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Subject: Mapeh - Health

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Identify the basic steps of Genetic engineering or DNA technology,

Create a poster that showcases Genetic engineering or DNA technology,
Appreciate the ethical consideration of genetic engineering

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:
1) Science - Understanding the principles of DNA technology and how it affects
2) Ethics - Exploring the ethical considerations behind genetic engineering
3) Art - Using art to visually represent genetic engineering concepts
- Across:
1) Math - Analyzing data related to genetic engineering processes
2) History - Studying the historical impact of genetic engineering on society
3) Language - Exploring the language used in genetic engineering research and


[Teaching Strategy: Storytelling]

[Instructional Materials: Visual Aids]

Anecdote 1 - Sharing traditional Filipino family stories related to genetics
Anecdote 2 - Exploring the role of genetics in Filipino folklore and traditions


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Art Supplies]

1) Idea - Students create a mind map connecting genetics to their daily lives
2) Idea - Role-playing scenarios to discuss ethical dilemmas in genetic engineering


Activity 1: Understanding Genetics

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials - Genetic engineering diagrams, worksheets
Significance - To understand the basic concepts of genetic engineering
Instructions -
1) Analyze a genetic engineering diagram
2) Complete the worksheet on genetic engineering processes
3) Present findings to the class
Rubric -
- Accuracy of analysis - 5 pts.
- Completeness of worksheet - 5 pts.
- Clarity of presentation - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) What is the basic principle behind genetic engineering?
2) How does genetic engineering impact human health?
3) Why is ethical consideration important in genetic engineering?

Activity 2: Ethical Dilemmas

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Case studies on genetic engineering ethics
Significance - To explore different perspectives on the ethical implications of genetic
Instructions -
1) Read and discuss case studies in groups
2) Debate the ethical issues presented
3) Prepare a group presentation on the findings
Rubric -
- Participation in group discussion - 5 pts.
- Quality of debate points - 5 pts.
- Clarity of presentation - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How do ethical considerations influence decisions in genetic engineering?
2) What are the potential risks and benefits of genetic engineering?
3) How can society regulate genetic engineering practices?

Inclusive Activity 3: Interactive Discussion

[Teaching Strategy: Socratic Method]

Materials - None
Significance - To encourage critical thinking and active participation
Instructions -
1) Engage students in a guided discussion on genetic engineering
2) Encourage students to ask questions and share opinions
3) Facilitate a reflective discussion on ethical considerations
Rubric -
- Active participation - 5 pts.
- Depth of critical thinking - 5 pts.
- Respectful engagement - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How can genetic engineering benefit society?
2) What are the potential drawbacks of genetic engineering?
3) How can individuals contribute to ethical decision-making in genetic engineering?

Activity 1 - The teacher will present the basic principles of genetic engineering
through interactive discussions and visual aids.
Activity 2 - Students will engage in role-playing scenarios and debates to understand
the ethical dilemmas in genetic engineering.
Activity 3 - A guided discussion will help students reflect on the ethical
considerations of genetic engineering.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Task 1 - Students will design a hypothetical genetic engineering project and present
it to the class.
Task 2 - Students will conduct research on a real-life genetic engineering case study
and write a reflection on the ethical considerations involved.
Supporting Material 1 - "Genetic Engineering and Society" - A scientific article
discussing the societal impacts of genetic engineering.
Supporting Material 2 - "Ethics in Biotechnology" - A case study exploring the ethical
dilemmas in genetic engineering applications.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Worksheets]

Question 1 - What are the key steps in genetic engineering?
Question 2 - How can genetic engineering be used to improve human health?
Question 3 - Discuss the ethical considerations in gene editing technology.

Question 1 - Analyze the potential consequences of genetic engineering on
Answer 1 - Genetic engineering can lead to changes in the genetic diversity of
populations, impacting ecosystems and species survival.
Question 2 - Evaluate the ethical implications of using genetic engineering to
enhance human abilities.
Answer 2 - Ethical concerns arise when genetic engineering is used to alter traits
beyond addressing medical conditions, raising questions about equality and social
Question 3 - Compare and contrast the ethical frameworks used in genetic
engineering regulations in different countries.
Answer 3 - Different countries have varying approaches to genetic engineering
oversight, reflecting cultural values and societal priorities.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Research Articles]

Use-case 1 - Students will apply genetic engineering principles to solve a real-world
health issue in their community.
Use-case 2 - Students will analyze a controversial genetic engineering case study
and propose alternative ethical solutions.

1) Write a reflection paper on the ethical considerations of genetic engineering
applications in medicine.
Guiding Overview - Research different perspectives on genetic engineering ethics
and write a reflective essay.
Assessment Question - Discuss the potential benefits and risks of genetic
engineering in healthcare.
2) Create a poster showcasing a genetic engineering process and its impact on
Guiding Overview - Use visual aids to represent genetic engineering concepts and
their ethical implications.
Assessment Question - How can genetic engineering innovations shape the future of
healthcare and biotechnology?

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