9 August 2021
0264-2751/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Söderström, 2017; Trencher & Karvonen, 2018; Zuzul, 2019). database as their first literature review, Mora et al. (2019) conducted a
Corresponding to the dynamic smart city research are standalone second bibliometric study and found that there is a ‘deep-rooted divi­
smart city literature reviews. To get a fair glimpse of the latest de­ sion’ in the existing smart city research which is represented by sets of
velopments in smart city literature reviews, we performed a random dichotomies, such as: (1) technology-led or holistic strategy; (2) double
search in high-quality journals relevant to the study fields and found or quadruple-helix model of collaboration; (3) top-down or bottom-up
eleven literature reviews published between 2015 and 2019. Among approach; and (4) mono-dimensional or integrated intervention logic.
these eleven literature reviews, five concentrated on smart city con­ However, their literature review was limited to a bibliometric method­
ceptualisation, four on smart city governance or planning, and two took ology with a focus on mapping and quantitatively analysing the patterns
a holistic approach without any particular focus. and trends of literature growth (e.g. authors and publications), citations,
Five of the literature reviews that we found dealt with what a smart and geographic coverage of authors and organisations of the publica­
city is. After reviewing 78 academic papers, Yigitcanlar et al. (2018) tions reviewed. By doing so, the literature review did not look in depth at
found that the extant literature has not been able to adequately the contents and themes of the literature studied. The literature review
conceptualise what a smart city is meant to be, and most of the existing by Bibri and Krogstie (2017) is also holistic and multidisciplinary,
conceptual frameworks are limited in advancing our understanding of covering a wide range of research outputs published between 2005 and
the smart city concept. In a more recent literature review of 38 studies 2016. It reviewed various existing sustainable city models and smart city
published up to June 2018, Yigitcanlar et al. (2019) reiterate their approaches and identified a number of research gaps. Among the gaps,
previous findings and argue that cities cannot be truly smart without the most prominent one was the lack of a theoretically sound and
being sustainable. Likewise, the literature review by Kummitha and practically convincing model for strategic smart sustainable urban
Crutzen (2017) categorised 161 articles into four schools of thought planning and development. The review proposed a holistic approach to
using a framework called 3RC, which means restrictive school, reflective smart city research with a particular emphasis on cross-disciplinary
school, rationalistic school and critical school. The review found that issues.
conflicting views exist as to what a ‘real’ smart city is, and its implica­ The eleven literature reviews on smart city research indicate the
tions for building creative and inclusive urban space. Taking a biblio­ dynamic nature and rapid growth of smart city research. But we also see
metric methodology approach, De Jong et al. (2015) analysed 1430 the limitations and the need for further literature review for three rea­
articles retrieved from the Scopus database, focusing on how the twelve sons. First, as acknowledged by the literature reviews we have discussed
most frequent city categories relating to smart cities are conceptualised above, smart city research is fragmented, divergent and takes on many
individually and in relation to one another in the academic literature. perspectives. Only two out of the eleven literature reviews that we found
The review finds that the ‘sustainable city’ is ‘the largest and most take a holistic approach. There is a clear need for more holistic literature
interconnected node, linked closely to the ‘eco-city’ and ‘green city’ reviews to capture the overall picture and the essence of smart city
concepts’ and there is a need for rigor and nuance in the use of these research. Second, in-depth insight into the current research and prac­
terms (De Jong et al., 2015. p.25). The review of Camero and Alba tices about smart cities is vital for both researchers and practitioners.
(2019) focused on the smart city concept and covered the largest volume Based on our review, few have been able to capture both the scope and
of publications among the nine literature reviews, totalling around 2700 the depth of the prominent areas of smart city research. Third, the most
works published up to 2017. However, it included only the publications recent literature review on smart cities that we found covers the liter­
in the computer science and IT literature indexed by JCR. Using data ature only up to June 2018 (Yigitcanlar et al., 2019). Our literature
analytical techniques, the review found no consensus on defining the review seeks to address these gaps with the objectives of investigating
concept of smart cities. three research questions below:
Four of the literature reviews found in our search focused largely on
smart city governance or planning. After analysing a corpus of 51 arti­ 1. What are the noticeable developments in smart city research?
cles in the topic area, Meijer and Bolívar (2016) argue for a compre­ 2. What are the major focus areas of smart city research and what has
hensive perspective on current smart urban governance research and been achieved in these areas?
redefining the concept of smart city governance. Likewise, the literature 3. What are the most important research areas that have been over­
review of Ojo et al. (2015) was conducted with a particular interest in looked but need to be developed for future smart city research as well
smart city governance issues, although the sources of literature reviewed as for practitioners?
extended to multiple disciplinary research on smart cities. Their litera­
ture review maps the trend and key themes of a total of 170 works Following this introduction, we first outline the methods that we use
published up to 2013, and identifies the gap between current smart city to conduct the literature search and categorise and analyse the data
research and well-established disciplines such as urban planning and, collected through the search. After that, we present and discuss the
more recently, urban informatics. Ruhlandt (2018) studied 62 articles findings of our exploration. We then identify the research gaps and
with a focus on the conceptualisation of smart city governance. This limitations and propose research questions aimed at guiding future
literature review finds that extant research on smart city governance research on smart cities based on our findings. We then concluded the
appears to ‘be even more ambiguous and disintegrated than that carried paper by outlining the contributions of this study.
out on smart cities, more broadly’ (Ruhlandt, 2018, p.11). The literature
review by Lim et al. (2019) focused on urban-planning-related studies. 2. Methodology
The review sampled 53 articles published between 2005 and 2017 and
analysed the positive and negative results of smart city development. 2.1. Keywords search and database
The review found 12 positive and 4 negative results. However, most of
the results were hypothetical, suggesting a need for empirical research Smart city is a fuzzy concept, with variant conceptualisations such as
and evidence. ‘intelligent city’ and ‘digital city’ commonly encountered (Albino et al.,
Among the eleven literature reviews we found, only two took a ho­ 2015). A smart city can therefore be seen as an amorphous term that
listic approach, not focusing on any particular aspect of smart cities or cannot be cast in the rigidity of a one-size-fits-all definition (O'Grady &
field of study. One is the literature review by Mora et al. (2017). The O'Hare, 2012). This realisation has underpinned the choice of search
review covered 1067 documents published between 1992 and 2012. By terms that form the basis of our literature review. The search terms
taking a bibliometric study, Mora et al. (2017) suggest that smart city ‘smart city’, ‘smart cities’, ‘intelligent city’, ‘intelligent cities’, ‘digital
research is centred largely around what a smart city should be like, and, city’, ‘digital cities’ and ‘smart sustainable cities’ were used on three
as a result, no consensus has been reached. Drawing on the same research databases, namely - Scopus, Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

