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Нові слова

– hold (тримати?)
– insist (сперечатись?)
– throw
– kneel
– to escape (тіĸати?)
– twist
– ant (мурашĸа?)
– різниця між fell i had fallen
– let on - let out - let in - let from
– різниця між will do i would do

– approach
– to retire
– benefit
– have an excuse
– wander
– stare
– opportunity
– abroad
– belongings
– stranger
– tribe
– advantages
– fancy
– debate
– foreign
– mysterious passer-by
– tiny
– concern
– to dial
– independent
– comprehension
– definitely
– calm
– countryside
– incredible

– rowing
– heading
– Pacific ocean
– includes
– Along the way
– to inspire
– reach
– tough
– Adventures
– unfortunately
– forced
– toward
– crawl
– palm computer
– satellite
– solar
– bothered
– blown
– direction
– land
– dozens
– anxious
– aimed
– damaging
– encourage
– except

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