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Part A. Read the text about a holiday and answer the questions. You may give short

My name is John Barker. I had a different kind of holiday in Alaska in 2010. At the
beginning I was very excited because it was going to be an interesting experience. I was
planning to stay at a camp on the ice. Every day a plane would come and bring food for me.
On 6th May, I waited for the plane to bring the food but it started to snow and the plane
never arrived. For the next four days, it snowed and the plane didn’t come. I sometimes
went out for a short ski but most of the time I lay silently in my tent, alone with my thoughts.

As the days passed, I got nervous because I didn’t have a mobile phone, a radio or a
computer. I couldn’t call anyone. My stove fuel was almost finished so I couldn’t cook
anything. I only had some cheese and three packets of crisps. I hoped these things would
be enough for three or four more days. But what would happen after that?

When I woke up on 10th May, it was still snowing and it was very windy. I didn’t know what
to do: start walking to the coast in the morning or stay here on the ice. Suddenly I heard
something. I couldn’t believe my luck. It was a plane! I ran out of the tent. I waved my arms
and shouted for help and then I took my sleeping bag and waved it in the air. When the
plane began to fly in my direction, I cried tears of joy. The pilot came and went three times
and he dropped two boxes of food every time. Then, the plane disappeared and there was
silence around me again. I was shocked because the pilot didn’t pick me up. On 11 th
May, the weather was good and I knew it was time for me to do something. I packed my
rucksack and began skiing. I had to walk through deep snow and sometimes I climbed high

Finally, I arrived at the coast. I saw some buildings and people there. I went to the nearest
restaurant to eat something and called my family there. My adventure was over. I felt really
tired but happy because I was able to survive. I will never forget this experience.
1. What is the best title for the text?

a) A Happy Holiday
b) A Survival Holiday
c) A Seaside Holiday

2. Which word in paragraph 4 means ’’ a bag used for carrying things on your
a) rucksack b) direction c) coast

3. What did John do when he saw the plane?


4. When did John travel to Alaska?


5. Where did John decide to stay on his holiday in Alaska?


6. Why didn’t the plane come on 6th May?


7. Write one item of his belongings that John didn’t take with him.


8. How did John try to arrive at the coast? Write one thing from the text.


9. Where did John call his family?


10. How did he feel at the end? Why?


11. How was John’s holiday? Choose an adjective from the box. Give evidence from the text.

amaze disappoint excite tire

12. Would you like to go on a camp on the ice like John? Why? Why not? Give ONE reason.

Part B. Read the text and write “T” for True, “F” for False statements. Correct the false

13. The plane brought John some food on 9th May. _____

________________________________________________________ .

14. When John arrived at the coast, he saw his family. _____
________________________________________________________ .
15. John had a great experience at the end of his adventure. _____

Part A. Read the text about Sir Edmund Hillary and answer the
questions below. You may give short answers.

Sir Edmund Hillary is one of the most famous explorers in history. He
was the first man to climb Mount Everest, along with Tenzing Norgay, his guide.
Sir Edmund was also interested in the Yeti. The local people, the Sherpas, believed this
mysterious creature lived in the Himalaya Mountains. Tenzing Norgay’s father said that he
saw the Yeti twice. Others told Sir Edmund stories of how it attacked people. Some people
even heard its scary whistle!
In September 1960, Sir Edmund went to hunt for the Yeti. He took with him a team of 21
scientists, climbers and 310 Sherpas. The team found large footprints high up in the
mountains. They also brought back fur from an unknown animal. Sadly,
they didn’t find the Yeti and Sir Edmund was still not sure if it existed or
Edmund Hillary was a very brave man. Other people just talked about
the Yeti, but he decided to go and look for it. However, he didn’t solve the
mystery and the legend of the Yeti lives on to this day!

1. What is the best title for the text?

a) People That Hunted Animals
b) In Search of the Mysterious Creature
c) Exploring New Lands

2. Write two things from the text that people heard about what the scary creature did.
______________________________ , ___________________________________

3. Why did Sir Edmund take a team of scientists, climbers and local people with him?

4. What did the team see high up in the mountains? Did that show the creature existed?
Why or Why not?
5. Find the word in paragraph 2 which means ‘to hurt or damage someone or
a) interested b) whistle c) attack

6. Imagine you are one of the people in Sir Edmund’s team and you saw this creature. What
would you do and how would you feel?

Part A. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra

gather reduce simple imagine encourage talented

joy celebration notice ordinary experience disappear

land invented

1. I arrived late at the New Year _________________ in the city centre but I was glad to
see that I didn’t miss the firework show.

2. The best way to ______________ traffic jams in urban areas is to form carpools.

3. My parents always ____________ me when things go wrong at school. They always say
positive things like ‘We believe in you. You can do better next time.’

4. Unfortunately, the postman didn’t ______________ the dog hiding behind the gate.
When the dog barked, he screamed and quickly got away from it.

5. The Brazilian football team has some highly ___________ players. They are really good at
kicking the ball and shooting goals in every match.

6. This is my first _____________ of living with a flatmate abroad this year. I quite like it
because we do the housework together and share lots of things.

7. A large crowd ___________ in front of the concert hall. They all seem very happy to
listen to the singer.

8. ______________ a life without food and water? How would you survive?