and Emerald eJournals Collection. Scopus was chosen for its expansive outside of our selection criteria were added to our dataset due to their
multidisciplinary coverage, which suits a cross-disciplinary phenome­ popularity, thus resulting in 191 publications included in our final
non such as smart cities. Although the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus dataset for this literature review. Fig. 2 illustrates our sampling process.
are both considered the most widespread databases covering different
scientific fields, they are commonly used in search of literature (Guz & 2.3. Coding process
Rushchitsky, 2009), Scopus covers a wider range of journals, especially
post-1990 publications (Aghaei et al., 2013; Vieira & Gomes, 2009). Consistent with Vaismoradi et al. (2016)'s conceptualisation of
Scopus' post-1990 comprehensive publication coverage makes it more qualitative content analysis, the coding process for this smart city litera­
relevant to smart cities – a phenomenon whose emergence as a distinct ture review was achieved through a simplification of vast amounts of
research strand took off in the late 90s. Business Source Complete written data (hundreds of smart city articles) using thematic classifica­
(EBSCO) and Emerald were used as supplementary databases for their tion to generate categories. A summary sheet was generated to record
business focus and the opportunity to offer a cross-mapping or trian­ general information on publication year, authors, citations, methodol­
gulation check on Scopus. ogy, and discipline of research through reading the abstracts of the 191
articles by every member of the review team. This formed the basis of
2.2. Search process and sample selection the secondary review. Three members of the coding team undertook a
detailed review of the abstract, content and conclusion of each article,
The search for this review was undertaken ‘without’ and ‘with’ which resulted in the refinement of the initial general coding produced
specified criteria. The pattern of evidence on search without criteria (see by the whole review team. This led to the identification of six main focal
Fig. 1 for sample pattern) informed our choice of searching with criteria points of smart city research. The third member of the coding team
that included publication years between 2000 and 2020 alongside other further reviewed articles in each of the main areas to confirm a common
criteria such as availability of full text, references, and peer-reviewed thread of focus and content. Fig. 3 illustrates the coding process.
publications in business, management, or accounting journals. The
limitation of smart city reviews to post-2000 literature is not uncommon 3. Findings
(see Yigitcanlar et al. (2018) and Richter et al. (2015)) and is supported
by the volume and growth of smart city literature in the post-millennium 3.1. Overview of smart city research development
era (see Fig. 1).
A cross-mapping of academic articles across all three databases was This section seeks to answer our first research question, focusing on
undertaken. All 759 academic articles from Business Source Complete the noticeable developments in smart city research. When analysing the
(EBSCO) were found duplicated with those in Scopus. Articles in year of the publications, we find that only 23 ‘early’ smart city research
Emerald and Scopus subsequently became the focus of our sample se­ journal articles (pre-2010) were published in journals ranked 2* or
lection. To ensure we reviewed only peer-reviewed and high-quality above, while there is a clear upward trend post-2010, and a significant
research works, we decided to use the Chartered Association of Busi­ growth between 2018 and 2019. Fig. 4 illustrates the trend based on the
ness School (ABS) journal ranking as a benchmark for journal quality. articles reviewed. The sharp rise in 2018 and 2019 smart city research
Articles from journals with at least a 2* (two-star) ranking out of a provides new empirical evidence to support the findings of the literature
possible four on the ABS-2019 journal ranking list were initially reviews by Kummitha and Crutzen (2017) and Trencher (2019) that
selected. Scopus had a bigger corpus of articles published in two-star or smart city research has been gaining momentum in urban studies.
above journals than Emerald (see Appendix 3). After the elimination of Among the 191 smart city research works that we have reviewed,
duplicates in Emerald, we had 373 articles left. After scanning the titles, there is a strong indication of the multidisciplinary nature of smart city
some of the abstracts and keywords of the articles and taking out du­ research evidenced by the outlets that published the works (see Ap­
plicates in different outlets, editorial works, calls for papers etc., we pendix 4). The 191 publications were spread across 56 journals and 2
found a total of 185 articles that were directly relevant to our smart city conference proceedings in different disciplinary areas, ranging from
literature review. Highly cited and influential smart city publications technology, management, entrepreneurship, urban government and

Fig. 1. Trend of smart city publications in Scopus over the period 1997 - 2019.

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Fig. 2. Sample selection process

*Business Source Complete articles duplicated in Scopus were thus eliminated.

Fig. 3. Team-based coding process.

Fig. 4. Smart city publications in ABS 2-star and above journals.

planning, intellectual capital, transportation, supply chains, tourism, (44) and the Journal of Cleaner Production (21) (see Appendix 4 for more
and many more. The interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or multi- detail). However, highly cited and influential works on smart cities are
variate nature of smart city research has been acknowledged by other not necessarily restricted to highly ranked journals. Journals with
researchers (e.g. Angelidou, 2014; Neirotti et al., 2014). The most modest rankings and conference proceedings were prominent among the
popular publication outlets for smart city research are those with an most cited smart city publications (see Appendix 5). This was an
urban/city development focus, with Cities (48 publications) being the important justification for looking beyond two-star ABS-ranked journals
single largest source in this category, followed by journals that have a in constituting a final dataset of publications for this review. The in­
link with technology (i.e. Technological Forecasting and Social Change adequacy of research on the social and cultural challenges associated

