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Barbara Kruger essay – Your body is a battlefield

Analyse the text for its composition, subtext, irony and symbolism. Also, analyse the
methods used by the artist to convey a message and the socio-cultural context.


This text is a photograph installation by Barbara Kruger who is a social activist and a
graphic designer. The text aims to create awareness about women’s right over their
bodies and voices their opinions about unfair abortion laws. This photograph was a part
of the pro-choice movement in 1989, however it may still serve an important purpose
given the current circumstances and change in laws about abortion rights. This essay will
focus on how it’s composition, linguistic features and use of symbolism adds to the
subtext and the socio-cultural message about women representation in society.

The probable audience for the text could be perceptive, English speaking teenagers and
adults since the text demands a certain minimal understanding of the language and is a
composite text; women well-wishers, activists, law and media personals, educators and
students could also be interested in this type of text. Also, since Barbara Kruger is an
activist herself and her work appears on billboards and open installations, it is safe to
say that it is meant for the public eye.

Keeping her audience in mind we see that the composition of the text is designed
accordingly. Right from the placement of the subject I.e the women’s face occupying
most of the frame; the close-up angle to the use of old images from newspaper and the
collage of cut out words gives the text the much-needed focus and acts as Barbara’s
style for most of her work. This mixed media composition makes the photograph stand
out and helps us focus on the main idea of how women have been wrongly represented
in media and the notion of their rights more so.

Another important technique we might notice is the use of a vertical partitioning line
that divides the face into two parts and creates a dichotomy of ideas, outlooks or
thoughts being represented. Perhaps it showcases the positive and the negative effects
after the decision or both sides of the arguments regarding women’s rights to their own

This further delineates the claim of patriarchy over women’s bodies and the control over
the reproductive chain. The subtext thus helps us ponder upon questions of who really
possesses women’s bodies? If they are considered equal, doesn’t that imply their
autonomy over their own bodies? Also, why are they having to fight for such basic a
right? Especially the use of a perfect well composed face of a woman as a symbol of
beauty standards to promote the idea is also ironical.

Not only are the visuals and the strong symbols a part of the convincing appeal of the
text but also use of particular words and phrases gives it that edge. For eg. The use of
the personal pronoun ‘your’ in a bold red font gets the audience to feel more relatable
to the issue, as it highlights the fact that they are involved in this process too, and might
be affected by the outcome. Also the word ‘battleground’ has a negative connotation
and acts as an Imagery for bloodshed, wars, violence and struggles.

The overall use of bold Futura font acts as a dynamic factor in adding to the socio-
cultural ideas of Women entrapment and empowerment both.

Overall, the text serves its purpose of guiding the layman and the mindful audience to
the grave issues facing mankind and especially women. In my opinion the mixed media
photograph collage could have included more subjects symbolic to the issue of
abortion. However, we do see a direct connection of the composition, subtext,
symbolism, irony and the bold way the text is presented to the socio-cultural message
of how women and their opinions are wrongly represented in society.

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