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Religion Intolerance

By Inês Guedes Martins

Religious intolerance is a deeply concerning issue that encompasses a range of

unfair treatments, biases, and prejudices aimed at individuals or groups based on their
religious beliefs or practices. Although this pervasive problem manifests in various forms,
including discrimination, harassment, verbal abuse, and even violence, it is rooted in
differences in faith, culture, and historical conflicts. Besides, religious intolerance poses a
significant threat to social cohesion and individual freedoms, including the right to worship
freely. However, governments, organizations, and individuals worldwide are dedicated to
combating this menace through educational initiatives, legal protections, and interfaith
dialogues. Despite the challenges, these efforts are aimed at fostering greater understanding
and respect among diverse religious communities. Addressing this challenge remains not
only crucial but also imperative for building inclusive and harmonious societies. CLARKE, S.;
POWELL, R.; SAVULESCU, J. Religion, intolerance, and conflict: A scientific and conceptual
investigation. [s.l.] OUP Oxford, 2013.

Intolerance towards religious diversity remains a global concern. Even though, in

recent decades, religious discrimination and violence have escalated in various regions,
fueling global tensions, historically, religious intolerance was directed at minority groups.
Nevertheless, societal attitudes are gradually evolving. The 21st century has seen sporadic
instances of religiously motivated violence, reflecting a broader global trend.
Notwithstanding the fact that Worldwide, extremists exploit religion to justify acts of
terrorism, perpetuating stereotypes and prejudices. CORRIGAN, J.; TYLER, A.
Religious intolerance and structural bigotry in the u.S. Disponível em:

According to a 2019 Pew Research Center report, 52 governments impose either

“high” or “very high” levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007. Also, the number
of countries where people are experiencing the highest levels of social hostilities involving
religion has risen from 39 to 56 throughout the study. MITCHELL, T. A (closer look at
how religious restrictions have risen around the world).

The 2019 Pew Research Center article highlights that a substantial portion of
Americans believe religious discrimination exists in the United States, particularly against
Muslims. The study revealed that 82% of U.S. adults agreed that Muslims face
discrimination, with 64% stating that discrimination against Muslims is on the rise.
Additionally, 60% felt that Jews also experience discrimination. These findings underscore
the widespread perception of religious bias and the need for increased awareness and
efforts to promote religious tolerance in the country. MASCI, D. (Many Americans
seewitness religious discrimination in U.S. – especially against Muslims).

On the one hand, it is essential to recognize that religious diversity is a natural

consequence of our globalized world. We live in a society where people of various faiths
coexist. Restricting religious freedom not only violates basic human rights but also hinders
social cohesion. To build a more inclusive and harmonious world, we must respect and
protect religious differences. Isn't embracing this diversity the key to a better future?

On the other hand, history has shown that religious intolerance often leads to
violence and conflicts. The Crusades, the Inquisition, and various religious wars serve as
poignant reminders of the consequences of intolerance. Therefore, promoting religious
tolerance is crucial for global peace and stability.
And finally, embracing religious diversity can lead to cultural enrichment and the
exchange of ideas. Different belief systems offer unique perspectives that can help us solve
global challenges, foster creativity, and drive progress. Not everyone knows but Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, the famous composer, was a member of the secretive Freemasons.
During an era of religious intolerance, this affiliation was discreet, and he wove Masonic
themes into his music. It highlights the significance of religious freedom, respecting diverse
beliefs, and safeguarding individuals’ rights to practice their faith without fear. We often enjoy
music without realizing its religious content, so why shouldn’t we accept such expressions of
faith? CORCORAN, S. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Disponível em:

While the oppressors may argue against religious tolerance, questioning whether it
might undermine traditional values or moral standards, it's crucial to remember that diverse
societies can uphold their core values while still being tolerant. It's not a matter of
compromising one's beliefs but respecting others’ rights to hold different views.

Contrary to the idea that intolerance can lead to social cohesion (what is the origin
of such idea? Data), history provides ample evidence of the destructiveness of religious
conflicts. The Holocaust is a grim reminder of the horrors that can result from the
persecution of religious groups It was more of an ethnic persecution rather a religious one.
Religious intolerance has caused immense suffering throughout history, and it is imperative
to learn from these mistakes. Shouldn't we strive for a more tolerant and harmonious
world? Religious Intolerance: Let’s drop some knowledge and kick the habit Human Rights
University for a Day. Disponível em:

Lastly, it is highly unlikely that any society has genuinely thrived by promoting
religious intolerance. Modern societies that have embraced diversity and religious tolerance
demonstrate that harmony and prosperity are attainable when various faiths coexist
peacefully. These nations benefit from the contributions of diverse communities and
showcase the potential for a more inclusive future.

In conclusion, a pressing issue in many societies remains religious intolerance, a

global challenge that cannot be ignored. As demonstrated by historical examples and
contemporary trends, religious discrimination and violence persist in various forms, affecting
millions of individuals around the world. Addressing this challenge is not only necessary but
imperative for building inclusive and harmonious societies. NUSSBAUM, M. C. The new
religious intolerance: Overcoming the politics of fear in an anxious age. Londres, England:
Belknap Press, 2013.

Efforts to combat religious intolerance should be multifaceted, including educational

initiatives, legal protections, and interfaith dialogues. By fostering greater understanding and
respect among diverse religious communities, we can work towards a world where
individuals are free to practice their faith without fear of discrimination or violence. The path
to global peace and stability requires a commitment to religious tolerance, recognizing that
our differences can contribute to cultural enrichment and the betterment of humanity as a

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