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

with smart city realities (Mora et al., 2017) was another important piece 3.2.1. Smart city planning and governance
of evidence from analysis of major publications on smart cities. Among the articles we reviewed, 61 articles focused on urban plan­
In terms of geographic context, around 66% of the 191 articles ning and governance of smart cities. This corpus of literature centres
specify their geographical context, while the rest (about 34%) do not around the determinants, challenges, and impacts of smart cities on urban
(see Appendix 6). While smart city research undertaken with a European planning and governance. The determinants range from macro to micro
focus (57 studies) is dominant among publications, followed by an Asian factors. From a micro perspective, studies focus on technology use,
focus (29 studies), global and inter-continental studies that straddle two namely, how important using big data (Kourtit et al., 2017; Kummitha,
or more continents have emerged as a common geographical interest of 2018; Lim et al., 2018; Ruhlandt et al., 2020; Shang et al., 2018) and
smart city scholars. This strong interconnection between geography and software, hardware, platforms, and information systems (Camero &
smart city discourse is consistent with the position of Angelidou (2014, Alba, 2019; Cohen & Amorós, 2014; Harrison et al., 2010; Heaton &
p.4) that ‘innovation has a geographical locus and knowledge has a Parlikad, 2019; Viale Pereira et al., 2017) is for urban planning and
geographical stickiness’. The dominance of European studies is not governance. While a very few of these studies suggest the importance of
surprising given that more smart city projects are undertaken in Europe human interaction with technology, the dynamics between community
than in any other part of the world (Lee & Hancock, 2012, cited in knowledge and technology are generally overlooked in urban planning
Ahvenniemi et al., 2017). European smart city projects may therefore and governance (Kummitha, 2018).
offer more empirical evidence and conceptual development for re­ From a macro perspective, environmental determinants such as
searchers who seek to advance smart city research. economic development (Neirotti et al., 2014), political and economic
context (Popescu, 2015), government policies and other institutions
3.2. Most prominent areas of smart city research (Heaton & Parlikad, 2019) and infrastructure (Offenhuber & Schecht­
ner, 2018) are widely identified as key factors in urban governance.
What are the major focus areas of smart city research and what has However, we would argue that these macro factors are specific to the
been achieved in these areas? We seek to address this question in this countries and the cities they study. Therefore, practitioners and re­
section. We have identified six prominent areas of smart city research searchers must consider the specific macro factors in smart city planning
based on the volume of publications. Fig. 5 illustrates the growing trend and governance. Stakeholder involvement in urban planning is another
of high-quality publications in each of the focus areas between 2000 and area that some studies have focused on. The studies by Batty et al.
2019. The data for 2000-2010 is aggregated due to the limited number (2012) and Biswas (2019) highlighted the importance of empowering
of publications ranked 2* and above prior to 2011. From 2000 to 2015, citizens to ensure inclusivity and improve the efficiency, equity, and
the smart city digital technology diffusion literature was the most quality of life for citizens. Ardito et al. (2019) discussed the role of
dominant focus area, often complemented by the smart city planning universities, whereas Edge et al. (2020) investigated the role of politi­
and governance, and smart city strategy and implementation areas. In cians, business leaders, and the community in smart city governance and
2015, those three areas were joined by the smart city entrepreneurship planning. While stakeholder involvement could be vital, this area is
and innovation, and smart city evaluation and measurement areas, but relatively underexplored. Fernandez-Anez et al. (2018) suggested that
by 2019, smart city planning and governance has become the most understanding the views of stakeholders and aligning them with future
dominant focus area in the smart city literature. This finding provides strategies could provide a holistic view of smart city governance. Apart
empirical evidence to partially support the argument made by Trencher from these factors, a few studies have investigated the effectiveness of
(2019) that smart city research has shifted from being techno- smart city governance practices, such as urban openness, partnership
economically driven to a more people-centred approach. However, our formation, smart infrastructure development, e-governance, and sus­
finding indicates clearly that research has given more attention to urban tainability (Aina, 2017; Popescu, 2015; Ruhlandt et al., 2020). However,
planning and governance issues. The following discusses each of the key we consider that these factors and practices could differ in different
focus areas. governance models and should be adequately addressed.
While a vast majority of studies focused on the determinants of sound
urban planning, a few studies tackled the challenges of urban planning.

Fig. 5. Development of smart city research by focus area.

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Among these few, Lam and Ma (2019) identified the potential pitfalls of challenges the techno-centric focus due to its limitations in addressing
technology, such as system information insecurity, leakage of private the social and cultural challenges associated with smart city realities. In
information, and information islands as potential challenges in devel­ practice, a similar trend is seen in many city councils’ strategies, which
oping smart city policies; Bunders and Varró (2019) investigated the are mostly about technology investment and improving urban infra­
tensions between smart city goals and sustainability; Almirall et al. structure through technology (Angelidou, 2014). Yigitcanlar et al.
(2016) highlighted the tensions in the context of shared economies; and (2018) challenge the monocentric technology focus of the current
Batty et al. (2012) paid special attention to the challenges of equity, common smart city practice in their research.
fairness and widespread uptake of smart city technologies. However, we It is pleasing to see that some of the research has endeavoured to take
notice that these pitfalls and challenges are studied largely from a a comprehensive and integrative approach to studying smart city tech­
technology perspective (e.g. Harrison et al., 2010; Heaton & Parlikad, nologies and their diffusion. For example, the study by Adapa, 2018
2019), overlooking other social and cultural macro- and micro- investigated the drivers and challenges of cleaner production technol­
challenges (Heaton & Parlikad, 2019). For example, culture and reli­ ogies and developed a framework to address the issues comprehensively
gion could be an important element to consider in smart city planning from political, economic, technical, human, social, physical, and ethical
when the city's population is multi-religious and multi-cultural. Simi­ perspectives. The study by Aina (2017) found that local contexts (eco­
larly, aging populations and educational requirements pose various nomic, social, cultural, and technological contexts) decide the success of
challenges for smart cities as well. the adoption of Geoinformation and Communication Technology
Among the corpus, a few studies have investigated the impacts of (GeoICT). The works of this trajectory are promising, although some of
smart cities on urban planning and governance. Those studies that dis­ the studies are prescriptive and need to be supported by empirical
cussed the impacts focus on the areas of energy efficiency (Yu & Zhang, studies.
2019), work and traffic (Hopkins & McKay, 2019), human resource
development (Caragliu et al., 2011; Thite, 2011), health (Wray et al., 3.2.3. Smart city strategy and implementation
2018), well-being (Colding & Barthel, 2017) and quality of life (De The third area of research focuses on issues relating to smart city
Guimarães et al., 2020). However, we notice that these studies tend to strategy and implementation, with a total of 18 articles. The majority of
deal with issues in a fragmented way, with a limited understanding and these studies (14) investigated urban innovation strategies and imple­
discussion of the wider implications for overall smart city planning and mentation (e.g. Brorström et al., 2018; Snow et al., 2016; Neirotti et al.,
governance. 2014). The study by Abella et al., 2017 developed economic and social
benefit mechanisms for value creation for smart cities and sustainability.
3.2.2. Smart city technology diffusion Likewise, Annunziato and Maestosi (2018) studied the new models of
Technology is the second largest focus of the smart city research value creation involving the intermediation of public-private partner­
literature with 45 articles. This is not surprising given that technology is ships, cross-sectorial collaboration, city-led ‘open innovation market­
what makes a city smart, in many people's view. For example, the Smart places’, and other forms of smart city strategy and implementation. The
Cities Council (2014) defines a smart city as one that has digital tech­ findings of these studies demonstrate a strong and enduring theme of
nology embedded across all city functions. This is also consistent with collaboration and open innovation, which is critical to smart city
the findings of some of the literature reviews on smart cities (e.g. strategy. The study by Snow et al. (2016) investigated smart city stra­
Yigitcanlar et al., 2018; Kummitha & Crutzen, 2017; Meijer & Bolívar, tegies for providing economic growth, mitigating environmental
2016. This aspect of smart city research focuses mostly on smart tech­ degradation, and enhancing sustainability. The empirical results of Zhao
nologies, applications, systems, architecture, infrastructure as well as and Hu (2019) showcase the significant positive impact that smart city
issues relating to technology diffusion in smart cities. strategy has on urban innovation measured through patenting activity,
In terms of the user-provider perspective, many articles discussed the especially in the high-tech industries. However, there are still underly­
design and development issues of new smart technologies and systems ing questions about how conducive these are to sustainability, liveability
from a provider perspective (e.g. Mohamed et al., 2018; Sodhro et al., and economic growth on a broad scale. A sound smart city innovation
2019), while others investigated technology adoption issues from a user strategy can simultaneously generate benefits for the environment,
perspective (e.g. Baudier et al., 2020). From a user perspective, the study stakeholders, and create long-term competitive advantages for organi­
of Ylipulli et al. (2014) investigated the adoption of a Wifi network and sations. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence to support that.
interactive displays in the urban public space of the City of Oulu, Some of the studies examined the challenges and implications of urban
Finland, while the study of Cohen and Amorós (2014) discussed the innovation and development strategies for smart cities (e.g. Li et al.,
adoption of sustainable technologies, or clean technologies, by munici­ 2018; Sandulli et al., 2017; Neirotti et al., 2014; Snow et al., 2016).
palities and developed a model of demand-side policy instruments Contreras and Platania (2019) argued that governments should leverage
which could be applied at different stages of technology diffusion. The both international and national-level policies which are legally and
study by Bell et al. (2018) demonstrates how important a participatory politically binding to complement smart city strategy and move from a
approach is in the development of smart technologies through co- ‘cowboy economy’ to a ‘spaceman’ economy, namely, from a closed to
designing with the general public. an open economy. A few studies have looked at the role of universities in
From a provider perspective, some studies tend to focus on case smart city strategy and implementation in terms of smart city ecosystem
studies of certain technology products, tools, or projects of big corpo­ innovation (e.g. Ferraris et al., 2018). Grimaldi and Fernandez (2017)
rations such as IBM and Cisco Systems (e.g. Afzalan et al., 2017; Lee investigated the role of universities in implementing smart city trans­
et al., 2013; Scuotto et al., 2016). Others are more interested in devel­ formation strategies, applying the complexity theory. Their study ana­
oping indexes and performance metrics that can be used to benchmark lysed how university curricula and innovative services improve citizens’
and measure specific aspects of technology or system performance. For quality of life.
example, after conducting case studies of 26 cities across the world, We have also noticed that the adoption of smart technology as a
Debnath et al. (2014) proposed a framework to benchmark the tech­ strategy issue is discussed widely (e.g. Paroutis et al., 2014; Zhao & Hu,
nological maturity of the transportation systems. Likewise, the study by 2019; Caragliu & Del Bo, 2019; Lecomte, 2019). For example, Paroutis
Chatterjee et al. (2017) developed critical successful factors for 5G et al. (2014) examined strategically how smart city technology can be
diffusion to improve the performance of network grids in smart cities in implemented in the context of a recession. Using IBM's Recession Action
India. However, we find that most technology-oriented research tends to Framework as a case study, the study highlights the importance of
have a narrower and singular view about the construct of smart cities. enacting technology as a strategic option in smart city development.
Our finding echoes the results of a study by Mora et al. (2017), which However, as the authors acknowledged, questions remain about how to

