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J Antimicrob Chemother 2016; 71: 1106 – 1117

doi:10.1093/jac/dkv418 Advance Access publication 8 January 2016

The Worldwide Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European

Children (ARPEC) point prevalence survey: developing hospital-quality
indicators of antibiotic prescribing for children
Ann Versporten1, Julia Bielicki2, Nico Drapier1, Mike Sharland2 and Herman Goossens1*
on behalf of the ARPEC project group†

Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO), Faculty of Medicine and Health Science,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 2Paediatric Infectious Diseases Research Group, Institute for Infection and Immunity,
St George’s, University of London, London, UK

*Corresponding author. Tel: +32-38213789; Fax: +32-32652663; E-mail:

†Members are listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Received 24 August 2015; returned 19 September 2015; revised 28 October 2015; accepted 5 November 2015

Objectives: Previously, web-based tools for cross-sectional antimicrobial point prevalence surveys (PPSs) have
been used in adults to develop indicators of quality improvement. We aimed to determine the feasibility of devel-
oping similar quality indicators of improved antimicrobial prescribing focusing specifically on hospitalized
neonates and children worldwide.
Methods: A standardized antimicrobial PPS method was employed. Included were all inpatient children and neo-
nates receiving an antimicrobial at 8:00 am on the day of the PPS. Denominators included the total number of
inpatients. A web-based application was used for data entry, validation and reporting. We analysed 2012 data
from 226 hospitals (H) in 41 countries (C) from Europe (174H; 24C), Africa (6H; 4C), Asia (25H; 8C), Australia (6H),
Latin America (11H; 3C) and North America (4H).
Results: Of 17 693 admissions, 6499 (36.7%) inpatients received at least one antimicrobial, but this varied con-
siderably between wards and regions. Potential indicators included very high broad-spectrum antibiotic prescrib-
ing in children of mainly ceftriaxone (ranked first in Eastern Europe, 31.3%; Asia, 13.0%; Southern Europe, 9.8%),
cefepime (ranked third in North America, 7.8%) and meropenem (ranked first in Latin America, 13.1%). The sur-
vey identified worryingly high use of critically important antibiotics for hospital-acquired infections in neonates
(34.9%; range from 14.2% in Africa to 68.0% in Latin America) compared with children (28.3%; range from 14.5%
in Africa to 48.9% in Latin America). Parenteral administration was very common among children in Asia (88%),
Latin America (81%) and Europe (67%). Documentation of the reasons for antibiotic prescribing was lowest in
Latin America (52%). Prolonged surgical prophylaxis rates ranged from 78% (Europe) to 84% (Latin America).
Conclusions: Simple web-based PPS tools provide a feasible method to identify areas for improvement of antibiotic
use, to set benchmarks and to monitor future interventions in hospitalized neonates and children. To our knowledge,
this study has derived the first global quality indicators for antibiotic use in hospitalized neonates and children.

role of antibiotic stewardship.3 Also, President Obama of the USA

has recently increased efforts to combat and prevent antibiotic
Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health problem and con- resistance, among which is the core aim of improving the quality
tinuing progress in the treatment of many infections is threatened of antibiotic prescribing.4,5
by the growing resistance of pathogens to antimicrobial agents.1 Access to standardized and validated antibiotic surveillance
Judicious use of antibiotics is essential to slow the emergence of data is essential to assess the appropriateness of antimicrobial
antibiotic resistance in bacteria and extend the useful lifetime of prescriptions and to set and monitor outcomes of interventions.
effective antibiotics.2 The 2011 European Commission Action Plan There is as yet no consensus regarding the use of indicators to
against the rising threats from antimicrobial resistance empha- monitor trends of antibiotic use in hospitals.6 The European
sized the importance of surveillance data with regard to anti- Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) project devel-
microbial use and resistance at local and national levels and the oped and validated a web-based point prevalence survey (PPS)

