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Activity 1

1. Make a conceptual framework of the Developmental Movement. Be creative. Base your

idea on the lesson.(10pts)




Areas in Developmental

Body Area Parts

Parts Movements
Formal Elements Body Area Elements
Pedestrian movement
Unison movement Core/Distal (Contraction
/Release) Ballet vocabulary
Mirroring Head/Tail (Head/Spine) Level changes

Call and response Upper/Lower Changes in the speed of

Body/Side movement
Cross Lateral Quality changes
Vestibular (balance focus)
1. Why did you come up with that framework? (5pts)
I created this conceptual framework to assist us better comprehend or
emphasize the three elements of the developmental movement areas, which are Body
Areas Parts, Formal Elements, and Movement Elements. These three parts help us
discover the pattern in dancing.

2. How do you explain your concept? (5pts)

My concept is a box-arrow-model. This type of concept is used to identify the 3
categories of developmental movement. This framework allows the dancer to have a
foundation for their movement and to follow the pattern terminology in dancing.

Activity 2
1. Performance task: Using the areas of Developmental Movements perform each exercise.
Choose only two out of four. (20pts)
Have each composition in 20 seconds to one minute only.
Record and edit your composition.
Do not forget to briefly explain how you understood and used the developmental movements.
Submit it to your LMS PE 3 subject.

#1. Using your arms, head, legs, fingers, and tail make movements that cater to the
developmental movement. Perform a thirty seconds composition.
#2. Gently move your head in your desired direction and followed by the movement of the
spine. Remember not to use your hands. Make movements that cater to the developmental
movement. Perform a thirty seconds composition.
Health and Nutrition
2. Referring to “Added Helpful Tips for Healthier Diet” which tips do you usually do and which
are seldom? What may be your reason? 10pts

You Usually Do (reasons) Seldom to Do (reasons)

Get moving! – Because being physically active Join a weight loss program - Join a weight
can reduce my risk of dying early from leading loss program Seldom to do for me because it is not
causes of death such as heart disease and needed to workout everyday to loss weight.

Eat more fiber – It needs me to eat more Reduce your daily caloric intake - Is
dietary fiber to increases the weight and size of important for your overall health, and helps you
my stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to meet your weight loss goal. Your mental energy
pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. can suffer. Your brain might not get the fuel it
needs, leaving you feeling tired and unfocused.

Eat breakfast – Because eating breakfast is the Hold yourself accountable – Because you
very to boosts my energy levels and restores my fulfill your obligations to colleagues and
glycogen levels ready to keep your metabolism up consistently self-reflect on your work conduct. You
for the day. also accept the outcomes of your decision-making
processes and assess any changes you want to
make in the future.

Get adequate sleep - Sleep in right time is Enlist support – You will support someone on
important role in my physical health. For their ideas to maintain her physical body by
example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of having exercise every day and aims a good health,
your heart and blood vessels. and perhaps help them because you want them
to succeed.

Eat more fruits and vegetables – Because Don’t completely deprive yourself of the
eating Vegetables and fruit are packed with foods that you love - Realize that healthy
nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and eating and weight management can be achieved
fiber) and help me to maintain a healthy by eating a wide variety of foods. Eat what you
weight by keeping me full longer. really desire, but just practice moderation.

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