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

deal with the impact of a recession, shock effect, crisis management, and measurement of smart city performance. Their major focus seemed to be
post-recession recovery to sustain smart cities. This limitation is the assessment of how well smart cities have benefited from the intended
particularly problematic given the current global pandemic crisis (see objectives that drive the decision to go smart through infrastructural
further discussion below). upgrades, and the development that enhances digital capability within
such cities (e.g. Ahvenniemi et al., 2017; Manitiu & Pedrini, 2016;
3.2.4. Smart city entrepreneurship and innovation Romão et al., 2018). There are various measurement frameworks and
We identified 23 articles with a focus on entrepreneurship and indices developed that reflect largely different notions and con­
innovation relating to smart city research. The discussions in the articles ceptualisations of smart cities, ranging from internet/digital cities,
revolve largely around the interactions between smart cities and sustainable/green cities, to knowledge/intellectual cities and so on.
entrepreneurship and innovation. From an entrepreneurship and inno­ Some of the assessment tools gauge city-wide usage of modern tech­
vation perspective, a smart city is defined as an urban innovation nologies or ‘smartness’ (Shen et al., 2018), and some measure environ­
ecosystem (Camboim et al., 2019) as smart cities are agglomerated areas mental, social, and economic performance (Manitiu & Pedrini, 2016).
of high concentrations of learning, ICT, and modernization (Richter The latter argued that sustainability performance measurement frame­
et al., 2015). In such areas, creativity and innovation, coupled with works offer templates which may be adapted by smart city evaluators,
digital infrastructure, lead to entrepreneurship (Kraus et al., 2015). since such frameworks have a much more balanced approach to per­
Smart cities thus result in the creation of new business locations, and this formance, which includes environmental, social, and economic (ESG)
is reflected in the fact that there is usually a higher degree of entre­ measures. Likewise, Kumar et al. (2018) have generated a multi-
preneurship in smart cities in comparison to other cities (Kummitha, dimensional framework called the Smart City Transformation Frame­
2018). work (SCTF) that can be used in evaluating the extent of smartness via
Research suggests that smart cities are of particular interest to en­ evaluation of planning, physical infrastructure, ICT infrastructure, and
trepreneurs because they provide ample scope for innovation and deployment of smart solutions. This multi-dimensional approach is
business opportunities. For example, the opportunity to operate within a espoused by other studies such as Alizadeh and Sipe (2016), Luque et al.
smart environment can attract entrepreneurs from other cities that are (2014) and Neirotti et al. (2014). Another noticeable measurement
not smart (Richter et al., 2015). In addition, the expected access to framework is the triple helix model and its extension, the four helices
venture capital that smart cities promise could be a significant advan­ model, which are proposed to assess knowledge-based innovation sys­
tage for start-ups (Carè et al., 2018). However, within the dynamic and tems in smart cities. The model consists of 60 indicators covering smart
challenging innovation ecosystem of smart cities, entrepreneurs have to economy, smart people, smart governance, smart environment and
play an even more important role than usual in terms of identifying and smart living (Lombardi et al., 2012). This is by far the most compre­
exploiting opportunities (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). To remain hensive and sophisticated measurement framework that we have
competitive in smart cities, entrepreneurs might require a portfolio of reviewed.
business models that they could transition from. Lee et al. (2014) suggest However, we notice that many of the frameworks for smart cities
that open-minded and creative regions like smart cities attract human perpetuate a top-down narrative that detracts in some ways from the
capital and this movement leads to a higher entrepreneurial dynamic. A real essence of smart cities: the people. Assessment and evaluation tools
good example of this is Silicon Valley. Thus, the ‘socio-technical with a people focus that capture key environmental, social, and eco­
network’ among entrepreneurs within smart cities is likely to stimulate nomic variables may be much more compatible with the concept of
knowledge spillovers and innovation (Caragliu & Del Bo, 2019). More­ smart cities. We find that the relationship between technological inno­
over, the availability of a high-skilled workforce in smart cities is typi­ vation and people-centred urbanisation in smart city assessment
cally above average, and it is argued that smart cities breed avenues for frameworks remains underexplored. To address this issue, Wang et al.
the effective collaboration of researchers, designers, and stakeholders, (2018) and Borsekova et al. (2018) proposed a framework for people-
thus sparking collective innovation for transformative solutions focused smart community evaluation using mandatory indicators
(Andreani et al., 2019). which are consistent with the four elements proposed by Macke et al.
However, these location-based advantages are challenged by other (2018) for evaluation of smart living: socio-structural relations, envi­
research. For example, what is less explored is that talent might come to ronmental well-being, material well-being, and community integration.
smart cities but choose to lay dormant or even leave, while others Collectively, these are considered capable of creating a strong smart city
venture into business creation (Roth et al., 2013). Moreover, the community.
resource-based advantages of smart cities that were once the benefits
could become problematic due to overcrowding, pollution, and 3.2.6. Smart city supply chains and logistics
mismanagement (Gascó-Hernandez, 2018). This should be investigated We identified 10 articles with a primary focus on supply chains, lo­
more adequately. There is also a lack of research on how entrepreneurs gistics, transportation, and operations management in relation to smart
can purposefully and strategically shape their institutional environment cities. In terms of supply chains, some research discusses the relation­
in smart cities to enhance their competitive advantage (Richter et al., ships between smart cities, big data and supply networks (Graham et al.,
2015). Institutions refer to the humanly devised constraints that struc­ 2015) and posits that smart cities and big data alone have limited ca­
ture political, economic, and social interactions (van den Buuse & Kolk, pacity for improving supply chains and the related processes, but when
2019). Formal institutions define legal rules, provide incentives and combined they can support and improve each other. Smart cities can
controls to encourage legal compliance, and establish the infrastructure provide open data systems based on diversified sources that can be
for facilitating market transactions and allocating scarce resources. particularly critical in the mobility aspects of the supply chain,
Informal institutions are denoted by social embeddedness and encom­ encompassing public and private transport systems (Garau et al., 2016).
pass the culture, or shared values, norms, and practices that shape so­ Martínez et al. (2017) showed that smart cities grapple with increasing
ciety. Both the formal and informal institutional environments in smart supply chain complexity, cost, and vulnerability to market forces. They
cities could support entrepreneurship by lowering uncertainties and the further reported that the keys to integration between supply chain
threat of expropriation and business failure. However, what role entre­ members are for top management to be fully invested and committed,
preneurs can play in the smart city institutional environment is still not and for supply chains to be flexibly configured for market responsive­
understood. ness. Solano et al. (2017) contributed to this discourse by investigating
the need for smart cities to reduce their impact on the environment, and
3.2.5. Smart city evaluation and measurement for their planners to take consideration of new ethical, cultural, political,
We identified 20 articles with a focus on evaluation and financial, and economic approaches. We argue that such approaches