# The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
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Global Point Prevalence Survey in hospitalized children in 2012 JAC
tool to evaluate hospital antimicrobial prescribing rates at local Four main paediatric ward types were defined: general paediatric med-
and national level. The ESAC-PPS identified inappropriate use ical wards (GPMWs); paediatric surgical wards (PSWs); paediatric intensive
linked to specific agents or specialties, proposed quality indicators care units (PICUs); and specialized paediatric medical wards (SPMWs). The
of prescribing practices and identified targets to improve anti- last type included haematology/oncology special paediatric medical
microbial prescribing.7 – 9 The ESAC-PPS tool was used to set quan- wards (HO-SPMWs), cardiology wards (C-SPMWs), transplant wards
(bone marrow transplant/solid) (T-SPMWs) and all others (other-SPMWs).
titative targets for improved antibiotic prescribing in adults and to
Neonatal wards included three aggregated neonatal intensive care unit
measure the effectiveness of interventions to reach these targets
(NICU) levels providing special care (NICU level 1), high-dependency care
through repeated PPSs.10,11 to low birth weight neonates (NICU level 2) or tertiary referral care to very
Currently, no comparable detailed information on antibiotic use low birth weight neonates (NICU level 3), and a general neonatal medical
in hospitalized neonates and children is available. Longitudinal sur- ward (GNMW).18
veys of antimicrobial use in neonates and children are in part lack-
ing because there is no consensus on the indicators that should be
used to monitor trends of antibiotic use. PPS tools were not specif- Data collection
ically designed for capturing antimicrobial prescribing data in this
As described in full detail elsewhere,13 participants were asked to conduct
population. As part of the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in
a 1 day cross-sectional PPS during which all paediatric and neonatal wards
European Children (ARPEC) project,12 the ESAC-PPS tool was specif-
had to be audited once within a fixed period of time. The PPS included all
ically adapted to survey antimicrobial use in hospitalized neonates neonates (,30 days) and children ,18 years old present in the ward at
and children (ARPEC-PPS; work package 5). The feasibility of carry- 8:00 am at least since midnight on the day of the survey. Data collection
ing out the ARPEC-PPS method in a large number of hospitals was was based on the standardized ESAC-PPS protocol. For each patient receiv-
piloted in 73 hospitals from 23 different countries in 2011.13 After a ing at least one antimicrobial, mandatory data included prescribed anti-
successful pilot study, this survey was subsequently rolled out as a microbial agent (dose per administration, number of doses per day and
global ARPEC-PPS in a very large set of hospitalized neonates and route of administration), age and gender, indication for treatment
children worldwide. (community-acquired, hospital-acquired, surgical prophylaxis and medical
The study aimed to describe antibiotic prescribing practices prophylaxis), reason for treatment according to a predefined list, speciality
among hospitalized neonates and children worldwide and to (medicine, surgery or intensive care) and whether the reasons for treat-
determine the feasibility of adapting existing adult quality indica- ment were documented in the patient notes. Information on surgical
tors of optimal prescribing to neonates and children. prophylaxis was captured for the previous 24 h, indicating 1 dose, 1 day
or .1 day. The ESAC-PPS protocol was further adapted for the purpose
of collecting data on children and neonates. Additional mandatory vari-
Materials and methods ables included: underlying diagnosis according to predefined lists of com-
mon medical and surgical conditions in children and neonates; whether
Ethics the treatment was targeted (based upon microbiological culture and sen-
This study was a completely anonymized audit of current antimicrobial sitivity testing) or empirical; and current weight and ventilation status. For
prescribing practices. No unique identifiers were entered into the data- premature neonates, birth weight and gestational age were also collected.
base. Every patient record was given a unique non-identifiable survey Denominators included the total number of patients present on the ward
number, which was automatically generated by a computer program spe- at 8:00 am and the total number of beds by the predefined six different
cifically designed for anonymous data entry. Formal ethics approval for paediatric and four neonatal department types.
this study depended on the country and was taken care of by each partici- Drugs were classified according to the standardized and internationally
pating hospital if required. recognized WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification
system classifying drugs according to their main therapeutic use. 19
Antibiotics were grouped into antibacterials for systemic use (ATC J01),
Countries and hospitals oral metronidazole (ATC P01AB01), intestinal anti-infectives (oral antibio-
Paediatric infectious disease specialists, clinical microbiologists and pharma- tics vancomycin, paromomycin and colistin, ATC A07AA) and antibiotic
cists, and other interested healthcare professionals from established net- drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis (rifampicin, ATC J04AB02).
works such as the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases14 and Antimycotics for systemic use (ATC J02) were merged with antifungals
Global Research in Paediatrics,15 were invited to participate in this worldwide classified under the intestinal anti-infectives (ATC A07AA: oral nystatin,
ARPEC-PPS conducted in October–November 2012. We collected data from amphotericin B, miconazole). We further collected data on antivirals for
226 hospitals from 41 countries belonging to the six United Nations (UN) systemic use (ATC J05), nitroimidazole derivatives (ATC P01AB) and anti-
regions (Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America, North America and Europe).16 malarials (ATC P01B).
For Europe, four geographical UN sub-regions were defined:16 Eastern Data collection was performed using paper forms, after which data
Europe (Hungary, 1 hospital; Poland, 1 hospital; Romania, 2 hospitals), were entered into a central database using a web-based application for
Northern Europe (Denmark, 4; Estonia, 2; Finland, 1; Latvia, 10; Lithuania, 1; data entry, validation and reporting. All data were mandatorily entered
UK, 65), Southern Europe {Croatia, 2; Greece, 5; Italy, 7; Kosovo [in accordance online. The software was designed to avoid missing data (e.g. it was not
with UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)], 3; Former Yugoslav Republic possible to enter incomplete patient and denominator files online and
of Macedonia, 1; Malta, 1; Portugal, 3; Slovenia, 4; Spain, 13}, Western Europe complete the submission). The data validation procedure involved extra
(Belgium, 14; France, 9; Germany, 22; Luxembourg, 1; the Netherlands, 1; checks on erroneous data entry, e.g. extremely high antibiotic prevalence
Switzerland, 1). Hospital numbers for other regions were as follows: Africa rates, possibly involving wrong denominators, and extremely high dosing.
(Gambia, 2; Ghana, 2; Malawi, 1; South Africa, 1); Asia (Bahrain, 1; Georgia, 6; All data were completely anonymously entered into the database and
India, 8; Iran, 3; Kuwait, 3; Oman, 1; Saudi Arabia, 2; Singapore, 1); Oceania safeguarded at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. A helpdesk as well
(Australia, 6); Latin America (Argentina, 1; Colombia, 6; Mexico, 4); and as a frequently asked question list were available in support of the partici-
North America (USA, 4). pants. Participation was exclusively on a voluntary basis and the numbers
Hospitals were classified as (i) primary, (ii) secondary and (iii) tertiary, of hospitals and patients were not intended to be representative of a coun-
specialized care and infectious diseases hospitals.17 try or region. Depending on the countries’ legal requirements, hospitals

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Versporten et al.

had to comply with local ethics approval. A data privacy excerpt document Results
was made available for this purpose. Informed consent was not needed
because the survey did not require direct involvement or contact with General overview
the patient, treatment or other intervention.
The 2012 ARPEC-PPS was performed in 226 hospitals from 41 coun-
tries and included 22 primary (515 patients, 3%), 81 secondary
Data analysis (3074 patients, 17%) and 123 tertiary (14 104 patients, 80%)
For this paper, antimicrobial use is reported as the number of treated care hospitals. Data on admissions to 1482 wards (17693 patients)
patients and the number of therapies. Therapy was defined as the use were recorded, and included 444 GPMWs (5298 patients), 327
of one substance in one route of administration. Antimicrobial prescrib- SPMWs (3584 patients), 240 NICUs (3515 patients), 201 PSWs
ing rates and the derived potential quality indicators (Table 1) are (2273 patients), 135 PICUs (1062 patients) and 135 GNMWs
expressed as percentages (proportional use), means and/or ranges (1961 patients). Overall, 56% of treated children were males
aggregated at UN regional level,16 by ward type, by indication (thera- (range, from 49% in Africa to 59% in Latin America). Among anti-
peutic or prophylactic antibiotic prescribing) or according to age category microbial prescriptions for children, antibiotics represented 85.7%
(children aged .1 month and neonates aged ,30 days). We also ranked (n¼7987), followed by antimycotics (9.6%, n¼891) and antivirals
the number of antibacterials for systemic use (ATC code J01) accounting (4.7%, n¼ 446). Among antimicrobial prescriptions for neonates,
for 90% and 75% of (antibiotic) drug utilization (DU90% and DU75%, antibiotics represented 89.2% (n¼2298), followed by antimycotics
(8.8%, n¼227) and antivirals (1.9%, n¼50).

Table 1. Overview of the suggested antibiotic quality indicators

Potential indicators of antibiotic prescribing
Potential antimicrobial quality indicators for hospitalized neonates Table 2 provides antibiotic prevalence rates and selected quality
and children indicators by ward type. Out of 17 693 patients, 6499 (36.7%)
received at least one antimicrobial, with the highest rates
1. Documentation of the reason for antimicrobial prescribing in the observed among PICUs (61.3%) and SPMWs (46.0%). Overall
notesa baseline recording of the reason for antibiotic therapy or prophy-
2. Targeted therapeutic antibiotic prescribinga laxis was 73.3% (range, from 81.7% in Africa to 53.3% in Latin
3. Parenteral administration of antibioticsa America). Overall proportional targeted therapeutic antibiotic pre-
4. Number of antibiotic combination therapiesa scribing was 22.3% (Latin America, 28.9%; North America, 27.9%;
5. Broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribingb Asia and Australia, 27.8%; Africa, 21.8%; Europe, 19.5%). At least
6. Antibiotic prevalence rates for hospital-acquired infectionsc one parenteral antibiotic was recorded in 78.6%, with substantial
7. Targeted broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for hospital-acquired regional variation among children aged .1 month (Asia, 88.2%;
infectionsc Latin America, 81.2%; Africa, Europe and Australia, 68.7%;
8. Empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for North America, 57.5%), while being higher for neonates (up to
community-acquired infectionsc 98.2%). In total, 322 different antibiotic combinations at ATC4
9. Broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for surgical prophylaxisd level (chemical subgroup; see e.g. Figure 1 for a subset of the clas-
10. Prolonged antibiotic prescribing for surgical prophylaxisd sification categories) were recorded worldwide.