9. I can’t find my eyeglasses! Did they mysteriously _____________ again? They are not
around here anywhere!

10. It is just a / an _____________ camera. There is nothing special about it!

11. In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit designed and __________________ first modern thermometer.

12. The quiz questions were so ___________. We could answer the questions easily.

Part B. Mini Dictionary.

Think about the words you learnt in Word Map handouts. Choose at least ten words and
prepare a Mini Dictionary. Make sure you include the definition, key words or example
sentence in it.
Part C. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one extra word.

renewable describe in charge of destination

non-renewable pollution visualize

13. This is the place where someone is going. __________

14. This is to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them. _________
15. This is to see a picture of something or someone in your mind. __________

16. This is to be responsible for something or someone. __________

17. This is used to talk about the forms of energy that will never run out like the wind or the
sun. ___________

18. This is the damage caused to water, air, etc by harmful substances or waste.

Part D. Answer the questions below.

19. What would you do if you ran out of your pocket money? Write one solution.

20. Imagine you are stuck in heavy traffic but you need to be at school because you have a
very important exam in the first lesson. What would you invent to get out of this

21. Write three things that you can observe when you go to a rural area.
Part E. Answer the questions below using the words from the box in Part C.

22. How do we call solar energy and wind power? Why do people try to use these sources of
23. What do people need to do to write a story or poem? Explain why.
Part A. Read the text about Kimberly and choose the correct option (a,b or c)

Hi! I’m Kimberly and I go to a small school in our town. 1) ____________ are many

talented students in my school. Sheila Patterson is 2) _____________ popular girl in our

class. She 3) ___________ talkative and helpful and all the students like her. She is good

at acting 4) ____________ she’ll go to drama school and be a famous actress someday. I

am going to see her in a play next week- it’s at the local theatre here in our town. I

know she ‘ll be 5) ____________ and the audience will love her performance. Can you

guess what I’m going to do in the future? I want to have 6)___________own computer

company. I’m going to sell computers and make 7) ____________ money.

Theresa is my best friend and she is 8) ____________ than any other student in my

school- she’s a whizz kid. She 9) ___________ a lot about computers because she

creates fantastic ideas and programs new things by using 10) ___________. I think she

11) ____________ make apps for mobile phones and make thousands of euros in the

near future! I’m so jealous of her!

1) a. These b. There c. They

2) a. the most b. more c. most
3) a. was b. were c. is
4) a. but b. because c. so
5) a. amazing b. amazed c. amaze
6) a. I b. my c. me
7) a. any b. lots of c. a few
8) a. better b. good c. the best
9) a. knew b. know c. knows
10) a. they b. them c. their
11) a. will b. did c. is
Part B. Read the texts and complete the sentences with one word.

Sarah usually 1) ___________________ swimming every Saturday but this Saturday it is

2) _______________ birthday. 3) ________________ likes chocolate cake so her sister is

making one for her now. He mother is cooking food now 4) ____________ her father is watching

TV. Sarah wants everything to be nice for the party so she feels 5) ______________. Now she and

her brother 6) __________________ hats for the children. 7) ______________ always have a

good time at parties. They sing and dance a lot and play 8) _____________ favourite games.

Patrick Walker

My granddad’s name is Patrick. He was born in Ireland 1) __________ 1945. There

2) __________ seven boys in the family. My granddad didn’t like school 3) ___________ he

didn’t want to go to university. He left the school 4) ___________ he was sixteen. He 5)

__________ a job in a shoe shop. He also worked in a cinema 6) _________ the weekend. He

didn’t mind 7) _____________ he loved watching the films. In 1963 Granddad moved from

Ireland 8) __________ New York. It was 9) ______________ because there were lots of things

to do there. Granddad loved listening 10) _____________ music in cafés. One day a beautiful

woman called Rita sang in the café and Granddad fell in love with 11) ___________. In 1965 12)

____________ got married and they had one son – my dad!


Part A. Choose one of your favourite shots.

Where were you? Who were you with? What did you do?etc.

Stick your photo here

Part B. It’s time to set your imagination free!

Look at the pictures and write a story.







 You can use the wordbank to __________________________________________________

support you with your writing.
Word Bank
The beginning: message
 character(s) save __________________________________________________
 a setting joy
experience __________________________________________________
The middle:
 problem or difficulty __________________________________________________
 events and details
The ending:
 resolution (solving a problem) __________________________________________________
 a concluding sentence


Part C. Read books from “MyON” and write a book report about one of it.

Title of Your Book

Draw a picture of the main character.

Here is a list of characterr traits.
(adjectives that describe my character on the ins ide)

I can use evidence from the story. What did the character DO or SAY that
made me choose their character traits?

What is the setting of this story?

What happened in the beginning of the story?

What happened in the middle of the story?

How did the story end?


1 star= It’s okay 5 stars=It’s superb!

Part D. Watch a movie you like and fill in the following film review template.


1 star= It’s okay 5 stars=It’s superb




 Cut the taboo cards given below.

 Put the cards face down.
 Pair off and become partners.
 One of the players chooses a card and describes the word at the top of the card
without using the words below. His/her partner tries to guess what the word might
be. If the player’s partner guesses the word at the top, they get one point.
























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