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

could turn sustainability challenges into opportunities, but there is often growing, we find four main limitations to the overall literature. First, a
insufficient information on how businesses in smart cities balance the fragmented approach dominates smart city research, with a few excep­
needs of the supply chain with sustainability. This makes it hard for tions. For example, based on the exploration of a wide and extensive
smart city policymakers to collaborate with businesses towards smart array of literature from various disciplinary areas, Chourabi et al.,
city sustainability, because smart city businesses do not want to share (2012) identify eight critical factors of smart city initiatives: manage­
their precious intellectual property (Peris-Ortiz et al., 2017). ment and organization, technology, governance, policy context, people
There can be no smart city without a reliable and efficient trans­ and communities, economy, built infrastructure, and the natural envi­
portation system (Yan et al., 2018). There is also promise regarding the ronment. The researchers propose that these factors form the basis of an
use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the supply chain in smart integrative framework that can be used to examine how local govern­
cities, to reduce traffic congestion and create innovative disruptions ments are envisioning smart city initiatives. In the same manner, Nam
(Mohammed et al., 2014). Logistics initiatives in smart cities are largely et al., (2011) offer strategic principles aligning to three main dimensions
dependent on collecting and managing the right kinds of data, analysing (technology, people, and institutions) of the smart city: integration of
patterns, and optimising functional systems (Ruhlandt et al., 2020). infrastructure and technology-mediated services, social learning for
Optimists argue that smart cities’ logistics provide an ideal background strengthening human infrastructure, and governance for institutional
for the exploitation of big data to optimise supply chains (e.g. Rathore improvement and citizen engagement. However, most research in the
et al., 2016). Research also shows that the relationships between smart field is limited to specific products/services and is highly context-driven,
cities, big data, and supply chains cannot be described as a linear, cause- taking a case study design. Moreover, the few technology-driven ap­
and-effect framework (Graham et al., 2015). From an operations man­ proaches taken to address this issue often fail to consider the importance
agement perspective, Qi and Shen (2019) argued that the smart city of other aspects of technology adoption, such as social and cultural
movement will transition from the tech-oriented stage to the decision- factors. This finding from our review supports the results of the biblio­
oriented stage. The authors propounded that a smart city can be metric analysis of smart city research between 1992 and 2012 by Mora
perceived as a range of systems within which planning and operational et al. (2017), but with updated evidence. Realising the limitations, some
decisions are orchestrated at the urban scale, reflective of multi- researchers urge ICT researchers to consider broader issues such as the
dimensional needs, and adaptive to massive data and innovation. This cultural and political life of smart cities, and their environmental and
creates opportunities for cutting-edge methodologies for solving urban financial sustainability relating to ICT diffusion (Batabyal & Beladi,
challenges in smart cities. 2019). In this regard, we posit that technology integration in smart cities
Although the six focus areas of smart city research stand out needs to incorporate social integration, viewing smart cities as a whole
distinctly in the literature we reviewed, we argue that they can be and addressing the challenges of smart technologies in a holistic and
viewed as integrative parts of a holistic ecosystem of smart cities, as integrative way.
Fig. 6 illustrates. It is imperative that the outcome of the smart cities’ Second, we find that although most studies focus on the positive
change agenda be subject to evaluation and measurement in line with functionalities that smart cities can bring to businesses and entrepre­
social, economic, and environmental criteria to holistically ascertain neurs, very few studies discuss in detail the downsides of technology and
success or failure, and to promote learning and elicit improvement. the failure of smart city projects (Martin et al., 2018). The study by Lam
and Ma (2019) critiqued a lack of systematic and empirical studies in the
4. Discussion current literature on four potential pitfalls in the process of technology
diffusion in smart cities: system information insecurity, personal privacy
In this section, we seek to address our third question: ‘What are the leakage, information islands, and digital divide. Each of these pitfalls
most important research areas that have been overlooked but are needed could derail smart city progress if they were not addressed properly.
to be developed for future smart city research as well as for Therefore, exemplary future research questions to address this could be:
practitioners?’ what are the key factors contributing to the failure of high-profile smart
city projects? and, what lessons can be learnt from them?
4.1. Limitations of the overall literature Third, less than 20% of the articles that we reviewed have an explicit
theoretical basis. Among the theories that are used are capability theory
While we acknowledge that the literature on smart city research is (Biswas, 2019), instrument theory (Desdemoustier et al., 2019),
neoliberal ideologies (Grossi & Pianezzi, 2017), organisational theories
(e.g. Nyberg & Yarime, 2017), technology adoption theories (e.g. Yli­
pulli et al., 2014), knowledge management theories (e.g. Ardito et al.,
2019) and the value co-creation concept (Yu & Zhang, 2019) (See
Table 1 for examples). The novel nature of smart cities, there is a need
for smart city research not only to build its research on established
theories but also to develop new theories rigorously.
Fourth, Table 1 shows that 38% of the articles that we reviewed are
conceptual papers. The conceptual papers tend to focus on developing
static and prescriptive conceptual frameworks, models, and methods of
various kinds, but do not test them (e.g. Abella et al., 2017; Matos et al.,
2017; Öberg & Graham, 2016). Among the empirical studies, 47% are
case studies, either single (e.g. Garau et al., 2016) or multiple case
studies (e.g. Anthopoulos, 2017). However, only 27% of the studies have
a quantitative design. There is a need for more breadth so that research
and findings can have a wider impact and inform policymakers and
researchers on a larger scale. These methodological limitations may
adversely affect the rigor and value of smart city research and the ability
to generalise the findings.