See Table 2.
See Figures 1 and 2 and Tables 3 and 4.
Antibiotic drug utilization at regional level in children
See the Results section ‘Therapeutic prescribing’ and Tables 6 and 7. Figure 1 reports the most commonly prescribed antibiotics among
See the Results section, last paragraph. children. In all regions except North America, b-lactams made up

Table 2. Overview of antibiotic prevalence rates and quality indicators by ward type

Patients Targeted Parenteral Antibiotic

Patients treated Prescriptions Reason in treatment administration combination
Ward type (n) [n (%)] (n) notes (%) (%) (% of patients) (% of patients)

Paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) 1062 651 (61.3) 1113 74.1 25.7 89.7 50.7
Specialized paediatric medical ward (SPMW) 3584 1648 (46.0) 2662 67.9 27.4 66.1 40.7
General paediatric medical ward (GPMW) 5298 2091 (39.5) 2929 76.4 19.7 74.3 31.6
Paediatric surgical ward (PSW) 2273 803 (35.3) 1135 63.3 19.0 78.1 32.6
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) 3515 1065 (30.3) 1933 82.7 18.7 95.6 71.2
General neonatal medical ward (GNMW) 1961 241 (12.3) 424 68.2 27.9 96.7 70.1

Total 17693 6499 (36.7) 10196 73.3 22.3 78.6 43.8

All indicators were calculated at patient level, with the exception of Reason in notes and Targeted treatment, which were calculated at prescription level.
For targeted treatment, selection has been made for therapeutic antibiotic use only (HAI and CAI).
Gambia, with outlying results for targeted use, was removed from analyses.

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Global Point Prevalence Survey in hospitalized children in 2012 JAC
Other antibacterials
Glycopeptides (J01XA)
80% Comb. sulphonamides and trimethoprim (J01EE)
70% Aminoglycosides (J01GB)

60% Carbapenems (J01DH)

50% 4th-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DE)

40% 3rd-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DD)

2nd-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DC)

1st-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DB)
Comb. of penicillins with b-lactam. inh. (J01CR)
Penicillins with extended spectrum (J01CA)
b-lactam. Resist. Penicillins (J01CF)









b-lactam. Sens. Penicillins (J01CE)















Figure 1. Proportion of prescribed antibiotics (ATC4 level) among children (.1 month) by region. The pale grey part of the stacked bars represents other
antibacterial subgroups. This figure appears in colour in the online version of JAC and in black and white in the print version of JAC.

more than half of all antibiotic prescriptions. Third-generation Africa (36.3%), Australia (32.8%), North America (31.3%) and
cephalosporins were most frequently prescribed in Eastern Northern Europe (29.1%). The second most prescribed antibiotic
Europe (35.7%) and Asia (28.6%), fourth-generation cephalospor- was ampicillin (15.3% of total antibiotic use), ranking first in
ins (cefepime) in North America (7.8%) and carbapenems in Latin Southern Europe (29.5%), Latin America (29.0%), Asia (24.3%)
America (13.3%). A considerable amount of narrow-spectrum and Western Europe (18.4%). The third most popular antibiotic
antibiotics was prescribed in Africa and Northern Europe (e.g. was benzylpenicillin (12.8% of total antibiotic use), ranking
b-lactamase-sensitive penicillins, 11.0% and 4.3%, respectively) second in Northern Europe (28.2%), Australia (24.6%) and Africa
and Australia (e.g. first-generation cephalosporins, 9.6%). (21.6%), while absent in the DU90% of Southern and Western
Table 3 reports the specific antibiotics prescribed to children by Europe, Latin America and North America. Aminoglycosides
UN region, ranked at overall DU90%. In total, 77 different systemic were most often prescribed in combination with ampicillin or
antibiotic substances (ATC J01) were administered to children. benzylpenicillin.
Ceftriaxone (8.5% of total use of antibiotics) ranked first in
Eastern Europe, Asia and Southern Europe (31.3%, 13.0% and Antibiotic prescribing by indication
9.8%, respectively). In Western Europe and Australia, cefotaxime The most frequently recorded reason to treat children was a bac-
was more popular than ceftriaxone (4.8% and 5.6%, respectively), terial lower respiratory tract infection (18.7%) and that to treat
while cefepime was more commonly prescribed in North America neonates was sepsis (36.4%) (see Table 5 for the top 10 reasons
(7.8%). The second most prescribed antibiotic was sulfamethoxa- for antibiotic treatment in children and neonates).
zole/trimethoprim (7.2% of total antibiotic use), ranking first in Tables 6 and 7 compare therapeutic (community-acquired ver-
Western Europe (11.4%), North America (11.2%) and Australia sus hospital-acquired; empirical versus targeted treatment) and
(10.0%). Vancomycin ranked second in Latin America (12.9%), prophylactic prescribing in children and neonates: 75.3% of anti-
North America (10.6%) and Asia (8.5%). Meropenem ranked first biotics were prescribed therapeutically (75.4% in children and
in Latin America (13.1%). 74.9% in neonates) and 24.7% prophylactically (14.8% for med-
ical and 9.8% for surgical prophylaxis in children and 19.5% for
medical and 5.6% for surgical prophylaxis in neonates).
Antibiotic drug utilization at regional level in neonates
Figure 2 shows the most prevalently prescribed antibiotics among Therapeutic prescribing Overall, hospital-acquired infections
neonates. Aminoglycosides in combination with either ampicillin/ (HAIs) accounted for 49.9%, 34.9%, 33.7%, 28.9%, 28.5% and
amoxicillin (Western and Southern Europe, Asia, Latin America 14.4% of all therapeutic antibiotic prescriptions in Latin America,
and North America) or benzylpenicillin (Northern Europe, Africa Asia, North America, Europe, Australia and Africa, respectively. Of
and Australia) were by far the most frequently used regimens. all antibiotics administered for an HAI, 29.9% were recorded as
Table 4 shows the antibiotics prescribed to neonates by being targeted based on microbiological results (range, from
UN region, ranked at overall DU90%. In total, 43 different systemic 23.8% in Africa to 39.4% in Australia). Overall, antibiotics were
antibiotic substances were prescribed to neonates worldwide. more commonly prescribed for HAIs in neonates (34.9%; range,
Gentamicin (23.6% of total antibiotic use) ranked first in from 14.2% in Africa to 68.0% in Latin America) compared with

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Versporten et al.
Table 3. Most prescribed antibiotics (ATC J01; 5th level) to children (≥30 days old) (%) by UN regiona, ranked at overall drug utilization 90% (DU90%)

