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Words Related To The Crime

arson '
detonated mystery ,. terrorism
assault forgery poisoning theft
blackmail homicide premeditat ed unravel
burglary kidnap scene


cold-blooded larceny solve


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Related To The Victim
accosted decomposed ;·-:; r lured stalked

assaulted harassed ',:'.,,. ,:

pursued threatened
attacked helpless rendered unarmed
coerced intimidated , ,,
shot violated
corpse knifed

Words Related To The Criminal

accomplice caught red-handed modus operandi • smothered ·\..,'(

alibi criminal nocturnal stealthy

assassin lethal notorious weapon
calculatinq menacing profile

Words Related To The Investigation

apprehend footp rints per
. file a

clue forensic police profil e suspect
criminology headquarters post-mortem under
scruti ny
evidence identi ficatio n proof witness
finge rprint morgue red herring

Words Related To The Detective

Commissioner Of Offic er private eye sleuth
inves tigato r police

Words Related To The Law

acqui ttal custody jury prosecution
arraignment death sentence life imprisonment punishment
arres t detention pardon rehab ilitatio n
attorn ey jail term parole remand home
capital punishment judge prison sentence trial
counsel for defen ce judgement

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