Fig. 6. Smart city as a holistic ecosystem.

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Table 1 there is only limited discussion of the asymmetric impacts of technology

Summary of theoretical basis and methodology of articles reviewed (N = 185). diffusion on disadvantaged groups/residents in society and institutions
Theoretical basis Methodology such as small businesses. These groups will lag further behind and the
digital divide will widen if these issues are not addressed adequately. In
Have Do not Research No.
have design this regard, research on equality, accessibility, and inclusiveness of new
technologies in smart cities warrants more attention in smart city
36 (19.5%) 149 Conceptual 71
(80.5%) (38%)
Examples: Case study 87 Third, in terms of smart city strategy, there is limited research on
(47%) crisis management in the smart city literature (Paroutis et al., 2014). We
Capability theory (Biswas, 2019), Qualitativea 102 have now started to see research emerging on how Covid-19 is changing
Instrument theory (Desdemoustier (89%)
how urban residents live, work, and commute, and how this is reshaping
et al., 2019), Quantitativea 31
Neoliberal ideologies (Grossi & (27%) economic structures and business models. In the current global battle
Pianezzi, 2017), Organisational Mixeda 24 against Covid-19, smart cities have a pivotal role to play in responding to
theories (Nyberg and Yarime, 2017), (21%) the crisis in terms of track-and-trace of coronavirus cases using smart
Technology adoption theories (Ylipulli technologies (e.g. Shorfuzzaman et al., 2021), enforcing social
et al., 2014),
Knowledge management theories (
distancing rules, getting homeless people off the streets, and special
Ardito et al., 2019) and value co- emergency measures for care homes, to give just a few examples.
creation concept (Yu & Zhang, 2019) Investigating how smart cities respond to crises and pandemics is a
These research methods include the methods used in case studies. In the case
critical part of smart city strategy, to ensure that crises can be tackled
of studies that do not collect empirical data, they are considered as being swiftly and effectively at both strategic and operational levels.
qualitative. Fourth, research tends to emphasise the various advantages and
benefits that smart cities can bring to entrepreneurship and innovation
4.2. Areas for future research from seemingly location-based and resource-based perspectives. How­
ever, less attention is paid to investigating the factors that prompt en­
In addition to the limitations of the overall literature that we have trepreneurs to go dormant or leave smart cities. Equally important, how
reviewed, we have identified specific challenges and areas for future can entrepreneurs purposefully and strategically shape their institu­
research in each of the six foci of smart city research. First, we argue for tional environment in smart cities to enhance their competitive
a more integrative and comprehensive perspective in the literature on advantage?
smart city planning and governance. There is a need for a balanced Fifth, among the various frameworks to assess the smartness of cities,
combination of human, social, cultural, environmental, economic, and there is a common problem with the implementation of the proposed
technological elements to be embedded in the research. Among the key frameworks and indices: a lack of empirical testing and evidence to
elements, a citizen-centric approach (Bătăgan, 2011), is vital to striking demonstrate their validity. Moreover, different cities have different
the balance. It is now not a question of why, but how to enhance in­ priorities and specific issues to address. Therefore, there should not be a
clusive citizen participation in urban planning and governance. Empir­ one-size-fits-all approach because there is no consensus on what
ical research needs to investigate and collect leading practices in ‘smartness’ means in the context of smart cities. Future research could
inclusive stakeholder engagement in urban planning and governance. address these issues through investigating and testing the variables that
Second, in terms of the diffusion of new technologies in smart cities, can be tailored to different urban contexts. Future research could also

Table 2
Proposed key questions for future research.
Focus area Indicative questions for future research References

Overall • What are the key factors contributing to the failure of high-profile smart city projects? Martin et al. (2018)
• What lessons can be learned from them?
• What are the hindrances that smart technologies can bring to residents and institutions in smart
cities? Lam and Ma (2019)
• How can they be addressed?
Smart city planning and • How can we enhance inclusive citizen participation in planning, building and governance of SC? Kummitha (2018)
governance • How can we tackle the challenges when involving and managing various stakeholders in smart city Fernandez-Anez et al. (2018)
planning and governance effectively? Bernardi and Diamantini (2018)
• How do SC governance models work in different sociocultural, historical and political contexts? Wray et al. (2018);
De Guimarães et al. (2020)
Smart city technology diffusion • What are the impacts of technology diffusion on disadvantaged groups/residents and institutions
such as micro and small businesses in smart cities?
• How can smart cities address equality, accessibility and inclusiveness of new technologies?
Smart city strategy and • How can smart cities respond swiftly and effectively to global crises at both strategic and operational Paroutis et al. (2014)
implementation levels?
• What can we learn for future development of SC strategy from the current responses of urban
governments to the pandemic?
Smart city entrepreneurship • What are the key factors that prompt entrepreneurs to lay dormant or leave smart cities? Kummitha (2018), Nilssen (2019), van
and innovation • How can entrepreneurs purposefully and strategically shape their institutional environment in smart den Buuse and Kolk (2019)
cities to enhance their competitive advantage?
Smart city evaluation and • How can various smart city performance measurements be tailored to different urban contexts? Albino et al. (2015)
measurement • What could a people-centred measurement for smart cities look like?
Smart city supply chains and • How can formal and informal governance mechanisms interact with each other and improve network Graham et al. (2015), Berrone et al.
logistics governance in smart city supply chains, transportation, logistics, and operations? (2016), Qi and Shen (2019)
• How can SC businesses share intellectually patented information in an environment of trust to help
develop sustainable supply chains?