Northern Southern
Eastern Europe (n¼112) Europe (n¼1806) Europe (n¼1558) Western Europe (n¼1157) Africa (n¼ 491) Asia (n¼ 1094) Australia (n¼502) Latin America (n¼528) North America (n¼463)

ceftriaxone 31.3 amoxicillin/inhib. 13.6 ceftriaxone 9.8 sulfa./trimethoprim 11.4 gentamicin 16.3 ceftriaxone 13.0 sulfa./ 10.0 meropenem 13.1 sulfa./trimethoprim 11.2
ampicillin 10.7 amoxicillin 7.1 amoxicillin/inhib. 7.6 amoxicillin/inhib. 8.1 ceftriaxone 14.1 vancomycin 8.5 piperacillin/inhib. 7.6 vancomycin 12.9 vancomycin 10.6
sulfa./trimethoprim 8.0 ceftriaxone 6.9 sulfa./ 7.4 cefuroxime 6.7 benzylpenicillin 10.2 cefotaxime 8.2 gentamicin 7.6 ceftriaxone 11.6 cefepime 7.8
cefuroxime 5.4 cefuroxime 5.5 piperacillin/inhib. 5.5 amoxicillin 5.6 cefuroxime 9.8 amikacin 7.4 cefazolin 7.6 clindamycin 7.6 azithromycin 7.6
ampicillin/inhib. 4.5 sulfa./ 5.3 meropenem 4.7 vancomycin 4.8 sulfa./ 8.1 meropenem 7.1 amoxicillin 6.2 amikacin 6.6 clindamycin 6.5
trimethoprim trimethoprim
procaine 4.5 flucloxacillin 5.3 gentamicin 4.6 cefotaxime 4.8 ampicillin 5.1 piperacillin/inhib. 5.4 flucloxacillin 6.2 piperacillin/inhib. 5.1 cefazolin 6.5
amikacin 3.6 gentamicin 5.1 teicoplanin 4.6 meropenem 4.6 cloxacillin 4.1 ceftazidime 4.5 ticarcillin 6.0 cefalotin 4.7 piperacillin/inhib. 5.8
azithromycin 3.6 azithromycin 4.5 metronidazole 4.5 piperacillin/inhib. 4.5 chloramphenicol 3.5 cefuroxime 4.2 cefotaxime 5.6 ciprofloxacin 3.2 amoxicillin 5.0
levofloxacin 3.6 cefotaxime 4.4 cefotaxime 4.3 gentamicin 4.2 amoxicillin/inhib. 3.3 metronidazole 4.2 vancomycin 5.2 sulfa./ 3.0 ceftriaxone 4.3
vancomycin 2.7 piperacillin/inhib. 4.0 ceftazidime 4.0 colistin 3.8 ciprofloxacin 3.3 sulfa./ 3.7 amoxicillin/inhib. 3.8 ampicillin 3.0 gentamicin 3.5
piperacillin/inhib. 2.7 clarithromycin 3.9 amikacin 3.9 metronidazole 3.5 metronidazole 2.9 ampicillin/inhib. 3.1 metronidazole 3.8 trimethoprim 3.0 ampicillin 3.5
gentamicin 2.7 metronidazole 3.7 ampicillin 3.9 ampicillin 3.0 meropenem 2.4 clindamycin 2.9 azithromycin 3.8 amoxicillin 2.8 tobramycin 3.5
cefoperazone 2.7 meropenem 3.5 cefuroxime 3.6 teicoplanin 2.9 amikacin 2.4 clarithromycin 2.7 ceftriaxone 3.2 metronidazole 2.7 metronidazole 2.4
nalidixic acid 2.7 benzylpenicillin 3.0 vancomycin 3.5 ceftriaxone 2.9 flucloxacillin 2.4 amoxicillin/inhib. 2.7 tobramycin 2.8 ampicillin/inhib. 2.7 ciprofloxacin 2.4
meropenem 1.8 vancomycin 2.4 ciprofloxacin 2.8 ceftazidime 2.8 amoxicillin 1.8 cefazolin 2.3 ciprofloxacin 2.6 cloxacillin 2.7 cefalexin 2.4
ceftazidime 2.4 clarithromycin 2.5 cefazolin 2.2 ampicillin 2.2 benzylpenicillin 2.2 cefotaxime 2.1 trimethoprim 2.2
ciprofloxacin 2.1 clindamycin 2.3 amikacin 2.1 cefoperazone. 2.0 cefalexin 2.0 clarithromycin 1.9 phenoxymethylpenicillin 1.9
tobramycin 1.9 amoxicillin 2.1 ciprofloxacin 2.1 gentamicin 1.6 meropenem 1.6 cefepime 1.7 erythromycin 1.9
cefazolin 1.7 ampicillin/inhib. 1.9 tobramycin 1.9 ciprofloxacin 1.5 lincomycin 1.6 meropenem 1.7
clindamycin 1.7 trimethoprim 1.7 imipenem/inhib. 1.9 cloxacillin 1.5 amikacin 1.4
teicoplanin 1.6 ceforanide 1.5 trimethoprim 1.6 azithromycin 1.2
cefazolin 1.4 phenoxymethylpenicillin 1.5
azithromycin 1.3 clindamycin 1.4
cefepime 0.9 azithromycin 1.1
ampicillin/inhib. 1.1

sulfa., sulfamethoxazole; inhib., b-lactamase inhibitor; comb., combination.

Grey shading indicates drug utilization 75% (DU75%) by UN region.
Number of countries included from each region: Eastern Europe (3), Northern Europe (6), Southern Europe (9), Western Europe (6), Africa (4), Asia (8), Australia (1), Latin America (3), North
America (1).

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Global Point Prevalence Survey in hospitalized children in 2012 JAC
Other antibacterials
90% Glycopeptides (J01XA)
80% Imidazole derivatives (J01XD)
70% Aminoglycosides (J01GB)
60% Carbapenems (J01DH)
50% 4th-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DE)

40% 3rd-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DD)

30% 2nd-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DC)

20% 1st-gen. Cephalosporins (J01DB)

10% Comb. of penicillins with b-lactam. inh. (J01CR)

0% Penicillins with extended spectrum (J01CA)

b-lactam. Resist. Penicillins (J01CF)















b-lactam. Sens. Penicillins (J01CE)






Figure 2. Proportion of prescribed antibiotics (ATC4 level) among neonates (,30 days) by region. The pale grey part of the stacked bars represents other
antibacterial subgroups. There are no data for Eastern Europe. This figure appears in colour in the online version of JAC and in black and white in the print
version of JAC.

