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Foreign Scientists / Inventors Their Nationality, And State Their The Uses And The Benefits That The

at The Society Can

Great Contributions Gain
1. Wright brothers We gained the ability to see the Earth from
American / the Wright brothers
developed their flying machine to above. Before the Wrights' epochal
make longer-running and more breakthrough, there had been perhaps
aerodynamic flights with the Wright thousands of human flights, mostly in balloons.
Flyer II

2. Alexander Graham Bell Scottish-born/ he inventor of The telephone has had a tremendous impact on
the Graphophone telephone society by providing the ability to
communicate instantly with anyone in the
world. Bell's success came through his
experiments in sound and the furthering of his
family's interest in assisting the deaf with
3. Thomas A. Edison American/ contributing inventions Edison invented or refined devices that made a
such as the incandescent light profound impact on how people lived. The most
bulb, the phonograph, and the famous of his inventions was the incandescent
motion picture camera, as well light bulb (1878), which would revolutionize
as improving the telegraph and indoor lighting and forever separate light
telephone. from fire.

4. Albert Einstein was a German-born/ Some In addition to his work on relativity, the
inventions and contributions of physicist laid the scientific foundations for
Einstein are Avogadro's Number, paper towels, lasers, and more common
Quantum Theory of Light, General products. Albert Einstein is justly famous for
Theory of Relativity, Special devising his theory of relativity, which
Theory of Relativity, The revolutionized our understanding of space, time,
Photoelectric Effect, Wave-Particle gravity, and the universe.Hu
Duality, Brownian movement, the
relationship between mass and
energy, Bose-Einstein
Condensate, and many more.
5. Henry Ford American /By creating the first With the production of the Model T automobile,
automobile that middle-class Henry Ford had an unforeseen and tremendous
Americans could afford impact on American life. He became regarded as
an apt symbol of the transition from an
agricultural to an industrial America.

6. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Polish-born Dutch/ inventing Fahrenheit is a scale used to measure
the mercury-in-glass temperature based on the freezing and
thermometer (first widely used, boiling points of water. Water freezes at 32
practical, accurate thermometer) degrees and boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is used as a metric for determining hotness
and coldness.

7. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Dutch / for his pioneering work in Through his microscopic observations of
microscopy and for his organisms such as bacteria and protozoa,
contributions toward the Antonie van Leeuwenhoek effectively began the
establishment of microbiology as discipline of microbiology. His studies
a scientific discipline of insects, mollusks, and fish showed that these
animals did not begin their life cycle
with spontaneous generation, from nonliving
8. Isaac newton British/ Besides his work on Isaac Newton changed the way we understand
universal gravitation (gravity), the Universe. Revered in his own lifetime,
Newton developed the three laws he discovered the laws of gravity and motion
of motion which form the basic and invented calculus. He helped to shape our
principles of modern physics. His rational world view.
discovery of calculus led the way to
more powerful methods of solving
mathematical problems.
9. Nikola Serbian-American/ best known for Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola
Tesla his contributions to the design of Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of
the modern alternating breakthroughs in the production,
current (AC) electricity transmission and application of electric
supply system. power. He invented the first alternating current
(AC) motor and developed AC generation and
transmission technology.

10. Charles Babbage British / Babbage is credited with English mathematician and inventor Charles
inventing the first mechanical Babbage is credited with having conceived the
computer, the Difference Engine, first automatic digital computer. During the
that eventually led to more mid-1830s Babbage developed plans for the
complex electronic designs, though Analytical Engine. Although it was never
all the essential ideas of modern completed, the Analytical Engine would have
computers had most of the basic elements of the present-
day computer.

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