Ielts Writting 1

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In some countries, more and more adults choose to continue to

live with their parents after they graduate and have found jobs.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

It is true that in various nations, there are more individuals deciding to stay with
their parents after they graduate and get employment. Although this phenomenon
has several disadvantages, the benefits may be far more significant.
On the one hand, there can be some minor disadvantages of living with parents for
adults after they graduate and have found jobs. One possible advantage is that they
can save some expenses. By way of explanation, adults do not need to worry about
housing and food instead they can spend those expenses on other things or save the
bank. Another beneficial could be that relationship between parents and offspring
are more connected. The reason for this is that the closer people live together, the
better they understand and sympathize easily with each other.
Nevertheless, the fact that adults have decision to stay with their parents after
finishing college, university and having salary can have major downsides which
overshadow these positive impacts. The most obvious issue could be that they do
not have enough private spaces in their families. In order words, private spaces are
so important for people, especially the younger about 25-30 ages, they need it to
develop created-thinking ability and focus on works efficiently. Therefore, lack of
private space can make work productivity be reduced. Another drawback worth
mentioning is that there are many disagreements in opinions among the members.
This is because the differences in thinking and lifestyle are easy to see between the
two generations. As the results, it causes unwanted quarrels and loss of unity in
their families.
In conclusion, despite the potential benefits of staying with parents for adults after
graduate and get employment, the drawbacks involved are of greater significance.

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