children (28.3%; range, from 14.5% in Africa to 48.9% in Latin prophylactic prescribing, respectively) and ampicillin in Latin
America). Glycopeptides (mainly vancomycin) were most often pre- America and Asia (21.5% and 15.9%, respectively).
scribed for HAIs in Latin America, North America, Australia and Surgical prophylactic prescribing accounted for 39.7% of all
Europe (26.2%, 21.7%, 17.3% and 20.4% of total antibiotic use prophylactic antibiotic prescribing in children, compared with
for HAIs, respectively), followed by carbapenems (mainly merope- 22.2% in neonates (Tables 6 and 7). Most antibiotics for surgical
nem) in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe (24.0%, 21.9%, prophylactic use were first-generation cephalosporins, mainly
16.1% and 13.3%, respectively). Use of cefepime for HAIs was cefazolin in North America and Australia (61.1% and 47.0% of
15.7% in North America, but ,2% elsewhere. total surgical prophylactic prescribing, respectively) and cefalotin
Of all antibiotics administered for community-acquired infec- in Latin America (27.5%), followed by third-generation cephalos-
tions (CAIs), 19.1% were targeted (range, from 16.0% in Europe porins (mainly ceftriaxone) in Asia and Europe (25.6% and 14.6%,
to 27.9% in North America). The most commonly prescribed respectively), second-generation cephalosporins (mainly cefurox-
antibiotics for CAIs were third-generation cephalosporins (mainly ime) (17.5%) or combinations of penicillins with enzyme inhibitors
ceftriaxone) in Asia, Latin America and Europe (32.8%, 23.5% (mainly co-amoxiclav) in Europe (16.6%). Prolonged surgical
and 18.7% of total antibiotic use for treatment of CAIs, respect- prophylaxis (.1 day) was very common in all regions, ranging
ively) followed by aminoglycosides (mainly gentamicin) in Africa, from 78% in Europe to 84% in Latin America.
Australia and Europe (26.6%, 17.6% and 14.6%, respectively),
broad-spectrum penicillins (mainly amoxicillin) in North America,
Europe and Australia (14.5%), combinations of penicillins with an Discussion
enzyme inhibitor (mainly co-amoxiclav) in Europe, North America This global ARPEC-PPS for the first known time explored the feasi-
and Australia (14.2%, 11.9% and 10.0%, respectively), narrow- bility of producing qualitative indicators to uniformly assess anti-
spectrum penicillins (mainly benzylpenicillin) in Africa (16.5%), microbial prescribing, to identify key areas of poor practice and to
and clindamycin in Latin and North America (12.0% and 10.2%, propose benchmarks for improved antibiotic prescribing among
respectively). hospitalized neonates and children worldwide.
Overall, we found less regional difference in antibiotic prescrib-
Prophylactic prescribing Medical prophylactic prescribing ing among hospitalized neonates than among children. The dom-
accounted for 64.3% of all prophylactic antibiotic prescribing, ran- inance of gentamicin used in combination with benzylpenicillin or
ging from 55.8% in Asia to 82.9% in Africa. Overall, antibiotics ampicillin across all regions was very striking, and explains the
were more commonly prescribed for medical prophylaxis in neo- high proportion of antibiotics used in combination among neo-
nates (77.8%; range, from 28.6% in Africa to 89.1% in Australia) nates (around 70%). Remarkably high use of amikacin was
compared with children (60.3%; range, from 42.9% in Asia to noted in neonates admitted to Western European, Southern
96.4% in Africa) (Tables 6 and 7). Many different antibiotics were European, Asian and Latin American hospitals, and, worryingly,
prescribed for medical prophylactic use, with sulfamethoxazole/ meropenem was widely prescribed to Asian neonates.
trimethoprim dominating in Africa, North America, Australia In contrast, we observed striking regional differences in anti-
and Europe (79.3%, 36.2%, 34.2% and 30.5% of total medical biotic prescribing among hospitalized children. A high proportion

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Versporten et al.

of African, Australian, Western European and Northern European

gentamicin 31.3

clindamycin 4.2
amoxicillin 10.4

Number of countries included from each region: Northern Europe (6), Southern Europe (9), Western Europe (6), Africa (4), Asia (8), Australia (1), Latin America (3), North America (1).
America (n ¼48)

children continued to receive older narrow-spectrum antibiotics,

mainly benzylpenicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, amoxi-

cillin and gentamicin. Africa was characterized by considerably
cefazolin high use of gentamicin, often in combination with benzylpenicillin.
Eastern European, Southern European, Asian, North American and
Latin American children received considerably more broad-



Latin America (n ¼69)

spectrum antibiotics, mainly third-generation cephalosporins,

cefepime and meropenem.
The prevalence of broad-spectrum agent use is an important

quality indicator in children. The high use seen here may be par-
12.3 vancomycin

3.3 piperacillin/
benzylpenicillin 24.6 gentamicin

8.2 cefotaxime

Table 4. Most prescribed antibiotics (ATC J01; 5th level) to neonates (,30 days old) (%) by UN regiona, ranked at overall drug utilization 90% (DU90%)

32.8 ampicillin

tially explained by the remarkably high antibiotic prescribing rates

9.0 amikacin


for HAIs as an indication, e.g. in Latin America (49.9%), Asia

(34.9%) and North America (33.7%), again with high proportions
of meropenem, ceftriaxone and cefepime use. The striking finding
Australia (n¼122)

of the high number of antibiotics prescribed for HAIs in neonates,

reaching 68% of all therapeutic prescribing in Latin America,
requires further investigation. In Europe we observed slightly


lower prevalence rates of antimicrobials prescribed for an HAI

(28.9%), comparable to the ESAC 2009-PPS (adults and children,
30.7%)8 and the ECDC 2010-PPS (paediatric wards, 30.3%).20
High proportions of broad-spectrum antibiotic use could be
explained by regionally high rates of ESBL-producing or carbapenem-





resistant Gram-negative organisms. Surveillance programmes in

Asia (n¼416)

Latin America in adults and children have demonstrated an increas-


ing trend of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins with

4.9 meropenem

3.7 vancomycin

4.1 piperacillin/
benzylpenicillin 21.6 gentamicin

5.7 cefotaxime

high prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella

36.3 ampicillin

13.5 amikacin


spp. and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella spp.21,22 Similarly, in Asia

the burden of antimicrobial resistance is now very high.23 It is unclear
whether, in the surveyed children, this high level of use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics was indeed justified by local resistance
Africa (n¼245)

patterns, due to the absence of linked local neonatal and paediatric

antimicrobial resistance data. However, the high level of empirical

antibiotic use may indicate that at least a proportion of this pre-


6.9 cefotaxime


scribing may be inappropriate. Such inappropriate use was found

by Levy et al. 24 in PICUs and paediatric wards, which the authors
attributed to failure to discontinue or de-escalate therapy. Even
in resource-limited settings, where de-escalation may be less com-






Grey shading indicates drug utilization 75% (DU75%) by UN region.

monly considered and where bacteriological cultures are much less

Europe (n ¼332)

frequently performed, successful de-escalation of carbapenems


2.8 ampicillin/inhib.