Legend: SC = smart city.

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

develop a more people-centred measurement approach for smart cities, The research questions that we have proposed should guide researchers
such as giving people a voice on what a smart city should be like and to address the knowledge gaps both comprehensively and in each of the
what ‘smartness’ really means to them. important research areas. Third, the research insights of our literature
Finally, there is a shortage of smart city research on network review may encourage practitioners, including city councillors, urban
governance in supply chains, transportation, logistics, and operations planners, and business managers, to consider smart city strategies in a
management. Network governance is a critical aspect of formal and holistic way when building vibrant, sustainable, and resilient cities of
informal governance of networks, i.e. the set of mechanisms that support the future. This is particularly important in the wake of Covid-19,
cooperation among organisations (Alvarez et al., 2009). Formal gover­ because the challenges exacerbated by the pandemic require coordi­
nance mechanisms include command structures, incentive systems, nated actions from the private, public, and social sectors and the support
standard operating procedures, and documented dispute resolution of an ecosystem. Fourth, this study updates previous literature reviews
procedures, and are often based on hierarchical controls (Gulati and and provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of the developments
Singh, 1998). Informal governance mechanisms, on the other hand, are in smart city research. This review is timely given the rapid growth in
characterised by relationships rather than by bureaucratic structures high-quality smart city research between 2018 and 2019 (see Fig. 4).
(Alvarez and Yarcan, 2010). They include information sharing, values, Smart city literature boasts a rich, disparate, and interdisciplinary
culture, and social norms. Future research could investigate further how body of research. It embodies polarised discourses ranging from viewing
formal and informal governance mechanisms can interact with each smart cities as a panacea for all the problems in modern urban devel­
other and improve network governance in smart city supply chains, opment, to sharp critiques from various perspectives, and anything in
transportation, logistics, and operations. Table 2 presents a snapshot of between. ‘Yet they also point to a need to transcend polarised discourses
our proposed key questions for future research. around alternative models of smart cities and appreciate the messy re­
ality of hybrid, on-the-ground smart urbanisation and the co-existence
5. Conclusion of contrasting yet complementary visions and approaches’ (Trencher,
2019 p.117). It is our view that researchers and practitioners will enjoy
This literature review makes four contributions to both smart city and appreciate the wealth of smart city research through this critical
research and practice. First, our literature review takes a holistic literature review.
approach and provides smart city researchers with an in-depth insight
into the current smart city research from a multidisciplinary perspective Declaration of competing interest
(e.g. technology, governance, strategy, entrepreneurship and innova­
tion, supply chains, etc.). Second, the areas we have identified for future The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
research would inform researchers to position their research with con­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
fidence, due to our systematic and rigorous literature review process. the work reported in this paper.

Appendix A
Appendix 1
. Outcome of initial literature search.

Search without criteria Search with criteria

Database Total publications Total academic publications Coverage period Total academic publications Coverage period

Business Source Complete (EBSCO) 10,187 1526 1895–2020 759 2000–2020

Emerald 8567 6195 1972–2020 2374 2000–2020
Scopus 20,724 1568a 1971–2020 1136a 2000–2020
Total 39,478 9289 1895–2020 4269 2000–2020
Business, management and accounting only as Scopus covers other disciplines.

Appendix 2
. Summary of the number and percentage of articles published in journals ranked two-star or above.

Databasea Total academic journals No of articles published in journals with at least a two-star ranking Percentage of total publication in two-star journal Coverage period

Emerald 2374 164 6.91% 2000–2020

Scopus 1136 209 18.40% 2000–2020
Total 3510 373 25.31% 2000–2020
Articles from Business Source Complete already eliminated during initial cross-mapping.

Appendix 3
. Prominent focus areas of smart city research (N = 191).

Focus area No of Sample articles


Urban planning and governance 61 Harrison et al. (2010); Batty et al. (2012); Neirotti et al. (2014); Abella et al., 2017; Almirall et al. (2016);
Viale Pereira et al. (2017); Russo et al. (2016); Garau et al. (2016); Thite (2011); Martin et al. (2018);
Fernandez-Anez et al. (2018); Huston et al. (2015); March (2018); Wu et al. (2018); Caragliu and Del Bo
Smart technology diffusion 45 Debnath et al. (2014); Scuotto et al. (2016); Belanche et al. (2016); Ylipulli et al. (2014); Mosannenzadeh
et al. (2017); Corbett and Mellouli (2017); Aina (2017); Afzalan et al. (2017); Allam and Dhunny (2019)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 23
(continued on next page)

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Appendix 3 (continued )
Focus area No of Sample articles

Cohen et al. (2016); Gascó-Hernandez (2018); Bresciani et al. (2018); Roth et al. (2013); Sarma and Sunny
(2017); Carè et al. (2018); Nilssen (2019); van den Buuse and Kolk (2019)
Evaluation and measurement 20 Ahvenniemi et al. (2017); Marsal-Llacuna and Segal (2016); Macke et al. (2018); Romão et al. (2018)
Manitiu and Pedrini (2016); Alizadeh (2017)
Shen et al. (2018); Borsekova et al. (2018)
Smart city strategy and implementation 18 Caragliu et al. (2011); Lee et al. (2014); Angelidou (2014); Marek et al. (2017); Sandulli et al. (2017);
Letaifa (2015); Snow et al. (2016); Berrone et al. (2016)
Supply chain, logistics, transportation, operations 10 Graham et al. (2015); Li et al. (2016); Öberg and Graham (2016); Burnes and Towers (2016); Ahmad and
Mehmood (2016)
Others (conceptualisation, tourism, intellectual capital, 14 Hollands (2008); Nam and Pado (2011); Thite (2011); Chourabi et al., (2012); Dameri and Ricciardi (2015);
HR, housing, urban space, etc.) Grossi and Pianezzi (2017); Kummitha and Crutzen (2017); Wray et al. (2018); Ivars-Baidal et al. (2019);
Ferraris et al. (2019)
Total 191

Appendix 4
. Article distribution across publications (N = 191).

