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University of Caloocan City

Biglang Awa St., 12 Avenue East, Caloocan City

Final Examination

Name: _________________________________ Score: ____________________

Course:_________________________________ Year & Section: ___________

TEST 1. CASE STUDY (25 points)


Sipho Dlamini was born in a small village in Swaziland. He spent his childhood years looking after his family’s
livestock. The community upheld high values, such as honesty and recpect, but the people were desperately poor, He
realized that he would have to go to South Africa and apply for a job at a gold mine.
As a young man Sipho left his village in the mountains and took on the different job of getting to South Africa.
He went in search of one of his distant family members who was working for gold mine near Johnnesburg. He managed to
find his relative, who was engaged as a personnel assistant. Sipho’s relative managed to find him a job as a general mine
worker and accommodation is one of the mine hostels.

Sipho was dedicated to his work, and time passed quickly. Every month, he forwarded most of his wages to his
family in Swaziland. One day Sipho’s family member called Sipho into his offfice and informed him he was due for the
promotion. He also told Sipho that he would be required to pay him $500.00 for his
“efforts,” This arrangement seemed strange to Sipho since he knew that it was not in line with company procedures. When
Sipho asked about this, the personnel assistant replied that he had the authority to do so and that Sipho would not be
promoted should he not pay the $500.00

Sipho returned to his room and battled in his mind that night with the options before him. He had grown up with
strong personal values that included honesty and hard work, but his family needed that extra income. What he has to do?

After a restless night, he returned the next day to the personnel assistant’s office and handed him the $500.00. He
was immediately promoted and returned to his room with a troubled mind.

A few weeks later, the personnel assistant was reported and investigated for fraudulent behavior. He was
suspended from work, and the investigation revealed all his corrupt activities. The record he had kept on all employees
who paid bribes to him was also found. All employees in the list were called in and charged with fraud in that they had
bribed a company official. Sipho’s name was on the list, and he was found guilty and dismissed from the service of the
company, along with all others.


1. Was it fair of the mine to dismiss Sipho from the service?

2. What should Sipho have done differently?
3. In what way could the mine management have provided support to him, prior to his wrongful act?
4. How would you have acted had you been in a similar situation?
5. What should you do when your personal values are in conflict with a certain work ethics?

TEST II. Essay

1. Define power. There are five bases of powers. (Formal Power- Coercive Power, Reward Power, Legitimate
Power: Personal Power- Expert Power, Referent Power)Choose 2 Power and explain. (10 pts.)
2. Do values differ across generations and across cultures? How so?(5 pts.)
3. What does Professionalism mean in the voluntary sector? Discuss the cycle of professionalism.(10 pts)
4. What are the primary functions of the communication process in the voluntary sector organization? Discuss.
5. Discuss the Ladder of Citizen Participation of Sherry Arnstein. (10 pts. )

“The stellar universe is not so difficult of comprehension as the real actions of other people”-Marcel Proust

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