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I. Match the words/ phrases with their correct definitions. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (5
items- 1pt)
1. clause A. to give something that is yours to someone else because you have
2. financial year been forced to do so or because it is necessary to do so
3. surrender B. the details about an employee’s job, pay, workinghours, etc. that are
4. indemnify in their contract of employment
5. terms of C. a period of twelve months (not always January to December) for
employment which a business, government, etc. plans its management of money
D. to protect someone or something against possible damage or loss by
paying an indemnity to cover the costs
E. a particular part of a written legal document, for
example a lawpassed by Parliament or a contract

II. Fill in each of the numbered gaps with the words in the box. There are 4 extra words. Write your
answer on the answer sheet. (a passage/ 8 items- 2pts)
with accepted invalid
signed valid writing
rejected by dispute
stated agreement for
A contract can be defined as ‘an (1) ____________ between two or more parties to create legal
obligations between them’. Some contracts are made ‘under seal’: in other words, they are (2)
____________ and sealed (stamped) by the parties involved. Most contracts are made verbally or in
(3) ____________. The essential elements of a contract are: (a) that an offer made by one party
should be (4) ____________ by the other; (b) consideration (the price in money, goods or some
other reward, paid by one party in exchange (5) ____________ another party agreeing to do
something); (c) the intention to create legal relations. The terms of a contract may be express
(clearly stated) or implied (not clearly (6)____________ in the contract, but generally understood).
A breach of contract (7) ____________ one party of their contractual liability entitles the other
party to sue for damages or, in some cases, to seek specific performance. In such circumstances, the
contract may be voided (in other words, it becomes (8) ____________).


III. Read the passage and answer the questions. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (a passage/
5 questions-2.5pts)
Contract Law
Contract law deals with promises which create legal rights. In most legal systems, a contract is formed
when one party makes an offer that is accepted by the other party. Some legal systems require more,
for example that the parties give each other, or promise to give each other, something of value. In
common law systems, this promise is known as consideration. In those systems, a one-sided promise
to do something (e.g. a promise to make a gift) does not lead to the formation of an enforceable
contract, as it lacks consideration.
When the contract is negotiated, the offer and acceptance must match each other in order for the
contract to be binding. This means that one party must accept exactly what the other party has offered.
If the offer and acceptance do not match each other, then the law says that the second party has made
a counter-offer (that is, a new offer to the first party which then may be accepted or rejected).
For there to be a valid contract, the parties must agree on the essential terms. These include the price
and the subject matter of the contract.

1. In some legal systems, what must the parties give each other in order for a contract to be formed?
2. Why is a one-sided promise unable to help form a contract?
3. In which situation is a contract binding?
4. To whom is a counter-offer made?
5. What are two examples of essential terms in a contract?

IV. Translate the sentences into Vietnamese. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (2 sentences-
1. The two parties will replace the invalid clause with a clause that is valid and comes as close as
possible to the original attention of the parties.
2. The Employee undertakes not to be employed in any way either by firms which compete with the

V. Complete the sentences between 08 and 15 words. You have to use your own words. Write the
answer on the answer sheet. (3 sentences-3pts)
1. Employment law entails contracts ………
2. The originals of the documents ………
3. The Employee is entitled ………

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