Journal NO Journal NO Journal NO

Cities 48 Academy of Management Journal 1 Journal of Travel Research 1

Technological forecasting and social change 44 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 1 Journal of Urban Technology 1
Journal of cleaner production 21 Africa Journal of Management 1 M@n@gement 1
California Management Review 5 Business Process Management Journal 1 Middle East Journal of Business 1
Production Planning and Control 4 City 1 Public Management Review 1
Futures 3 Communications of the ACM 1 R&D Management 1
Business Horizons 2 Creativity and Innovation Management 1 Regional studies 1
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 2 Current issues in tourism 1 Research in the Sociology of Organisations 1
European Planning Studies 2 Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 1 Research Policy 1
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small 2 Hawaii international conference on system sciences. 1 South African Journal of Economic and Management 1
Business IEEE Sciences
Journal of business research 2 Human Resource Development International 1 Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 1
Journal of Intellectual Capital 2 IBM Journal of research and development 1 Systemic Practice and Action Research 1
Journal of Management in Engineering 2 IMP Journal 1 The European Physical Journal Special Topics 1
Management Decision 2 International digital government research 1 The International Journal of Human Resource 1
conference Management
Production and Operations Management 2 Information Systems Journal 1 Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 1
Public Money and Management 2 Information Technology for Development 1 Tourism Management perspective 1
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 2 International Journal of Public Administration 1 Tourism Planning and Development 1
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy 2 Journal of Global Information Management 1 Journal of General Management 1
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2 Journal of High Technology Management Research 1
Technovation 2 Journal of Industrial Relations 1

Appendix 5
. Most cited smart city publications and sources.

Ranking Author and publication year No of citation Source

1 Caragliu et al. (2011) 1377 Journal of Urban Technology

2 Hollands (2008) 1359 City
3 Chourabi et al., (2012) 1188 Hawaii international conference on system Sciences (45th). IEEE
4 Neirotti et al. (2014) 993 Cities
5 Nam and Pardo (2011) 938 International digital government research conference (12th)
6 Batty et al. (2012) 890 The European Physical Journal Special Topics
7 Harrison et al. (2010) 500 IBM Journal of research and development
8 Ahvenniemi et al. (2017) 387 Cities
9 Lee et al. (2014) 374 Technological Forecasting and Social Change
10 Angelidou (2014) 370 Cities
11 De Jong et al. (2015) 366 Journal of Cleaner production
12 Letaifa (2015) 201 Journal of business research
13 Marsal-Llacuna et al., (2015) 187 Technological Forecasting and Social Change
14 Kummitha and Crutzen (2017) 166 Cities
15 Paroutis et al. (2014) 135 Technological Forecasting and Social Change

F. Zhao et al. Cities 119 (2021) 103406

Baudier, P., Ammi, C., & Deboeuf-Rouchon, M. (2020). Smart home: Highly educated
Appendix 6 students' acceptance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, Article
. Geographical context of smart city literature (N = 119355.
Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., & Orús, C. (2016). City attachment and use of urban services:
191). Benefits for smart cities. Cities, 50, 75–81.
Bell, S., Benatti, F., Edwards, N. R., Laney, R., Morse, D. R., Piccolo, L., & Zanetti, O.
Geographical context Number (2018). Smart cities and M 3: Rapid research, meaningful metrics and co-design.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 31(1), 27–53.
Europe 57 Bernardi, M., & Diamantini, D. (2018). Shaping the sharing city: An exploratory study on
Africa 2 Seoul and Milan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 30–42.
Europe, North America and Oceania 1 Berrone, P., Ricart, J. E., & Carrasco, C. (2016). The open kimono: Toward a general
Oceania 2 framework for open data initiatives in cities. California Management Review, 59(1),
South America 4 39–70.
North America 8 Bibri, S. E., & Krogstie, J. (2017). Smart sustainable cities of the future: An extensive
Asia 29 interdisciplinary literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 31, 183–212.
Europe and North America 1 Biswas, A. (2019). A framework to analyse inclusiveness of urban policy. Cities, 87,
Global 13 174–184.
Borsekova, K., Koróny, S., Vanová, A., & Vitálišová, K. (2018). Functionality between the
Europe and Asia 1
size and indicators of smart cities: A research challenge with policy implications.
Europe, North America and Asia 3
Cities, 78, 17–26.
Middle Easta 4
Bresciani, S., Ferraris, A., & Del Giudice, M. (2018). The management of organizational
Asia and North America 2 ambidexterity through alliances in a new context of analysis: Internet of things (IoT)
None 64 smart city projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 331–338.
Total 191 Brorström, S., Argento, D., Grossi, G., Thomasson, A., & Almqvist, R. (2018). Translating
a sustainable and smart city strategies into performance measurement systems. Public
Subcontinent. Money & Management, 38(3), 193–202.
Bunders, D. J., & Varró, K. (2019). Problematizing data-driven urban practices: Insights
from five Dutch ‘smart cities’. Cities, 93, 145–152.
Burnes, B., & Towers, N. (2016). Consumers, clothing retailers and production planning
References and control in the smart city. Production Planning & Control, 27(6), 490–499.
van den Buuse, D., & Kolk, A. (2019). An exploration of smart city approaches by
Abella, A., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M., & De-Pablos-Heredero, C. (2017). A model for the international ICT firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 220–234.
analysis of data-driven innovation and value generation in smart cities' Camboim, G. F., Zawislak, P. A., & Pufal, N. A. (2019). Driving elements to make cities
ecosystems. Cities, 64, 47–53. smarter: Evidences from European projects. Technological Forecasting and Social
Adapa, S. (2018). Indian smart cities and cleaner production initiatives–Integrated Change, 142, 154–167.
framework and recommendations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 3351–3366. Camero, A., & Alba, E. (2019). Smart City and information technology. A review. cities,
Afzalan, N., Sanchez, T. W., & Evans-Cowley, J. (2017). Creating smarter cities: 93, 84–94.
Considerations for selecting online participatory tools. Cities, 67, 21–30. Caragliu, A., & Del Bo, C. F. (2019). Smart innovative cities: The impact of Smart City
Aghaei, C., Salehi, H., Yunus, M., Farhadi, H., Fooladi, M., Farhadi, M., & Ale policies on urban innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142,
Ebrahim, N. (2013). A comparison between two main academic literature 373–383.
collections: Web of Science and Scopus databases. Asian Social Science, 9(5), 18–26. Caragliu, A., Del Bo, C., & Nijkamp, P. (2011). Smart cities in Europe. Journal of Urban
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