Sowftware Eng - Lec1

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Software Engineering 1

Lec 1+2: Software Requirment Specification (SRS)

Eng Sham Dawwa

Table of contents
Introduction SRS Objectives
Introduction to software 01 04 Why we write SRS?

Definition SRS Concepts

Common defiition in 02 05 How we can make SRS?
software engineering

SRS Conclusions
Describe SRS in details 03 06 Summary of the lecture.
01 introduction to software engineering
Why Software engeneering?
Software engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping our modern world.
1. Meeting User Needs
 Software engineering enables the creation of software that meets the needs of users.
 By following established software development processes, engineers can gather requirements,
design solutions, and test software to ensure it aligns with user needs.

2. Quality Assurance
 This includes designing software that is easy to maintain, thoroughly testing software to ensure it
functions as intended, and providing support to users when they encounter issue

3. Efficiency and Productivity

By using software to automate routine tasks, companies can save time and reduce costs.
02 Common definition in software engineering
Concepts in SWE:
01 process of designing and constructing something that serves a specific
purpose. It involves finding cost-effective solutions to problems.

02 Software refers to programs or sets of instructions that provide desired
functionality. It encompasses applications, operating systems, and other
computer-related software.

03 A stakeholder is any person, group, or organization that has
an interest in the activities of a projects.
These individuals or entities can either affect or be affected by the
Concepts in SWE:
04  Functional Requirement :
specific functionalities that the system must provide to meet user needs
and describe what the system should do in terms of input, processing,
and output.

 Non Functional Requirement:

focus on quality constraints rather than specific functionalities and
how the system should perform and address aspects beyond

05 Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)

Analysig – planning – Designing – Development- Testing – Deployment
Software Requirement
Specification (SRS)
03 Describe SRS in details
Software requirment
specification Definition

An SRS is a comprehensive document that captures all the functional and non-functional
requirements for a specific software system.
Software requirment
specification Importance
 Clarity: An SRS ensures that everyone involved understands the software’s purpose and


 Consistency: It helps maintain consistency throughout the development process.

 Basis for Testing: Testers use the SRS to create test cases.

 Contractual Agreement: The SRS serves as a contract between stakeholders and the development

SRS Objectives
04 Why we use SRS?
Software requirment
specification Objectives
 The SRS serves as the main reference for the software development team.

 It provides a clear understanding of what the software should do and how it should behave.

 Stakeholders, including developers, testers, and project managers, rely on the SRS during

the software development lifecycle.

SRS Concepts
05 Describe SRS in details.
Overview on ieee template
 Presentation of the general idea and abstract
summary of the project.

 general idea of the project is discussed in a simplified

manner and details are entered.
 It is necessary to explain here the field to which the
project belongs and the environment to which its
services and requirements are directed.

 Example: If we have a project that represents a smart

system that detects heart diseases, the field to which
this system belongs is the health/medical field.
Overview on ieee template
 References represent the titles of all books and
articles that have been used in a document specifying
the requirements for a reference. There are many
reference formats in which references can be written,
the most important of which is the Harvard format..

 Example: Cohen, D., Lindvall, M. and Costa, P.,

2004. An introduction to agile methods. Adv.
Comput., 62(03), pp.1-66.
Overview on ieee template
 Here some important terms are defined that represent
the basic elements in the project.

 Example: Targeted Users.

Important Definitions

Targeted users Project Purpose

What is the project
View all steakholders
obiectives and aims
pargraphs in SRS
General Description Project perspectives

 Writing general description about the  Writing about the project future and

project , with more details about it. additional requirement for it.

Functional Non Functional

Requirements(FR) Requirements(NFR)

 Writing all the functional  Writing all the Non functional

requirements and explaining it in requirements and explaining it in

details. details.

Extra Requirements

 Requirements will be add to the  Writing all ways which we used it to

project if we have extra time. gather the requirements.

 Examples: Survey – Form – etc.

Project environment Project limitations

 All the software and hardware used  Writing about the project challenges

in the project and constraints.

Assumptions and
Software tools used

 Mentions editors and languages used  Writing about all the important things

in this project. which have to exist for project work

Project prototypes Project Features

 View the prototypes In order to  Writing about all the features which

create a general picture of the will added by the project to the

system’s operation project scop.

UML Diagrams

Use Case Diagram

Activity Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

 The requirements definition document is considered a contract between the customer and

the party responsible for implementation, and the clearer and more detailed the document’s

information is, the more a good result and high quality of the system is guaranteed.
Thank You for Listening

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