has been reported.25 Therefore, to limit microbial selection pres-

2.8 meropenem

sure, de-escalation upon culture results should be implemented

7.0 vancomycin

4.4 tobramycin
gentamicin 23.6 gentamicin
vancomycin 9.8 cefotaxime

1.6 cefuroxime
meropenem 5.2 amoxicillin

29.5 ampicillin

whenever possible.26
3.6 amikacin

We identified several other potential indicators to assess anti-

microbial prescribing that could be used to set benchmarks for
quality improvement of antibiotic use in children and neonates.
Europe (n ¼386)

The simple prevalence of antibiotic use by ward, by hospital or at

national level could be used as a quality indicator if prescription

1.2 ceftazidime
2.8 cefotaxime

2.4 teicoplanin

rates are much higher than in other comparators as part of a

2.4 netilmicin


benchmarking programme. The worldwide prevalence rate of anti-

microbial prescribing among children’s wards was 36.7%, with high
rates observed in PICUs (61%) and on surgical wards (35%), which
inhib., enzyme inhibitor.

were twice as high compared with the ESAC 2009-PPS (PICUs, 30%;



child surgical wards, 16%).9 Setting crude prevalence quantitative

targets at the hospital level is very difficult because antibiotic use
Europe (n¼674)



depends on many variables, including patient case-mix, type of



hospital, proportion of HAIs and prevalence of resistance. For



instance, 80% of the centres taking part in this ARPEC-PPS were ter-
tiary care hospitals, with several specialized stand-alone paediatric
hospitals. Therefore, we collected data from a high number of

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Global Point Prevalence Survey in hospitalized children in 2012 JAC
Table 5. Top 10 most-recorded reasons to treat children (.1 month) and neonates (,30 days)

Reason to treat (children) % Reason to treat (neonates) %

Bacterial lower respiratory tract infection 18.7 sepsis 36.4

Prophylaxis for medical problems 15.1 prophylaxis for maternal risk factors 12.2
Prophylaxis for surgical disease 9.9 prophylaxis for newborn risk factors 11.3
Sepsis 9.0 lower respiratory tract infection 8.7
Treatment for surgical disease 6.1 prophylaxis for surgical disease 5.4
Urinary tract infection (upper and lower) 5.6 prophylaxis for medical problems 5.1
Febrile neutropenia/fever in oncologic patients 4.8 catheter-related bloodstream infection 3.4
Upper respiratory tract infection 4.6 CNS infections 3.2
Skin/soft tissue infections 4.4 treatment for surgical disease 2.6
Viral lower respiratory tract infection 3.7 skin/soft tissue infections 2.6

Table 6. Antibiotic use by indication, type of treatment (empirical versus targeted) and UN region for children .1 month

Therapeutic use

community-acquired infection hospital-acquired infection Prophylactic use

empirical targeted empirical targeted medical surgical

Region n % n % n % n % n % n %

Europe 2073 81.8 461 18.2 676 69.9 291 30.1 768 63.3 445 36.7
Africa 343 81.7 77 18.3 54 76.1 17 23.9 27 96.4 1 3.6
Asia 411 72.4 157 27.6 138 60.8 89 39.2 124 42.9 165 57.1
Australia 201 73.1 74 26.9 54 56.8 41 43.2 79 56.4 61 43.6
Latin America 167 73.9 59 26.1 149 69.0 67 31.0 42 48.3 45 51.7
North America 149 70.6 62 29.4 66 68.0 31 32.0 119 71.7 47 28.3

Total 3344 79.0 890 21.0 1137 68.0 536 32.0 1159 60.3 764 39.7

Sixty-eight antibiotics were recorded with unknown indication.

Table 7. Antibiotic use by indication, type of treatment (empirical versus targeted) and UN region for neonates ,30 days

Therapeutic use

community-acquired infection hospital-acquired infection Prophylactic use

empirical targeted empirical targeted medical surgical

Region n % n % n % n % n % n %

Europe 665 91.7 60 8.3 275 77.2 81 22.8 236 76.1 74 23.9
Africa 148 72.2 57 27.8 26 76.5 8 23.5 2 28.6 5 71.4
Asia 108 92.3 9 7.7 103 73.6 37 26.4 122 80.3 30 19.7
Australia 44 100 — — 23 71.9 9 28.1 41 89.1 5 10.9
Latin America 6 75.0 2 25.0 10 58.8 7 41.2 37 86.0 6 14.0
North America 14 93.3 1 6.7 17 94.4 1 5.6 8 53.3 7 46.7

Total 985 88.4 129 11.6 454 76.0 143 24.0 446 77.8 127 22.2

Fourteen antibiotics were recorded with unknown indication.

