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“Artificial Intelligence”

Lecture 01
“ Overview of AI”

By: Dr. Saima Hassan

Asst. Professor, Institute of Computing
2 Outline

 Intelligence?
 Definition
 Intelligent Machine
 Artificial Intelligence
 Applications
About Course

This course will introduce the basic principles in artificial intelligence research. It will cover simple
representation schemes, problem solving paradigms, and search strategies. Areas of application such
as knowledge representation, natural language processing, expert systems, vision and robotics will
be explored.

Textbook: S. Russell and P. Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Prentice Hall, 2003,
Second Edition

Grading: Assignment(5%)
Quizes (5%)
Midterm and final (25-50%)
Attendance (5%)

You are expected to attend all the lectures. The lecture notes (see below) cover all the topics in the
course, but these notes are concise, and do not contain much in the way of discussion, motivation
or examples. The lectures will consist of slides (Powerpoint ), spoken material, and additional
examples given on the blackboard. In order to understand the subject and the reasons for studying
the material, you will need to attend the lectures and take notes to supplement lecture slides. This is
your responsibility. If there is anything you do not understand during the lectures, then ask, either
during or after the lecture. If the lectures are covering the material too quickly, then say so. If there
is anything you do not understand in the slides, then ask.

In addition you are expected to supplement the lecture material by reading around the subject;
particularly the course text.
Must use text book and references.
What is Intelligence?

 The ability to acquire and apply different skills and knowledge to

solve a given problem.
 Intelligence is also concerned with the use of general mental
capability to solve, reason, and learning various situations
 Intelligence is integrated with various cognitive functions (mental
process) such as; language, attention, planning, memory,
perception, decision making
What is Intelligence?

 All but the simplest human behaviour is ascribed to intelligence,

while even the most complicated insect behaviour is never taken as
an indication of intelligence.
 Psychologists generally do not characterize human intelligence by
just one trait but by the combination of many diverse abilities.
 Research in AI has focused chiefly on the following components of
intelligence: learning, reasoning, problem solving, perception, and
using language.
How can we define Intelligence?

Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the

mind that encompasses many related abilities
 ability of problem solving
 the ability to think, plan and schedule
 Ability to correct and information manipulation
 ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy problems
 ability to learn and recognize
 ability to understand and perceive
Thinking Machines

 Are there tasks which cannot easily be automated? If so,

what are the limitations?

 How do computers abilities compare to that of humans?

Computers versus humans

 A computer can do some things better than a human can

 Adding a thousand four-digit numbers
 Drawing complex, 3D images
 Store and retrieve massive amounts of data

 However, there are things humans can do much better.

Thinking Machines

A computer would
have difficulty
identifying the cat,
or matching it to
another picture of a
Intelligent Machine

 A machine searches through a mesh and finds a path?

 A machine solves problems like the next number in the sequence?
 A machine develops plans?
 A machine diagnoses and prescribes?
 A machine answers ambiguous questions?
 A machine recognizes fingerprints?
 A machine understands?
 A machine perceives?
 A machine does MANY MORE SUCH THINGS!
 A machine behaves as HUMANS do? HUMANOID!!!
Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence that machines demonstrate.

 It allows us to create machines that can perform multiple tasks and solve real problems
without error.
 AI can improve efficiency and productivity by automating repetitive tasks.

the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans.

Artificial Intelligence is an effort to create systems that can

learn, think, perceive, analyze and act in the same
manner as real humans.
What Comprises to Artificial Intelligence?
Intelligence is an intangible part of our brain which is a combination of Reasoning,
learning, problem-solving perception, language understanding, etc.
To achieve the above factors for a machine or software Artificial Intelligence
requires the following discipline:
 Mathematics
 Biology
 Psychology
 Sociology
 Computer Science
 Neurons Study
 Statistics
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence machines have the ability to make decisions and when
exposed to large amounts of real-world data, they try to learn and improve
themselves. some practical applications of artificial intelligence are:
Self-Driving Cars: Tesla’s famous self-driving cars is a magnificent real-life
application of Artificial Intelligence. These cars have in-built IoT sensors for
image recognition, forehead collision, spot monitoring, and many more
complex mechanisms that allow them to navigate and work in real life.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence

 Amazon’s Alexa: Alexa includes a speech recognition system that listens to

our voice commands and gives answers. It recognizes our voice and then
interprets it as a series of commands and returns the results to us. It uses AVS
(Alexa Voice Service), which Amazon provides for free of cost.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
 Google Maps: Today, without Google Maps, it is impossible to survive in the
city. With Google Maps, we can travel from one place to another without
any difficulty. All we have to do is open Google Maps and enter our
location. Then, its navigation will lead us with the most optimized path to
our destination. This is also one of the wonderful applications of artificial
 Cortana, Siri, and Google Now have become our most valued virtual
personal assistants.
 The gaming industry uses artificial intelligence to create seamless online
 Fraud detection and purchase prediction software programs are artificially
intelligent products too.
Benefits of AI

 The most important purpose of A.I. is to reduce human casualties in

➔ Wars
➔ Dangerous Workspaces
➔ Car Accidents
➔ Natural Disasters Or
to just make everyday life easier by helping with tasks such as:
➔ Cleaning ➔ Shopping ➔ Transportation
Reference for reading

 What are the skills/jobs/task that cannot be automated?

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