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NAME______________________________________________GRADE AND SECTION__________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE:DIRECTION. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A plant needs water, radiant energy, minerals, oxygen and carbon dioxide to live.
How are these requirements needed by plants categorized?
a. climate c. biotic components
b. minerals d. abiotic components

2. Which of the following represents an abiotic component of the environment?

a. flowing lava c. dugong nursing its young
b. sprouting mongo seeds d. grass on mountain slopes

3. Which of the following are needed in setting up an aquarium as a mini

a. fish and water only
b. water, sand, soil and light only
c. populations of fish, snails and plant only
d. communities of different species of organisms, water, sand, soil and sunlight

4. Which of the following is an abiotic component of the ecosystem?

a. Air b. animals c. decomposers d. plants

5. Which of the following is NOT a basic requirement for an ecosystem?

a. source of energy c. a way to store energy
b. essential nutrients d. presence of predators

6. Which organelles, also known as the 'powerhouses of the cell', produce energy through
cellular respiration?
A. Mitochondria B. lysosomes C. Chloroplasts D. Cytoplasm

7. What is the site of ribosome synthesis? This organelle is also inside the nucleus in eukaryotic
A. DNA B. nucleolus C. lysosomes D. RNA

8. Which cell organelle 'digests' old cell parts and breaks down large particles?
A. Lysosomes B. golgi body C. citric acid D.cell membrane

9. . What is the jelly-like substance that fills up the cell and contains extra parts for cell function?
A. nucleus B. centrioles C. cell wall D.cytoplasm

10. Which of the following statements about living cells is false?

A. Most are microscopic
B. They are found in all animals but not in plants
C. They are the smallest, basic unit of life
D. They group together to form tissue.

11. In plants, it is a hard layer outside the cell membrane, containing cellulose to provide strength
to the plant.
A. cytoplasm B. cell wall C. mitochondria D. nucleus
12. It used as a storage for water sometimes food and is much bigger in plants than in animals.
A. vacuoles B. cytoplasm C. chloroplasts D. cell wall

13. The chloroplasts contain this green pigment which is a key part in photosynthesis.
A. beta-carotine B.safranin C. chlorophyll D. iodine

14. Which structure is directly responsible for the formation of proteins within the cell?
A. lysosomes B. vacuoles C. centrioles D. ribosomes

15. This structure is necessary for cell division in animal cells.

A. ribosomes B. centrioles C. cytoplasm D. ER

16. Which of the following symbiotic relationships is considered parasitic?

A. Tapeworm in an intestinal tract
B. Bees transporting pollen from flowers
C. Pilot fish swimming under sharks
D. Birds eating the insects from the back of a hippopotamus

17. Ants and acacia trees have a mutualistic relationship because

A. They both benefit from living with each other.
B. They are part of the same ecosystem.
C. They are both adapted to a humid climate.
D. The ants eat part of the acacia tree.

18. A parasite derives nutrients from its host but does not kill it. This is because
A. it would lose its food source.
B. it cannot kill the host.
C. the host would kill it.
D. the parasite has no ability to kill its host.

19. The resources for which organisms compete may be

A. food
B. nutrients
C. rocks for shelter
D. organisms may compete in resources mentioned above

20. In the ______________relationship, one organism benefits and the other organism suffers.
A. competition
B. mutualism
C. parasitism
D. Commensalism

--------------------------------------------------God Bless & Keep Safe---------------------------------------------------

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