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children receiving specialized care admitted to, e.g. haematology/ time consuming); and the assurance of data quality (data com-
oncology and transplant wards as well as very low birth weight pleteness and validation process) as described in Versporten
neonates who were admitted to level 3 NICUs. This could explain et al. 13 The limitations of this study are inherent to the epidemio-
the high overall antibiotic prescribing rates. There is a need to fur- logical method of a cross-sectional survey.13 Additionally, as
ther develop the data collection with more hospitals, reducing the mentioned above, the recruitment of hospitals, mainly done
selection bias and stratifying for hospital type and case-mix to through existing paediatric or other networks, involving a high
develop more appropriate benchmarking standards. number of highly specialized or referral hospitals, will have
The early switch from parenteral to oral therapy is another induced selection bias and may partially explain the high anti-
quality indicator, due to its many advantages, such as decreased microbial prevalence rates observed. This indicator is strongly
risk of catheter-related infections, reduced costs and the possibil- associated with patient characteristics. However, it does not
ity of early discharge from hospital.27,28 However, it is not known necessarily explain some worrying findings with respect to quality
to what extent different antibiotic administration routes have an indicators, such as the low frequency of documenting the reason
impact on antimicrobial resistance.29 Parenteral administration for treatment in the medical files or prolonged antibiotic prescrib-
among children was more frequent in Asia, Latin America and ing for surgical prophylaxis. These quality indicators should be met
Europe (88%, 81% and 67%, respectively) compared with adults independently of institutional characteristics. Finally, we do not
in Europe in the ESAC-PPS (60%).8 The concept of early switching suspect social desirability bias. We dealt with highly motivated
from parenteral to oral therapy seems uncommon among chil- infectious disease specialists or other, related specialists who
dren28 and could be explained by more limited options for oral often perform a supervisory function at hospital level. We also
broad-spectrum antibacterial equivalents with appropriate formu- clearly communicated in different ways that they needed to com-
lations, class and potency and the challenges of oral administration plete the forms with information, which was written down in
of medications in young children in general.30 A parenteral-to-oral medical or other files, without discussing the appropriateness of
switch-over programme in line with available guidance can, how- the prescribed antimicrobial.
ever, be introduced into clinical practice28 and should be supported The 2015 WHO global action plan on antimicrobial resistance
by collecting information for particular indications in children.31 proposes collection and reporting of data on the use of antimicro-
A further key quality indicator is documentation of the reason bial agents so that trends can be monitored and the impact of
for prescription in the medical notes of the patient, which was action plans assessed, but does not specifically mention the diffi-
slightly less in European children (76%) than in European adults culties of data collection and analysis in children.33 Our ARPEC-PSS
(80%),8 but considerably lower in Latin America (52%). Good tool constituted a simple method to collect antimicrobial prescrib-
documentation of the indication in the patient chart ensures com- ing data electronically. The uniformity of data collection together
munication of diagnosis and treatment among clinicians, phar- with the implemented online quality assurance improves the val-
macists and other healthcare providers, and allows subsequent idity of the data we collected worldwide. This is of great value to
prescription review and interventions such as de-escalation and public health nationally and globally as these methods can be
stopping of antimicrobial treatment. This ESAC-PPS indicator implemented and repeated regionally in the future.34 It can also
was used to set a benchmark of .95% in Scottish hospitals.11 provide meaningful educational feedback to prescribers, which
Another potential quality indicator is the administration of could have a significant effect on prescribing practices. We have
antibiotics for surgical prophylaxis. We proposed an international now identified several measurable quality indicators that could
benchmark of 100% for surgical prophylaxis prescriptions being be used to set benchmarks for antibiotic prescribing in neonates
administered ,24 h,7 because the duration of surgical prophylaxis and children. The next step is to implement feasible quality tar-
should not exceed a 24 h perioperative period unless exceptional gets through repeated PPSs (e.g. quarterly) on a sample of
cases.32 Therefore, the excessively lengthy surgical prophylaxis patients or wards within the same hospitals. This will allow the
for .24 h observed in many hospitals participating in this survey future prospective assessment of intervention plans aimed at
(up to 84% in Latin America hospitals) is not acceptable. Moreover, improving the quality of antibiotic prescribing.
in these hospitals we observed high broad-spectrum surgical pro-
phylactic prescribing, mainly ceftriaxone, which could be explained
by the concern about increasing resistance to first- and second-
generation cephalosporins among Gram-negative isolates. In other Acknowledgements
parts of the world, mostly first- and second-generation cephalospor- We would like to thank all colleagues who contributed to the success of
ins were administered. Equally concerning is the high proportion of this project: Graciela Maria Calle, Hospital de Pediatria Juan P. Garrahan,
antibiotics prescribed for medical prophylaxis in all regions except Buenos Aires, Argentina; Julia Clark, Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane,
Africa, including high levels of neonatal medical prophylaxis. Australia; Celia Cooper, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North
Indeed, medical prophylaxis was the second most common reason Adelaide, Australia; Christopher C. Blyth and Joshua Reginald Francis,
for antibiotic treatment in children, accounting for 15% of all pre- Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia; Jameela
Alsalman, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Manama, Bahrain; Hilde Jansens
scriptions. Whether this is an area for quality improvement needs
and Ludo Mahieu, University Hospital Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; Paul
to be further explored with more detailed evaluation of patterns of
Van Rossom, General Hospital Klina, Brasschaat, Belgium; Wouter
prophylactic antibiotic use and their relation to available evidence. Vandewal, AZ Sint Lucas, Brugge, Belgium; Philippe Lepage and Sophie
Blumental, Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola, Brussels,
Belgium; Caroline Briquet, Université Catholique de Louvain, Cliniques
Study strengths and limitations
Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium; Dirk Robbrecht, General
The strength of our study lies in the uniformity of data collection, Hospital A. Z. Damiaan, Ostend, Belgium; Pierre Maton, NICU-CHC St
the simplicity of the protocol and data collection templates (less Vincent, Rocourt, Belgium; Patrick Gabriels, Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis,

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Global Point Prevalence Survey in hospitalized children in 2012 JAC
Sint-Truiden, Belgium; Zana Rubic and Tanja Kovacevic, University Hospital Latvia; Sigita Burokiene, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University
Centre Split, Croatia; Jens Peter Nielsen, Pediatric Department, Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania; Vytautas Usonis, Vilnius
Regionshospital Viborg, Viborg, Denmark; Jes Reinholdt Petersen, University, Vilnius, Lithuania; Gabriela Tavchioska, General Hospital ‘Borka
Department of Neonatology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Taleski’, Prilep, Macedonia; Antonia Hargadon-Lowe, Queen Elizabeth
Copenhagen, Denmark; Porntiva Poorisrisak, Department of Pediatrics, Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi; Peter Zarb and Michael A. Borg, Mater
Naestved Hospital, Naestved, Denmark; Lise Heilmann Jensen, Roskilde Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta; Carlos Agustı́n González Lozano and Patricia
University Hospital, Roskilde, Denmark; Mari Laan, Tallinn Children’s Zárate Castañon, Instituto Nacional de Pediatrı́a, México D.F., México;
Hospital, Tallinn, Estonia; Eda Tamm, Children’s Clinic of Tartu University Martha E. Cancino, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, México
Hospital, Tartu, Estonia; Maire Matsinen and Maija-Liisa Rummukainen, and DURG-LA (Grupo para la Investigación de la Utilización de los
Central Finland Health Care District, Jyväskylä, Finland; Vincent Gajdos Medicamentos-América Latina), Tepic, Nayarit, México; Bernadette
and Romain Olivier, Hopitaux Universitaires Paris Sud, Antoine Beclere, McCullagh, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast, Northern
Clamart, France; Flore Le Maréchal, Department of Pediatrics and Ireland; Ann McCorry, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Craigavon,
Neonatology, University Hospital, Dijon, France; Alain Martinot, François Northern Ireland; Cairine Gormley, Western Health and Social Care Trust,
Dubos, Marion Lagrée, CHRU Lille, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France; Derry, Northern Ireland; Zaina Al Maskari and Amina Al-Jardani, Royal
Sonia Prot-Labarthe and Mathie Lorrot, AP-HP Hôpital Robert-Debré, Hospital, Muscat, Oman; Magdalena Pluta, Department of Children’s
Paris, France; Daniel Orbach, Institut Curie, Paris, France; Karaman Infectious Diseases, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw,
Pagava, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia; Markus Hufnagel, Poland; Fernanda Rodrigues and Ana Brett, Hospital Pediátrico, Centro
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Center of Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal; Isabel Esteves,
Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Hospital de Santa Maria, Pediatric Department, Pediatric Infectious
Germany; Markus Knuf, Children’s Hospital, Dr Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken, Diseases Unit, Lisbon, Portugal; Laura Marques, Centro Hospitalar do
Wiesbaden, Germany; Stephanie A. A. Schlag and Johannes Liese, Porto, Porto, Portugal; Jameela Ali AlAjmi, Hamad Medical Corporation,
University Children’s Hospital, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Doha, Qatar; Simona Claudia Cambrea, Faculty of Medicine, ‘Ovidius’
Germany; Lorna Renner, Prof. Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; University, Constanta, Romania; Asia N. Rashed, King Abdulaziz Medical
Anthony Enimil and Marah Awunyo, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, City—Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Aeshah Abdu Mubarak Al Azmi,
Kumasi, Ghana; Garyfallia Syridou and Nikos Spyridis, Aglaia Kyriakou Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, King Abdulaziz Medical City,
Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece; Elena Critselis, First University Pharmaceutical Care Services Department, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Si Min
Department of Pediatrics, ‘Aghia Sophia’ Children’s Hospital, Athens, Chan, Khoo Teck Puat-National University Children’s Medical Institute,
Greece; Sofia Kouni and Katerina Mougkou, University of Athens National University Health System, Singapore, Singapore; Mas Suhaila
Collaborative Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcome Research, Isa, National University Hospital, Singapore; Peter Najdenov, General
Athens, Greece; Fani Ladomenou, University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Hospital Jesenice, Jesenice, Slovenia; Milan Čižman, University Medical
Greece; Despoina Gkentzi, University General Hospital of Patras, Patras, Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Sibila Unuk, University Medical Center
Greece; Elias Iosifidis and Emmanuel Roilides, 3rd Department of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia; Heather Finlayson, Department of Paediatrics
Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University School of Health and Child Health, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa;
Sciences, Hippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece; Suneeta Sahu, Angela Dramowski, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa; Irene
Microbiology, Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India; Srinivas Maté-Cano, Hospital Universitario del Henares, Coslada, Madrid, Spain;
Murki, Fernandez Hospital, Hyderabad, India; Manoj Malviya and Durga Beatriz Soto, Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Getafe, Madrid, Spain;
Bhavani Kalavalapalli, Nice Hospital for Women, Newborns and Children, Cristina Calvo, Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Madrid, Spain; Begoña
Hyderabad, India; Sanjeev Singh, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Santiago and Jesus Saavedra-Lozano and Amaya Bustinza, Gregorio
Kochi, India; Tanu Singhal, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Marañon Hospital, Madrid, Spain; Luis Escosa-Garcı́a, Hospital Infantil
Medical Research Institute, Mumbai, India; Garima Garg, Escorts Heart Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; Noelia Ureta, Elisa Lopez-Varela and
Institute, New Delhi, India; Pankaj Garg, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Pablo Rojo, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain; Alfredo
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, India; Neelam Kler, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Tagarro, Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia, San Sebastian de los Reyes,
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, India; Jafar Soltani, Besat Tertiary Hospital Madrid, Spain; Pedro Terol Barrero, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena,
affiliated to Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Seville, Spain; Elena Maria Rincon-Lopez, Hospital Universitario y
Kurdistan, Iran; Zahra Jafarpour and Gholamreza Pouladfar, Professor Politecnico La Fe, Valencia, Spain; Ismaela Abubakar, Edward Francis Small
Alborzi Clinical Microbiology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Teaching Hospital/Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, Banjul, The Gambia; Jeff
Sciences, Shiraz, Iran; Giangiacomo Nicolini, San Martino Hospital, Aston, Mitul Patel and Alison Bedford Russell, Birmingham Children’s
Pediatric Department, Belluno, Italy; Carlotta Montagnani and Luisa Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK; Maggie Heginbothom,
Galli, Department of Health Sciences, University of Florence, Meyer Public Health Wales, Cardiff, UK; Prakash Satodia, University Hospitals
Children’s University Hospital, Florence, Italy; Susanna Esposito, Pediatric Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, UK; Mehdi Garbash,
Highly Intensive Care Unit, and Rossana Tenconi, Department of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Durham and
Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Università degli Studi di Milano, Darlington, UK; Alison Johnson, Wye Valley NHS Trust, Hereford, UK; David
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy; Sharpe, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK;
Andrea, Lo Vecchio, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy; Christopher Barton, Institute of Child Health, University of Liverpool,
Daniele Dona’ and Carlo Giaquinto, Department for Woman and Child Liverpool, UK; Esse Menson and Sara Arenas-Lopez, Evelina London
Health, Padua, Italy; Eleonora Borgia, University Hospital of Padova, Children’s Hospital, London, UK; Suzanne Luck, Kingston Hospital NHS
Padua, Italy; Patrizia D’Argenio and Maia De Luca, Bambino Gesù Foundation Trust, London, UK; Katja Doerholt, St George’s Hospital,
Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy; Chiara Centenari, Paediatric and London, UK; Paddy McMaster, North Manchester General Hospital,
Neonatal Unit, Hospital of Viareggio, Viareggio, Italy; Lul Raka, National Manchester, UK; Neil A. Caldwell, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS
Institute of Public Health of Kosovo and University of Prishtina, and Foundation Trust, Merseyside, UK; Andrew Lunn, Nottingham Children’s
Denis Raka, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo; Abeer Omar and Hospital, Nottingham, UK; Simon B. Drysdale, Oxford University Hospitals
Haifaa Al-Mousa, Directorate of Infection Control, Ministry of Health, NHS Trust, Oxford, UK; Rachel Howe, Peterborough City Hospital,
Kuwait City, Kuwait; Dzintars Mozgis, Centre for Diseases Prevention and Peterborough, UK; Tim Scorrer and Florian Gahleitner, Queen Alexandra
Control, Riga, Latvia; Inese Sviestina, University Children’s Hospital, Riga, Hospital, Portsmouth, UK; Richa Gupta, Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire

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Versporten et al.

Teaching Hospitals, Preston, UK; Clare Nash, Sheffield Children’s NHS antimicrobial prescribing in 32 hospitals of 21 European countries.
Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK; John Alexander, University Hospital of J Antimicrob Chemother 2010; 65: 2247 –52.
North Midlands, Stoke on Trent, UK; Mala Raman, Torbay Hospital, South 10 Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, McElnay JC et al. A point prevalence survey of
Devon Health Care NHS Foundation Trust Torquay, UK; Emily Bell, Royal antibiotic prescriptions: benchmarking and patterns of use. Br J Clin
Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Truro, Cornwall, UK; Veena Rajagopal, Pharmacol 2011; 71: 293– 6.
St George’s NHS Trust, London, UK; Stephan Kohlhoff, SUNY Downstate
Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA; Elaine Cox, Kristen Nichols and Elaine Cox, 11 Malcolm W, Nathwani D, Davey P et al. From intermittent antibiotic
Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health, Indianapolis, USA; Theoklis Zaoutis, point prevalence surveys to quality improvement: experience in Scottish
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA. hospitals. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2013; 2: 3.
12 Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children (ARPEC)
13 Versporten A, Sharland M, Bielicki J et al. The antibiotic resistance and
This work was supported by the European Commission Directorate General
prescribing in European children project: a neonatal and pediatric anti-
for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) through the Executive Agency for
microbial web-based point prevalence survey in 73 hospitals worldwide.
Health and Consumers ‘(Agreement number—2009 11 01)’ (http://ec. The October – November 2012 Antibiotic Resistance Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013; 32: e242–53.
and Prescribing in European Children Point Prevalence Survey was 14 European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID). http://
co-funded by the Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS
(PENTA) ( 15 Global Research in Paediatrics.
16 United Nations Statistics Division. Standard Country and Area Codes
Classification. Composition of Macro Geographical (Continental) Regions,
Transparency declarations Geographical Sub-regions, and Selected Economic and Other Groupings.
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